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Chinachem wins Tung Chung site

Chinachem has won the bid for a commercial site at Tung Chung Town for HK$2.78 billion, which is lower than estimated.

The site, at lot No 45 in area 57, was worth HK$2,202 per square foot, close to the bottom end of market expectations.

Chief executive Donald Choi Wun-hing said he is pleased that the developer has won the site and that malls, offices and data centers will be built upon it.

Tenders for the site closed last Friday and a total of five bids were received from Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), Sino Land (0083), K&K Property, Chinachem and K Wah International (0173).

The site covers 132,800 sq ft and has a buildable floor area of 1,261,300 sq ft.

It was put up for tender in October 2020 but only three bids were received, and the sale was cancelled.

In other news, the government has applied a land premium mechanism to Kwu Tong North and Fanling North to speed up supply.

The Development Bureau announced the arrangements for charging land premium at standard rates for lease modifications in New Development Areas yesterday.

(The Standard)


甲廈需求回暖 吸納量改善九成

本港經濟於去年顯著復甦,市場對寫字樓需求漸回暖。據差餉物業估價署昨日公布的《香港物業報告2022》初步統計數字,2021年本港私人甲級寫字樓空置樓面超過1100萬方呎,空置率按年略增0.7個百分點,達到12.5%,再創2004年後新高。不過,去年私人甲廈使用量錄得負19.38萬方呎 (負吸納量,即整體遷出騰空的樓面多於新租出樓面),按年大幅縮減超過九成,反映需求增加。



截至去年底,甲廈空置樓面達1101.16萬方呎,較2020年的1027.96萬方呎,進一步增多73.2萬方呎,是差估署自1985年有統計以來,甲級寫字樓空置樓面最多的一年。以全港指標商廈中環國際金融中心二期 (IFC 2) 全幢總樓面面積約200萬方呎計,3個月前甲廈的空置面積相等於逾5.5國際金融中心二期


至於整體私人寫字樓落成量,去年輕微增至約75.35萬方呎,當中52.74萬方呎屬於甲級寫字樓,主要分布在深水埗和荃灣。預計20222023年整體私人寫字樓落成量分別約376.74萬及約276.63萬方呎。今年甲廈落成量將有約303.54萬方呎,當中佔27%來自九龍城。據了解,今年主要落成的甲級寫字樓為南豐集團旗下九龍東啟德的 AIRSIDE






企業復擴充 今年租金看漲5%






更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



甲廈空置率升至12.5% 創17年高



因新租務個案較少,整體空置率升至12.3%,而甲廈空置率則由11.8%,升至去年的12.5%,連續3年上升,並創自2004年後新高。除中區和北角/ 鰂魚涌區外,其餘各區寫字樓錄得雙位數字空置率。

今明2年供應高峰 租金添壓

甲廈租務空置率屬近年偏高水平,同時間落成量亦將維持高水平。報告指,今明兩年整體落成量分別為約377萬及277萬平方呎,而今年甲廈落成量約304萬平方呎,當中27%來自九龍城。據了解,最大型商廈為南豐旗下啟德 AIRSIDE,涉及120萬平方呎樓面。




更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租







疫下商廈租賃放緩 租金暫企穩




IWG租灣仔全幢 今年最大宗

IWG集團表示,租用灣仔皇后大道東8號全幢 (8QRE),開設Spaces辦公中心,而8QRE Spaces預計於2022年7月開幕。集團指,該中心將提供超過900個辦公位置及70間私人辦公室,同時預留5層空間作企業專屬套間。除了服務式辦公室,其中兩層更將改造「商務俱樂部」,供會員作流動辦公和非正式會議之用。

IWG香港及大灣區區域經理Paul MacAndrew表示,8QRE 的新Spaces中心是品牌於香港的第7個據點。該品牌先後於銅鑼灣希慎廣場、觀塘海濱滙等開設分店,而是次租用8萬平方呎樓面,亦暫為本年最大手商廈租務個案。業內人士預計,是次成交呎租料約45元,而據了解,是次品牌與業主屬合作關係作營運。



料放寬防疫措施後 市場轉活












住商工舖落成大潮 遠超過去5年



未來兩年 654萬呎寫字樓落成


更要留意是2020年及2021年寫字樓使用量均呈現負值 (負數顯示年內使用的樓面面積出現減少的情況),而截至2021年,寫字樓樓面空置量達到1,659萬平方呎,空置率高見12.3%,空置加上未來兩年入伙的樓面,達到驚人的2,313萬平方呎樓面,可以預見商廈的租金及價位壓力相當大。另外,乙級商廈在今年亦是落成高峰,達72萬平方呎,超過過去5年落成量總和58萬平方呎,這些都需時消化。



市場需求偏弱 樓面需時消化




50大指標甲廈 上月僅錄3買賣








第一集團2.4億沽長沙灣工廈 涉兩層樓面連命名權 東方國際承接

工廈物業於疫市表現硬淨,市場再錄大手成交。由第一集團發展的長沙灣工廈環球商貿廣場三期,該項目兩層全層獲東方國際 (集團) 以2.4億獲命名權承接,並命名為東方國際大廈,此外,該盤頂層以呎價1.3萬售出,創該項目呎價新高。

第一集團董事魏深儀指出,該集團旗下長沙灣大南西街1018號環球商貿廣場三期 (GCC3),當中兩層全層,分別為該廈29樓及16樓,總樓面約2萬方呎,連命名權獲東方國際 (集團) 承接,作價2.4億,平均呎價1.2萬,並命名為東方國際大廈,購入上址作自用用途。



她亦指出,東方國際 (集團) 從事製造業與現代服務業的國內企業,亦是中國最大的紡織服裝集團和最大的紡織品服裝出口企業,名列中國企業500強第175位,中國服務業企業500強第71位。相信是次擴充將為該公司帶來全新商機,有助拓展本港業務。


資料顯示,該集團積極於區內發展,於2020年3月先後以7.9億購入長沙灣道926號全幢工業大廈,再以6.4億收購毗鄰918號,連同2018年以12.5億購入的大南西街1018 號 (廣隆泰大廈),發展成三幢新式工廈,並命名為環球商貿廣場 (GCC) 1至3期。




葉慶寧為金鐘鋪位減租 受影響租戶劃一減30%






統一中心擁有不少大機構,包括多家大型銀行、航空公司、德國、印度、菲律賓領使館等,但更不乏小商戶,包括位處商場的食肆,以至形形色色的零售業,由於大廈是金鐘區最早落成的商廈,實用率較高 (達80%),樓齡最舊 (逾40年),租金相對平 (寫字樓呎租約40元),受務求實際的中小企所愛。







華懋27.78億奪東涌商業地 每呎2202元平過粉嶺地 作數據中心吸引力增










上述用地位於東涌第57區 (東涌市地段第45號),鄰近私樓昇薈、毗鄰公屋迎東邨,地盤面積約13.28萬方呎,涉及可建總樓面約126.13萬方呎,政府於2020年9月首次推出招標時,規定約有91%樓面須作寫字樓用途,只有約11.5萬方呎樓面作零售用途,當時僅有3家財團入標競投,結果全部出價未達要求而流標收場。而去年底政府調整招標條款重新推出招標,其中有約70%樓面可容許作數據中心或商業用途,更是首次在商業地上容許作數據中心發展,而餘下30%樓面則用作零售等用途,即約37.8萬方呎,讓中標財團有較多選擇。



5G時代來臨 工廈紛轉型增優勢








上址地盤面積約27470方呎,申請放寬地積比率約20%發展,由9.5倍增加至11.4倍,以重建為一幢22層高 (包括1層地庫) 的數據中心,涉及可建總樓面約313155方呎。據發展圖則顯示,該項目由地下高層至20樓用作為數據中心發展,而另低層地下及地庫,設兩層停車場。葵涌區日趨商業化,近年有不少大型企業、酒店及數據中心進駐,受機構投資者及大型企業垂青,當中包括安樂工程以5.85億購入國瑞路45至51號Toppy Tower全幢工廈,以及萬國數據購入多個地段擬重建為數據中心。


Secondary home sales nearing one-year high

Home viewing appointments of blue-chip estates in Hong Kong rose over the weekend, driving the number of transactions up to a nearly one-year high.

A total of 590 appointments were recorded in a property agency's top ten housing estates during the weekend, up by 15 percent from a week ago and reaching a nearly half-year high. Six out of the ten estates saw rising appointments ranging from 10 percent to 33.3 percent.

The number of deals also increased by 4, or 19 percent to 25, the highest since last May, and has been above 20 cases for three weeks, the real estate agency said.

Property agent said that the market sentiment is obviously improving as the number of daily Covid confirmed cases continues to fall. The pent-up purchasing power, coupled with the relaxation of the mortgage loan insurance as well as the lack of sales in the primary market has accelerated homebuyers' pace of entering the property market, the agent added.

Its rival, another property agecy, also saw both home viewing appointments and transactions up over the weekend. The appointments of its 15 indicator estates climbed by 8.2 percent to 411 in the past two days and the figure of deals in the 10 major estates also advanced by 18.2 percent week-on-week to a 45-week high of 26, the agency said.

"We are seeing a 'seasonal boom' in real estate," agent said.

"When the sales of new projects launch later this month, the momentum of the property market will be even stronger."

Among the major housing estates, Mei Foo Sun Chuen in Kowloon with seven deals recorded over the weekend was the bestseller, according to the agency.

A 531-square-foot flat there changed hands at HK$6.45 million, or at HK$12,147 sq ft, the agency said.

The vendor slashed the asking price by 16 percent in four months but still managed to book a paper gain of 76 percent, or HK$2.78 million, through the deal after holding the two-bedroom unit for 11 years.

The second place was taken by Tin Shui Wai's Kingswood Villas with five deals recorded while South Horizons in Hong Kong Island became the only estate that saw no transactions over the weekend.

(The Standard)


力寶中心低層每呎42元跌20% 交吉逾兩年始租出












羅素街鋪位租售價料大反彈 投資者汪敦敬:鋪市「跌過龍」



「疫情前 經濟作強烈復甦」



放眼所見,銅鑼灣有不少漂亮的口罩店 (羅素街共6家),汪敦敬強調,作為業主,他留意市場新動力,口罩店、咖啡店及餅店,就是新動力所在。「市場上有很多年輕人,新潮人參予,這就是活力!」雖然經濟環境面對調節,但不要低估市場上的機會與活力。


市場經歷高山低谷,羅素街鋪租高位瀉逾80%,去年5月,他購入面向時代廣場地鋪,造價僅高峰期「四折」而己!問及此鋪位,他靦腆回說:「當時,我向毗鄰朋友 (鋪王業主) 說聲,不好意思,明天有新聞見報。」

他購入的波斯富大廈地下M號鋪,面向時代廣場,實用123方呎,作價6680萬,平均每呎54萬;毗鄰為全港「呎價鋪王」(N號鋪), 20141月由資本策略相關人士以1.8億購入,實用122方呎,平均呎價147萬。他的M號鋪擁有「來去水位」,在網購年代,可做食肆等「濕貨」自然炙手可熱;「鋪王」則沒有來去水位,只能做「乾貨」等零售業。

「我是幸運的,我覺得,這個鋪位有錢買不到。」他分析道,淡市下業主仍有條件止賺,原因早年購入,持貨幾代人。「不能由這一次成交,斷定羅素街鋪價下跌,我覺得自己幸運 (執平貨),希望再有機會,可是羅素街至今未有新成交。」此地段卻不乏重建項目,包括橫跨波斯富街及利園山道地標商廈,勿地臣街亦有大規模舊樓收購,帶動區內變天。

他續說, 2019年後,市場從未「正常運作」,在「強大的壓力測試」下,大家仍「頂得住」,將來一定美好。被問及何時重返高峰期﹖他回說:「公道地說,現在與最高峰期相比,市場因素改變了,包括融資問題及方式,能否回復最高峰期,要拭目以待,但肯定地說,現在過分下跌 (跌過龍),靚鋪價格早在一年前見底。」



多項基建落成 東九商業前景看俏




東鐵綫過海段 年中通車

中短綫基建方面,該代理指出東九龍將會是焦點之一。港鐵屯馬綫去年通車,惟由啟德前往港島區仍需時較長,東鐵綫過海段今年中通車,會展站等落成,屆時灣仔、金鐘、紅磡及啟德接通,「政府積極打造東九龍為CBD2,而在核心區中環 (CBD1) 前往啟德,目前仍是要較長時間,如通車後,CBD1可直達CBD2,將會非常方便。」

另外,6號幹綫亦是重要基建,連接西九龍和將軍澳的幹綫公路,從油麻地交滙處起,途經道路有中九龍幹綫、東南九龍T2主幹路、藍田隧道及將軍澳等,今年至2026年分階段通車,「將軍澳前往藍田段今年通車,當全面開通後,東西九龍行車距離大大縮短,對東九龍及啟德一帶商業氣氛肯定提升。」事實上,今年啟德將有大型商業項目落成,涉及南豐旗下 AIRSIDE,提供近200萬平方呎甲廈及商場樓面。

積極打造北都 涉大基建




更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租


Pace picks up in property market

Hong Kong's property market seems to be on track for recovery with primary market sales in the pipeline and secondary transactions rebounding.

Sun Hung Kai Properties's (0016) Regency Bay II in Tuen Mun released the last price list yesterday, offering 28 units at an average price of HK$20,474 per square foot.

The eighth list comprises units from 255 sq ft to 501 sq ft and is priced from HK$5.1 million to HK$11.8 million after discounts.

A new round of sales with 10 flats will take place on Saturday, the developer said.

Meanwhile, a new project at Kam Sheung Road in Yuen Long, which offers 715 flats, is expected to kick off sales soon. The project, named Grand Mayfair I, is co-developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

The developers believe the government will speed up the presale consent approval process after the resumption of work and the permit will be granted very soon.

They said the showrooms are under preparation and will make reference to the transaction prices of adjacent projects when setting the prices, emphasizing that they will not be too conservative or aggressive in pricing.

In other news, rental accommodation provider Weave Living said it acquired Rosedale Hotel Hong Kong in West Kowloon for HK$1.38 billion with a global real estate asset manager.

The 435-room hotel, which covers a gross floor area of 111,000 sq ft, will undergo a complete renovation, including the reconfiguration of some of the rooms, to transform the property into a modern rental space, Weave Living said.

The renovated project is expected to open in mid-2023 and the firm will own and operate over 1,500 rooms with a total asset value of nearly US$1 billion (HK$7.8 billion) by then, it added.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong buyers give nano flats a wide berth as buyers armed with larger mortgage amounts eye bigger homes

Only 92 small flats, or those under 280 sq ft in size, were transacted on the secondary market in March, 24 per cent lower than February

Average price fell 0.7 per cent month on month to HK$4.03 million in March

The popularity of tiny homes took a beating last month after the Hong Kong government relaxed mortgage rules, bringing larger homes within reach of first-time buyers.

Only 92 small flats, under 280 square feet, were transacted on the secondary market between March 1 and 28.24 per cent lower than February, according to a property agency. The average price eased 0.7 per cent to HK$4.03 million, bringing the decline from its May 2021 peak to 4.8 per cent.

The decline in sales and prices of tiny flats mirrors the overall downturn the local property market is experiencing because of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and the government’s recent higher mortgage amounts for homebuyers, another property agent said.

“The reason people were interested [earlier] in nano flats was that they did not have sufficient funds but still wanted to buy their own homes, but now the [the new mortgage rules] allow buyers to buy larger flats with larger loans,” the agent said.

Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po, in his annual budget presented in late February, raised the mortgage amount on homes with a loan-to-value ratio of 80 per cent to HK$12 million from HK$10 million, making larger abodes more affordable to first-time buyers.

Last week, a 193 sq ft studio flat at One Prestige in North Point sold for HK$4.18 million, 14 per cent lower than the HK$4.86 million the owner paid in May 2017, according to agents.

In response to criticism of shrinking homes, the government announced in late February that all private homes to be built in Hong Kong will have to be at least 280 sq ft, unless in rare cases where developers face site constraints or dated leases that may not be subject to the new rule.

Some developers have blamed the government for tight land supply and high prices, arguing that they have no choice but to build smaller, more affordable flats.

Before the announcement on the minimum size, the property agency had predicted that over 2,000 flats measuring less than 215 sq ft will be built this year, more than double the 960 in 2021.

The government’s restriction supports the view that nano flats are “uninhabitable”, according to a surveyor.

“Homebuyers’ impression of nano flats has become more negative, which affects market sentiment,” the surveyor said.

Nano flats are popular among first-time homebuyers and investors with tight budgets, but they may now consider bigger alternatives given the changing landscape, the surveyor added.

Another property agent suggested that the new mortgage policies would mainly affect high-income individuals. Demand for nano flats would continue to remain strong among low-income, first-time buyers, the agent said.

“The relaxed mortgage policy would shift the property ambitions of high-income families away from nano flats to larger homes,” the agent added.

“There will be no new nano flat [projects], but the current market still has around 20,000 units,” the agent said, adding that with the fall in supply and existing demand, their prospects were not entirely gloomy.

The agent expects that prices to remain stable, especially as nano flats’ rental yields are higher than larger flats, while noting that the pandemic has had a greater impact on the overall market.

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong shared living firm Weave, unnamed property manager acquire Rosedale Hotel in US$175 million deal, to turn Kowloon property into co-living space

Rosedale acquisition shows operators are finding value in co-living segment, property agent said

The property is Weave’s biggest and is expected to open in mid-2023

Shared living spaces operator Weave Living has with an unnamed global real estate asset manager acquired the 435-room Rosedale Hotel in Kowloon for HK$1.37 billion (US$175 million), it said on Tuesday.

The acquisition is part of a US$200 million joint venture, of which Weave will own 10 per cent, said Sachin Doshi, the Hong Kong-based company’s founder and group CEO. It will also be the asset, development and operations manager of the venture and its assets.

“Weave Living has been looking at potential acquisition opportunities in core locations in Hong Kong, as we see there has been a strong demand for quality and stylish rental accommodation,” he said. “The newly acquired property is conveniently connected to other urban areas with efficient transport … We have already been operating Weave Studios-Olympic in the district and we believe the latest acquisition can bring about further operational efficiency and synergy.”

In co-living, tenants have their own bedrooms but share other spaces such as kitchens and living rooms, which typically suits students or young professionals living away from their families for the first time in their lives. This concept gives them privacy as well as the opportunity to find a community and build relationships.

The Rosedale acquisition shows operators are finding value in the co-living segment, a property agent said. “The co-living sector has been performing well over the past two years. Despite the slow down during the first outbreak [of Covid-19], the sector has shown high-growth potential, due to its relatively high return in terms of per square footage,” the agent said.

“It is expected the sector will continue to perform well and some hotels could be converted into co-living [spaces]. Some of the operating brands are also likely to expand in Hong Kong, as there could be economies of scale for operations,” the  agent added.

The Rosedale will be Weave’s biggest property. It has a total gross floor area of around 111,000 sq ft and its acquisition price values it at HK$12,400 per square foot. As part of a renovation plan, the property’s 29 floors may be transformed into a new rental accommodation offering amenities such as work-from-home facilities, wellness areas, living spaces and entertainment hubs. The property is expected to open in mid-2023.

“We expect the property to have a similar number of rooms after its extensive refurbishment,” Doshi said.

Besides co-living, the firm also offers traditional residential options under the Weave Studios, Weave Suites and Weave Residences brands. The company had a consistent occupancy rate of more than 90 per cent, Doshi said.

Last month, the company said it had bought a row of conservation shophouses in Singapore for US$56 million. Over the next 12 months, Weave will double the number of units it owns and manages to more than 1,500, with a gross asset value of about US$1 billion, as part of its regional development plan.

“Weave … is constantly evaluating potential properties in both Hong Kong and other Asia-Pacific gateway cities,” Doshi said.

