上月工商铺暂录约342宗 代理行:料未来交投量稳升
今年酒店买卖暂涉资93亿 业界:憧憬未来通关 基金主导市场
今年酒店买卖罕见地畅旺,至今暂录8宗全幢买卖,涉资由2.2亿至24.7亿,其中,观塘悦品海景酒店作价为24.7亿,为今年以来暂录最大宗买卖,其次为红磡「逸.酒店」(Hotel sáv) 涉资16.46亿。
除了宗数之多,金额涉资庞大,更是多年来罕见,多逾93亿,比较去年同期只有9.2亿,大升9倍。市场由基金买家主导,表现积极,当中有6宗由基金承接,涉资逾77亿。亚洲住宅租务品牌Weave living最积极,参与其中的4宗,涉资约54.75亿。
Weave Living等斥逾54亿购酒店
灵活办公室兴起 扩充空间极大
IWG促宽入境措施 刺激商务活动
疫情下封关令商业活动受阻碍,IWG香港及大湾区区域经理Paul MacAndrew认为,香港若进一步放宽检疫措施,才可刺激商务往来,他又指疫情加速灵活办公模式,更可达致僱主及员工双赢局面,未来尚有极大扩充空间。
旗下中心 6月使用率多2月8成
IWG集团主力经营灵活办公室,包括共享空间、服务式办公室等。疫情冲击,令整体甲厦空置率升至20年来最高,不过却造就灵活办公室兴起,因租约灵活度高,兼提供时尚装修等,吸引企业转投。Paul指出,全綫IWG办公中心今年6月的使用率亦见增长,与同年2月相比大升超过8成。疫情出现办公室新常态,最明显是传统办公室模式正在下跌,取而代之是灵活办公室兴起,「不需要有固定办公室,使用混合工作 (Hybrid workplace) 你可以在家、咖啡室,灵活办公空间工作。很多本港机构因签长约,现阶段未作出变化,但未来会考虑不同模式。」
调查:混合工作 最受求职者欢迎
一项IWG调查发现,76%大湾区求职者倾向应徵提供混合工作的职位,而超过一半 (51%) 更倾向选择弹性灵活工作多于加薪一成。另一个IWG调查揭示混合工作是最受求职者欢迎的福利,每10名员工就有9名 (88%) 表示混合工作是寻找新工作时重要考量因素,与医疗保险及收入损失保障 (两者均为88%) 同等重要,「对双方均是好事,重点是员工非常喜欢,僱主可以吸纳及留住人才。毕竟本港商厦租金始终比较高,租用较少楼面,可减少成本,同时令员工快乐,绝对是双赢局面。」
湾仔Spaces开幕 供逾900办公位
IWG位于湾仔皇后大道东8号 (8QRE) 全新Spaces办公大楼于9月正式开幕,是Spaces在香港的第7间中心,令IWG旗下在港品牌包括Spaces、Regus及Signature的据点扩展到共18个。
Spaces 8QRE涉及18层,佔地超过6.7万平方呎,提供超过900个办公位置,包括188间私人办公室、单人固定办公桌等,更特设有两层「商务俱乐部」(开放空间),让会员与更广泛的专业社群互动交流,部分楼层设有露台,可眺望金鐘一带的街景。
对于未来扩充计划,IWG香港及大湾区区域经理Paul MacAndrew指出,仍积极物色合适地方。在新常态下,他认为寻找新据点的选择可以更广泛,「由于工作模式在转变中,我们开设灵活办公室,不一定要在传统商业区,选择在住宅区,邻近僱员居住地点也可以。」他亦提到,除了现时旗下3大品牌外,亦希望引入集团其他品牌来港,「例如集团旗下HQ,是价格相对经济实惠的办公室。未来将会继续在港积极扩展,向着IWG年内为其全球网络新增1,000个据点的目标出发。」
More Fan Ling flats poised to hit market
Henderson Land Development (0012) has released a second price list of 60 flats for the second phase of its One Innovale development in Fan Ling after the first list of 83 flats drew a positive response from the market with around 1,200 checks received as of yesterday.
The 60 flats in the second list include studios, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, with areas ranging from 221 to 462 square feet and costing between HK$3.21 million to HK$6.76 million or HK$13,283 and HK$16,803 per sq ft after discounts
The average price is HK$14,613 per sq ft after discounts. Most of the flats in the second list are one-bedroom units and the cheapest, with an area of 221 sq ft, costs HK$3.21 million.
The second phase is called One Innovale-Bellevue and offers a total of 408 flats. One Innovale is being developed in three phases and will have 1,600 flats when completed.
Meanwhile, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) unveiled the second price list for the third phase of its Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai, offering 64 flats at an average price of HK$14,670 per sq ft after discounts, with the cheapest priced at HK$5.9 million.
