该代理续称,2023年共录约214宗铺位买卖,按季微减约3%,成交金额增加,首季录93.96亿,按季大升95%,反映铺位成交个案增多,最大额铺位交易为旺角亚皆老街16至16B 旺角商业大厦地下E铺及1至4楼,成交价达约3.5亿。
强拍申请今年以来暂录2宗 财团放缓併购待降门槛修例
另一宗申请为财团併购的鸭脷洲山明街16至24号 (双号)、新市街41及43号 (单号),当时财团持有约80%业权,餘下3个商铺、4个住宅单位,以及部分天台尚未收购,其中商铺市场估值约864万至1187万,而住宅单位估值约394万至492万,部分天台估值33.5万及41万,而整个项目市场估值约2.60637亿。
记利佐治街铺每月30万租出 药妆品签约3年 租金较疫市前低33%
该铺位毗邻的香港大厦S及X号铺连阁楼,位处单边,属于该地段的「铺王」,地铺约1080方呎,阁楼1000方呎,于2012年中珠宝鐘表店提价逾1倍,以200万抢租该铺位,呎租约1852元,当时的旧租客为Omega (由太子鐘錶珠宝开设),月租约90万,租期至2013年2月。
基建效应 推动油塘转商住发展
5项目 增建3400伙住宅
东源街5及8号 料今年推售楼花
当中最早登场将会是长实 (01113) 旗下东源街5及8号项目,发展商已经在2年前补地价约22.1亿元,将工业地转为兴建4幢住宅大厦,提供约800伙,预计以中、小型单位为主,将会在2023年推售楼花。
另外曾经在区内收购工厦重建成曦臺的宏安 (01222),亦再次收购四山街18至20号油塘工业大厦第4座。该工厦于1979年落成,现为楼高4层的工业大厦,地盘面积约41,800平方呎,规划为「住宅(戊类)」,预计重建作商住用途,最高地积比率6倍,可建楼面约25.08万平方呎,估计可以提供约400至500个中小型住宅单位。
至于油塘湾项目更是早在20年前已经获恒地 (00012) 等7间发展商牵头展开重建转型,现时计划分为4期兴建约32至34幢住宅、4幢酒店及1个商场,总楼面达429万平方呎,涉及多达6,556伙,其中由发展商组成的财团所主导的第1及2期,则涉及30幢住宅,大约6,200个单位,目前亦正在商讨补地价之中。
油塘工厦地厂 19年间升值27倍
油塘工厦交投增加,早前九龙建业 (00034) 主席柯为湘或有关人士以约3,680万元售出油塘工业大厦1个面积约8,000平方呎地厂,持货约19年半,劲赚近27倍离场。
九建相关人士持有 3680万沽
Knightsbridge gears for sales
The Knightsbridge in Kai Tak, which is being developed by six builders, is expected to release the first batch of flats for tender by the end of this month, at the earliest.
The development, located at No 22 Shing Fung Road, Kai Tak is constructed by six developers, including Henderson Land Development (0012), New World Development (0017), China Overseas (0688), Wheelock Properties, Chinachem and Empire Group.
Mark Hahn Ka-fai, the general manager of sales (2) department at Henderson Land, said the project's sales brochure is scheduled to be released as early as next week.
The first batch of at least 114 flats is expected to be offered for sale via tender and their price will be established based on other home transactions in Kai Tak, he said.
The entire project comprises 566 homes that vary in size from 351 to 1,942 square feet and over 70 percent of them are three-bedroom units or larger.
Additionally, the project will have 409 parking spaces.
It is projected to be completed by September 30, 2024.
The Knightsbridge will be offering access to show flats starting from Friday. So far, they have received around 800 to 1,000 registrations for the visit.
(The Standard)
Hong Kong home sales hit 20-month high, with return of mainland Chinese buyers, property tax cut boosting sentiment
Besides an improvement in overall investment sentiment, a cut in ad valorem stamp duty rates has also fuelled a surge in transaction volume, a property agent said
High-end market should outperform the mass market, as it is less vulnerable to macroeconomic issues, a property agent said
Hong Kong home sales reached 6,690 units in March, a 20-month high, as improved sentiment and a property tax cut boosted transactions, according to a property agency.
Homes priced between HK$4 million (US$510,000) and HK$5 million in particular accounted for 16.5 per cent of the total number of transactions in the first quarter, higher than their share of transactions of between 10.5 per cent and 13.9 per cent in the same quarter since 2020, according to the latest report by the consultancy.
“Besides improvement in overall investment sentiment, the government’s move on lowering ad valorem stamp duty rates also fuelled the surge in transaction volume,” a surveyor said.
The reopening of the border with mainland China had boosted hopes that Hong Kong’s battered property market would pick up, with wealthy mainland Chinese buyers able to inspect homes for purchase and companies more willing to expand or set up operations in the city, potentially bolstering the tenant pool as more talent relocates.
The latest numbers are proving that these hopes were not unfounded.
“The number of cases involving buyer’s stamp duty increased 50.8 per cent month on month in March, indicating more non-permanent residents entered the market,” the surveyor said.
March was also the first full month of the tax cut, which was announced in late February, whereby ad valorem stamp duty will be HK$100 for homes worth up to HK$3 million, instead of homes worth up to HK$2 million previously. The tax cut, which is implemented on a sliding scale, applies to homes worth HK$10 million or below, with savings for properties worth HK$9 million amounting to as much as HK$67,500, according to calculations by another agency.
The higher number of home sales is fuelling an increase in home prices, although this has remained soft, the surveyor added.
“Positive investment sentiment and recovery of buyers’ confidence carried forward,” he said. “A rebound in overall residential prices gained momentum with a 2.2 per cent month-on-month increment in February 2023, after going up by 1 per cent month on month in [January].”
Developers, however, have been extending various perks and incentives to buyers, effectively limiting price increases. These perks included discounts and cash rebates, among others, the agency said. “Currently, the residential price is soft mainly due to developers offering more attractive packages, and it is expected that the situation will persist in the second quarter this year,” the surveyor said.
As many as 119 new private housing projects with a total of 40,291 units are expected to launch this year, one of the largest stockpiles in about two decades, according to another agency.
Among the market’s segments, luxury property is likely to see the most upside owing to the return of mainland Chinese buyers.
“The transaction volume for high-end residential properties has gained momentum, where transactions for residential properties worth at least HK$20 million surged by 56.7 per cent month on month to 320 units in March, after surging by 83.8 per cent the previous month,” the agency’s report said.
Not only did the number of transactions improve, a number of sales were also notable for the amounts involved, the agency added.
For instance, a duplex at Upper Riverbank in Kai Tak sold for HK$125 million, a new high for the project. In the upscale district of Mid-Levels, three transactions were recorded with CK Asset Holdings cashing out a total of HK$461.1 million.
“This month observed more demand for luxury houses,” the report said. “K Wah International sold another house at K. Summit, Kai Tak for HK$134.4 million after selling its first house the previous month, while First Group Holdings … disposed of a 6,520 sq ft house at 20 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong, for about HK$480 million. On the other hand, [Sun Hung Kai Properties] sold a 4,016 sq ft house at Central Peak, Mid-Level East, at a project record high of HK$409.6 million.”
The high-end market should outperform the mass market, as it is less vulnerable to macroeconomic issues such as US recession fears, a wider banking fallout and interest rates, the agent said.
“I expect it to pick up in the second half of the year, as wealthy buyers are less concerned about interest rate rises.”
(South China Morning Post)