(South China Morning Post)


工商鋪錄358宗註冊 代理行:按月跌16.2%









保時捷200萬預租灣仔巨鋪 樓高三層涉兩萬呎 平均呎租100元





該知情人士續說,近年在市場上炙手可熱的Tesla,陳列室亦設於皇后大道東 (202號地下1至2號鋪),不過,由於多年前承租,當時租金昂貴,樓底高、而且車行合用的鋪位少,Tesla承租的鋪位,面積相對「迷你」,作為體驗中心,大約1415方呎,Tesla於2018年1月以每月22.284萬續租,當時平均呎租約157元,較高峰期舊月租40萬,跌幅約44%。










油塘將建逾萬伙成供應庫 財團插旗涉八項目 恒基擁最大土儲















恒地南角道項目擴地盤 納新地景輝閣合併重建

樓齡不足30年的舊樓亦獲重建,恒地 (00012) 九龍城南角道項目擴大地盤,加入新地 (00016) 旗下29年樓齡的景輝閣一併重建,擴大地盤至1.3萬平方呎。




地盤擴至1.3萬呎 可建逾200




除了南角道地盤外,恒地近年在九龍城一帶亦積極收購重建,包括福佬村道67至83號地盤,近年發展的曉薈亦是舊樓重建而成。其他同區新盤則有嘉華 (00173) 位於嘉林邊道的洋房項目嘉琳、碧桂園 (02007) 位於賈炳達道的瓏碧等。



禹洲堅道服務住宅 獲6.2億洽購

項目涉85伙 呎價約2萬元

不少內房在港放售物業套現,消息指,禹洲集團 (01628) 旗下堅道48號UPPER CENTRAL全幢服務式住宅,獲6.2億元洽購。該項目涉85伙,實用面積167呎起,兩年前曾招租。

市場消息指,位於堅道48號的UPPER CENTRAL,正獲財團洽購,出價約6.2億元。物業樓高27層,1至2樓為餐廳,7至30樓為住宅單位,按該物業總樓面約3.1萬平方呎計,呎價約2萬元。

據了解,該項目由內房禹洲集團持有,翻查資料,地盤原由豐泰集團持有,早年進行併購並原打算重建酒店,2014年豐泰以3.74億元,把地盤售予禹洲,集團自行發展項目,興建成樓高27層,合共85伙住宅,提供82個開放式單位及3個2房單位,命名為「UPPER CENTRAL」。

兩年前曾招租 月租1.4萬起

兩年前項目落成並進行招租,單位實用面積167至388平方呎,租金由約1.4萬元起,呎租高達80餘元。該盤單位戶戶配備基本家電及智能家居配置,部分高層單位可飽覽中環及維港景致,並提供會所Upper Club,有健身室、私人電影院,天台設有泳池等,質素甚佳。



近月不少內房在港沽物業套現,如中國奧園 (03883) 以9億元沽出西半山羅便臣道舊樓,帳面損手近1.8億元離場。





文輝道地王批拆樓 重建4幢豪宅

屋宇署上月批出的拆樓紙涉及多個豪宅項目,包括九龍倉 (00004) 以120億元,投得的山頂文輝道地王展開重建4幢分層豪宅。

此外,而華潤置地 (01109) 高價購入的南區壽山村道屋地經過3年半時間,亦終於啟動重建。

早前獲批拆樓紙 (拆卸同意書) 的文輝道2至8號,前身屬於政府的高級公務員宿舍,在2020年12月招標出售,最終由九倉以120億元投得,每呎樓面地價約4.6萬元,創下當時住宅官地的呎價紀錄。


壽山村道39號屋地 建10幢洋房




WEAVE LIVING近14億 購九龍珀麗酒店

共居品牌WEAVE LIVING宣布,與環球房地產資產公司落實收購大角咀九龍珀麗酒店,成為集團旗下迄今規模最大的物業。

項目位於九龍大角咀道86號,總樓面面積約為11.1萬平方呎,成交價13.75億元,每平方呎價約12,400元。項目現時提供435間客房,WEAVE LIVING將進行全面翻新,包括為部分房間重新布局,將物業打造成時尚、配套完備、靈活租期的現代住宿空間。



錦田增逾150萬樓面 添零售商業配套


錦田一帶近幾年有不少大型住宅項目陸續落成,包括新地 (00016) 旗下爾巒 (涉800伙)、同系PARK YOHO系列,路勁 (01098) 旗下山水盈,以及即將推出的港鐵錦上路站1期柏瓏。至於未來亦將再有被視為爾巒2期的下高埔村項目、以及長春新村項目,隨着區內人口將會大幅增加,區內對零售配套的需求將會大增。

近沙埔村項目 備700間酒店房


錦上路站2 設大型商場



在短期的商業配套方面,最新要數新地PARK YOHO設有的屋苑商場Park Circle,據資料顯示,該商場面積約7.5萬平方呎,設有15間商舖,包括超級市場、便利店等,早在2016年已經開幕。



Hong Kong’s housing deals hit a 26-month low in March, are expected to bounce back in April as fifth Covid-19 wave recedes

Buyers feared a further fall in home prices amid worsening Covid-19 situation, delayed their purchases in first quarter, property agent said

City’s total number of transactions including those of homes, shops, industrial units and car parking spaces also hit a 26-month low in March

Housing transactions in Hong Kong hit a 26-month low in March because of higher borrowing costs and a devastating fifth wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

In fact, the city’s total number of transactions including those involving homes, shops, industrial units and car parking spaces also hit a 26-month low in March. This number dropped to 3,828 deals valued at HK$34.8 billion (US$4.4 billion) last month, representing a month-on-month decline of 3.4 per cent, according to property agency’s data.

“Buyers delayed their purchases out of fear of a further fall in home prices amid the city’s worsening Covid-19 situation. As a result, we saw the market become dormant in the first quarter,” a property agent said.

The city has been battling an exponential surge in Covid-19 infections since late February. With about 8,200 deaths as of April 4, the city’s mortality rate is among the highest globally. Meanwhile, its strict Covid-19 containment measures have become too much to bare for foreign nationals and firms, and have led to an exodus of expats, which has worsened a slide in home prices across the city.

An index of Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices dropped to a 13-month low after falling 2.1 per cent to 382.1 points in February, shows data published by the Rating and Valuation Department on March 29.

Last week, Goldman Sachs lowered its forecast, from flat prices this year, followed by 5 per cent declines in 2023 and 2024 and a return to flat prices again in 2025, with a 5 per cent decline each year between 2022 and 2025. “This cumulative 20 per cent price fall from year-end 2021 levels would be enough to compensate for the 230 to 240 basis points higher borrowing costs, as it restores affordability along with an expected pickup in household income of 10 to 15 per cent by then,” the bank said in a report published last Monday.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the city’s de facto central bank, raised the city’s base lending rate by 25 basis points to 0.75 per cent last month, following an interest hike made by the US Federal Reserve, to maintain Hong Kong’s currency peg with the US dollar.

The Fed raised its key rate by 25 basis points, from a target range of zero to 0.25 per cent to a range of 0.25 per cent to 0.5 per cent, at a meeting on March 15 and multiple interest hikes are anticipated this year.

Market observers said recently that the fifth wave had shown some signs of improving, and more buyers could be expected to enter the market to snap up cheap homes.

“Following more relaxations in social distancing rules, homebuyers will be more willing to go on a house hunting tour, and we expect a recovery in market transactions in April,” another agent said.

The brokerage expects that about 5,100 properties will be sold this month, about 30 per cent more than in March.

(South China Morning Post)


康宏廣場享地利 尖東指標商廈




飲食配套方面,尖東餐廳種類多,既有平價茶餐廳,亦有多間5星級酒店,上班人士亦可選擇到漆咸道南、THE ONE商場一帶用膳。其他配套上,由大廈門口可步行至尖東噴水池及海傍一帶,適合公餘時散步。


分層約2.9萬呎 每層設17單位













甲廈租賃連續5個月 錄正吸納量




整體商廈空置率 2月跌至9.1%
















至於申請強拍的Holly Property Company Limited,公司董事為鄒小岳及文玉嬋。而項目鄰近元創方 (PMQ),以及中環至半山的自動扶手電梯,出入亦算方便。



地盤面積約17595方呎,現時規劃為「住宅 (乙類) 6」用途,若以地積比率約5倍重建發展計,預計可建總樓面約87975方呎,以上述強拍價計算,每呎樓面地價約19687元。項目位於跑馬地黃泥涌道及雲地利道的豪宅地段,落成後料不少單位可享馬場景色。
















Chinachem Wins Third HK Site in 15 Months With $350M Tung Chung Bargain Bid

Hong Kong-listed developer Chinachem won its third government land sale in 15 months late last week when it took advantage of a tepid development market to pick up a commercial site near Hong Kong’s international airport at a bargain price, according to an announcement by the city’s Lands Department.

Chinachem bested four other developers to win the rights to develop up to 1.3 million square feet (121,000 square metres) of space on the site in Lantau Island’s Tung Chung area for HK$2.78 billion ($350 million). That acquisition came at a rate below most analyst projections despite the government having revised the tender conditions to allow for data centre development as well as office and retail, following a failed attempt to auction the land in 2020.

“Given the developer will have high flexibility to use the land for data centre and office or retail, our firm expected the price could be between HK$4 billion and $4.4 billion,” a surveyor said.

The surveyor said that other analysts had estimated premiums for the site from HK$5 billion down to HK$2.8 billion, putting the final sale price below expectations as Hong Kong’s developers showed limited appetite for a commercial project near an airport that has been transformed from a bustling transport hub to a little-used shell by the city’s strict quarantine policies and flight bans.

Tung Chung Reclaimed

Chinachem’s top leadership sees its bet on Tung Chung Town Lot 45, a 132,773 square foot plot near the planned Tung Chung East MTR station, as a way to leverage the government’s development plans for the newly reclaimed Tung Chung New Town Extension, which is expected to be completed by the end of next year.

“Tung Chung East will be developed into a new town by the government in line with its Tung Chung New Town expansion plans,” Chinachem CEO Donald Choi said in a release. “The site is also adjacent to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Tuen Mun Chek Lap Kok Tunnel, enjoying the advantage of excellent connectivity with Guangdong province and Macau. Given these factors, we are confident about this project and plan to develop shopping malls, offices and a data centre.”

Chinachem is paying the equivalent of HK$2,202 per square foot of accommodation for its Lantau Island site, with a brief on the tender from property consultancy Savills citing a pre-tender valuation range of HK$2,200 to HK$4,000 per square foot for the plot, which is eligible for development on a strata title basis and is expected to be connected to the upcoming MTR station via a footbridge.

Other bids for the 50-year land grant parcel 15 minutes’ drive from the Hong Kong airport came from local developers CK Asset Holdings, K Wah Properties, K&K Property and Sino Land, the Lands Department said. Upcoming land tenders will make available residential, hotel and additional commercial projects in the Tung Chung East area.

Second Time Lucky

The Tung Chung site was initially put up for sale by the government in 2020, but the tender was withdrawn in October of that year after all three bids submitted failed to meet the government’s reserve price. The contestants in that round were CK Asset, Sun Hung Kai Properties and a joint venture of Sino Land and Kerry Properties.

Since that earlier attempt, the Lands Department revised the terms of the tender to increase the site’s appeal by adding permission to develop the site entirely for data centre use as the city’s market for server facilities continues to boom.

However, the surveyor sees the site as a difficult fit for data centre purposes. “It reflects that the data centre operators/developers are not willing to invest in land with a long constructing period,” the surveyor said. “The subject land is located in a newly reclaimed area where infrastructure is not yet readily available.”

Other changes to the tender included removing the cap on office use, whereas the previous tender had allowed for no more than 91 percent office accommodation, and the added flexibility also permits boosting the cap on retail development to 30 percent from 9 percent in the earlier tender.

Pipeline Bulge

Chinachem has been the most active player in Hong Kong’s government land sales market since 2021, winning three development sites for a combined HK$12.06 billion, according to data compiled by another property agency.

In addition to the latest triumph, Chinachem and joint venture partner Hysan Development bested five other bidders last May to secure a Causeway Bay commercial site for HK$19.8 billion ($2.6 billion), with Chinachem’s 40 percent stake accounting for HK$7.91 billion of the amount.

The partners plan to develop a premium commercial building with community facilities on the 159,327 square foot site near Hysan’s Lee Garden Six commercial tower on Leighton Road, with a maximum allowable gross floor area of 1,076,390 square feet.

In December, Chinachem entered the winning bid of HK$1.37 billion for a New Territories residential site on which it plans to build a mixed development of low-density houses and apartments. The 150,716 square foot site in Tai Po Kau can yield a gross floor area of 226,000 square feet.


For more information of Office for Lease in Lee Garden Six please visit: Office for Lease in Lee Garden Six

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay
























HK property prices rise 3.6pc, fail to match 11pc global spurt

Hong Kong's property prices rose only 3.6 percent year-on-year last year, far slower than the 11 percent rise of the global property price index tracking 150 cities around the world by a property agency.

The Asian financial hub ranked only the 123rd in the index and was lower than Guangzhou with an 8.7 percent price hike and Shenzhen with 4.8 percent, which placed at 80th and 113th, respectively.

Other cities in Asia, like the 59th Tokyo, saw its average home price go up by 10.7 percent, and that of Singapore also grew by 10.6 percent ranking the 61st.

Istanbul in Turkey saw the highest increase in the home price of 63 percent while Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia recorded a year-on-year drop of 5.7 percent last year, and became the worst performer among the 150 cities.

The real estate consultancy said home prices were rising at their fastest rate in almost 18 years in 2021 and of the 140 cities seeing prices increase last year, 44 percent of them registered over 10 percent annual price growth.

Cities in the Americas posted the strongest jump averaging 15 percent annual growth compared to 11 percent in the Europe, the Middle East, and Africa region and 9 percent across Asia-Pacific, the agency added.

Though the overall property market remained dull amid the latest Covid outbreak, luxury apartments did not seem to be affected.

Sino Land (0083) sold a house at 133 Portofino in Sai Kung for HK$100 million, a record high for the project via tender yesterday. The 3,491 sq ft house with five bedrooms cost HK28,645 per sq ft.

The developer has raked in over HK$980 million after selling 26 units in the project, and only seven more - two houses and five flats - are left.

In the office market news, another property agency expects that rents of Grade A offices this year to drop up to 5 percent this year due to the ample supply.

The property consultancy said a reasonable level of vacant space of Grade A offices is around 4 million sq ft but the completion of new supply ensured vacant space reached another record high of 9.6 million sq ft in the first quarter, and there are 7 million more to be added in this year and next.

It believes it will take years for the office market to recover given the current economic situation and the rents will be under pressure for a long time.

(The Standard)


Nuveen Acquires Hong Kong Data Centre, Osaka Apartments for APAC Core Fund

Nuveen announced the addition of four assets to its Asia Pacific core investment strategy today with the acquisition of a data centre in Hong Kong’s New Territories and a set of three multi-family properties in Japan’s second largest city.

The completed acquisitions across two of the industry’s hottest sectors were made on behalf of Nuveen’s $2 billion Asia Pacific Cities Fund, with the US investment firm highlighting its Hong Kong acquisition as its first in the city, and as an opportunity to leverage growing demand for data infrastructure while diversifying its portfolio.

“Hong Kong is a critical financial and technology hub and one of the most mature data centre markets in Asia with rich network connectivity, robust infrastructure and healthy market fundamentals, making this an important strategic investment for the Asia Pacific Cities Fund,” said Louise Kavanagh, chief investment officer and head of Asia Pacific for Nuveen’s real estate division. “We will continue to diversify its portfolio geographically and into sectors which match its investment objectives.”

A report published by a property agency earlier this year ranked Hong Kong as the sixth most attractive location globally for operating data centres, thanks to a robust development pipeline, excellent networks and the availability of all major cloud services, with Nuveen fitting into a growing number of regional and global institutions pursuing digital infrastructure opportunities in the city.

Kwai Chung Asset in Demand

Nuveen’s Hong Kong digital prize is the Cargo Consolidation Complex, according to market sources who spoke with Mingtiandi, with the fund manager having paid a reported HK$2.88 billion ($371.7 million) to purchase the property near the Kwai Tsing container terminal from local investor Loh Shou-nin.

The 270,000 square foot data centre is currently fully-leased to local telecom leader PCCW, with all but the ground and first floors under contract through 2035, should the tenant decide to exercise options included in the lease..

The sale illustrates the rising demand for data centre assets in the city, with Lou having acquired the property from PAG in 2018 for HK$2 billion, providing the investor with a more than 30 percent gain in less than four years. PAG had purchased the asset from Goodman for HK$1.35 billion in February 2016, according to data from another property agency, after the Australian developer had already converted the property for data centre use.

That kind of return has not escaped the attention of some of Nuveen’s competitors, with ESR last November having acquired the Brilliant Cold Storage Tower 2 in Kwai Chung – less than one kilometre from the Cargo Consolidation Complex – for $230.8 million. The Hong Kong-listed fund manager says it will convert the cold storage facility into a 40MW data centre.

In September last year Blackstone paid $36 million to purchase Yip’s Chemical Building at 13 Yip Cheong Street in Hong Kong’s Fanling area, with that asset located within a few blocks of data centre projects by Singapore’s Mapletree and Sun Hung Kai Properties SUNeVision.

Osaka on the Rise

With Nuveen’s Asia Pacific Cities Fund focusing on core assets for what it terms “future-proof cities” the firm’s other acquisition announced today also nodded to a fast-rising alternative sector by adding 342 multi-family units to the vehicle’s portfolio.

Pointing to an overall occupancy rate of from 96 to 98 percent across Osaka’s multi-family market, Nuveen described the purchase as “an attractive investment opportunity in Japan as a resilient and defensive asset class.”

“The Japan market is seeing an upward trend in rental residential properties which our fund is able to take advantage of,” Kavanagh said. “Osaka’s economy, while less diversified than Tokyo’s, is manufacturing-based, a sector which has benefitted from increased global demand as well as the move to bring supply chains onshore following the Tohoku earthquake.”

While not providing specifics on the properties or the scale of the investment, the fund manager expressed confidence that, given the assets’ location advantages, including proximity to the city centre and access to rail stations, the properties would be able to attract and retain professional tenants and provide stable income streams.

In 2020 Nuveen had invested $140 million purchasing 10 multi-family assets in Tokyo and Osaka, with those acquisitions from fund manager PAG also on behalf of its Asia Pacific Cities fund.

House Party

In visiting the Osaka properties in preparation for the acquisition, Kavanagh and her team may have run into a few familiar faces from competing investment managers, as global institutions increasingly put multi-family acquisitions near the top of their target lists.

With Japan being the top location in Asia Pacific for the sector, in late March Goldman Sachs Asset Management said that it had established a joint venture which would be investing $300 million to acquire rental apartment properties in the country this year, and would be budgeting $500 million annually for such opportunities thereafter.

Providing a clearer picture of investor activity in the sector is the late March announcement by UK’s M&G Real Estate that it had acquired 1,575 apartments across Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya for JPY 109.3 billion ($942.6 million), with Mingtiandi having identified the seller as Blackstone.

Also during March, Canada’s Manulife Investment Management said that it had agreed to form a JPY 19.8 billion joint venture with Japan’s Kenedix to acquire multi-family assets in Greater Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.

In addition to the acquisitions announced today, Nuveen in December closed on its $472 million purchase of a half-stake in One George Street – a 23-storey office building in Singapore – on behalf of its Asia Pacific Cities fund.



Hong Kong in bottom quadrant once again as home prices rose to about two-decade high globally in 2021, property agency said

Property prices across 150 cities tracked by an agency’s index rose on average by 11 per cent last year

Hong Kong ranked 123rd, same spot it held in 2020, with a growth rate of 3.6 per cent

Home prices grew by the most in about 18 years globally last year, as significant savings built up during two years of the Covid-19 pandemic triggered a desire to either upgrade homes or acquire a second property, a property agency said in a report on Wednesday.

Property prices across 150 cities tracked by its global residential index rose on average by 11 per cent last year, with 140 of these urban centres recording increments, up from 122 in 2020. Home prices in Hong Kong languished in the bottom quadrant of the index, ranking 123rd with a growth rate of 3.6 per cent. The city held the same spot in 2020, when its home prices declined by 0.1 per cent.

With monetary authorities across the world winding down loose policies to temper rising consumer prices as job markets recovered, the trend of surging home prices was unlikely to be sustained, property agent said.

“The current high growth rates for housing prices are not expected to be sustained in the long term due to rising interest rates and increasing base prices. Some cities also face an inflation problem and thus the real housing price growth is not as high as it appears based on nominal values. That said, housing price growth will stay in positive territory for the foreseeable future,” the agent said.

The agency’s report comes after the US Federal Reserve increased interest rates for the first time since 2018 on March 16. A day later, the United Kingdom’s central bank also hiked interest rates for a third time since December last year. Central banks in the Middle East and Hong Kong also raised interest rates last month.

In Hong Kong, US-based investment bank Goldman Sachs forecast that home prices were likely to fall by a fifth over a four-year period, as borrowing costs rose and demand slumped because of rising unemployment. Goldman cut its forecast from flat prices this year, followed by 5 per cent declines in 2023 and 2024 and a return to flat prices again in 2025, with a 5 per cent decline in each year between 2022 and 2025.

Elsewhere, Istanbul, Turkey’s economic, historical and cultural hub, topped the index with a growth of 63.2 per cent in a year. Overall, however, cities in the Americas saw the highest average annual growth of 15 per cent, outstripping the 11 per cent rise seen in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and the 9 per cent recorded in Asia-Pacific.

“US households not only accrued significant savings during successive lockdowns, but the equity in their homes expanded significantly too. In some cases, this wealth has been used to upgrade existing homes or to purchase a second property,” the report said.

“A typical home in Phoenix, the US city with the fastest rising prices in 2021, was worth US$298,000 the end of 2020, according to Zillow. By the end of 2021, its value had jumped 32.5 per cent to US$394,850, adding almost US$97,000 in one year to a homeowners’ pool of equity. This surge isn’t atypical of cities in advanced economies,” it added.

In the US, household wealth jumped to a record US$150.3 trillion in the last quarter of 2021, according to a report released by the Fed last month.

