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Luxury and commercial property remain weak

Secondary sales of homes in prime residential districts of Hong Kong languished last month with only two deals reported at The Peak and the Southern Districts.

And a Causeway Bay shop was put up for sale at a potential loss despite the government's plans to boost the night economy.

A local property agency reported only two transactions - in The Peak and Southern Districts - in August, representing a significant month-on-month decline of about 67 percent.

The two deals were together worth around HK$99.5 million, also marking a substantial drop of 94 percent over the previous month's total.

But despite a downward trend, the agency said the potential for more transactions exists if sellers reduce prices.

The agency anticipates a modest uptick in transactions this month, as buyers may enter the market ahead of new measures expected in the upcoming policy address.

Meanwhile, the total value of sale and purchase agreements for residential homes in August declined by 11.8 percent year-on-year to HK$28.6 billion, according to the Land Registry.

However, on a monthly basis, the transaction value was 7.7 percent higher compared to the HK$26.6 billion recorded in July.

Also in the residential market, the reserve price for a foreclosed three-bedroom unit at Le Prime in Lohas Park was set at HK$6 million in an auction, nearly 30 percent lower than the market's valuation.

And in Tin Shui Wai, a 551-square-foot three-bedroom flat at Kingswood Villas changed hands for HK$4.78 million, or HK$8,675 per sq ft, another local agency said.

The price was about 16 percent lower than the asking price of HK$5.7 billion in July.

In the commercial property market, the Tang Shing-bor family recently listed a ground-floor shop on Lee Garden Road in Causeway Bay for sale, at a reduced price of HK$168 million.

If sold at the target price, the sellers would face an estimated loss of around HK$40 million, marking a nearly 20 percent drop from the HK$208 million purchase price six years ago.

In other news, most Hong Kong Interbank offered rates rose yesterday, with the one-week and one-month rates hitting the highest in nearly two weeks at 3.72 and 4.03 percent, respectively.

This came after the Hong Kong Monetary Authority injected HK$2 billion into the market through the discount window on Monday.

(The Standard)


商廈租戶調查 僅26%將擴充

外資代理行:預期高空置困境 短期難改善



53%租戶 將維持現時樓面






啟德3大商場 兩年內相繼落成

啟德今、明兩年將有多個大型商業項目陸續落成,提供近430萬平方呎商業樓面,當中南豐發展的 AIRSIDE 大型商場將率先在今個月試業,連寫字樓部分,合共涉及逾190萬平方呎樓面。


目前啟德區內仍以住宅發展為主,並以附屬於私人屋苑的商場、商舖居多,現時仍缺乏大型商場,不過按照規劃區內未來至少有3個大型商場,包括 AIRSIDE 的商場部分、啟德雙子塔的啟德SOGO旗艦店,以及啟德體育園的室內及零售場館。

AIRSIDE 70萬呎購物商場 9.28試業

率先登場將會是南豐旗下 AIRSIDE,前身為發展商於2017年以約246億元投得第1F區2號商業地,總投資額高達約320億元,按照規劃項目樓高47層,總樓面達約190萬平方呎,提供32層高的甲級寫字樓,逾10層的購物商場,前者涉約120萬平方呎,而商場部分涉約70萬平方呎。

AIRSIDE 面積達70萬平方呎的購物商場,將會在9月28日試業,據發展商早前披露,將包括約3.3萬平方呎的大型戲院、逾萬平方呎的藝文空間、日式生活品牌、40多間食肆等。同時,項目停車場共有850個車位,並全部配備電動車充電功能。

1E區2號地 9成樓面作零售


至於明年下旬則將會有啟德零售館登場,項目由新世界 (00017) 旗下K11集團營運,主建築共3座,每座最多有5層,設有超過70萬呎零售及餐飲設施,提供逾200家店舖。

同時,新地 (00016) 旗下啟德第1F區1號住宅地王,已命名為「天璽‧天」,除了提供約1,500個住宅單位外,基座還設有一個面積約24萬平方呎零售商場。


更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



AIRSIDE 甲廈 出租達5成

南豐啟德 AIRSIDE 即將試業,項目除了大型商場,還提供120萬平方呎的甲級寫字樓,今年底前出租率料達5成,呎租約35至49元。


AIRSIDE 設有32層的甲級寫字樓,每層面積3.2萬至5.3萬平方呎,據南豐早前披露,已出租面積佔近40萬平方呎,成交呎租為35至49元,除了南豐將會把總部陸續遷入外,主要租戶還包括日資金融集團、法國賽博集團香港分公司及柯尼卡美能達商業系統租用。據南豐在今年中曾指出,預計在年底前可落實2至3宗租賃個案,出租率有望增至一半。

至於同區的承啟道商業項目,中電 (00002) 早在2021年12月時斥約33億元向遠東發展 (00035) 購入寫字樓部分,涉及樓面約17.43萬平方呎,平均呎價約1.94萬元,日後將會成為啟德的新總部。



更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租
