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中资巨企游客区抢租靚铺 吼準铜锣湾中环尖沙嘴 租金平50%至70%

疫市持续下,旅游区铺市寂静多时,近期却一枝独秀获中资巨企追捧,继体育用品店李寧率先于尖沙嘴设旗舰店、免税店DUTY ZERO一连承租中环及铜锣湾黄金地段,手机生产商小米,将首度在港岛区开设门市,看中铜锣湾闹市一个复式巨铺,料短期内进驻。地产界人士形容,中资巨企平租游客区靚铺,儘管租金跌幅高达五成至七成,仍即时撑起铺市,为铺位市场注入强心针。


小米洽租Fashion Walk复式铺


知情人士则说,该巨铺位处铜锣湾记利佐治街十一至十九号Fashion Walk商场,为二号地铺及一楼全层,面积各为六百多及逾一千八百多呎,铺位「牛高马大」,非常宽敞,Fashion Walk毗邻为港铁站,儘管在疫市下,街道仍然人流聚集。巨铺前身为长情租客时装店MAX MARA,进驻逾十年,早前迁走后,腾出连同地下一号铺在内的近5000呎巨铺,业主恒隆将之一拆二,其中一个地下铺位旋即获鞋店承租,餘下二号铺及一楼全层,亦即将迎来小米。虽然铺位成功觅得租客,不过在经历近年的动乱及在疫情持续的洗礼,比较起旧租金,最新租金较高峰期跌约五成。



中国唯一由国务院授权,于全国各地开展免税业务的中免集团,旗下与外资合营的DUTY ZERO,向来只有赤鱲角机场及东涌东薈城据点,近期冲出东涌,连环承租中环德辅道中及铜锣湾罗素街铺位,其中,中环铺位更一签三年梗约,足见其对后市的信心。















事实上,上述旧楼毗邻的高街124及126号绍德楼,上周五由同一财团以底价2.1亿投得,成功统一业权,相信会合併发展。资料显示,绍德楼坐落高街南面,位于薄扶林道与西边街之间,毗邻英皇书院,现为1幢于1966年落成的8层高商住楼宇,地盘面积约2798.84方呎,现划为「住宅 (甲类) 8」用途。




今年以来,基金积极入市,其中,WEAVE LIVING连环购入酒店及服务式住宅,最近斥资34亿,向邓成波家族购入两幢酒店,观塘悦品酒店作价约24.7亿,旺角旭逸酒店以7.3亿成交。




WEAVE LIVING积极入市,上月亦伙拍环球房地产投资管理公司领盛投资管理 (领盛),以2.75亿收购位于西半山罗便臣道68号全幢住宅物业,以作服务式住宅项目发展,主攻年轻家庭客,以该项目总楼面约17163方呎计,呎价约16022元。


WEAVE LIVING年初亦以合营企业形式,向德祥地产购入大角嘴九龙珀丽酒店,作价13.75亿,今年5月伙拍美资基金安祖高顿,以9亿购入西环皇后大道西338号至346号华丽都会酒店全幢,故该主攻共居及服务式住宅品牌于今年以来连购5项目,合共斥资约59.5亿。











渣甸山白建时道83号 10亿标售

市场再有屋地放售,渣甸山白建时道83号独立屋地,最新委託测量师行进行招标出售,意向价10亿元,每呎楼面地价约12.78万元,截标期为下月20日 (周四)。据悉,业主为从事建筑工程的南美坚记有限公司陈氏家族。

重建楼面7824 呎价12.78

渣甸山白建时道83号独立屋地比邻大潭郊野公园、渣甸园,地盘面积约13,040平方呎,现为两层高的低密度洋房,连佔地近1万平方呎的特大庭园、私家泳池及停车场,目前坐落于划为「住宅 (丙类) 1」用途的用地之上。以地积比率为0.6倍重建,可重建楼面面积约7,824平方呎,而业主意向价为10亿元,即每呎楼面地价约12.78万元。