(South China Morning Post)


甲廈吸納量首季負轉正 扭轉9季逆勢  外資代理行料租賃增

甲級寫字樓市場過去3年先後受到社會運動和新冠肺炎疫情連環打擊,吸納量和租金表現都受到影響,惟市場前景初露曙光。有外資代理行指出,甲級寫字樓的淨吸納量於今年首季出現正數 (即整體新租出樓面多於遷出騰空的樓面),錄得46.44萬方呎,打破2019年第四季至去年第四季連續9個季度錄得負數的困局,該行預計今年下半年租賃活動勢進一步增加。

該代理行最新發表的香港商業房地產市場報告顯示,本港整體甲級寫字樓的淨吸納量由去年第四季錄得負11.11萬方呎 (即整體遷出騰空的樓面多於新租出樓面),轉為今年首季錄得正數,達46.44萬方呎。

大中環區改善 尖咀省鏡





由於新商廈供應投入市場,今年首季總空置甲級寫字樓樓面約有960萬方呎,創該行有記錄以來的新高,以全港指標甲級寫字樓中環國際金融中心二期 (IFC 2) 全幢總樓面面積約200萬方呎計,空置樓面接近5幢國際金融中心二期







事實上,無論官方和業界數據,都顯示寫字樓吸納情況有所好轉,例如差餉物業估價署 (差估署) 3月底公布的《香港物業報告2022》初步統計數字顯示,去年全年甲級寫字樓的負吸納量為19.38萬方呎,已經較2020年的負203.44萬方呎大減約90.5%。






CASETiFY擴充 租觀塘綠景NEO大廈5萬呎



涉中層兩層 呎租約30


該品牌近年在港積極擴充,主力於商場開設分店,包括中環置地廣場、尖沙咀K11 Musea、沙田新城市廣場等;另於荃灣、觀塘等亦設門市。近日更趁舖租低,租銅鑼灣地帶商場地下舖位,面積約2,000平方呎,月租約30萬元。











美基金28.8億購葵涌數據中心 大數據時代掀「經濟革命」 外資爭地盤



網絡發展一日千里,帶動數據中心備受追捧,工廈物業於疫市下罕現大手買賣。據市場消息指出,葵涌貨櫃碼頭路四十三號集運中心全幢,新獲美資基金Nuveen旗下The Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF) 以約二十八億八千萬元承接,以項目總樓面約二十六萬六千二百方呎計,每呎造價達一萬零八百元,現時由一家電訊公司作數碼中心用途,亦為該基金於本港首項投資。據悉,上址原業主為資深投資者羅守寧家族持有,早於二○一八年八月以約二十億購入,持貨約三年半帳面獲利八億八千萬,物業期間升值約百分之四十四。






供應緊絀 全幢工廈有價有市




數據中心需求勁 財團變招購工廈轉用途








財團收購大角嘴富貴大廈 每呎出價1.4萬至1.6萬 較市建局收購價為低




據財團向小業主發出的文件顯示,該併購財團指,撇除近月疫情嚴峻影響,於短短幾個月時間內收集各業主的踴躍簽約回覆 (目前已集齊超過55%),加上配合政府年內調低收購門檻政策至6成至7成,發展商對是次收購項目仍然持樂觀態度,有信心隨着疫情減退,將於2022年底前完成今次收購。









恒基區內頻併購 可建樓面逾28萬呎




上述項目位於大角嘴萬安街東面,在萬安街與福利街交界,現址為4幢6層高的商住物業,地下為商鋪,樓上則為住宅,而該舊樓早於1958年落成,至今樓齡約64年。地盤面積約3206方呎,現規劃為「住宅 (甲類)」用途,涉及可建總樓面28854方呎。另外,恒基已持有萬安街16至22號舊樓全數業權,料將與上述項目整合發展,地盤面積擴展至6418方呎,可建總樓面約57762方呎;預料將會重建成「利奧坊」系列樓盤之一。





Office market bouncing back says Link Asset

Hong Kong's office market has begun to bounce back while online and traditional retail channels are not mutually exclusive, said Greg Chubb, the new international chief operating officer at Link Asset Management.

He wrote in an article that there is an obvious shift taking place as occupiers move from secondary quality buildings and locations to better quality office precincts and newer buildings with superior infrastructure, services, and other features that contribute positively to well-being.

The hybrid work model was common before the pandemic, but the office remains as an integral part of doing business as nothing can beat face-to-face and in-person interactions, Chubb said.

He also pointed out that online and brick-and-mortar retailers are not a zero-sum game and in fact, their coexistence is probably the best way for all retailers to maximize their profits.

Omnichannel retailing is a hugely valuable strategy for businesses, and physical store networks play an important role.

For instance, the "click and collect" model has been especially successful for supermarkets, as it is a very convenient way for families to quickly pick up their groceries on their way home, Chubb said.

(The Standard)













投資者連環沽貨止賺離場 陳宗武售兩鋪 蔡志忠拆柴灣車場















地鋪意向60 每呎192






3月工商舖358成交 按月跌16.2%

有代理行綜合土地註冊處資料顯示,工商舖3月份註冊量錄358宗 (主要反映2月份市況),按月下跌約16.2%,註冊金額則錄45.18億元,按月跌約6.4%。

















Wheelock Properties said it has recorded over 100,000 online viewings for its new project named Monaco Marine in Kai Tak in the past two days before unveiling its first price list.

This came as the number of transactions in the 10 major housing estates fell slightly over the weekend.

The developer's managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu said the price list may be released this week and the sales could take place this month.

Three showrooms, including a 713-square-feet flat with three bedrooms, will open to the public during the four-day Easter holiday and more than 8,000 prospective buyers have made home viewing appointments, Wong said.

Located at 10 Muk Tai Street, the project provides 559 flats ranging from 324 sq ft to 1,708 sq ft - the smallest flats have one bedroom while the biggest ones are equipped with four bedrooms. But around 80 percent of units are in between - they have two to three bedrooms.

In the secondary market, the number of deals recorded in a property agency's top 10 housing estates dropped by five, or 20 percent, to 20 over the weekend, but remained at or above the 20-number level for the fourth consecutive week.

Property agent said that the room for price negotiation has narrowed in the buoyant second-hand market as Covid gradually subsides.

Some home buyers even need to offer price hikes before they can reach a deal with the owners, while others are looking for cheaper flats in less well-known housing estates, the agent said, though he believes the transaction volume could maintain at this level for several weeks.

Among the estates, Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai saw the most transactions - five homes changed hands in the weekend, while Kornhill in Hong Kong Island was the only estate that recorded no transactions.

A 633-sq-ft flat with three bedrooms sold at HK$6.65 million or HK$10,506 per sq ft after the seller agreed to slightly cut the price by HK$50,000, according to another property agency.

The vendor, who purchased the property at HK$4.08 million in 2016, gained HK$2.57 million, or 63 percent through the deal, the agency said.

(The Standard)


Shop rentals set for recovery, says agent

One of the largest local property agency expects that the rental volume of street shops to increase by 50 percent this quarter from last quarter, spurred by the distribution of the Consumption Voucher and the economic recovery.

The agency said street shops will benefit most from the voucher and the improving Covid situation will help increase the public's desire to go out and spend money, especially when the restrictions are lifted later this month.

Property agent said that both the rental and transaction volumes of shops plunged amid the fifth wave of the pandemic but the leasing market suffered more.

About 775 rental deals were recorded in the first quarter, down by 42 percent from a year ago and 23 percent lower than the December quarter.

The value of the leases also slid by 37 percent year-on-year, or 27 percent quarter-on-quarter, according to the agent.

Shop vacancy rates in core areas continue to hover at high levels due to sluggish rental demand. The rate in Causeway Bay has remained at 5 percent for months, and that in Central has stayed at about 14 percent, the agency's data showed.

But there are also opportunities apart from risks.

While Hong Kong's residents have not been able to travel in more than two years, some Japanese brands have taken advantage of the purchasing power of Hongkongers and entered the city's market. Japanese cosmetics brand Matsumoto Kiyoshi has opened its first shop at APM shopping mall in Kwun Tong and several more are expected to come soon, the agent said, adding that this reflects retailers' confidence in the SAR.

(The Standard)


中環中心低層呎租40  外資同廈轉租省一半




原租極高層 呎租料逾75



空置樓面多 租金水平偏低









次季有望反彈 甲廈旺舖可趁低吸

代理:港息有機加半厘 市場未添壓




外資看好香港 資金續來



過去年多 甲廈價跌20至25%
















基金追捧全幢酒店工廈 代理:疫情回穩帶動買賣







該代理續指出,受疫情等因素衝擊,全幢酒店及工廈已從高位回落約三成,受第五波疫情衝擊,酒店議價空間更高達兩成,故備受買家追捧,主要購買力為外資基金及機構投資 (INSTITUTIONAL BUYER),市場近期矚目買賣為葵涌集運中心全幢,於本月獲美資基金Nuveen旗下The Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF) 以約28.8億承接,呎價約1.08萬,將作數據中心用途。該代理評論指,隨網絡發展一日千里,令數據中心備受追捧,於數年前已成為環球大趨勢,加上自疫情爆發以來,網上購物及居家工作日趨普及化,更令數據中心需求進一步升溫,現今市場可作數據中心用途的全幢工廈買少見少,令該類物業疫下有價有市,備受各路買家追捧。


代理行承租海富中心3 1.86萬呎



屬同廈擴充 呎租35至40



新文華中心中層 呎售1.03












Hysan, Chinachem Add Cultural Space to Causeway Bay Commercial Project

Hysan Development and its partner Chinachem Group are turning to culture to boost the value of a HK$28 billion ($3.5 billion) commercial project they are developing in Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay area, according to a planning application submitted by the joint venture last month.

The partners submitted designs created by architects Ronald Lu and Partners to add performing arts and cultural facilities, a communal garden and a larger public open space to the project being developed on Caroline Hill Road near Hysan’s Causeway Bay headquarters, while also requesting permission to expand the floor area of the project.

“Upon the project’s completion in 2026, the public will have direct access to a community space of over 110,000 square feet, which includes a park of 60,000 square feet, indoor performing arts and cultural facilities of 20,000 square feet, as well as community facilities of 30,000 square feet (an elderly day-care centre, a district health centre and a child care centre),” a Hysan spokesperson told Mingtiandi.

The plans for the three-tower commercial project, which Hysan and Chinachem purchased for HK$19.8 billion in May last year, call for boosting the maximum gross floor area by 2 percent to 1.09 million square feet (101,264 square metres). The blueprints also provide details on transport connectivity and an elevated walkway connecting the development to Hysan’s Lee Garden Six via Causeway Bay’s Leighton Road.

Adding Area

Each office tower on the 159,327 square foot site would feature a podium accommodating retail or community facilities, with 24 above-ground storeys for the interconnected towers one and two, and 16 storeys for tower three, which occupies the eastern wing of the plot.

“The additional (gross floor area) would be for arts and cultural facilities, which may generate some further pedestrian traffic to this area,” a surveyor said. The elderly day-care centre, district health centre and child care centre had been conditions of the original project tender.

The surveyor estimates that the value of the completed project will be around HK$28 billion, noted that the added space could allow for the construction of higher-level office floors with better views of the city.

Causeway Bay Kingdom

As Hysan and Chinachem await approval for their Causeway Bay project plan, asking rents for prime offices and Ginza-style commercial towers in the area range from HK$45 to HK$70 per square foot per month, depending on the quality and location of the building, the surveyor said. However, the surveyor added that there could be room for negotiation given the current weak commercial real estate sentiment.

The new plan was revealed less than one month after Hysan moved closer to consolidating a HK$7.5 billion commercial project five minutes’ walk from the Caroline Hill Road site, with the developer’s reported purchase of a unit at 9A Sharp Street East.

That acquisition of a piece of the aging walk-up property brings Hysan nearer to being able to force a compulsory sale of the building backing against the developer’s Leighton Centre which would allow it to build a new tower on the site.


For more information of Office for Lease in Lee Garden Six please visit: Office for Lease in Lee Garden Six

For more information of Office for Lease in Leighton Centre please visit: Office for Lease in Leighton Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay

Hong Kong to see sales of bigger flats slow down, as interest rate rise counters mortgage relaxation

Impact of latest easing in home loans will not be as strong as previous instances, as Hong Kong is heading for an interest rate rise, property agent said

The sales momentum for bigger flats will slow down as seen previously in October 2019, another agent said

The relaxation of mortgages for more expensive flats in Hong Kong will propel sales in the short term only, as an imminent interest rate hike will keep potential buyers away, industry insiders said.

The sales of lived-in homes worth between HK$10.01 million (US$1.3 million) and HK$12 million jumped by 57 per cent to 199 deals in March, according to a property agency’s data, after Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po on February 23 allowed loan-to-value rations of 80 per cent for mortgages of homes worth up to HK$12 million from the previous HK$10 million limit. Following his intervention, the down payment for a home worth HK$12 million dropped to HK$2.4 million from HK$6 million previously.

The number of deals for this price category registered its best monthly performance in March, the data shows.

“But the impact of the latest easing in home loans will not be as strong as previous instances, as the city is heading for an interest rate rise, which is likely to increase borrowing costs,” another property agent said. The fifth wave of the coronavirus pandemic, which has devastated Hong Kong’s economy, could also hurt sentiment, the agent added.

The city’s economy most likely contracted in the first quarter of this year, Financial Secretary Chan said in March, with the jobless rate for the three-month period ending in February rising to 4.5 per cent, its highest level in about five months. Also, the retail and catering sectors were hit particularly hard by the city’s strictest social distancing curbs since the pandemic began two years ago.

An increase in interest rates by the US Federal Reserve on March 16 could further dilute the affect of the relaxation of mortgages. The Fed has suggested it could lift rates six more times, up to a total of 100 basis points, this year.

At even a 50 basis points increase, borrowers with a HK$9.6 million home loan on a 30-year term will pay at an effective interest rate of 3 per cent, up from 2.5 per cent, and see their monthly payments increase by HK$3,180 to HK$59,180, according to a mortgage brokerage service provider.

This is assuming that their mortgage loan is linked to the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Interest Rate (Hibor), the brokerage said. Such a buyer must also have a minimum monthly salary of HK$93,000 to be able to get such a high home loan, the brokerage added.

“The sales momentum for bigger flats will slow down in the coming months, repeating a pattern that we have seen during the relaxation in home loan rules in October 2019,” a property agent said.

In November 2019, the number of deals for lived-in homes worth between HK$8 million and HK$10 million, for which first-time buyers could borrow up to 90 per cent of a property’s value, up to a maximum of HK$8 million from HK$4 million previously, advanced 98 per cent to 506 deals from October the same year, the property agency’s data shows.

But sales retreated to 335 in December 2019 and further down to 303 in January 2020. They rebounded to 451 deals only last month.

“The market, however, will stabilise once Covid-19 recedes,” the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)


中聯辦每呎25元租荃灣甲廈 月租88萬低市價20%










多年來,中聯辦自置物業作為辦事處,港島區為上環信德中心西座高層01,09至12室,建築面積約10280方呎,早於1991年以4057.5萬購入,平均呎價3947元;九龍區辦事處則於近年 (2012年) 購入,為觀塘宏基資本大廈22樓,12060方呎,作價1.35億。












甲廈罕現全層銀主盤放售個案,早前由國安國際持有的金鐘海富中心二座中層全層銀主盤物業,面積10627方呎,以約2.68億獲準買家洽購,呎價約25218元,於2017年以3.18億購入上址,該公司早前被停牌,上月被清盤,物業淪為銀主盤。本報昨日向該物業接管人Frank Recovery查詢,發言人表示,上述物業尚未出售。












中保集團大廈 中環乙廈配套齊


















甲廈租務改善 連續3季錄正吸納




吸納量方面,上半季錄得不少租賃成交個案,其後因收緊防疫措施令不少業主及租戶暫停睇樓活動,引致成交減少。首季各分區市場總淨吸納量連續第3個季度錄得正數,達245,100平方呎。首季度新租賃成交以銀行及金融行業租戶 (34.7%) 佔比最大,其次為消費品及製造業 (12.8%),政府機構和運輸及物流行業也較之前活躍。受新項目落成因素影響,首季度整體待租率維持於13.6%水平。



尖東康宏廣場中層 呎價叫1.4萬


面積4284呎 5997萬放盤







外資基金趁低吸 酒店工廈連錄買賣



基金太盟投資 (PAG) 2015年底以14億元購入物業,其後於2018年以20億元沽出,升值4成,而買家為資深物業投資者羅守寧家族或有關人士。該家族持貨僅4年,如今再沽出大幅獲利約9億元,升值45%。據了解,該物業早年已由數據中心租用。新買家為美資基金Nuveen旗下Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF),主力投資亞太區物業包括新加坡、日本等,如今首次進攻香港即購入工廈。



新買家WEAVE LIVING近年積極在港擴充,單計近一年已先後兩度入市,包括2.95億元收購西半山醫院道6至8號全幢住宅物業,涉48間房,現作收租項目;WEAVE LIVING表示,將進行全面翻新,包括為部分房間重新布局,將物業打造成時尚、配套完備、靈活租期的現代住宿空間。據悉,品牌早在兩年前已在同區晏架街開設「Weave Studios Olympic」,如今趁疫市酒店叫價回落,再於同區增據點。





今年大額物業交投金額 按季跌6成


該行指,第一季共有總計97億元的大額商業物業 (7,700萬以上物業) 轉手,按季減約6成,而與去年同期97億元接近,而去年同期為第4波疫情爆發。

商舖涉39億元 佔總投資額4





商廈造價由高位回落,市場更錄得蝕讓買賣。澳門太陽城集團 (01383) 創辦人周焯華正室陳慧玲 (洗米嫂) 在近4年前斥逾1.01億元購入中環安樂園大廈低層全層單位,市傳單位近期以6900萬元易手,賬面料蝕超過3200萬元,物業大幅貶值約32%。




此外,被清盤的國安國際 (00143),其位於金鐘海富中心二座15樓全層的原總部,早前遭清盤人接管及放售,近期獲買家出價約2.68億元洽購。據了解,該物業建築面積約10627方呎,以洽購價計,呎價約25219元。單位於2017年1月以3.18億元買入,現時洽購價較5年前低5000萬元或15.7%。


宏輝集團 (00183) 公布,以1920萬元出售中環環貿中心13樓5室,建築面積1431方呎,呎價約13417元。該集團於2017年4月斥資1880萬元購入上址,賬面獲利40萬元或2.1%。






Stamp duty revenues hit record low in Q1

Hong Kong's overall stamp duty revenues from property purchases in the first quarter of this year hit a record low of HK$1.89 billion amid the worst Covid-19 outbreak in the city, data from the Inland Revenue Department showed.

The number of cases involved during the period was 961, about 30 percent lower than in the December quarter, the data showed.

Stamp duty revenue from residential properties also fell to the lowest since the second quarter of 2020.

The number of cases for special stamp duty dropped 37 percent quarter-on-quarter to 61, an over-10-year low, and the revenue also plunged 45 percent to HK$37.3 million.

Buyer's stamp duty brought the government 56 percent less revenue to HK$658 million in the first three months while the amount of double stamp duty more than halved to HK$1.19 billion compared to last quarter.

In the secondary market, Wheelock Properties said yesterday that it will unveil the first price list of Monaco Marine in Kai Tak shortly and open showrooms to the public on Friday.

The first batch will provide around 112 homes mainly comprising one-bedroom to three-bedroom units, the developer said.

In Cheung Sha Wan, The Harmonie will also reveal the sixth price list soon and may kick off sales this month, said the developer Henderson Land Development (0012).

Also in the area, seven flats including one standard unit and six special units at The Concerto are being put on the market, said the developer Kaisa Group (1638). The special units will be sold via tender and prospective buyers can now have a room tour as they are all built, it said.

Co-developed by Kaisa and Choice Holdings, the project has earned the developers HK$440 million from the sale of selling 88 units, or 93 percent of the total flats in the development.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong developers shower rebates, discounts and goodies to whet buyers’ appetite for ‘revenge spending’ ahead of massive launches in the second quarter

Up to 4,000 new flats in 11 projects may be released for sale in the second quarter, property agent said

Henderson Land Development and Chevalier International are already offering cash rebates, longer payment terms and other goodies to drum up interest

Hong Kong’s developers are offering discounts, longer payment terms, cash rebates and other goodies to drum up buying interest, as the residential property market is poised to rebound from its first-quarter slump after the city’s Covid-19 outbreak abates.

Henderson Land Development is offering up to HK$100,000 (US$12,757) of cash rebates to spur buyers to pay within 120 days for their purchases of leftover flats at The Richmond development at West Mid-Levels. Chevalier International Holdings is waiving the management fee for up to 24 months for the first 10 buyers to book its Sablier project in Tai Kok Tsui, with an extra 3 per cent discount on some units.

“Major developers need to catch up with their performances,” property agent said, who also expects that 4,000 new flats to be released for sale in the three months through June. “To keep the market’s attention and ensure sales, developers are expected to exercise restraint in pricing to attract buyers and investors.”

The expected releases, based on a calculation of homes that qualify for presale consent, would mark the busiest quarter in nine months, as the ebb and flow of successive waves of the Covid-19 disease sent the world’s most expensive residential property market into bouts of inactivity and torpor.

Sales of newly built homes slumped 64 per cent in the first three months of 2022 to a six-year low of 1,679 units, compared with the fourth quarter of last year, according to Land Registry data.

Large-scale weekend property launches had been missing in Hong Kong since late January, as social distancing rules enforced to contain the city’s latest wave of Covid-19 outbreak diminished the scope for gatherings and forced many businesses to postpone their marketing activities.

The turning point would come on April 21, when local authorities said they would relax social distancing rules. A week earlier during the Easter holidays, Wheelock Properties is expected to invite customers to register their intent to buy at its Monaco Marine project at the former Kai Tak airport.

Apartments in Kai Tak, an area with seafront view of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, redeveloped from an old airfield, may be among the property that sell the quickest due to its proximity to the subway network and amenities, providing a hotbed for a bout of “revenge buying” by customers, the agent said.

Wheelock uploaded virtual reality videos of the Monaco Marine’s show flats and clubhouse with its sales brochure last week, attracting more than 100,000 unique views in just two days.

Sales during this coming weekend’s Easter holidays will mostly comprise flats that had been left over from previous launches, because developers still need time to upload their sales brochures, set their prices and collect registrations of intent from potential customers, another property agent said.