The first list of 78 flats and the second have together been oversubscribed about 4.6 times with about 800 checks, and may sell out in a week, according to SHKP. The third phase provides 384 flats and the three-phase development offers a total of 1,996 units.
Also in the primary market, Miami Quay I at Kai Tak launched its second round of sales yesterday with 138 flats on the price list and one via tender.
Just two deals were recorded and both were for middle- or high-floor harbor-view units. One was a two-bedroom unit which sold for HK$12.43 million and the other was a one-bedroom bought for HK$8.47 million.
Miami Quay is being jointly developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development, New World Development (0017) and Empire Group Holdings in two phases with a total of 1,219 flats.
In other news, Citibank (Hong Kong), China Construction Bank (Asia) and Nanyang Commercial Bank will raise the cap of the mortgage rate linked to the Hong Kong interbank offered rate to 2.75 percent, following most of its peers in the city.
This came as the mortgage-linked one-month Hibor rose to 2.3598 percent on Friday. Currently, at least 16 Hong Kong banks have raised the cap on Hibor-linked loans.
In the secondary market, property agencies recorded that a drop in transactions at 10 major housing estates this weekend.
One of the agency saw the number of deals nearly halve week-on-week to nine, after two consecutive weeks of increases while another one also saw a 50 percent drop in deals with just eight transactions.
The agencies expects that second-hand transactions will increase at the end of this month, as customers who fail to buy new properties go back to the secondary market.
(The Standard)
Hongkongers snub new homes at Miami Quay, Kai Tak, as rising interest rates, slow economy kill demand
As of 7pm only two out of 139 units on offer at the development on the site of Hong Kong’s former airport had been sold, according to property agency
‘Higher interest rates are weighing on sentiment,’ agent said
Hongkongers continued to snub new home sales on Sunday as sentiment in the property market remained weak and potential buyers stuck with a wait-and-see attitude brought on by rising interest rates and a sluggish economy.
As of 7pm, only two out of 139 units on offer at Miami Quay, a new development at the site of Hong Kong’s former airport, had been sold, according to a property agent. Among the 139 units on offer on Sunday, 65 were new, while the rest was left unsold last week.
The project at Kai Tak was jointly developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development, New World Development and Empire Group.
Sunday’s sales were even worse than last Monday when less than a third of 137 flats that went on sale in the first batch found buyers.
“Last time they sold about 40 flats. Buyers interested in this project made their purchases then,” agent said. “The developers decided to launch another round of sales with the hope of attracting more buyers, but market sentiment is slow and the wait-and-see attitude prevails. There were not many new buyers for the extra launch so the sales were lacklustre.”
Analysts cited the rising costs of home loans as a major factor for the current slump in appetite for residential property.
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, effectively the city’s central bank, has raised its base rate in lockstep with the Federal Reserve under its linked exchange rate system with the US dollar.
After increasing its benchmark rate for two consecutive months in June and July, another round of increases is likely this month, with analysts estimating as much as a 75-basis points hike.
“Higher interest rates are weighing on sentiment. Rates have already nearly doubled to 3 per cent and will continue to increase,” another agent said. “While this is still very low compared to many other countries, it’s a big increase for the local market and is dampening sentiment.”
With US inflation still likely to surge, rate rises are forecast to continue until next year when consumer prices could be brought under control, the agent said.
Hong Kong’s economic slump is further dampening demand. In August, the government further cut its forecast for the city’s economy to between 0.5 per cent growth and 0.5 per cent contraction. It previously estimated that the economy was likely to see a 1 to 2 per cent growth.
The recent wave of emigration is not helping, as more people leaving the city could only mean less demand for homes.
More than 113,000 residents left the city in the 12 months to June, with the population shrinking by 1.6 per cent, the latest figures from the Census and Statistics Department showed. In the same period of the previous year, the population decline was 1.2 per cent.
The local property market is also influenced by the performance of the Hong Kong stock exchange, and with the bellwether Hang Seng Index losing nearly a fifth of its value so far this year, buyers’ sentiment is downbeat, the agency said.
“The Hong Kong property market is very correlated to the equities market. Its poor performance in the last few months has dampened sentiment,” agent said said.
“This combined with other macro factors such as rampant inflation, the war in Ukraine and Hong Kong not opening up [its borders in the wake of the pandemic] is impacting the market and damaging many businesses. These factors will continue to impact sentiment well into 2023.”
The units on offer on Sunday had sizes between 250 and 716 square feet and were priced between HK$5.24 million (US$668,000) and HK$18.73 million, after discounts of as much as 12 per cent.
(South China Morning Post)