油塘工业区 摇身变临海住宅


油塘区内有2个工业区,当中位于油塘东南部、邻近三家村、鲤鱼门的东源街、高辉道交界一带的工业区,以分层工厦为主,过去10年陆续有工厦重建成住宅项目,例如包括嘉贤居、鲤湾天下、OCEAN ONE、海傲湾、曦臺、PENINSULA EAST,大部分前身均属于工厦重建而成。

5项目重建 料增3500

当中临海部分规划为「综合发展区」,业权相对集中,在近年政府先后批出多幅住宅用地,包括蔚蓝东岸、海傲湾为近年批出的住宅官地,前者由五矿地产 (00230) 于2016年以约40亿元投得,兴建4幢住宅大厦,提供约688伙,区内住宅发展开始成形。

至于目前正在进行规划及重建中的项目,则仍有5个,合共将提供近3,500伙,当中规模最大为越秀地产 (00123) 就持有的油塘东源街冷藏货仓及比邻政府土地,将建4座23至27层高的商住物业,涉及约65.8万平方呎住宅楼面及约1,016平方呎非住宅楼面,总楼面约65.9万平方呎,提供约1,393伙。

而临海的综合发展区部分,则有长实 (01113) 东源街5及8号项目,发展商已经在2年前补地价约22.1亿元,将工业地转为兴建4幢住宅大厦,提供约903伙,当中405伙为面积少于431平方呎的小型单位。


另外曾经在区内收购工厦重建成曦臺的宏安 (01222) ,于今年初再出手,以约5.8亿元购入四山街18至20号油塘工业大厦第4座超过8成业权,每平方呎收购价高达约4,100元,发展商将申请透过强拍以统一大厦业权并作重建。该工厦于1979年落成,现为楼高4层的工业大厦,地盘面积约41,800平方呎,规划为「住宅 (戊类)」,预计重建作商住用途,最高地积比率6倍,可建楼面约25.08万平方呎,估计可以提供约400至500个中小型住宅单位。

邻近同为四山街的世运货仓,则在早前由已故「船王」包玉刚家族旗下的康世集团,申请重建成住宅,提供约445伙。除了在油塘工业区重建加快外,位于港铁 (00066) 油塘站南面的油塘湾近年亦有进展。项目由恒地 (00012) 等发展商牵头展开全面重建,目前跟政府商讨补地价中,将会兴建逾6,000伙。



油塘工厦均价4000 略低于观塘



油塘工业城 17年升价8





Jardine's Lookout house in $1b offer

A house on Perkins Road at Jardine's Lookout has been put up for sale with an indicative price of HK$1 billion.

The detached house at No 83 Perkins Road, with a site area of 13,040 square feet, is available for tender until October 20, a surveyor said.

With a plot ratio of 0.6 times, it has 7,824 square feet of floor area which can be redeveloped, leading to a price of HK$12,781 per square foot.

The two-floor luxury house has a garden of nearly 10,000 square feet, a private pool and a parking lot and is also close to business districts such as Central and Causeway Bay.

The house is now held by a construction service provider, Nam Mui (Kin Kee) Company, which was established in 1970 and is controlled by a Chan family.

Owning some properties in Hong Kong, the landlord also cashed in HK$14.15 million by selling two units of Wilton Place in Mid-Levels two years ago.

On Perkins Road, a house of 9,185 square feet site area at No 81 was bought by a founder of Hopson Development (0754) Chu Mang-yee for HK$800 million in 2019, while a luxury property of 10,716 square feet site area at No 6 was purchased by Maxim's Caterers' chairman Lawrence Ng Wai-kwok for HK$700 million this June.

In other news, the mortgage-linked one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate rose by 5.7 basis points to 2.06484 percent yesterday, nearing the high of 2.15661 percent in February 2020.

(The Standard)


Recent Hong Kong home buyers stand to lose millions as prices decline – some already have

Many people who bought homes over the past five years are now facing a loss – at least on paper – as prices continue to slide

Some owners who had to sell have taken significant losses – in one case to the tune of HK$5.85 million (US$745,334)

Many homeowners who bought flats in Hong Kong over the past five years are looking at a loss if they decide to sell now, as the housing market enters a downward cycle amid rising interest rates, a recession and a wave of emigration.