New projects may launch from the end of April to early May as developers hold their marketing plans to assess the government’s social-distancing rules, the agent said.

More new projects will be on offer in the second half, as long as Hong Kong’s Covid-19 outbreak remains stable and under control, the agent said.

A property agency’s market index which is a gauge of lived-in home prices had the biggest uptick in 20 weeks at 1.1 per cent for the week ended April 3.

(South China Morning Post)











九龍灣國際展貿中心 申改建甲廈展覽館

九龍灣積極轉型,區內多座舊式工廈漸重建或改裝為商廈等用途,連同有待批出的商業地,商業樓面供應多達逾972萬平方呎。區內未來再有大型指標項目登場,去年由億京及資本策略 (00497) 等購入的九龍灣國際展貿中心,近期已向城規會遞交申請方案,計劃重建為指標甲廈及工業展覽館項目,總樓面達177.5萬平方呎。

申放寬高限 建3幢商廈

現為區內大型綜合式物業的九龍灣國際展貿中心,近期向城規會申請將其建築物高度限制由100米 (主水平基準以上,下同) 放寬至140米,以發展為商業及工業展覽館項目。擬議發展方案將重建為3幢23至25層高的商廈 (另設3層平台層作為工業展覽及商業零售、1層平台花園、2層地庫及1層防火層),總樓面面積涉約177.5萬平方呎,當中辦公室總樓面佔約142.6萬平方呎,作為商業或零售用途的總樓面涉約22.8萬平方呎,工業展覽館則佔約12.1萬平方呎。擬議發展將維持現有項目的地積比率與總樓面面積。億京去年表示,項目投資額涉約200億元。

區內另一個大型重建項目屬啟祥道20號大昌行集團大廈,項目早前已獲城規會批准重建為2幢32層高 (包括2層零售平台) 的商廈,另設3層地下停車場,涉及總樓面面積約147.75萬方呎。

尚餘兩幅商地 擬賣地形式售







大角咀香港遨凱酒店 信置申改裝

疫情重創旅遊業,而且疫情新常態下,零售及旅遊相關行業市場需求出現變化,有發展商趁機為酒店進行內部改裝,當中信置 (00083) 旗下、位於大角咀一號銀海基座的香港遨凱酒店,最新向城規會申請進行內部改裝。

擬重新設計 增至58間房





MTRC's TKO project attracts nine bids

MTR Corporation (0066) said it has received nine tenders for its Pak Shing Kok Ventilation Building property development in Tseung Kwan O, with market valuations ranging from HK$1.5 billion to HK$2.3 billion, or about HK$5,000 to HK$8,000 per square foot.

Sino Land (0083), Wheelock Properties, K. Wah International (0173), and K&K Property are said to be among the ones bidding for the project.

The residential development will provide a maximum gross floor area of 27,006 square meters.

It is expected the land premium of the site to be above HK$1.1 billion, equivalent to about HK$3,789 per sq ft, which could become a new record in Tseung Kwan O.

A surveyor said that the overall investment amount is not large and medium-sized developers can afford the premium, adding that the pandemic and the economic downturn might not have much impact on the developers' bid.

Meanwhile, real estate consultancies said rents in the luxury home and office market softened in the first quarter.

The luxury residential leasing market has been very quiet as expats faced yet more disruption to their personal and professional lives due to strict measures imposed by the government to combat Covid, a property agency said in a report.

The overall office vacancy rate climbed slightly to 10.9 percent in the quarter, a new record high over the last decade, with overall rentals down 1.3 percent quarter-on-quarter, another agency said.

(The Standard)


Developers call for better transport links at Kai Tak

Major developers have urged government planners to come up with revamped ideas to resolve traffic and movement issues at Kai Tak, including looking again at a monorail system.

It takes about 30 minutes to walk from Kai Tak MTR station to the former runway area, so better transport links are needed, especially considering the developments in the area will be ready for occupation within a year or two, interested parties told The Standard's sister newspaper Sing Tao Daily.

Government planners had proposed a monorail system as an environmentally friendly linkage system between Kwun Tong's business and commercial area to Kai Tak back in 2011.

And Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor came up with a multi-faceted scheme in her 2020 policy address that was held to be "more effective and desirable than a standalone infrastructure."

Lam's proposal included new bus and green minibus routes in the area, a moving walkway network linking the former runway area with the Kowloon Bay Action Area and Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station, and establishing a water-taxi service in the area.

All but a couple of developers involved in the area responded by setting set up a concern group backed by a research team with the aim of offering advice to the Lam administration.

The result was the suggestion that authorities should increase the number of bus and minibus routes to help people access Sung Wong Toi Station and other points outside the Kai Tak area in the fastest way possible. It was also suggested water-taxis could become one of the key transport modes.

Real Estate Developers Association executive committee chairman Stewart Leung Chi-kin also told the newspaper that government plans were quite satisfactory when developers bid for the sites in the area, but a sudden U-turn by authorities made some feel as if they had been deceived. Although developers have now put forward a number of proposals, Leung added, their thinking in that going back to the monorail system could be best as it would be a most cost-effective solution.

(The Standard)


Luxury home rents ‘may fall by up to 15 per cent’ as Hong Kong’s strict zero-Covid policy sends expats packing

Luxury home rents may fall by as much as 15 per cent this year as unhappy expats continue to leave in droves, say analysts

The city is approaching ‘peak exodus’, with expats ‘moving either back to their own countries or to Singapore’, property consultancy said

Luxury home rents in Hong Kong may fall by as much as 15 per cent this year as expatriates keen to escape the city’s strict zero-Covid-19 policy continue to leave in droves, said analysts.

In the first quarter of 2022, rents for high-end houses and flats fell between 2.6 per cent and 4 per cent, with those in Kowloon and the New Territories seeing the biggest declines, according to a property consultancy.

The decline could have been far steeper, as many landlords held off from accepting lower offers. But this quarter, depending on how Hong Kong moves forward with its quarantine and travel regulations, is likely to provide a clearer picture of how the luxury market fares for the rest of the year.

“The luxury residential leasing market has been very quiet over the first quarter as expats were faced with yet more disruption to their personal and professional lives after a fifth wave of Covid-19 hit the city and the government responded with a range of exceptionally strict measures,” a report released by a property consultancy on Tuesday night said.

“We believe that March/April will probably see ‘peak exodus’, with expats moving either back to their own countries or to Singapore in a collective loss of patience at anti-pandemic measures.”

Luxury homes are defined as those with a gross floor area of at least 1,500 square feet and average rents of HK$37.5 (US$4.8) per sq ft per month – a total rent of about HK$56,250.

A property agent that mainly caters to expats, said a lot of tenants were leaving before their rental contracts had expired.

“We are seeing a record number of break leases in the market and expect rents to fall by up to 15 per cent,” the agent said. “I think [the market] will continue to soften until it’s easier to be relocated into Hong Kong.”

Recent reports suggest a growing number of expats are fleeing Hong Kong’s tough Covid-19 curbs.

A survey of 260 executives by the European Chamber of Commerce showed that nearly half of businesses were considering moving elsewhere next year.

French bank Societe Generale is temporarily moving about a dozen traders from Hong Kong to Singapore, according to a Bloomberg report last month.

“Most people who have to leave have left … given the timing of school terms among other factors,” another agentsaid.

On Hong Kong Island, rents in upscale neighbourhoods and expat favourites such as Mid-Levels, Pok Fu Lam, The Peak, Happy Valley and Jardine’s Lookout fell between 1.4 per cent and 2.7 per cent in the first three months of the year.

The declines were more pronounced elsewhere, with those in Ho Man Tin, Kowloon Tong, Discovery Bay, Sha Tin, Tai Po, Sai Kung, Tsim Sha Tsui and Hung Hom slumping between 3.4 per cent and 5.3 per cent, according to the consultancy.

The property consultancy is seeing more interest in expensive Hong Kong flats from one source, however: Japanese finance executives.

“More Japanese are looking to find flats in Hong Kong, according to anecdotal evidence from our agents,” the agent said. “[They] are looking for accommodation in Tsim Sha Tsui as their offices are mainly in that area.”

The agent though that they have not yet witnessed the trend, said Japanese professionals coming to Hong Kong may have been given higher housing allowances than usual by their companies.

“We are seeing increased housing packages again as Hong Kong is being viewed as a hardship posting,” the ageny said.

If Hong Kong is unwilling to change its requirement for a seven-day quarantines for all international arrivals, and mandatory isolation at a government facility for all positive Covid-19 cases by the end of the year, “it may be harder to recover,” the agent said.

“I expect more expats to leave if they don’t drop the quarantine and it will also depend on how they handle Covid-19 positive cases at the schools,” the agent said.

“If they quarantine the children and the parents, that will result in a lot of people leaving. A one-week quarantine doesn’t allow business travel, and the fear of testing positive on arrival and being sent to a government quarantine facility does not help business travel either.”

(South China Morning Post)










港鐵百勝角九財團入標 分紅比例成奪標關鍵











Cafe chain to sell properties for $264m

Tsui Wah (1314) plans to sell units on the 16th and 17th floors of Riley House in Kwai Chung to a subsidiary of Chinese state-owned conglomerate China Resources for HK$264 million.

The properties, with a total gross floor area of 72,341 square feet, are used as workshops and ancillary accommodation for non-domestic use, the cha chaan teng cafe operator said in an exchange filing yesterday.

The buyer, China Resources Purchasing Godown Company, will lease back the units to Tsui Wah at HK$651,069 a month, exclusive of management fees, rates and government rent, till March 31, 2023, said the filing.

After deducting HK$61.2 million for discharging the properties from mortgages and other estimated expenses such as commission payable to the property agent of about HK$3.4 million, the net proceeds from the disposal are estimated to be HK$199.4 million, Tsui Wah said.

The funds would be fully utilized by the end of 2023 - it intends to use HK$80 million to open new restaurants and for renovation and the remaining HK$119.4 million as general working capital, the filing showed.

Tsui Wah said the disposal provides an "optimum opportunity for the company to realize cash and unlock the value of its investment in the properties at a fair market value."

Following the completion, the group expects to recognize an estimated capital gain, before transaction costs and expenses, of about HK$91.1 million.

The deal will need to be approved at an extraordinary general meeting and the notice of the meeting is expected to be sent to shareholders on or before May 11, it added.

(The Standard)


Mad rush for Kai Tak homes as pace picks up over Easter

Wheelock Properties' Monaco Marine in Kai Tak was 10 times oversubscribed as of 3pm yesterday while momentum in both primary and secondary markets returned over the long Easter weekend as Covid subsides.

Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu, managing director of the developer, said the firm had received around 2,500 checks for the two price lists comprising 224 flats, and over 10,000 prospective buyers had visited the show flats over Easter.

Another batch with potentially a 5 percent price hike will be announced soon and the first round of sales is expected to take place on Saturday at the earliest, Wong said.

The third list will contain units with a new layout, including 574-square-foot flats with three bedrooms and an open kitchen, according to the developer.

In Yuen Long, Grand Mayfair I on Kam Sheung Road, which offers 715 flats, is expected to unveil the first price list of over 143 homes shortly.

The property is phase 1A of a 2,200-flat mega project that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

The list will comprise one- to three-bedroom units and sales could be launched within this month, said the developers.

They said showrooms will open to the public soon and they are confident about the sales performance as the project has the advantage of being near an MTR station.

In Tai Kok Tsui, the Quinn Square Mile with 614 flats is set to reveal the first price list as well as open show flats this week, said the builder Henderson Land Development (0012).

The developer said it has attracted 236 checks for The Harmonie in Cheung Sha Wan as of yesterday, making the batch 2.4 times oversubscribed.

In the secondary market, a property agency recorded 54 deals in the top 10 housing estates over the four-day Easter break, compared to 62 over the five-day Easter holiday a year ago.

A total of 29 homes in these estates changed hands over the Saturday-Sunday weekend, a sharp increase of about 45 percent from the previous week, and above the 20-mark for the fifth week in a row, the agency said.

A property agent said that those prospective buyers who postponed their plans earlier are now returning to the market and actively looking for properties, resulting in a positive performance in secondary sales and purchases.

(The Standard)


灣仔會展廣場辦公大樓每呎40元 跌27%交吉1年半始租出 租金重返10年前
















首季錄1192宗甲廈租賃 代理行:創兩年來新低













翠華 (1314) 昨日公布,以售後租回方式出售葵涌總部,作價2.64億,料獲利9106萬,並計畫把套現淨額所得當中的8000萬開設或翻新餐廳,餘額用作營運資金。








甲廈租金暫喘定 下半年有調整壓力




下半年新項目落成 供應量多








50大指標甲廈 上月成交兩年半低




整體甲廈空置率 最新見9.3%



疫情新常態下,不少企業都改變營運模式為混合工作模式,靈活辦公空間的需求亦有所增加。有經營共享辦公室的IWG集團在港擴充業務,承租太古地產旗下位於金鐘皇后大道東8號 8QRE 全幢寫字樓,總樓面面積佔約64,800平方呎,該中心將主要用作服務式辦公室。

另外,鰂魚涌太古灣道12號 (前稱太古城中心四座) 亦錄大手續租,由富國銀行承租兩層全層,面積合共51,308平方呎,月租逾200萬港元。







尖東永安廣場 近港鐵站成賣點



飲食及生活配套上,物業鄰近尖東海傍,大廈地下至尖沙咀中心帝國中心等地下,均設有特色餐廳及酒吧,而尖東一帶亦有多間酒店,適合商務午餐。另外,近年K11 MUSEA商場落成,有更多餐廳、商店等提供,配套一流。


每層樓面較大 可間15單位


















永安廣場中高層戶放售 呎價叫1.32萬


面積1689 叫價2229

有代理表示, 永安廣場910室現正放售,面積約1,689平方呎,現以2,229萬元放售,呎價約1.32萬元,單位現時交吉,提供基本寫字樓裝修,而單位主要享園景,相當開揚。另外,單位同時以每呎約30元放租。








上環億利商業大廈 中層意向呎價1.6萬



相連單位罕見 回報2.86









中環安樂園大廈全層 蝕3222萬離場




此外,被清盤的國安國際 (00143) 位於金鐘海富中心二座15樓全層的原總部,早前遭清盤人接管及放售,近期獲買家出價約2.68億元洽購,惟有消息指,單位仍未易手。該物業建築面積約10,627平方呎,以2.68億元洽購價計,呎價約2.5萬元,較5年前業主購入價低約15.7%。




New World, China Merchants Land win TKO tender

A consortium of New World Development (0017) and China Merchants Land (0978) won the bid for the Pak Shing Kok Ventilation Building property development in Tseung Kwan O, MTR Corporation (0066) said.

This is the first MTRC project that requires a minimum size of about 280 square feet for a flat.

The residential development will provide a maximum gross floor area of 27,006 square meters and has market valuations ranging from HK$1.5 billion to HK$2.3 billion, or about HK$5,000 to HK$8,000 per sq ft.

The land premium of the site is expected to be above HK$1.1 billion, equivalent to about HK$3,789 per sq ft, which could become a new record in Tseung Kwan O, and the developers will also need to share some of the sales profit with the MTRC.

The win marks New World's first deal in Tseung Kwan O in nearly 15 years, according to reports.

A representative of the developer said the firm is very pleased with the successful bid and the development will feature small and medium-sized flats.

(The Standard)


Monaco Marine's flats to cost upward of $8m

Prices at Monaco Marine in Kai Tak - Hong Kong's first residential launch since January - were unveiled yesterday with the cheapest flat costing nearly HK$8 million after discounts.

This came as home viewings and prices in the secondary market rose ahead of the long Easter weekend.

The 112 flats in the first price list of Monaco Marine range from 326 to 713 square feet and are priced between HK$7.96 million and HK$18.95 million after discounts, the developer Wheelock Properties said.

The discounted average price is HK$24,833 per sq ft, about 6 percent higher than Monaco One, which is located in the same area and was launched last November.

Managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu said Monaco Marine has its advantages such as better landscaping and an advantageous location, and its prices were set in line with other new developments in the area.

Subscriptions open today and prospective buyers can also visit the showrooms, the developer said, adding that sales will kick off this month and future batches may be priced higher.

Meanwhile, Henderson Land Development (0012) will start collecting checks today for The Harmonie in Cheung Sha Wan.

The fifth price list of 68 units, which was launched in February, has been put up for sale again and the sixth may be revealed over Easter.

The new round of sales could take place next week and sales of its two other projects - the Quinn Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui with 614 flats, and the Henley II in Kai Tak with 301 flats - could be launched next month.

In the secondary market, a property agency has 1,180 home viewing appointments for the holidays, roughly the same as last year.

Property agent said that the number reflects confidence that the market has recovered, with Covid curbs set to ease next week.

Easter deals last year hit a nine-year high of 61 transactions and the agent expects this year's figure to remain high as well.

Meanwhile, a home price-tracking index rose 0.63 percent week-on-week to 179.65 points. The index has risen for two weeks in a row with a combined increase of 1.3 percent.

Separately, data from the Lands Department showed government revenues from land premiums rose 66 percent quarter-on-quarter to a historic high of HK$20.6 billion last quarter.

(The Standard)














灣仔譚臣道全幢商住樓1.1億售 長情業主沽貨 62年升值1409倍




















新世界夥招商局 奪港鐵將軍澳項目

首個加入最低280呎條款 將建優質中小戶

首個加入280平方呎最低單位面積要求的港鐵 (00066) 將軍澳百勝角通風樓物業發展項目,終由新世界 (00017) 及招商局置地 (00978) 奪得。有測量師估計,項目落成後呎價1.8萬元起。







項目位於將軍澳昭信路、新寶城對面,佔地約4.8萬平方呎,住宅總樓面面積上限約29萬平方呎。地皮亦屬於首個加入280平方呎最低單位面積限制的港鐵項目,預計可供應550個單位。項目前日 (13日) 合共截收9份標書,招標反應符合預期,除中標財團外,入標的包括獨資的長實 (01113)、新地 (00016) 、會德豐、信置 (00083)、建灝、嘉華 (00173)、資策 (00497) 等。



Hong Kong landlords offer deep discounts on short-term retail leases, hope to raise rents in the next market rebound

Leasing terms suggest individual retail landlords are banking on recovery in sales once Hong Kong reopens its border

Retail sales shrank 14.6 per cent in February, the worst since a 23 per cent slump in July 2020, according to government data

Individual retail landlords in Hong Kong are hoping to sign up new short-term tenants with discounted rents in the hope of lifting them when border reopening brings back high-spending mainland tourists to spark an industry revival, analysts said.

The owner of a 10,000-square foot store in Sai Yeung Choi Street in Mong Kok, for example, is offering the property at almost 60 per cent below its current rate, when its existing tenant, local fashion house Izzue, departs later this month.

The store, located a stone’s throw from the Mong Kok railway station, is being marketed at HK$1 million (US$127,480), or HK$96 per square foot, to attract new tenants, property agent said. That works out to about half compared with HK$2.4 million under the existing lease.

“The landlord will only offer low rents in the first two years, and the third year will be subject to negotiations,” the agent added.

Hong Kong’s government is easing parts of its Covid-19 curbs for select businesses from April 21 as infection cases declined. Retail landlords are betting on near-term border reopening and a recalibration of strategies as other regional governments adapt to living-with-Covid strategies.

China’s uncompromising zero-Covid policy has reduced mainland tourists to a trickle over the past two years, sending rents for high-street large shops in core areas tumbling by up to 70 per cent since the onset of pandemic in early 2020, according to agents.

Retail sales in Hong Kong shrank 14.6 per cent in February to HK$25.2 billion from a year earlier, the worst in 19 months, official data showed, showing the strain from anti-Covid measures. Sales slumped 24.3 per cent in 2020 before gaining 8.1 per cent in 2021 with spending stimulus.

There are currently four such large retail shops with more than 10,000 square feet each in Mong Kok, and one more will be added to the market by the end of this month when Izzue vacates its unit, the agent said. They are among 256 empty shops in Mong Kok, which works out to a 7.3 per cent vacancy rate in the area.

Meanwhile, the take-up rate in retail spaces could improve as the city’s government hands out HK$66.4 billion of retail vouchers to revive consumer spending. The first batch of digital coupons, worth HK$5,000 to each of the 6.3 million eligible residents, were issued on April 7 while the second will be distributed in August.

Sun Hung Kai Properties, which owns 15 shopping malls across the city, said its tenants selling electrical audio projects, jewellery and personal wellness products enjoyed a 30 per cent bump in sales within the first four days of the voucher distribution.

Some retailers saw their sales more than double on the first day, with more than 100 shoppers lining up outside some electrical audio shops, said Maureen Fung Sau-yim, executive director of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency, which manages the malls.

The leasing terms in Mong Kok properties suggest landlords expect retail sales could return to normal once Hong Kong reopened its border, another property agent said.

A fashion brand is eyeing more than 30,000 sq ft of retail spaces, the agent added, declining to disclose its identity. It can be used as a venue for fashion shows or to showcase new collections by multiple designers, the agent added.

“International retailers with no presence in Hong Kong are looking for large spaces for their first concept store in the city,” the agent said. Retailers offer experience-oriented shopping, which helps attract footfall and counter the threat of online platforms, the agent added.

