HK (+852) 3990 0799

观塘「细码」甲厦易手 平均呎价1.34万












马亚木连沽两铺套现7400万 爵禄街18年升1.3倍 德辅道西呎价1.41万


新蒲岗爵禄街16至30号A永乐唐楼地下F、G号铺及1 楼E、F、G、H及L室,铺位位处单边,以5000万易手,平均呎价2.6万,该铺位门阔88呎,地铺租客包括味浓车仔面、B记小食店、华记隆食品、恒峰设计以及安定堂,1楼为住宅,马亚木于2004年以1818.9万购入地下及1楼F及G铺,并以550万购入1楼E室,合共2368.9万,持货逾18年,帐面获利3131.1万,物业升值逾1.32倍。该厦楼高只有6层,于1964年落成,具有重建价值。











核心区铺位租务加快 商户多元化


通关后核心区铺位租务明显加快,而近期更出现租户种类多元化,如传统核心区一綫街铺,出现医疗商户。在德国、丹麦、中国内地及英国经营眼科矫正诊所的德视佳 (01846) 宣布,租用铜锣湾罗素街2000广场地铺及3楼,作香港首间旗舰店。



德视佳创始人董事长兼首席执行官约根森 (Jorn Slot Jorgensen) 表示,早在2019年10月已经计划在香港开设分店,但因疫情而被迫搁置计划,直至今年香港全面復常,加上与内地通关,经济开始復甦,故重啟计划,在港设立分店,预计新店将于今年下半年开业。

翻查资料,该铺上手租客为奢侈品牌店Prada,租金高峰期月租高达900万元 (地下至3楼),疫情初期品牌提早迁出,及后业主把铺位分拆招租,其中一层由餐饮承租。据了解,是次医疗中心每月约80万至100万元,较原先租金有明显跌幅。


据了解,新租客为一家艺廊,目前租用同区艺廊集中地 H Queen's 楼上全层,如今扩充楼面,而租用地下及1楼,料更方便客人参观及选购艺术品,亦配合都爹利街一带环境。事实上,目前附近的皇后大道中9号地下一铺位,亦由艺廊租用。

重现商机 核心区铺空置减


西洋菜南街52至54号地下及1楼,面积约3,200平方呎,获时装品牌National Geographic Apparel以每月约50万元租用。该品牌在港分店主要位处商场,包括尖沙咀海港城、铜锣湾时代广场等;现趁租金便宜,于核心区一綫地段租街铺。上述铺位曾由韩国时装店MLB租用,现月租跌约44%。







更多H Queen’s写字楼出租楼盘资讯请参阅:H Queen’s写字楼出租




中环 LL Tower 近兰桂坊 消閒配套齐

中环为香港核心商业区,经济重心之一,商厦林立,商业气息浓厚。位于中环中心地带些利街的 LL Tower,装修新颖雅致,设计别緻而现代,邻近食店,配套齐全,吸引不少商户进驻。

LL Tower 于2018年始落成,楼龄只有5年,整幢大厦以黑色为主导,感觉奢华贵气,大堂设有2部载客电梯,方便疏通人流。物业为一座分散业权的商业大厦,设有可供租售写字楼,大部分为半零售用途。

楼高25层,包括16层办公楼层 (6至23楼) 以及5层零售 (G至3楼),每层标準面积约2,327至2,351平方呎,大部分楼层由本地零售商租用。主要租户包括零售、餐饮等等。


LL Tower 邻近著名半山扶手电梯,起点为皇后大道中,全长200公尺,是世界最长的户外有盖电梯,专为半山区居民而设,方便其来往中环商业区。此外,由王家卫导演的《重庆森林》亦曾在该地取景,王菲及梁朝伟曾在此地甜蜜互动,故亦吸引不少人慕名前来打卡。

LL Tower 交通方面,步行到港铁中环及香港站约需9至15分鐘,附近亦设有巴士及小巴站,尚算便利。


LL Tower 今年暂未录得成交,去年录得两宗成交,皆为高层全层单位,实用面积均是2,327平方呎,分别以5,119万元及5,468万元成交,呎价分别为22,000元及23,500元。


更多LL Tower写字楼出租楼盘资讯请参阅:LL Tower写字楼出租


更多LL Tower写字楼出售楼盘资讯请参阅:LL Tower写字楼出售



Developer rolls out Easter promotions

Developers are gearing up for sales over the Easter holidays and rolling out promotions to tempt buyers.

