景隆街全幢巨铺月租近80万 投资者黎永滔:签6年长约证券公司进驻
希慎增建商厦 拓铜锣湾版图
铜锣湾是传统的核心商业及购物区,当中「铜锣湾大地主」希慎 (00014) 进一步扩展区内的商业版图,除了于2021年伙华懋投得加路连山道用地外,旗下波斯富街项目亦于3月获批建筑图则,拟重建1幢26层高商厦。
波斯富街85号 获批建26层商厦
当中属「铜锣湾大地主」的希慎,多年来积极扩展区内商业版图,旗下波斯富街85、87及89号于今年3月获屋宇署批准兴建1幢26层高 (另设1层地库) 的商厦,涉及总楼面约4.8万平方呎。事实上,当中的波斯富街85号地盘曾于去年7月,获准建1幢3层高的商业项目。同时,希慎伙华懋于2021年5月斥约197.8亿元投得铜锣湾加路连山道商业用地,而用地已在去年10月获屋宇署批出建筑图则,获准建2幢15及24层高的商厦 (另设5层地库),总楼面涉约108.08万平方呎,预计将会在2026年落成。
申建地下行车隧道 贯穿商区
贵为核心商业区,铜锣湾旧楼一直吸引发展商收购插旗,其中利园山道5至27号、波斯富街54至76号,及罗素街60号的旧楼群由新世界 (00017) 大额收购,并已申请强拍,现况市值高达45.05亿元,属历来强拍申请最贵重物业。如以最高地积比率15倍发展,可建楼面将达30万平方呎,料较适合作银座式商厦,或设商场及写字楼的综合式商厦发展。
而位于礼顿道128至138号、希云街2至30号希云大厦,经金朝阳 (00878) 收购后,则于去年中公布以约32.09亿元沽出予United Endeavor,有传新买家有中资背景。该用地佔地约1.32万平方呎,属于「其他指定 (混合用途)」用途,可以发展为住宅或商业用途,或申请作混合两者发展。如以商业地积比率最高15倍计算,可建楼面约19.8万平方呎。
Presale requests, home completions slide in May
The number of applications for presale consents fell in May, while private home completions declined in April, indicating a slowdown in developer activity in Hong Kong.
In May, the number of presale consent applications for flats dropped by 49 percent over the previous month to 2,074 flats, according to the Lands Department.
In Kowloon East, the primary area for applications, New World Development (0017) and Far East Consortium (0035) have joined forces to offer 750 and 264 units respectively in phase 2 and phase 3 of No 2 Shing King Street development at Park Peninsula in Kai Tak. Both phases are projected to be completed on December 30, 2025.
Phase 1 of the development has already submitted a presale application, consisting of 291 units. In total, the three phases of the project will provide 1,305 apartments.
CK Asset (1113) has also submitted an application for presale in East Kowloon, specifically for Ocean One Phase 2 in Yau Tong. This phase will offer 658 flats, and it is anticipated to be completed by October 15, 2025.
As of the end of May, there were a total of 22,747 flats awaiting pre-sale consent in Hong Kong, reflecting a month-on-month increase of approximately 1 percent or 242 flats. This figure marks a record high in the past year.
According to the latest statistics from the Rating and Valuation Department, the number of completed private residential units in Hong Kong stood at 7,136 as of the end of April, representing a year-on-year decline of 28.5 percent.
In the first four months of this year, the number of newly completed private homes reached only 35.8 percent of the annual target of 19,953 units, in contrast to 43.7 percent achieved during the same period last year.
During the month of April, there were no completed flats reported on Hong Kong Island, and merely three flats were completed in Kowloon, indicating a significant year-on-year decline of 99.4 percent.
However, in the New Territories, the number of completed units experienced a substantial month-on-month increase, rising 20.1 times to a total of 337 flats.
Meanwhile, in new home sales, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) announced that the first batch for phase 2A at Novo Land in Tuen Mun will commence this Saturday, featuring a total of 188 flats.
The most affordable unit in this phase is priced at HK$3.3 million.
In other news, the compulsory sale of the Wah Ha Factory Building in Quarry Bay with a reserve price of HK$5.125 billion, the highest ever of its kind, is expected to be held on June 28.
(The Standard)