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong co-living sector likely to see more consolidation as opportunities grow

M&As among co-living operators have increased as the average occupancy rates have stabilised to around 90 per cent this year

‘We have seen the consolidation of hotel operators in the past … We do expect this for co-living as well’: property agent said

Hong Kong’s co-living segment is likely to see more consolidation as operators tap into growing opportunities, analysts said.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) among co-living operators have increased over the past few weeks, as the average occupancy rates of flexible living spaces have stabilised to around 90 per cent this year. In stark contrast, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, several co-living operators in Hong Kong had slashed their monthly rates by between 15 and 50 per cent as the city closed its borders, dampening short-term accommodation demand from expats and even the mainland Chinese.

“We have seen the consolidation of hotel operators in the past, such as Starwood and Marriott. We do expect this for co-living as well. With a larger portfolio of assets under management, these operators will be able to leverage on their wider customer base, and their customers will be able to enjoy a consistent level of service and quality wherever they be travelling in the world,” property agent said.

In 2016, US-based Marriott International acquired Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide, which owned Sheraton Hotels and Resorts among others, creating the world’s largest hotel company.

Co-living involves tenants typically having their own private bedrooms, but sharing other living spaces such as the kitchen and laundry area.

Hmlet, which operates 1,200 units in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, said on Tuesday that it had merged with Habyt, one of Europe’s largest co-living operators. Weave Living, which operates shared living spaces in Hong Kong and Singapore, partnered with an unnamed global real estate asset manager to acquire the 435-room Rosedale Hotel in Kowloon for HK$1.37 billion this month. The acquisition was part of a US$200-million joint venture, of which Weave will own 10 per cent, the company said.

“We think the co-living sector is only going to become increasingly competitive, with new entrants in the market. For instance, large international hotel operator Ascott launched its co-living brand lyf. The brand will benefit from both the service or operational expertise of a recognised hotel operator, but also a strong hotel distribution system to fuel additional short-stay demand and profits,” Laloye said.

Some operators, on the other hand, have received backing from institutional investors. For instance, Dash Living, which owns co-living units in Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo and Sydney, last year secured additional capital from the Asia-Pacific arm of UK property firm Grosvenor, pan-Asian venture capital firm Gobi Partners, Sydney-based Taronga Ventures, and Hong Kong-based Clearmind Capital and Mindworks.

Hmlet’s merger involved a share swap with Habyt and no cash was involved. “Habyt had been looking to expand their global footprint in Asia, and Hmlet being a leading player in Asia, it was a natural fit,” said Giselle Makarachvili, Hmlet’s CEO.

Given that scale is crucial in the business, M&As were likely to continue, Marakachvili said. “The number of co-living players has continued to grow and this calls for consolidation to allow for significant scale. We see the merger of Habyt and Hmlet showing the need for consolidation and how this can bring scale and significant efficiencies in our space. We will continue to speak with other successful players in the space, aiming to grow both organically and inorganically, and achieve the scale that brings the strongest margins,” she said.

Combined, Habyt and Hmlet will have more than 8,000 rooms worldwide with a presence in 10 countries and 20 cities, and will keep using their brand names in their respective markets. Hmlet, whose average occupancy rate has increased to 90 per cent this year from 88 per cent last year, is also on track to manage 2,300 units by end of the year.

“The [co-living] market has changed drastically over the past two to three years, with accelerated growth in the sector. This growth is driven by an ever-increasing proportion of digital nomads and freelancers, working remotely and looking for affordable, convenient and medium-term accommodation,” agent said. “In Hong Kong, co-living operators have identified opportunities to invest during the pandemic.”

(South China Morning Post)










Monaco Marine sales kick off this weekend

Wheelock Properties' Monaco Marine in Kai Tak will launch the first round of sales of 308 flats this Saturday, the first new property sales since the fifth Covid wave hit the city in January.

Among the 308 flats, 306 will be on the price list, while the other two will be sold via tender, the developer said.

Homes in the price lists comprise 66 one-bedroom units, 179 two-bedroom units, and 61 three-bedroom units, and the average price per square foot is HK$25,788 after discounts, around 10 percent lower than other new projects in the same area, said managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu.

The discounted prices of the homes in the three lists range from HK$7.96 million to HK$20.4 million, and the value in total reaches HK$3.7 billion, Wong said.

The 306 flats were 8.8 times oversubscribed with 3,000 checks, and the sales will take place at the Prince Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui.

The third price list was released late Monday, offering 118 units at an average price of HK$26,293 per sq ft after discounts.

Monaco Marine's launch will be followed by the Grand Mayfair I on Yuen Long's Kam Sheung Road, whose first price list of over 143 homes is expected to be unveiled this week.

The 715-flat property is phase 1A of a 2,200-flat mega project that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

The list will comprise one- to three-bedroom units and sales could be launched within this month, said the developers. They said showrooms are under preparation and will open to the public in the week.

In Tai Kok Tsui, the Quinn Square Mile with 614 flats is set to reveal the first price list as well as open show flats this week, said the builder Henderson Land Development (0012).

(The Standard)


Historic Shaw Studios to give way to new homes

A site in Clearwater Bay which was the former home of Shaw Studios and TVB's old headquarters is to be turned into 37 low-rise residential buildings and houses.

The landmark studio was opened in 1961 by Sir Run Run Shaw and produced Chinese movies until the 1990s.

The site, which included TVB's old headquarters, was vacated since 2003 and has been targeted for redevelopment several times.

It was sold to Fosun International (0656) in 2013 for HK$1.5 billion.

The Antiquities Advisory Board declared the complex a site of cultural significance in 2015 and said any redevelopment plans would have to include measure to preserve the existing structures.

Fourteen three-story single-family houses and 23 residential buildings ranging from 6 to 11 stories, as well as a clubhouse - providing a gross floor area of 97,628 square meters in total - will be built on the site, data from the department showed yesterday.

The project is one of the 11 building plans approved by the Buildings Department in February. Of the 11, eight are residential developments.

A project in To Kwa Wan, which was acquired by TKS through a compulsory auction last year, has been given the green light for an 18-story building which will provide a gross floor area of 2,545 sq m of private homes and 512 sq m for commercial use.

In Kowloon Tong, a three-story single-family house covering a gross floor area of 605 sq m has also won the go-ahead from the authorities.

Among commercial buildings, a plan for an 18-story tower on 6 and 6A Cameron Road in Tsim Sha Tsui was approved by the government. The project of the Winland Group is expected to provide a gross floor area of 2,734 sq m upon completion.

In the same month, the authorities gave consent for work to start on six building projects which, when completed, will provide 3,839 sq m of gross floor area for domestic use involving 70 units, and 4,712 sq m of gross floor area for non-domestic use.

The department said it has received notification of commencement of superstructure works for only one residential building project in February, involving just seven units, compared to none in January.

This means construction started on only on seven flats in the first two months of this year, a 99.4 percent plunge from a year ago, and the lowest number since 1996, according to a property agency.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong Office Rents Down 2% in Q1 as Banks Cut Back on Space

Cryptocurrency has begun to show its real-world utility as demand for office space from start-ups dealing in bitcoin, NFT and blockchain is helping to offset downsizing from multinational banks and other traditional occupiers in Hong Kong, according to a property agency’s research.

Despite experiencing a quarter when measures to control the city’s fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, stock market turbulence, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the lockdown of major mainland cities made the city noticeably quiet in terms of transaction volume, average Grade A office rents slid just 2 percent compared with the final three months of 2021, the agency’s analysts said.

Monthly rents in the quarter averaged HK$55 (about $7) per square foot, down 27.2 percent from their peak in the second quarter of 2019, the agency said in its Hong Kong Office Leasing report, with the firm predicting an extended period of challenges for owners of older buildings.

“A total of 17.2 million square feet (1.6 million square metres) net of available Grade A office space over the next four years may mean a long road to recovery for the office sector with tenant preferences shifting towards contemporary builds and green certified space,” agent said.

Upgrade Opportunities

The agency noted that multinational banks in Hong Kong have downsized their offices by at least 312,000 square feet since the second half of 2020, including a 104,000 square foot give-back by Deutsche Bank at the ICC and Standard Chartered Bank giving up 65,000 square feet at its headquarters in the Standard Chartered Bank Building in Central. Also minimising were Japan’s Nomura, which gave up 56,000 square feet at Two International Finance Centre, and UBS, which handed back 33,000 square feet across its Two International Finance Centre and Li Po Chun Chambers locations.

“Considering the impact of (work from home) and the reduction in office space take-up, Grade A office rents are likely to continue to drift down over the near term,” agent said.

While the retreat of the major banks has created openings for upstarts in the fintech sector, these smaller firms are most often finding space in newer buildings with higher levels of vacancy, including new leases signed at properties like H Code and The Wellington in Central during the period.

Also finding new tenants during the first quarter were The Chelsea and 33 Des Voeux Road West in Sheung Wan and Tower 535 in Causeway Bay.

Hong Kong’s existing vacancy of 6.2 million square feet and a pipeline of new supply totalling 11 million square feet from 2022 to 2025 will offer plenty of upgrade opportunities in the years ahead, the agency said. At the same time, the trend towards green-certified buildings will pose a challenge to owners of older properties who have not kept the assets up to date.

Staying Positive

In its own first-quarter report, another agency said that Hong Kong’s office rents stayed stable in January before leasing activities substantially slowed as the COVID situation worsened in February.

In Greater Central, which includes all of Central, Admiralty and Sheung Wan, monthly rents in the first three months of the year averaged HK$97.80 per square foot, down 0.5 percent from both the prior quarter and the year-earlier period, the agency said.

Rents in Prime Central, defined as 12 key office buildings in Greater Central, averaged $113.70, down 0.8 percent from the last quarter of 2021 and 1.3 percent from the first quarter of 2021. Only Hong Kong East and Hong Kong South showed notable drops in rental levels, down 2.2 and 1.5 percent respectively.

The city recorded positive net absorption over three consecutive quarters as of the first quarter of 2022, amounting to 245,100 square feet, with the banking and finance sector accounting for the lion’s share of new leasing transactions in the first quarter with 34.7 percent, followed by consumer products and manufacturing at 12.8 percent.

“We estimate a total net absorption of 300,000 to 500,000 square feet in 2022, with the banking and finance sector leading demand for office space, while the professional services and logistics sectors will also remain active,” agent said.


For more information of Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre please visit: Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui

For more information of Office for Lease at Standard Chartered Bank Building please visit: Office for Lease at Standard Chartered Bank Building

For more information of Office for Lease at International Finance Centre please visit: Office for Lease at International Finance Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central

For more information of Office for Lease at Li Po Chun Chambers please visit: Office for Lease at Li Po Chun Chambers

For more information of Office for Lease at The Wellington please visit: Office for Lease at The Wellington

For more information of Office for Lease at The Chelsea please visit: Office for Lease at The Chelsea

For more information of Office for Lease at 33 Des Voeux Road West please visit: Office for Lease at 33 Des Voeux Road West

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Sheung Wan please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Sheung Wan

For more information of Office for Lease in Tower 535 please visit: Office for Lease in Tower 535

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay


機構疫後再出發 租務下半年改善





據一外資行數據顯示,本年首季甲廈吸納量,為連續第3個季度錄得正數,達24.5萬平方呎,租賃成交以銀行及金融行業租戶 (34.7%) 佔比最大。據了解,由於去年下半年氣氛轉好,不少新租務成交於本年初落實,因此疫下市場仍錄正吸納量。



共享空間品牌 租全幢商廈


IWG 香港及大灣區區域經理 Paul MacAndrew 認為,本港疫情緩和,商務活動勢復常,寫字樓租務活動將增加。他指,疫情下出現新常態,機構傾向採用靈活辦公室計劃,員工亦享受不一定在傳統單一辦公點上班,故靈活辦公室疫下需求大。他指,去年第4波疫情完結,集團旗下香港租務,第2季及第3季按季分別升20%及34%,前景上因靈活辦公室既提供便利包括寫字樓裝修及基本設施,租約亦較靈活,未來在港發展空間甚大。





商廈新供應續來 租金短期難回升


全港達960萬呎空置 歷來最多






外資基金再現身 大額吸工商物業



自去年下半年起,本港逾億元大額工商物業買賣,外資基金成主要買家,去年本港多幢工廈均由基金承接。今年第5波疫情爆發,整體交投氣氛轉差,惟近一個月外資基金再現身,包括月初美資基金Nuveen旗下Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF) 以約29億元購入葵涌貨櫃碼頭路集運中心全幢,成今年最大額買賣。

價格調整 現投資價值


Weave Living夥美資 購酒店

近期市場其中一宗大額買賣,為共居空間營運商Weave Living,以13.75億購入大角咀九龍珀麗酒店,將轉作共居用途。據了解,是次Weave Living夥拍美資基金入市購酒店,Weave Living副總裁彭德仁指出,不少過往多年未有在港投資的基金,近日亦出手買酒店,反映外資看好本港市場前景。



清水灣前邵氏片場 批建23幢分層及14獨立屋




該項目最新獲屋宇署批准興建14幢3層高的獨立屋、23幢樓高6層至11層的分層住宅 (部分需在2層地庫或1層停車場之上興建) 及1座會所,總樓面面積約105.1萬平方呎。

另外,屋宇署亦批出九龍高山道26號及新柳街2A至2C號項目,最新獲批1幢18層高 (另設4層平台) 的商住樓宇連住客康樂設施,住用總樓面涉約2.74萬平方呎,非住用樓面則涉約5,515平方呎。上述地盤去年進行強拍,並由TKS Limited以底價1.36億元成功統一業權。





大窩口7工廈重建 增建1330伙住宅

荃灣大窩口工業區一帶,近年有不少工廈重建,目前仍有7個項目,涉及約182萬平方呎樓面正在進行,當中沙咀道一帶漸轉型成住宅區,包括新地 (00016) 牽頭的住宅項目,提供約1,330伙。


分4期發展 首期料建465





另外,華人置業 (00127) 於2020年向「舖王」鄧成波以約3.6億元購入的馬角街14至18號栢獅電子大廈重建項目一半權益,計劃重建成1幢23層高的工廈,總樓面約22.8萬平方呎,預計於2024年底前完成。


除了工廈重建外,新意網 (01686) 在2018年以約7.26億元購入的前馬角街熟食中心工業地,則將會用來興建高端數據中心,涉及樓面約20.17萬平方呎。



PLAZA 88 呎租貼近東九龍

荃灣區內近年愈來愈多商廈及新式工廈落成,當中近年新入伙的楊屋道PLAZA 88商廈,目前呎租達23至29元,逐漸貼近九龍東觀塘、九龍灣水平。


由億京發展的PLAZA 88,屬於楊屋道商住用地的一部分,楊屋道項目由4幢大樓組成,其中3幢住宅大樓屬於私樓映日灣,餘下1幢35層高商廈則為PLAZA 88,總樓面約65萬平方呎,屬於荃灣區內指標商廈之一。

據代理行數據顯示,近半年該商廈呎租約23至29元不等。據早前有消息指,中聯辦亦以月租近88萬元租用一層半單位,合共面積約3.5萬平方呎,平均呎租約25元,屬於長達5年租約,並擁有續租權。至於去年底PLAZA 88另一間高層單位,面積963平方呎,以約2.6萬元租出,平均呎租約27元。










另外,亦有舊樓併購項目獲批圖則,由財團TKS Limited去年以1.36億循強拍途徑購入的土瓜灣高山道26號及新柳街2A至2C號,獲批建一幢樓高18層、另有4層平台的商住物業,住宅部分可建總樓面約27403方呎,另有5515方呎非住宅樓面,整個項目可建樓面約32918方呎。




New Yuen Long flats to cost upward of $6m

The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long has unveiled its first price list of 168 flats with an average price per square foot of around HK$17,608 after discounts, compared to more than HK$20,000 in nearby new projects.

The batch comprises 52 one-bedroom units, 98 two-bedroom units, and 18 three-bedroom units, with prices ranging from HK$6.08 million to HK$13.99 million after discounts, or from HK$16,008 to HK$19,004 per sq ft.

The cheapest flat with a bedroom, measuring 354 sq ft, costs HK$17,175 per sq ft.

The 715-flat property is phase 1A of a 2,200-flat mega project that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

Sino Land said the price of the project is around 20 percent lower than other new developments along the Tuen Ma Line and its prices increase in the future.

Show flats are available for viewing from today and sales could start this month, the developers said.

The price list came as a survey showing that more Hongkongers are looking at property purchases amid to the easing Covid outbreak in the city.

The survey of 324 respondents done last week showed the percentage of people looking at buying a home in the next six months has risen by 14.1 percentage points to a three-year high of 46.6 percent.

The survey showed that 31.5 percent of the respondents believed property prices will rise in the coming six months, which is almost 20 percentage points higher than that of a similar poll conducted in early March.

The percentage of those who believed that property prices will fall sank by 31.3 percentage points from 74.5 percent to 43.2 percent.

Separately, Henderson Land Development (0012) has released the sales brochure of the Henley II in Kai Tak, which offers 301 homes.

Flats in the residential project have areas from 379 sq ft to 1,365 sq ft with layouts from one to three bedrooms.

In Cheung Sha Wan, Henderson's other project The Harmonie released the sixth price list which includes 40 units, and will launch the sale of 114 flats next Tuesday.

The latest batch consists of two-bedroom units ranging from 322 to 338 sq ft and are priced from HK$7.45 million and HK$8.37 million after discounts, the developer said.

(The Standard)


Sino Land, Wheelock unleash cheaper flats to boost sales as Hong Kong emerges from ‘lost months’ of strict Covid-19 measures

‘Developers lost the first three months of property sales, so their primary goal is to speed up sales,’ a surveyor said

Sino and Wheelock both priced hundreds of new flats roughly 12 per cent below comparable projects launched last year

Hong Kong developers are launching hundreds of flats at knock-down prices in a bid to make up for lost time as the city begins to emerge from months of strict social-distancing measures that have made house sales all-but impossible.

Sino Land priced the first batch of 168 units at its Grand Mayfair I project above Kam Sheung Road MTR station at an average price of HK$17,608 per square foot after factoring in a discount of up to 16 per cent.

The price, unveiled on Wednesday, is about 12 per cent lower than the average launch price in December of HK$19,899 per square foot at The YOHO Hub at Yuen Long station, one stop away from Kam Sheung Road station.

Wheelock Properties has also priced flats at its Monaco Marine development in Kai Tak 12 per cent lower than a nearby project that went on sale last summer. It will release 308 units for sale on Saturday.

“Developers lost the first three months of property sales, so their primary goal is to speed up sales,” a surveyor said.

Henderson Land Development joined the rush to get flats onto the market after the hiatus, though it has left its prices the same as in previous batches.

It revealed on Wednesday that it will offer 108 units, with sizes ranging from 322 to 377 square feet, at The Harmonie in Cheung Sha Wan for sale next Tuesday. The units are priced from HK$6.89 million to HK$9.45 million, or HK$20,972 to HK$25,544 per square foot.

Sales of new homes in the first quarter plummeted 64 per cent to just 1,679 transactions, from 4,633 deals in the last three months of 2021, according to a property agency.

“It was the lowest number in the past six years,” the agent said.

It was also 23 per cent fewer than the 2,186 deals recorded in the first quarter of 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic started.

“The slump reflected the devastating impact of the fifth wave of Covid-19 on property sales,” the agent said.

The government is due to relax social-distancing measures from today.

Restaurants will be allowed to operate dine-in services until 10pm with four people per table, while gyms, massage parlours, cinemas and theme parks will be able to reopen after more than three months of being shuttered up.

The first batch of flats at Grand Mayfair I, with sizes ranging from 354 sq ft to 762 sq ft, were priced at HK$6.07 million to HK$13.99 million, or HK$17,175 per sq ft to HK$18,365 per sq ft. The project is due to be completed in October, 2024.

Victor Tin, group associate director at Sino, described them as “super-happy prices”.

Developers began to lower their prices amid a slew of gloomy predictions about the market outlook.

Goldman Sachs predicted home prices will fall by 20 per cent between now and 2025 as borrowing costs increase and demand slumps because of rising unemployment.

The American investment bank said every 25 basis-point increase in interest rates would need a 5 per cent rise in income or a 5 per cent decline in property prices to maintain affordability.

The US Federal Reserve has suggested it could lift interest rates six more times, up to a total of 100 basis points, this year.

Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices have dropped 4 per cent from a peak in September last year.

(South China Morning Post)


4工商廈本月放售 總值27億 灣仔前王子酒店及毗鄰車位最貴重





















觀塘行動區申撥款 加快釋商地








Prices for The Henley II at Kai Tak upward of $8.7m

The first price list for The Henley II at Kai Tak has been revealed by Henderson Land Development (0012), and they run at an average of HK$24,333 per square foot after discounts.

The Henley II batch comprises 61 units from 380 sq ft to 575 sq ft, meaning prices will range from HK$8.7 million to HK$14.6 million after discounts.

Entry-level one-bedroom flats cost HK$22,995 per sq ft compared to HK$22,000-HK$25,000 for secondary homes in the same area.

Also at Kai Tak, Wheelock Properties said it has received at least 4,000 checks for Monaco Marine, where 306 flats on price lists and two homes on tenders will be sold on Saturday. That means the units were 12 times oversubscribed.

Meanwhile, Henderson's project in Tai Kok Tsui - The Quinn Square Mile - released a first price list, offering 123 units at an average price of HK$23,928 per sq ft.

The developer said 14 studio flats, 100 one-bedroom flats and nine with two bedrooms on the list cost from less than HK$5 million to HK$9.07 million, or from HK$22,745 to HK$26,790 per sq ft.

Showrooms will open today and sales registrations begin at the weekend.