In fact, some owners who bought high have been forced to sell low recently, turning paper losses into real losses – in one case to the tune of HK$5.85 million (US$745,334).

Many homeowners who bought homes after mid-2017, when prices were higher than the current level, may find themselves in the same position if they choose to sell, property agent said. A total of 327,419 private homes fall into that category, according to Land Registry data.

“Negative factors such as the US-China trade war, social unrest, Covid-19, and rising interest rates have caused property prices to soften,” the agent said. “Therefore, those who entered the market at a high price in the past few years have a high chance of experiencing paper losses.”

For most of 2018 and 2019 the government’s index of lived-in home prices ran higher than the latest reading of 376.1 in July this year, according to official data released by the Rating and Valuation Department. For example, the index is now 5.2 per cent below the 396.9 it registered in May 2019, before the outbreak of social unrest and the coronavirus pandemic.

The HK$5.85 million loss came on a four-bedroom, 1,318 sq ft flat with a sea view at Harbour Glory in North Point, which changed hands for HK$42 million in early September, 12 per cent below what the owner paid the developer, CK Asset Holdings, in 2017, according to another property agency.

The person decided to “sell as soon as possible and leave the market, as Hong Kong is about to enter the interest rate upcycle,” another agent said.

In Sai Kung, a seller lost HK$3.85 million on a three-bedroom, 1,108 sq ft flat with a garden at Mount Pavilia, which changed hands for HK$17.8 million, 18 per cent below the original price in 2018, according to property agency.

The district in August saw at least four recent loss-making deals at developments completed in the past few years, agent said.

A market index, fell 0.8 per cent to 171.83 for the week ended September 4 – the lowest level since February 2019. The index has fallen 5.1 per cent over eight weeks and may fall further and more sharply.

Among 144 new projects that launched since 2018, 42 of them, or about 30 per cent, have seen flats sell recently for less than the average price per square foot for all sales, according to data from Dataelements, a data provider that tracks new residential properties in Hong Kong.

Part of the reason may be the different sizes of the units sold, according to Dataelements.

Phase one of Emerald Bay, developed by debt-laden developer China Evergrande Group, recorded the biggest drop at 16.7 per cent.

The city’s homeowners and potential buyers are braced for higher mortgage rates since the US Federal Reserve embarked on a rapid succession of interest rate hikes in March to tame the fastest inflation in America in four decades.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de facto central bank, has increased its base rate in lockstep under its linked exchange rate system with the US dollar.

The US central bank raised its benchmark rate for two consecutive months in June and July, and the market widely expects US interest rates to increase for a fifth time this year by another 50 to 75 basis points in September.

“The downward trend of home prices in Hong Kong has not stopped,” agent said. “With the loss of market confidence, the decline tends to widen.”

Buyers in Hong Kong tend to hold onto their properties for at least three years, until they are no longer liable to pay the Special Stamp Duty. Therefore buyers who made their purchases in 2018 account for the majority of buyers facing potential losses right now, agent said. Later, more 2019 buyers will gradually begin facing the predicament.

At The Pacifica in Cheung Sha Wan, a homeowner in a rush to emigrate sold a 441 sq ft flat for HK$7.6 million – the lowest price for a flat of that size there in one-and-a-half-years – losing HK$480,000 compared with the May 2019 buying price of HK$8.08 million, according to another agency.

At The Visionary in Tung Chung, a foreign pilot who left Hong Kong early this year lost HK$1 million selling a three-bedroom, 1,033 sq ft flat for HK$11.5 million in late August, absorbing an 8 per cent loss on his August 2019 purchase.

An agent attributed that the widening decline to the city’s higher Covid-19 infection numbers, deterioration in the overall investment sentiment with the plunging Hang Seng Index and interest rate increases, which may dampen investment sentiment and developers’ recent property launches at low prices.

If there is no good news this month, the decline in property prices will not stop, and home prices will fall by about 8 per cent this year, agent said.

(South China Morning Post)