The Grand Victoria series in Cheung Sha Wan will be offering promotions over the Easter break that include coupons for furniture, home appliances, travel and dining for buyers of three-bedroom and four-bedroom units.

Co-developed by Sino Land (0083), Wheelock Properties, K Wah International (0173) and SEA Group (0251), the project has sold 119 flats for HK$2.6 billion, with eight units fetching over HK$50 million each, since its launch at the start of the year.

In Ho Man Tin, In One's Phase 1C sold four homes yesterday, cashing in more than HK$76 million at a discounted price of HK$28,369 to HK$33,522 per square foot. Jointly developed by Chinachem and MTR Corporation (0066), In One is being built atop Ho Man Tin MTR station.

Meanwhile, the Urban Renewal Authority has made acquisition offers of HK$16,022 per sq ft to property owners affected by the Kim Shin Lane/ Fuk Wa Street Development Project in Sham Shui Po. The offer is based on the current price of a seven-year-old building.

In other news, New World Development (0017) has signed a memorandum of understanding with a unit of China Vanke (2202) to jointly develop property technology, marking the first cooperation of its kind between the mainland and Hong Kong developer in the Greater Bay Area.

And latest figures from the Estate Agents Authority show the number of licensed real estate agents in the city rose by 36 month-on-month to 41,074 while the number of branches of property agencies rose by 37 to 7,092.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong property deals likely to dip in April as used home sales lose ground, a property agency said

The number of deals is likely to dip slightly after a three-month rally pushed transactions to a 20-month high in March

The second-hand market will see its market share fall as buyers are drawn to new projects priced competitively by developers, a property agency said

The number of property deals in Hong Kong is likely to dip slightly this month after a three-month rally pushed transactions to a 20-month high in March, according to one of the city’s major agencies.

The number of properties changing hands, including residential, commercial and industrial units as well as parking spaces, came in at 8,612 in March, up 44 per cent month-on-month, according to data from the agency.

“In April, the overall number of property transactions is expected to fall within 5 per cent because of a slowdown of the second-hand market, to about 8,250,” an agent said.

The transaction volume in the second quarter is expected to remain at a high level, Chan said, as developers launch new projects at a clip.

The second-hand market, however, will see its market share fall as buyers are drawn to new projects priced competitively by developers eager to stimulate demand after a difficult period.

The corresponding transaction value in March jumped 57 per cent to a seven-month high of HK$69.19 billion (US$8.81 billion), according to the agency.

Hong Kong’s pre-owned home prices rose 2.22 per cent in February, the most in almost three year, as demand recovered on expectations of slower interest rate increases and an improvement in economic ­sentiment following the ­reopening of the city’s borders.

The home price index stood at 345.9, the highest in four months, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

The biggest rebound was for new homes, which saw sales almost triple from 619 in February to 1,736 in March, a 16-month high, according to the agency.

In the three months to March, the overall number of transactions surged 62.1 per cent to 18,997, the highest in three quarters, according to another property agency.

Thanks to the higher transaction volume, the number of mortgages for completed homes climbed by almost a third to a seven-month high of 7,525, according to a mortgage brokerage service provider.

Because of the market downturn last year and the longer time required for new home sales to reach completion, the number of mortgages for homes still under construction fell significantly in the first quarter, according to another mortgage broker. The broker, however, expects the number of mortgages to surge in the second quarter after stamp duties for local first-time buyers were relaxed in February.

While the border reopening after Covid-19 boosted the economy and the housing market, it did not, as expected, bolster demand from people from outside Hong Kong, according to a report on Monday by property services provider Pruden Group.

Pruden attributed this to the extra stamp duties as well as tighter mortgage requirements for non-local buyers and a smaller difference in the mortgage rates between Hong Kong and mainland China.

(South China Morning Post)