Also on the showing side, more than 6,000 prospective buyers visited show flats of The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long, according to one of the developers, Sino Land (0083).

The 715-flat project, which is being jointly developed by Sino Land, K Wah International (0173) and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688), has also unveiled a first price list for 168 flats.

Elsewhere, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said its new residential development in Pak Shek Kok has been named Silicon Hill, and it will provide 576 homes ranging from studio apartments to three-bedroom flats.

The newly named development is in the first phase of the three-phase project, which will offer 1,871 flats in total.

Sales of Silicon Hill and Prince Central in Ho Man Tin will be launched next month, deputy managing director Victor Lui Ting said, and four more new projects are on the way.

Lui also said he believes Hong Kong's property market is resilient and that prices could rise from 5 percent to 10 percent this year.

On the luxury property front, Esquel Group vice chairman Teresa Yang acquired two Baker Road homes on The Peak.

(The Standard)


港大專業學院棄租統一中心全層 面積逾2萬呎 9月約滿撤出

疫下有大型教育機構撤出核心區,本報獲悉,香港大學專業進修學院 (HKU SPACE) 棄租金鐘統一中心高層全層,今年九月租滿撤走,遷往長沙灣自置物業,統一中心業主以每呎約48元重新放租,較舊租金提價約14%。

據香港大學專業進修學院 (HKU SPACE) 發言人透露,該學院於今年九月租約屆滿後,將會遷出金鐘統一中心34樓全層,並搬往荔枝角道888號的自置物業。該學院購入該物業為長遠教學發展的策略之一,將會用作擴充教學及學生設施用途。物業毗鄰港鐵站,藉以為同學提供位置便利的教學中心之餘,並增設九龍西的教學設施。



據地產代理指出,金鐘統一中心34樓全層,建築面積20489平方呎,香港大學專業進修學院 (HKU SPACE) 承租多年,於2017年時月租約77.85萬,平均呎租約38元,以現今市況計,估計呎租約42元,因位處高層,坐享開揚山海雙景,屬該甲廈優質單位,呎租低市價逾10%,亦因為該學院有意撤出,上址業主以每呎約48元重新放租,提價幅度約14%,租金屬貼市價水平。










佐敦四海玉器全幢兩億售 持貨11年升值逾80%











疫情衝擊 中區甲廈空置率6年高















Flats at Monaco Marine sell like hot cakes

At least 238 flats at Monaco Marine in Kai Tak - or around 80 percent of the total flats available in the first round of sales - were snapped up by homebuyers as of Saturday, with Wheelock Properties raking in nearly HK$3 billion from the sales.

The developer is considering launching a new batch shortly in response to market demand and there may be room for price increases, said managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu.

This came as The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long released the third price list yesterday, offering 82 flats at an average price of HK$18,582 per square foot after discounts.

The third list includes 28 one-bedroom, 37 two-bedroom, and 17 three-bedroom flats, with the discounted price ranging from HK$6.67 million to HK$14,51 million, or from HK$17,565 per sq ft to HK$19,586 per sq ft.

The project had attracted 5,500 checks for 306 homes in the first two price lists as of 8pm yesterday.

The 715-flat The Grand Mayfair I is phase 1A of a 2,200-flat mega project that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

The developers unveiled 138 flats in its second price list on Friday, with a slight price increase between 0.5 percent and 1 percent per unit, following 168 flats on the first price list.

The project is expected to launch sales this week, according to Sino Land.

Meanwhile, a property agency has reported that 17 deals at 10 blue-chip estates over the weekend, a 37 percent drop compared to a week earlier. Some prospective buyers moved to the primary market with developers rolling out new projects amid the easing of the Covid pandemic, and this resulted in a drop in secondary transactions, property agent said.

However, turnover remained in the double-digit level for the sixth consecutive weekend, the agent said.

Three major estates on Hong Kong Island each recorded two transactions while Whampoa Garden and City One Shatin saw the highest number of transactions with four transactions.

Its rival, another property agency has chalked up 21 transactions at 10 major housing estates it tracks in the secondary market over the weekend, a 27 percent decrease compared to the previous weekend.

(The Standard)


Use of ‘green’ office leases to catch on in Hong Kong, as sustainability becomes increasingly important, Deloitte says

Rising importance of ESG factors will lead to more green leases ‘in the near future’: Deloitte China’s real estate industry leader says

The government could consider more policy support to encourage the adoption of green leases

Hong Kong office tenants and landlords are expected to catch up with the global trend of signing “green” leases amid the rising importance of sustainability in the real estate industry, despite a dearth of such deals so far in the city, according to professional services firm Deloitte.

A green lease is an agreement between a landlord and a tenant to improve the environmental performance of a property, for example, by cutting energy or water use and reducing waste.

“We believe the trend of green leases adoption will come to Hong Kong in the near future” with the rising importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the real estate industry, Philip Law, Deloitte China’s real estate industry leader, told the Post.

Buildings account for about 90 per cent of electricity consumption in Hong Kong, and around two-thirds of the city’s greenhouse gas emissions come from electricity generation, according to Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s 2021 policy address.

Globally, some 34 per cent of occupiers already have green lease clauses, while a further 40 per cent plan to sign them by 2025, according to a property agency’s global survey of 647 senior executives in its “Decarbonizing the Built Environment” report released in June last year.

While the concept of green leases is not new, its adoption will take time, said Law.

In 2014, the Hong Kong Green Building Council released its “Green Tenancy Driver for Office Buildings” report, which included green leases as a way of encouraging tenant-landlord collaboration to create a sustainable working environment.

That same year, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation released green lease clauses encouraging companies to reduce energy use, including pay-for-use air-conditioning consumption.

Key challenges to the adoption of green leases in Hong Kong include a lease term which may be shorter than the payback period, as well as difficulties of not having a holistic view on the total value on both sides, said Cary Chan, executive director of the building council.

“Currently we don’t see many green leases in Hong Kong,” property agency said. The agent, however, said that they are currently advising a client in Hong Kong on the possibilities of adopting a green lease in a shopping centre.

“This may include longer lease terms, food waste reduction clauses and perhaps an all-electric food court kitchen,” the agent said. Green lease clauses are largely driven by landlords, although some larger tenants will be interested in pushing for these too, the agent added.

The adoption of green leases could help both landlords and tenants establish their sustainability commitments, as well as ensuring that both parties hit their net-zero carbon targets, another agent said.

“Green leasing is a strategy to help tenants and landlords achieve the best returns for their expenditure, and save money through the adoption of energy-efficient measures. Companies today are committing to net-zero carbon targets by 2050 or earlier, and they are looking for landlords who are able to ensure [buildings] with high energy efficiency,” the agent said.

The agent recommended that green leases covering agreements to operate efficiently, financial incentive alignments such as cost-recovery provisions, or penalties if certain environmental goals were not met, as well as transparency of resource use.

In April 2021, the property agency has signed a legally binding green lease clause with a landlord in London, to procure renewable energy for the building as well as agreeing to a series of performance and energy targets.

The government in Hong Kong could consider more policy support to encourage the adoption of green leases in the city, said Deloitte’s Law. “In the long run, the reputation of Hong Kong as an international city can be enhanced, and [it can] attract more talent and capital” with the adoption of green leases, he said.

“Currently, there are no existing policies regulating any building owners to have any green leases in place. If the government would give tax incentives or subsidies … the adoption rate may be higher,” the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)




景觀一般 租金屬市價












尖東巨鋪每呎26元減20% 面積1.5萬呎開設全港最大髮型屋





自從疫市以來,向來倚重旅遊業的尖東,區內人流驟減,吉鋪湧現,空置率一度高逾20%,鋪租隨之急跌;不過,在持續疫情下,密度較低,市區露天空間難求,這正是尖東特色,建築物大多10 層以下,物業之間坐擁寬闊道路及廣場。









星光行高層1200萬沽 呎價逾萬






Hong Kong’s homebuyers turn up in droves in a bout of revenge buying to snap up half of Wheelock’s Monaco Marine flats at Kai Tak

Wheelock sold 238 of the 308 flats at its Monaco Marine project at the former Kai Tak airport as of 9:30pm, with about 13 bids for every available flat, agents said

The first batch of flats released for sale comprised 306 units with between one and three bedrooms, priced from HK$7.96 million to HK$20.4 million (US$2.6 million)

Hong Kong’s homebuyers returned in droves after a three-month hiatus, snapping up almost half of the new flats offered by Wheelock Properties at bargain prices.

Wheelock sold 238 flats, or 77 per cent of the 308 flats on offer at its Monaco Marine project at the former Kai Tak airport as of 9:30pm, with about 13 bids for every available flat. The favourable response would bolster sentiments in the city’s flagging property market amid an economic slump and rising joblessness, agents said.

“The good response today reflects [the fact] that the market does respond well to quality flats in good locations at attractive prices,” property agent said, “I am optimistic about the market’s outlook in the second quarter.”

Wheelock recorded close to HK$3 billion (US$382 million) from its weekend sale. The first batch of flats released for sale at Monaco Marine were launched at an average price of HK$25,788 per square foot, about 12 per cent cheaper than another project in the same neighbourhood that went on sale last summer.

Monaco Marine, due for completion in March 2023, comprises 559 apartments in four residential towers.

The first batch of the flats released for sale comprised 306 units with between one and three bedrooms, ranging from 326 sq ft to 713 sq ft (66 square metres), priced from HK$7.96 million to HK$20.4 million (US$2.6 million), after discounts of up to 12 per cent. Two four-bedroom units exceeding 1,500 sq ft with rooftop patios were also offered.

An estimated 70 per cent of customers were buying for their own use, with investors making up the remainder of the purchases, agents said. That bolstered confidence in the market’s buying power, prompting the agent to forecast prices to rise by between 3 and 5 per cent in the second quarter, recovering from the 3.3 per cent slide in the first three months.

Hong Kong’s property buying power will defy higher interest rates that have been foreshadowed by the Federal Reserve, whose chairman flagged a 50-basis point increase in the benchmark lending rate in May to tame US inflation at 40-year high. Hong Kong’s monetary authority is bound by the city’s currency peg to follow US rate increases in lockstep.

Monetary authorities have flagged six more rate increases this year, with four more in 2023, marking the end of nearly two decades of low interest rates, the fuel that fed Hong Kong’s property bull run.

“While rising interest rates will increase mortgage servicing costs, the rates will still be very low,” the agent said.

The city’s economy, estimated to have shrunk by 2.9 per cent in the first quarter due to tough social distancing measures, may grow by only 0.9 per cent in the second quarter, according to a forecast by the University of Hong Kong released on Friday.

A growth of just 0.5 per cent is tipped for the full year, down from 6.4 per cent last year, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday.

The city’s unemployment rate rose to a nine-month high of 5 per cent in the quarter, government data showed. The first round of distancing rules relaxation took effect on Thursday, badly needed for the city’s service businesses such as restaurants, gyms and cinemas to survive.

Sales of newly built homes in Hong Kong slumped 64 per cent in the first three months to a six-year low of 1,679 units, compared with the fourth quarter of 2021, according to Land Registry data.

Close to 4,000 new flats are expected to be released for sale in the three months to June. Some developers have already offered incentives to entice buyers.

The average price of a used flat in Hong Kong retreated by 4 per cent from its peak in September. A market index which is a gauge of lived-in home prices compiled by a property agency, has risen around 1.1 per cent since bottoming out three weeks ago.

The city’s used home sales could reach 3,000 transactions this month, up 20 per cent from nearly 2,500 in March on the back of the pandemic’s retreat and a relaxation of mortgage restrictions on more expensive flats, an agent said on Friday.

(South China Morning Post)


Chelsfield Eyes Hong Kong Opportunities After Opening SG Office Project

After leasing out its most recent Singapore value-add project to Alibaba and its Lazada unit, real estate investment firm Chelsfield Asia is on the lookout for distressed assets in its Hong Kong home base as it gears up for more deals in the region.

Chelsfield Asia chief executive Nick Loup told Mingtiandi that Hong Kong stands out among the fund manager’s top targets in APAC thanks to a growing crop of discounted properties that can be purchased for value-add projects, especially in the hospitality sector.

“We are seeing elements of distress for obvious reasons in Hong Kong and it’s very rare. I have been in Hong Kong since 1993 and you have these cyclical adjustments, (but) what you’re seeing now are very rare,” Loup said in an interview earlier this month. “I think it’s a good time to be looking opportunistically at Hong Kong.

Chelsfield’s interest in Hong Kong hospitality assets follows a string of hotel acquisitions in the city over the last six months by institutional investors including Hines, PGIM Real Estate and Weave Living, with a nearly 50 percent decline in all investment transactions during the first quarter and continuing restrictions on international travel piling pressure on asset owners.

Need for Speed

Loup pointed to a number of factors as contributing to improved conditions for investors looking at the Hong Kong market, with opportunities available across the market, but particularly in the hospitality segment.

“I think it’s not a sector-specific thing, but talking about sectors, clearly the hotel sector has had a really rough time,” Loup said. “Some of the smaller holders of hotel properties that are not backed by big corporations have actually got to the end of the line now and are starting to dispose of assets. That’s quite an active area at the moment which a number of people are looking at.”

Hines chose the hotel sector for its first direct investment in Hong Kong in November last year when the firm acquired the Butterfly on Prat Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui for a reported HK$925 million ($118.6 million).

PGIM Real Estate followed up two months later with its HK$1.4 billion purchase of a pair of Hong Kong hotels, including the Travelodge Hotel on Hollywood Road in Central, and Weave Living purchased the Rosedale Hotel in Kowloon for HK$1.37 billion.

That string of deals comes as Hong Kong’s overall real estate market fell off of a cliff during the first quarter with the value of total investments dropping by 46 percent compared to preceding three months to total just HK$11.2 billion, according to a recent report by a property agency.

The agency noted that many investors are choosing to keep their money on the sidelines while waiting for market uncertainties to subside, as a combination of the city’s ongoing struggles to achieve its Covid zero goals and the spectre of rising interest rates boost the fear factor.

Back to Hong Kong

Beyond the hotel sector, Loup said that Chelsfield is also seeing opportunities to pick up discounted retail assets, while acknowledging that the path forward for Hong Kong’s shopping economy remains bumpy.

Even under conditions which may give buyers an edge not seen since the global financial crisis, Loup does not see executing a deal in Hong Kong as a sure thing.

“The big listed (local) companies are very well capitalised, (with) low gearing and have plenty of resources. There is also a weight of cash in the market waiting for opportunities,” Loup said. “While there’s a cyclical opportunity, you have to move very quickly to secure something.”

Should the company make an acquisition in Hong Kong it would bring to an end a four-year hiatus from Asia’s most expensive real estate market since Chelsfield tied up with a joint venture between US fund manager Catterton LVMH and Groupe Arnault in early 2018 to purchase a set of retail units in 9 Queen's Road Central in Central for a reported HK$900 million ($115 million).

Shortly before that deal in Hong Kong’s priciest district, Chelsfield had teamed up with local fund manager Pamfleet (now the APAC division of Schroders’ Real Estate) to purchase what is now the Worfu shopping centre in North Point for a reported HK$2 billion.

More Targets

The London-based company is gearing up for its next value-add play after celebrating the official opening of what is now Lazada One in Singapore last week.

After buying what was then the Manulife Centre in 2019 for S$555.5 million (then $408.8 million) in a 50:50 joint venture with ARA Asset Management, the partners are now marketing that property for a reported S$800 million.

That deal, which received a boost when Alibaba and Lazada signed up for more than half of the space in the building, has encouraged Chesfield to look for more assets in Singapore, while also keeping an eye on other major markets in the region.

“Other than (Singapore), we’re keen to get more exposure in Japan – in Tokyo we’re looking at a variety of opportunities there. In China, we continue to believe in the outlook for logistics so we continue to invest in new logistics there and we’re looking at some mispriced opportunities that are starting to trickle through in the Shanghai (Yangtze River) Delta region,” Loup said.


For more information of Office for Lease at 9 Queen’s Road Central please visit: Office for Lease at 9 Queen’s Road Central

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central









Huge commercial site in Quarry Bay up for grabs

A mega seafront commercial site in Quarry Bay has been put up for sale by tender, according to real estate agency.

Early last year, the Chief Executive in Council approved an in-situ land exchange application by the then owner of the site, the agency said.

The site area after the proposed land exchange may come to approximately 91,838 square feet, providing retail, food and beverage, hotel and office facilities with a total gross floor area of approximately 400,000 sq ft, it said, adding that the tender will close at noon on July 7.

A company related to Pacific Concord acquired the site some 20 years ago but the building plan was rejected by Town Planning Board later, according to reports.

The land was used as collateral for an unknown amount of loans in recent years, and was taken over in February this year by the receivers, the reports said.

Pacific Concord's chairman Wong Sai-chung also chairs debt-laden developer China Properties (1838), reports showed.

According to the approved planning application, the proposed development consists of one office block, and four hotel blocks with a total of 400 rooms on top of a two-story retail podium, the agency said.

The application also showed that a barrier-free covered pedestrian elevated walkway with a length of 290 meters and a width of 6 meters will be built to connect the waterfront and Taikoo Place, which can integrate the subject site with the Grade A office cluster in Taikoo Place, greatly enhancing the accessibility and location advantage of the project, it added.

(The Standard)


Top office market keeps up the pace

Hong Kong's Grade A office market recorded positive business for the sixth consecutive month in March, despite the social distancing measures leading to a quiet leasing market, a property consultancy said in a market report released yesterday.

The office leasing market was muted last month amid the fifth wave of the pandemic. However, net absorption in the overall market recorded 56,200 square feet in March as tenant demand continued, the consultancy said.

The overall vacancy rate rose to 9.4 percent at the end of March due to the completion of new office supply, agent said.

The vacancy rate in Central retreated further to 7.3 percent, but Kowloon East continued to register the highest vacancy rate among major office sub-markets at 12.5 percent, the agent said.

Overall net effective rents of Grade A offices dropped 0.2 percent month-on-month in March, the consultancy said. Among the major office sub-markets, Central registered a mild rental decline of 0.1 percent, while Hong Kong East had the biggest rental decline.

(The Standard)


First sales set at The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long

The first round of sales at The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long begin on Friday with 388 homes.

On offer are 111 one-bedroom flats, 216 with two bedrooms and 61 with three bedrooms. They are worth around HK$4 billion in total.

The 715-flat project is being developed jointly by Sino Land, K Wah International (0173) and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

The developers have received more than 8,000 checks, making the flats on offer nearly 20 times oversubscribed.

A third price list was released on Sunday, offering 82 flats at an average price of HK$18,582 per square foot after discounts.

The list includes 28 flats with one bedroom, 37 with two bedrooms and 17 with three.

The discounted prices range from HK$6.67 million to HK$14,51 million, or from HK$17,565 to HK$19,586 per sq ft.

At Kai Tak, Wheelock Properties's Monaco Marine will launch a second round of sales on Thursday, with 112 flats ranging from 326 to 713 square feet.

The flats are priced from HK$8.22 million to HK$19.4 million after discounts, or from HK$23,481 to HK$29,291 per sq ft.

The developer earlier released a fourth price list involving 109 units with the cheapest flats at around HK$8.6 million after discounts.

Managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu said 234 flats were sold in the first round, and the firm took in more than HK$3 billion.

Around 530 first-hand transactions have been recorded this month as Covid fades compared to just 150 deals last month, Wong said. He added that he expects the number to jump above 1,000 for the whole month.

Looking further ahead, around 36.2 percent of Hongkongers believe property prices will rise in the next 12 months, up by 7.8 percentage points from the last quarter, a poll by a property agency showed.

The poll conducted in mid-month involved 309 people, and 51.1 percent of those respondents said that property is the safest investment. That is the highest percentage since the agency started the survey in the third quarter of 2020.

(The Standard)














鰂魚涌「曬足20年」地皮突標售 接管人推出可建商廈酒店


據一間外資代理行表示,該行獲項目接管人 (FTI CONSULTING) 委任,推出鰂魚涌海裕街臨海地皮招標,該地皮早於去年初,獲行政長官及行政會議通過「原址換地」,換地後的地盤面積或可達91838方呎,可提供約40萬方呎的零售、餐飲、酒店及辦公室設施,截標日期為今年7月7日。



該地皮向海部分長度達220米,飽覽270度維多利亞港海景,根據已獲批的規劃申請,該地段在擬換地後將發展為一幢辦公室大樓、四幢酒店大廈及兩層 (地下及地庫) 零售商舖平台。



區內對上一宗大手交易為2020年11月,基滙資本牽頭財團以98.45億、向太古地產購入英皇道1111號 (前稱太古城中心一座),平均呎價約15609元,再對上為2018年10月,基匯資本向恒力集團購入太古灣道14號 (前稱太古城中心三座)太古灣道12號 (前稱太古城中心四座)一批樓面,作價約76億,呎價2萬餘元。


該行指出,該行獲業主委託放售太極軒 (CHI Residences) 旗下三幢服務式住宅,其中,灣仔莊士敦道138號太極軒138,提供107伙,另外兩幢項目分別為西營盤干諾道西120號及佐敦彌敦道314至316號。








絲路基金1.8億購荃灣工廈 涉三全層共4.68萬呎























灣仔KONNECT改裝提升 合半零售業




每層逾3200 電力供應充足



前身酒店 面積較一般乙廈大





全幢連比鄰商廈車位 估值18.5億


機電系統提升 呎租約40

有外資代理行表示,獲凱龍瑞集團委託,標售灣仔謝斐道303號全幢商業大廈KONNECT,及比鄰的告士打道160號海外信託銀行大廈41個車位,截標日期為2022年06月8日 (星期三)。據悉,物業市值約18.5億元,按總建築面積約86,212平方呎計,呎價約2.14萬元。






工商舖首季1303成交 跌14%

有代理表示,3月份及整個首季工商舖買賣偏軟,全港共錄347宗工商舖物業買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前市場實際狀況),較2月的427宗下跌19%,除連跌2個月外,亦創近19個月以來的新低,反映疫情窒礙市況;至於月內買賣合約總值錄得63.43億元,按月升25%,主要受惠大額登記倍升帶動。





新蒲崗全幢工廈放售 意向價4.5億


位置理想 呎價約7381






太極軒放售3服務住宅 料值22億

近期全幢項目受捧,現太極軒 (CHI Residences) 放售3項服務式住宅,市值約22億元。

灣仔項目最貴重 約13

有外資代理行表示,獲太極軒委託,放售灣仔、西環及佐敦服務式住宅。其中,最貴重為太極軒138 (CHI138),物業位於莊士敦道138號,正對灣仔港鐵站。物業附近設有各式咖啡室、酒樓食肆及零售商舖。物業提供107個住宅單位,面積介乎於290至2,400平方呎,單位類型包括開放式單位、1房及兩房單位、3房複式單位以及頂層全層特色單位。據悉,項目市值約13億元。

另太極軒120 (CHI120) 坐落於西營盤干諾道西120號,物業離西營盤港鐵站僅兩分鐘距離,屬一梯一伙設計,提供19個住宅單位,每個單位面積約1,050平方呎並設有私人露台。物業地下至3樓為基座商舖,合共約8,824平方呎,現租予咖啡室及健身中心,市場估值約4億元。

至於太極軒314 (CHI314) 位於佐敦彌敦道314至316號,比鄰佐敦港鐵站,提供59個精品住宅單位,面積介乎於410至1,400平方呎,單位類型包括開放式單位、一房及兩房單位,估值約4億元,3項物業合共涉值約22億元。


The Henley II gears for sales

Sales of flats at The Henley II in Kai Tak may kick off this month and a new batch with at least 31 units will be revealed soon, said the developer Henderson Land Development (0012).

It may raise the price in the forthcoming batch depending on the market response, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of the sales department.

The developer has received 252 checks for 61 homes on the first price list, making them over three times oversubscribed, Lam said.

Meanwhile, Henderson's other project in Tai Kok Tsui - The Quinn Square Mile - has released a new price list, offering 65 units with prices starting from HK$5.61 million after discounts.

The batch, which comprises flats from 208 square feet to 382 sq ft, costs from HK$22,113 to HK$27,337 per sq ft.

Mark Hahn Ka-fai, the other general manager of the sales department, said sales could be announced this week at the earliest.

Also developed by Henderson, The Harmonie in Cheung Sha Wan sold 38 units in just one hour after launching sales last night.

A total of 108 flats were put on the market, priced from HK$6.9 million to HK$9.46 million after discounts.

In Yuen Long, The Grand Mayfair I was 25 times oversubscribed yesterday with 10,000 checks for the 388 units on offer.

Separately, a report submitted by the HKMA to LegCo showed that of the 12,500 mortgage applications approved this year as of April 20, 1,160 were under the new coverage after the mortgage issuance program revisions.

(The Standard)


Office Upgrades on the Rise After Omicron Slowed Hong Kong Market in Q1

Corporate tenants in Hong Kong are enjoying greater opportunities to relocate to upgraded premises this year as the city’s struggles with the Omicron variant slow leasing activity and open up more office space, according to recent research by a property agency.

“Office leasing activities will be largely focusing on flight-to-quality relocation, space optimisation or consolidation moves over the year, as most office occupiers are looking for cost-saving options, and they are now presented with more leasing options in the market given 4.5 million square feet (418,000 square metres) is scheduled to complete in 2022,” property agent said.

With many companies unable to visit office locations during the first quarter, vacancy across the city climbed by 0.9 percentage points compared to the same period a year earlier to 10.9 percent by the end of March, according to the agency’s figures. The slowdown in leasing has meant reductions in office rents for occupiers, with overall leasing rates down 1.3 percent in the first quarter. This is helping to make office locations which were once beyond the budget of some occupiers into more attractive options.

The market challenges have also had an impact on investment activity, which was dominated by bargain hunters in the industrial and retail sectors during the first quarter, as trades of income-earning property assets fell by 46 percent compared to the October to December period to total just HK$11.2 billion ($1.4 billion), the agency’s  data shows.

Flexibility Needed

Net take-up of office space in Hong Kong grew by 157,000 square feet during the first quarter, mostly supported by new supply completion and leases negotiated since end-2021 and closed in early Q1, according to the agency.

The cooling in Hong Kong’s traditional business hubs means that vacancy in Central climbed to 8.3 percent during the first quarter, with rents, which now average HK$103 per square foot per month in the district, expected to slide by a total of 5 percent during 2022.

While the waning of the latest COVID wave is already allowing more workers back to the office, with the Russian-Ukrainian war and uncertainties over when Hong Kong’s border with the mainland will be reopened, the agency predicts a muted 2022 for the city’s office market and encourages asset owners to stay in dialogue with potential tenants.

“Market uncertainties since the start of 2022, including the outbreak of Omicron, geo-political tensions and stock market volatilities, have disrupted the decision-making process of investors and occupiers, hence slowing office leasing and investment momentum in Q1,” agent said. “With cash-rich investors still keen on acquiring quality assets, and landlords becoming more flexible in negotiation to retain tenants or secure new leases, we are hopeful of a gradual improvement in market sentiment and momentum in H2.”

Kowloon Boon

While tenants have been slow to act in the city’s traditional business core, some occupiers looking for upgrades took advantage of the downturn to pick up large spaces in emerging locations in Kowloon.

During the first quarter a consumer goods firm leased 44,100 square feet at the NEO project in Kowloon East, while a social services organisation took up 27,900 square feet at the nearby One Kowloon.

Even pricier locations in Kowloon remained active during the period, with a financial services firm agreeing to lease 26,000 square feet at Sun Hung Kai’s International Commerce Centre (ICC) in West Kowloon.

That activity was reflected in leasing rates with average rents in Tsim Sha Tsui climbing by 1.6 percent during the quarter, while pricing in Kowloon East climbed by 0.2 percent compared to the preceding three months. While Kowloon East continues to have the highest level of vacancy of the city’s major commercial hubs, that rate stayed flat at 14.1 percent in the first quarter, despite the broader slowdown.

Industrial in Style

While investment activity during the first quarter fell sharply compared to the last three months of 2021, the HK$11.2 billion in deals recorded still represented an increase of 19 percent compared to the same period a year earlier, with industrial and retail trades constituting 74 percent of total transactions, according to the agency.

“Overall, investors are still eager to look for acquisition opportunities while pricing remains attractive for most sectors,” another said.

The agency predicts that with investors showing resilient demand for data centre and cold storage facilities, industrial assets, which accounted for 38 percent of investment transaction volume during the first quarter, will continue to be sought after.

With deals such as PGIM Real Estate’s HK$850 million acquisition of the Travelodge Central hotel during the first quarter becoming more common, the agent foresees more investors picking up hospitality assets for conversion into co-living or quarantine facilities during the coming months. The agency also expects office deals delayed during the Omicron wave to get back on track during the second half of the year.

While the city is fighting its way back from the most recent COVID bout, the agency cautioned that restrictions on the mainland border would keep the investment market subdued this year.

The agent said that, “Whilst the timeline of mainland-Hong Kong border reopening remains uncertain, this could limit flow of cross-border capital from mainland investors, who used to be one of the key drivers before the pandemic but only accounted for 2 percent of investment market volume in Q1.”

In the absence of big ticket asset trades in the coming months, the agency now forecasts that investment transactions in Hong Kong will slip by 5 percent in 2022 to HK$70 billion, representing an adjustment from the firm’s previous forecast of 15 percent growth this year.


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Property agency based in U.S. picks a down-time to open Hong Kong office, betting on recovery in the world’s most expensive commercial property market

The agency with its head office on New York’s Park Avenue, has leased shared space from Atlaspace in Hong Kong’s Tsim Sha Tsui area to house even staff

The office is on the 16th floor of the Harbour City building

The property agency has opened its first office in Hong Kong, as one of America’s biggest listed commercial real estate consultancies picked a down-market moment to establish a foothold in the world’s most expensive property market.

The agency with its head office on New York’s Park Avenue, has leased shared space from Atlaspace in Hong Kong’s Tsim Sha Tsui area to house seven staff, most of them hired from other agency firms. The office is on the 16th floor of the Harbour City building.

The Hong Kong space expands the agency’s global footprint of 160 offices, with 6,200 employees and US$2.9 billion in revenue last year. The city’s economy and property market are reeling from a devastating Covid-19 outbreak that crippled hundreds of small businesses, drove tens of thousands of residents to emigrate and expanded the ranks of the unemployed to nine-month highs.

“A lot of Hong Kong investors are focusing on local retail because they expect the retail market to bounce back pretty quickly during the course of this year, so they seek opportunities there,” agent said. “We’ll still see a steady flow of capital from China coming into Hong Kong [later this year] for the right product.”

The agency will initially focus on the industrial and office segments before adding retail to its services, executives said.

“Industrial property continues to be strong with capital from around the world, and we expect the office market to slowly pick up,” the agent said. “The retail sector will be dominated by local investors this time.”

Hong Kong’s property deals declined 46 per cent in the first quarter, compared with the final three months of 2021, according to another property agency.

Still, the value of transactions rose 19 per cent from the low base a year ago to HK$11.2 billion (US$1.4 billion), with half of the deals negotiated in 2021, the agency added.

One notable transaction in the first quarter was the sale of Fu Tung Holdings’ stake in two car parks in Godown Buildings in Chai Wan and Hung Hom for HK$5.82 billion to LINK REIT, with another agency advising on the sale.

Hong Kong’s luxury retail segment is particularly under strain, as a dearth of mainland Chinese tourists since 2019 left scores of upmarket stores empty and scurrying for the exit. Over the past 12 months, numerous brands including Burberry, Prada and La Perla have downsized in Hong Kong, shutting their Causeway Bay outlets on Russell Street, which used to surpass New York’s Fifth Avenue as the world’s costliest retail strip.

“The luxury market will take time to recover, and we anticipate the recovery of the retail market will lag behind other markets in Hong Kong,” agent said. “We have seen reasonable activity from the [food and beverage] sector as companies take advantage of rental pressure and increased supply to secure strategic locations to expand their businesses.”

Before joining this agency, this agent was the vice-chairman of advisory and transaction services in Hong Kong for another agency. Thea gent handled the largest grade A office leasing deal in Hong Kong in almost two years in April 2021, when Manulife Hong Kong leased around 145,000 square feet of office space at Manulife Place (formerly known as International Trade Tower) in Kwun Tong.

Other property consultants are looking further into the year for recovery in the office and retail sectors.

“As social-distancing measures have been relaxed recently, the office leasing and investment momentum are expected to have a mild growth in the third and fourth quarters of 2022, and the transaction volume for offices in Central is expected to have higher growth among other areas in the market,” another agent said.

With no known time frame for a reopening of the border with China, the outlook remains uncertain.

“If we assume mainland Chinese tourists to Hong Kong rebound to 30 per cent of the pre-Covid-19 level after a partial reopening of the border, this suggests a potential of 1.2 million tourists per month entering Hong Kong,” the agent said. “A full recovery is likely contingent on global travel resumption, which we expect to come in 2023 or beyond.”

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease at Manulife Place please visit: Office for Lease at Manulife Place

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Kwun Tong please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Kwun Tong


Hong Kong developers set to rush 800 flats to market as easier Covid-19 rules break lull in home sale

Loosening Covid-19 restrictions are helping to revive property sales after three months of anaemic sales

Wheelock Properties raked in HK$3 billion of sales last weekend, showing some pent-up demand for housing

Hong Kong developers are wasting no time to rush more new residential homes for sale in the coming days, after the government’s decision to ease Covid-19 curbs in the city helped reinvigorate the housing market from a three-month lull.

More than 800 flats from four projects in Kowloon and New Territories will be made available in the coming two weeks, according to data compiled from impending property launches. Wheelock Properties collected at least HK$3 billion (US$382 million) last weekend, the first major sales launch in the city since late January.

The government removed some social distancing measures from April 21 as health officials put the Covid-19 outbreak under some control, giving businesses a shot in the arm. The local economy may barely grow this quarter, after probably contracting 2.9 per cent in the first three months this year, the University of Hong Kong forecast.

“When the pandemic stabilises, everyone will speed up [sales activity],” said Ricky Wong, managing director of Wheelock Properties. “Developers had no way to do it in the last few months. It was impossible to launch a new project [due to the pandemic curbs],” he added.

Sales of new homes are likely to hit 1,200 units in April, a property agent said. If so, it will be the busiest month since 1,493 units recorded in December, according to Land Registry data. They could reach a 10-month high of 2,000 in May, the agent predicted.

Wheelock will sell another batch of 112 flat at the Monaco Marine project in Kai Tak on Thursday, a follow-up to its robust taking on Saturday as homebuyers unleashed pent-up demand in so-called “revenge spending”.

Henderson Land offered 114 units at The Harmonie in Cheung Sha Wan on Tuesday, while arrangements are progressing to launch 188 flats at The Quinn Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui next month. The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long, developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment, will sell 388 flats on Friday.

Sun Hung Kai Properties’ Silicon Hill development in Pak Shek Kok and Prince Central in Ho Man Tin may be on sale in May, it said last week.

The impending launches may help the developers catch buyers seeking to pre-empt higher financing costs. The Federal Reserve is seen tightening its policy with rapid increases in interest rates to fight inflation at four-decade high. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority can be expected to raise its base rate in lockstep under the city’s linked exchange rate system to maintain the currency peg.

With developers taking new orders from buyers every day this week, the offers in April would be a big jump from just 162 units sold in March and 474 in February, according to government data. There were 1,073 units logged in January.

Still, the slump in stock prices in Hong Kong and mainland China has eroded equity wealth, weakening purchasing strength. The citywide lockdown in Shanghai since late March continues to hurt sentiment and prices, while an undetected outbreak in Beijing has stoked concerns about equally drastic curbs in the capital.

The current property market sentiment has noticeably improved, said Wheelock’s Wong, especially against March when infection cases were running in tens of thousands and domestic banks were forced to shut about a quarter of their branches.

He expects home prices to rise 3 per cent in the second quarter, recouping the decline in the preceding quarter. Easier mortgage financing measures, as announced by Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po in the Budget in February, will support home demand.

“The local property market is likely to recover in the second quarter of this year, and will rebound strongly in the third and fourth quarter,” said Victor Lui Ting, deputy managing director at Sun Hung Kai Properties. Prices are expected to rise 5 to 10 per cent through the year, he added.

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong government rejects all bids for Tuen Mun site, the first land sale to carry minimum flat size requirement

The Tuen Mun site is the first to be subject to the Hong Kong government’s 280 sq ft minimum flat size requirement

All five tenders received for site were rejected as their bids did not meet the government’s reserve price

The Hong Kong government on Tuesday rejected all five bids received for a 1.3 million square feet residential site in Tuen Mun, the first to be subject to a 280 sq ft minimum flat size requirement, as all tenders were below the reserve price.

“All five tenders received for the sale of a residential site in Tuen Mun town lot no. 561 at Castle Peak Road – Tai Lam, Tuen Mun, have been rejected as their tendered premiums did not meet the government’s reserve price for the site,” the Lands Department said in a statement. “The government will not sell a site if no bid reaches the reserve price as assessed by the government’s professional valuers. This is to ensure that the government gets a fair and reasonable return in the interest of protecting public revenue.”

Bids were submitted by Sun Hung Kai Properties, Henderson Land Development, Sino Land Company, K Wah International Holdings and CK Asset Holdings.

With the government introducing the minimum size requirement for all private flats in February, the site was estimated to yield 2,020 units.

Surveyors had expected the parcel to fetch between HK$7.1 billion (US$905 million) and HK$9 billion, or HK$5,500 to HK$6,900 per square foot.

“Notwithstanding the cancellation of this tender, the government will continue to apply the minimum flat size requirement to government land sale sites, railway property development projects and projects of the Urban Renewal Authority,” a spokesman for the Development Bureau said.

This was being done with the aim of enhancing living space and responding to the aspirations of society, he added.

Over the last five years, the government had put 70 sites for tender, of which six, including the Tuen Mun parcel, were cancelled due to bids being below the reserve prices, the Lands Department said.

The previous five cancelled tenders involved four commercial sites and one residential plot. One of the commercial sites and the residential site were subsequently successfully re-tendered. The other three commercial sites are undergoing re-zoning procedures for residential use.

As the tenders received for the Tuen Mun site were lower than expected, it shows that the five developers had bid conservatively and, therefore, did not meet the government’s reserve price, a property agent said.

The agent said that the government and developers were likely to shrug off this disappointment as the outlook for the residential market was optimistic.

“Looking forward, there are quite a lot of residential sites of various sizes that will be available for tender,” the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)














美資代理行趁疫市攻港 代理:大手買賣升溫












近期大手買賣升溫,罕有的全幢住宅更受捧,禹洲地產旗下西半山UPPER CENTRAL全幢住宅,獲財團以6.2億洽購至尾聲,料短期內易手。


禹洲地產旗下的堅道48號UPPER CENTRAL,年前放售,業主意向價6.5億,市場消息透露,近日獲準買家出價6.2億,業主落實將物業售予該名準買家,項目進入盡職審查中,將於短期內易手。本報昨日致電禹洲地產,惟直至截稿時未獲回覆。

市場消息則指出,該項目總樓面21480方呎 (實用面積),以涉資6.2億計算,平均呎價約2.88萬,與目前區內新樓呎價3至4萬比較,留有一定水位,新買家除了長綫出租外,不排除拆售,項目以細單位主導,相信受市場歡迎。


UPPER CENTRAL樓高22層,提供82個開放式戶,以及3個2房戶,實用面積由167方至388方呎,擁有會所Upper Club,位於5樓及頂層,5樓設健身室、活動室、閱讀室或私人影院,頂層設按摩浴池及燒烤空間等。發展商年前透過代理招租,呎租介乎80至100元,月租1.4萬起,今番連租約易手。

項目位於堅道48號,禹洲地產於2014年8月購入舊樓 (前身),作價3.738億,連同印花稅3453萬,總收購代價4.08億,及後重建發展商住宅,當時預計項目建築成本約1.2億,計及總投資成本約5.3億,預期出售能獲得利潤,惟前後歷時長達8年,利潤不算可觀。



佐敦全幢酒店作價2.2億 投資者李栢景沽貨 10年升值41%












鰂魚涌海裕街40萬呎樓面 增零售酒店


鰂魚涌昔日屬於住宅及工業為主的社區,但隨着區內大地主太古地產  (01972)  陸續將區內廠房、工廈重建成為太古坊的商廈群,逐漸變成第二個商業延伸區,近年發展商更進一步展開區內工廈、舊樓作重建,加快地區轉型。目前區內正在進行的工商業重建項目至少有3個,合共提供約216.2萬平方呎的商業樓面供應。

擬招標出售 估值約40




太古兩重建項目 作辦公及商業用








富國銀行 續租太古城中心兩層


月租逾200 呎租40

據消息指,富國銀行續租的兩層商廈為太古灣道12號 (前稱太古城中心四座) 7至8樓全層,面積合共約51,308平方呎,由富國銀行承租多年,疫市下續租,新租金由舊租金每平方呎46元減逾10%,亦有消息指租金雖然維持舊有水平,惟業主給予租客優惠。



至於 K11 ATELIER King's Road 據代理行數據顯示,今年初租出一層高層單位,面積達2萬平方呎,月租約111.45萬元,平均呎租約56元。而樓齡較大的華懋交易廣場,低層兩個合共3063平方呎單位月租約8.66萬元,平均呎租28元。




更多K11 Atelier King's Road寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:K11 Atelier King's Road 寫字樓出租



首幅限呎地流標 發展局:政策續推

梁志堅:與限呎無關 無損屯門區樓


該地皮於上周五截標,僅接獲5份標書,參與競投的主要為本地「大孖沙」,包括新地 (00016)、長實 (01113)、恒地 (00012)、信置 (00083) 及嘉華 (00173)。不過,地政總署昨公布,由於發展商出價未達到政府就該用地所定的底價,所以不接納所收標書。

東涌地去年流標 半年第二宗


在過去5個財政年度,政府合共就賣地進行超過70次招標,當中6次 (計入是次招標) 因為標價低於底價而取消有關賣地,其中5次取消的招標涉及4幅商業用地及1幅住宅用地,當中1幅商業地及該幅住宅用地隨後經重新招標後成功售出,其餘3幅商業用地則正進行改劃用作住宅用途。





上述地皮位於永泰 (00369) 旗下 OMA by the Sea 旁邊,佔地約36.3萬平方呎,最高可建樓面總面積約130.6萬平方呎。地皮截標前市場估值介乎72億至90億元,每呎樓面地價約5,500元至6,900元。



3大因素 揭屯門地流標之謎





至於地皮身邊的屯門區亦有未來供應重鎮,有望未來2至3年推出的中、大型新盤至少仍有3個,涉及超過2,200伙,包括長實 (01113) 等小秀村項目 (涉573伙)、路勁 (01098) 等管翠路項目 (涉698伙),而「玩具大王」蔡志明購入的青山公路地盤亦涉及逾千伙供應。

地皮方面除了今次推出的「限呎地」外,區內亦有另一幅同樣涉及逾百萬平方呎樓面的屯門第48區 (帝御旁邊) 地皮有待推出,有可區內供應需要時間消化,發展商出價自然較為保守。




灣仔西營盤住宅地 估值降逾5%


兩地估值 共19.4億至32.9

政府由推出首幅的屯門「限呎地」,到今年初發展局公布賣地計劃亦稱,「今年賣地表地皮都會加入 (限呎) 要求,除非個別情況不許可」,而在地皮流標後政府亦強調未改變當局改善居住環境決心,會繼續推「限呎」政策。







Home prices at 15-month low but rebound on the way

Prices of private homes in Hong Kong fell to a 15-month low last month, government data showed, but market watchers said prices have bottomed out and will rebound in the second quarter.

The private home price index fell 2.7 points, or 0.7 percent month-on-month to 381.3 points last month amid the fifth Covid wave, data from the Rating and Valuation Department shows.

The accumulated drop in the first quarter was 3.2 percent and March home prices were also 2.1 percent lower than a year earlier.

Prices of small and medium-sized flats fell for the third month in a row and were 0.7 percent lower in March compared to that in February.

Among them, prices of flats under 40 square meters fell 0.99 percent month-on-month to the lowest since April 2020. Homes above 100 sq m recorded a 2.1 percent decrease in price last month from February, and also slid 5.9 percent compared to the same month in 2021.

The latest data mainly reflected the market situation from mid-February to early March, when the pandemic was still severe, but the drop was less than expected, a property agent said.

With Covid infections waning and the secondary market picking up, the agent believes that prices will stop falling this month and the declines may be wiped out this quarter.

Meanwhile, the official rental index also decreased 0.56 percent last month from a month ago to 178.8 points, the lowest in 10 months.

This came with the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation set to raise the mortgage fixed interest rates for 10, 15, and 20 years by 25 basis points from next month.

A mortgage broker said that the rate hikes will have little impact on the property market as the official data showed only 0.1 percent of the mortgage loans approved in February were using fixed interest rates, while 97.3 percent of the loans' interest rates were calculated with reference to Hong Kong interbank offered rate.

(The Standard)


First land sale for nano flats in Tuen Mun failed to take off because of market woes and site’s constraints, not minimum size imposed: analysts

Authorities on Tuesday rejected all five bids for site in Tai Lam, which would have yielded an estimated 2,020 homes

Real estate association argues not all developers could afford the price, while analysts point to potential hike in interest rates and pandemic

The first plot of land earmarked for residential flats that must be at least 280 sq ft has failed to attract bids not because of the government’s new minimum size requirement but rather due to the site’s constraints and prevailing market uncertainties in Hong Kong, analysts have told the Post.

The large site in Tuen Mun was viewed as a gauge of the industry’s response to the government’s drive to stop the proliferation of shoebox homes, known as “nano flats”.

Authorities on Tuesday rejected all five bids for the residential site in Tai Lam, which would have yielded an estimated 2,020 homes, after all tenders were below the reserve price.

But real estate professors and market analysts said the minimum size rule was unlikely to have dissuaded developers from making successful bids.

A surveyor said that the total investment for the project could be HK$15 billion (US$1.9 billion) including an estimated land cost of HK$8 billion.

“Developers will be less aggressive as it will increase the investment risk in an area with limited infrastructure considering the current market condition,” the surveyor said.

Apart from the site’s location and high land cost, analysts said they believed developers were acting more conservatively due to market factors, including a potential hike in interest rates and possible new waves of coronavirus infections.

“The government assesses the latest property price [to determine the reserve price] and it doesn’t consider changes and risks in the economy … yet it is different for developers … The cancellation of this tender is due to developers’ forecast for the property market,” said Lawrence Poon Wing-cheung, a senior lecturer at City University’s division of building science and technology.

Developers also denied that the low bids were linked to the size requirement.

“The withdrawal of the plot is definitely not related to the minimum size requirement for new flats. It is mainly due to the large size of the site and its inaccessibility,” said Stewart Leung Chi-kin, chairman of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong’s executive committee. “With such a large plot, not all developers can afford it.”

He rejected the suggestion that developers were holding back their land replenishment until the new chief executive formalised the housing policy.

In Hong Kong, the world’s most expensive property market, private developers have been building tiny flats, normally just between 200 and 300 sq ft, to attract buyers who cannot afford larger homes.

Authorities introduced the minimum size requirement in December last year with the aim of enhancing living space after a rise in shoebox homes.

The 1.3 million sq ft site is about 34 minutes away from Tuen Mun station by minibus.

Last month, Goldman Sachs said the city’s housing prices would fall 20 per cent between 2022 and 2025 as borrowing costs increased and demand slumped because of rising unemployment.

Poon added that developers feared that with the possible increase in interest rates, buyers would be reluctant to purchase flats which could lead to lower demand and prices, and such concerns would make developers more conservative in their bidding.

Poon said he believed the minimum size requirement would continue, even under a new government, and that the public and developers did not have major issues with the policy. He added that the Urban Renewal Authority, a housing supplier, had not faced difficulties in making bids for land under the programme.

Chau Kwong-wing, chair professor of the department of real estate and construction at the University of Hong Kong, agreed that the plot withdrawal was due to the location, noting a lack of nearby public transport networks, as well as market factors.

“The smaller the flats are, the more difficult they are to sell. There is a possibility of removing the restriction, but this depends on the [market] environment. If [developers] give up on building nano flats, there is no need for restricting flat size,” Chau said.

According to a property agency, only 92 small flats under 280 sq ft were transacted on the secondary market between March 1 and 28, some 24 per cent lower than February. The average price of these flats eased 0.7 per cent to HK$4.03 million, bringing the decline from its May 2021 peak to 4.8 per cent.

Chau suggested that authorities could set a lower reserve price or a minimum price range in the future to increase incentives for developers bidding sites, especially when the market environment was uncertain and the site location was not ideal.

Poon said the government could observe sales of other sites before reviewing the land sales strategy.

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong home prices fall to the lowest level since January 2021 as distressed owners slash prices, sell at a loss

Prices fell 0.7 per cent to 381.3 in March, the lowest since 381.9 in January 2021, government index shows

Owners of 264 homes sold their homes at a loss in the first quarter, the highest since the third quarter of 2010, according to property agency

Lived-in home prices in Hong Kong fell for the third straight month in March to a 14-month low as many homeowners sold their units at heavily discounted prices or even at a loss as the city struggled to contain the fifth-wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Prices fell 0.7 per cent to 381.3 last month, the lowest since 381.9 in January 2021, according to an index published by the Rating and Valuation Department on Wednesday. Home prices eased 3.2 per cent in the first three months of the year, wiping out the 3.19 per cent gain in 2021.

“Homeowners selling at a loss reached a new high in the first quarter,” a property agent said. “It reflects the devastating impact of the fifth wave of the coronavirus pandemic on the property market.”

A total of 264 homes changed hands at a loss in the first quarter, the highest since the third quarter of 2010, according to the agency. The average gain per residential transaction, meanwhile, fell for the third consecutive quarter to 66.7 per cent, the lowest in the past 5.5 years.

Homebuyers are staying on the sidelines in anticipation of an imminent increase in interest rates, while demand is also being affected by the rising unemployment rate and a slump in stock market.

Tough social distancing rules pushed the unemployment rate to 5 per cent in the three months ending in March, the highest in nine months. The city’s benchmark Hang Seng Index fell 6 per cent in the January to March period, which was exacerbated by panic selling following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Hong Kong home prices will fall 5 per cent in the first half with a brief respite in April,” a mortgage broker said.

The broker expects that home prices to tumble by 20 per cent over the next two years, noting that the Federal Reserve’s aggressive policy tightening timetable could bring to an end an era of cheap money that fuelled Hong Kong property prices over the last two decades.

The broker’s sentiment closely mirrors Goldman Sachs’ forecast that Hong Kong home prices would fall 20 per cent between 2022 to 2025 due to a slump in demand caused by an increase in borrowing costs and rising unemployment.

The Fed raised rates by 0.25 percentage points last month, the first increase since December 2018. It suggested it could lift rates six more times to 1.9 per cent this year.

However, property agents are optimistic, saying home prices have bottomed out.

The agent said that sales volume and prices would be boosted by the release of pent-up demand in May and June.

Another agent said that he expects activity in the primary residential market to improve from now on as more developers speed up new project launches.

More than 800 flats from four projects in Kowloon and the New Territories will be made available in the coming two weeks. It comes after the government eased Covid-19 curbs helping to reinvigorate the housing market from a three-month lull.

“Home sales will increase as buyers go on a revenge spending spree in the second quarter,” the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)


景順400萬租怡和大廈兩全層 平均每呎逾130元



據外資測量師行昨日發布的物業市場報告指,隨疫情走勢穩定,帶動港島區甲廈租賃交投轉活,近期市場矚目成交為美資金融投資公司景順 (Invesco) 承租中環怡和大廈3.1萬方呎樓面。


本報昨日就上述消息向置地及景順 (Invesco) 查詢,前者於截稿前未獲回覆,後者表示對消息不作回應。

此外,市場近期另一大手租務成交為高博金律師事務所 (Kobre & Kim LLP) 承租同區冠君大廈 (Champion Tower),涉及樓面約9000方呎,以市值呎租約110元計,月租約99萬。





















萬科申強拍牛頭角舊樓 連毗鄰地合併發展擴區內版圖





據土地審裁處文件顯示,上述定富街71至79號 (單號) 商住舊樓,鄰近觀塘道休憩處,毗鄰港鐵牛頭角站,步行前往約2分鐘,同時亦有多條巴士綫行走,交通便利,極具重建價值。現址為一幢樓高6層的商住舊樓,地下設有4個商鋪,樓上則提供約30個住宅單位,該廈早於1971年落成入伙,至今樓齡約51年。上址地盤面積約2787方呎,若以重建地積比9倍重建發展,可建總樓面約25083方呎。


事實上,萬科香港去年曾向土地審裁處申請強拍定富街45至47號華發樓、49至51號安賢樓、53至63號定勝樓3幢舊樓,整個項目地盤面積約7595方呎,可建總樓面約68355方呎,當時市場對該項目估值約3.59億,若連同是次申請強拍的項目計,總市場估值約4.72億。若上述富定街45至79號 (單號) 一列舊樓合併重建發展,地盤面積擴展至約10382方呎,涉及可建總樓面約93438方呎。資料顯示,連上述項目土地審裁處今年迄今接獲5宗強拍申請,對比去年同期的6宗為少。















中環德已立街鋪1.65億易手 「住好啲」楊志超等承接 每呎3.58萬市價水平







Robust demand as more flats hit the market

The first batch of 61 homes at The Henley II in Kai Tak have been nearly four times oversubscribed and the upcoming batch may cost 5 percent more, the developer Henderson Land Development (0012) said yesterday.

The new batch, which will offer at least 31 flats, will be unveiled soon and tenders for special units with sea views will also be announced at the same time, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of the sales department.

Well Born Real Estate Management, a unit of Henderson, will provide the property management services for the project to ensure that each resident "enjoys star-rated hotel-like butler services," Lam added.

Also in Kai Tak, Wheelock Properties said it had sold 30 flats at Monaco Marine in less than an hour after kicking off the second round of sales of 112 homes last night.

Meanwhile, Henderson's project in Tai Kok Tsui - The Quinn Square Mile - will launch sales on Sunday, offering 138 units. Eight studio units, 113 one-bedroom units, and 17 units with two bedrooms, with areas ranging from 208 square feet to 382 sq ft, will be put on the market then, said Mark Hahn Ka-fai, the other general manager of the sales department.

The builder has collected over 600 checks, meaning the homes were 3.3 times oversubscribed, Hahn said, adding that a new price list will be unveiled next week.

In Yuen Long, The Grand Mayfair I was nearly 34 times oversubscribed with 13,500 checks for the 388 units on offer as of yesterday.

In Tuen Mun, a mega residential project, which will provide over 4,500 homes, has been named Novo Land, the developer Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said.

The project will be developed in six phases and phase 1A, which comprises 824 units mainly with one to two bedrooms, will launch in June at the earliest, it said.

With developers rolling out new projects, the number of primary property deals is expected to rocket this month.

Property agent said that around 590 new homes have been sold so far this month and the figure could reach 1,000 for April, a six-fold increase over the number sold in March.

On the luxury front, Sino Land (0083) and CLP (0002) sold a 2,140-square-foot home at St. George's Mansion in Ho Man Tin for HK$102.8 million, or HK$48,037 per sq ft via tender.

This was the second flat sold in the project this month, bringing the total number of transactions to 14 , and the developers have cashed in more than HK$2 billion in the project.

(The Standard)


Wheelock’s Monaco Marine project in Kai Tak proves popular with Hongkongers as second batch of flats sells briskly

Wheelock said it sold 30 of the 112 units at Monaco Marine, netting HK$400 million (US$51 million) within an hour of the flats going on sale

The average price of flats was HK$26,630 (US$3,400) per square foot, 7 per cent higher than the launch price of HK$24,844 per square foot

The second batch of flats to go on sale at Wheelock Properties’ latest residential project at Hong Kong’s former Kai Tak airport got off to a brisk start, with buyers snapping up about a quarter of the 112 units within an hour of the launch.

Wheelock said it sold 30 units at Monaco Marine, netting HK$400 million (US$51 million) soon after sales opened at 6:30pm on Thursday. The flats had received 3,600 applications from prospective buyers, local media reported.

The sales “reflect keen market demand for high quality units in Kai Tak”, a Wheelock spokesman said.

The average price of flats was HK$26,630 (US$3,400) per square foot, an increase of 7 per cent from the launch price of HK$24,844 per square foot last Saturday. The units on offer ranged from 326 sq ft to 616 sq ft, costing between HK$8.6 million and HK$17.6 million.

“As the pandemic is brought under control gradually, Hongkongers will continue to snap up new units if the developers do not set prices too high,” a property agent said. “There has been unmet demand during the fifth wave of the pandemic.”

Last Saturday, Wheelock sold more than three quarters of the 308 flats on offer in the inaugural batch, the first major sales launch in the city since late January, receiving nearly 13 bids for every available flat. These flats were priced about 12 per cent cheaper than another project in the same neighbourhood that went on sale last summer.

The recovery in market optimism came amid Hong Kong’s first week of easing its most stringent Covid-19 social distancing measures since the pandemic began two years ago.

“I think the market will slowly recover and then will have a stronger recovery once quarantines are lifted,” another agent said, adding that sentiment was starting to improve.

The agent said that developers will be more aggressive in launching other projects when the government further eases travel restrictions, allowing for more normal business operations in the city.

More than 800 flats from four projects in Kowloon and the New Territories will be made available in the coming two weeks, according to data compiled from impending property launches.

Sales of new homes are likely to hit 1,200 units in April, another agent said.

If so, it will be the busiest month since 1,493 units recorded in December, according to Land Registry data. They could reach a 10-month high of 2,000 in May, he predicted.

(South China Morning Post)
















至於上月市場錄49宗商廈買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前商廈市場實際市況),較二月份的50宗減少1宗,連跌4個月兼創近19個月低位。












有市場消息指,上述兩幢酒店以Weave Living呼聲最高,而Weave Living向來亦鍾情市區酒店,本月初夥拍外資基金以約13.75億向德祥地產購入大角嘴珀麗酒店,日後將改作共居空間,該酒店提供435間房間,每房間售價約316萬。


本報昨日就西環及北角兩幢酒店,向Weave Living查詢,不過,負責人作出否認,強調集團於現時不打算增購任何物業。知情人士則說,上述兩幢酒店買家同為一家基金,近期活躍於市場,他還表示,該兩幢市區酒店,可塑性高,可作服務式住宅或共居空間。



佐敦珀.軒商場1.3億易手 面積近萬呎 持貨9年貶值40%












疫情緩和 中環舖率先錄大手買賣


有代理表示,店舖市道最壞時刻已在3月份出現,4月份已呈反彈勢頭。根據土地註冊處最新資料顯示,2022年3月份全港共錄70宗店舖買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前的實際市況),較2月份的86宗再跌19%,連跌2個月兼創24個月新低。不過,3月份店舖買賣登記金額逆市大增1.15倍,錄得33.02億元,創下4個月以來新高。


按物業價格劃分,在7個價格組別當中,共有4個組別的登記量報跌,跌幅介乎25%至65%不等。當中以200萬至500萬元以內組別的登記量跌幅最顯著,由前月的23宗減至上月的8宗,跌幅達65%。上月最矚目的大額登記為元朗 The YOHO Hub A期商場部分,涉及登記金額逾16.29億元,其次為佐敦德成街2號本木商場,涉資2.1億元。



德己立街舖 33年升值7

近日疫情有所緩和,中環舖位即錄大額買賣,中環德己立街2號業豐大廈地下6號舖連閣樓舖位,以1.65億元易手。新買家為本地家品「住好啲」(G.O.D.) 創辦人楊志超,過往少有投資商舖。物業地下面積755平方呎,閣樓面積約3,850平方呎,合共約4,605平方呎,以1.65億元成交價計,呎價約3.58萬元。該舖位處皇后大道中通往蘭桂坊必經之路,亦比鄰娛樂行,屬人流暢旺地段。舖位曾由莎莎化粧品租用,現時交吉。原業主早於1989年以2,160萬元購入,早前以2.2億元放售,現減價25%沽貨。現持貨33年轉手,帳面獲利約1.43億元,升值近7倍。事實上,去年11月,資深投資者黎永滔沽出同廈地下1及1A、1B號舖位,涉及1.83億元,物業面積約1,650平方呎,據悉,新買家為鷹君集團羅嘉瑞或有關人士。







The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long sells out as Hong Kong chief executive candidate John Lee spells out housing policy

All 388 flats on offer at The Grand Mayfair I were sold out by early Friday evening

John Lee’s housing policy includes setting up new task forces to oversee the supply of public housing and land to be managed by government ministers

Hong Kong chief executive candidate John Lee Ka-chiu’s housing policy is likely to help more Hongkongers get on the property ladder, but he will have to come up with innovative solutions to solve the city’s housing crisis, analysts said.

Hongkongers, however, do not need any encouragement to buy flats, continuing a streak of brisk sales for developers that began last weekend after Covid-19 social distancing measures were eased.

The Grand Mayfair I near Yuen Long, developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment, sold out all 388 flats on offer on Friday, a company spokeswoman said.

The lone chief executive candidate on Friday made known his policies to ease the housing shortage in the world’s most unaffordable property market, where more than 220,000 residents live in the infamously labelled cage homes or subdivided flats, while families face an average wait of six years for public housing as of February, a 23-year high.

Lee’s housing policy includes setting up new task forces to oversee the supply of public housing and land to be managed by government ministers. They will look at innovative ways to boost the efficiency of public housing supply, he said.

The other task force will focus on how to better coordinate procedures and departments in charge of land development. Lee also said he would streamline legal and administrative procedures while using market forces to expedite infrastructure.

“I want to improve governance ability, enhance government execution ability, unite all walks of life, jointly solve social problems, and at the same time have a solid foundation, so that we can move forward without worries,” Lee said.

The policy laid out by Lee “should help” in addressing the housing crisis in Hong Kong, according to a property agent.

“But maybe it would be interesting if the government could encourage smaller developers who take on board sustainable issues and cater to youth and provide them with innovative affordable housing,” the agent said.

The agent said that as the government was bent on tackling the housing problem, Hong Kong developers were likely to take heed of Lee’s call to “help meet those goals”.

Lee’s focus on increasing land and housing supply in the short to medium-term will help to resolve the city’s housing shortage, according to a surveyor.

“We see huge potential in the ‘brownfield’ sites and agricultural lots in the New Territories to increase land supply in the medium-term,” the surveyor said. “We hope the new steering committee on land and housing supply can explore better use of private sector forces to expedite housing supply on these lands through land exchange and private public participation schemes.”

All 388 flats at The Grand Mayfair I were taken by early Friday evening, as buyers continue to snap up projects launched after a three-month lull due to the fifth wave of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Some 70 per cent of the buyers at The Grand Mayfair I were end users, while 30 per cent were investors, according to another property agent.

“One family spent about HK$24 million (US$3.1 million) to buy two flats – a three-bedroom unit and a two-bedroom unit,” the agent said. “They have bought it for their own use.”

Wheelock Properties saw brisk sales at Monaco Marine, its latest residential project at Hong Kong’s former Kai Tak airport. The developer followed up the inaugural launch sale on Saturday with a second batch of units on Thursday evening.

Meanwhile, the estimated number of residential mortgage loans (RMLs) in negative equity rose by about five times to 104 cases in March from 21 in December, according to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Negative equity, one of the gauges of a property market’s health, occurs when a home loan exceeds the market value of the property involved.

“These cases were related to bank staff housing loans or RMLs under mortgage insurance programme, which generally have a higher loan-to-value ratio,” the HKMA’s statement said on Friday. “The aggregate value of RMLs in negative equity increased to HK$610 million at end-March 2022 compared with HK$126 million at end-December 2021.”

(South China Morning Post)


東涌商地最低入標價 每呎50


資料顯示,地皮於3月底截標,並共截收5份標書,除中標的華懋外,還有嘉華 (00173)、建灝,長實 (01113) 及信置 (00083) 入標。


