高息衝擊 上半年大額買賣淡靜
至於物業類型方面,大手買賣以豪宅 (54%) 最活躍,其次為零售物業和酒店 (各佔11%)。訪港旅客重返,零售業銷售額由低位回升,零售物業因而受投資者關注。至於寫字樓投資 (10%) 保持穩定,市場由用家主導。
鄧成波家族 1.5億沽旺角舖
近1個月大手商舖買賣上,旺角道93至99號華懋王子大廈地下4及5號舖易手,面積約3,076平方呎,以約1.5億元成交,呎價約4.9萬元,租客為惠康超級市場,月租約45萬元,回報率約3.6厘。據了解,原業主為鄧成波家族,波叔於2015年以約1.58億元向宏安 (01222) 購入舖位,近年家族成員曾放售物業,並多番降價,現以1.5億元沽出,持貨8年帳面蝕800萬元。
灣仔會展廣場辦公大樓高層 近3.1億沽
至於甲廈方面,近期整體交投不多,較大手買賣為中國生態旅遊 (01371),出售會展廣場辦公大樓33樓7、8及9室,涉及總額約為3.098億元,單位實用面積約5,860平方呎。翻查資料,去年該機構曾放售單位,建築面積約9,000平方呎,意向價約3.68億元,呎價約4.09萬元。按現時成交價計,建築呎價約3.44萬元,較去年叫價減近兩成。據了解,該中資公司曾自用單位,現辦公室遷往黃竹坑,故放售物業套現。
指標商廈差餉租值跌 較2019年低逾20%
有代理行指,該行選取33個頂級及甲級商廈差餉租值統計,2013年至2019年 (估值年份) 整體寫字樓租值持續向升,6年間累升25.1%,當中頂級商廈升27.5%,甲級升21.7%。其後整體租值由2019年高位回落,連跌3年累跌23.7%,其中頂級跌21.8%,甲級跌26.7%。以致2022年整體、頂級及甲級租值全部均跌破2013年水平,分別低4.6%、0.3%及10.8%。在33個指標寫字樓中,有24個2022年的租值更低於2013年水平,所佔比例為72.7%。
2013年到2022年的9年間,頂級寫字樓差餉租值升幅較甲級大,跌幅卻較甲級小,走勢明顯優於大市。2022年7個頂級指標寫字樓的租值與2013年相若,輕微略低0.3%。當中,長江集團中心 2013年至2019年租值升幅跑贏其他,升42.5%,近3年雖跌25.3%,但2022年租值仍比2013年高出6.5%。環球貿易廣場及國際金融中心早前6年租值升幅達30%以上,雖然近3年同樣跌逾20%,但2022年租值仍高於2013年水平,分別高5.6%及5%。不過,置地廣場早前6年租值只升7.3%,近3年卻跌19.6%,導致2022年租值比2013年低逾一成,跌13.8%。
尖沙嘴海防道鋪月租80萬 護理用品連鎖店進駐 租金較疫前低38%
尖沙嘴海防道38至40號中達大廈地下A及B鋪,建築面積約2000方呎,現址Hello Milk Tee為短租,在此經營超過2年,月租約30萬,近期鋪位獲準租客積極洽租,最終由個人護理用品連鎖店萬寧承租,月租高近80萬,平均呎租約400元。
萬寧今次細鋪搬大鋪,現時承租海防道32至34號寶豐大廈A至C號鋪,建築面積約1800方呎,進駐逾10多年,並曾承租D鋪 (450方呎),不過,於去年4月放棄。目前,業主就鋪位以每月150萬放租,叫價甚為進取。
上述海防道38至40號中達大廈地下A及B鋪,面積大,早年曾由粵港湛周生生承租,2013年鋪市高峰期時月租高達280萬, 2017年續租時月租減至130萬,最新租約對比上一份長約租金減38%,對比高峰期更大減71%。
Hang Lung sees homes market rebounding
Hong Kong's residential market will rebound in the next one to three years, and the US interest rate rises will have a limited impact on home prices, says the chairman of the Hang Lung Group (0010) and Hang Lung Properties (0101), Ronnie Chan Chi-chung.
Though the Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates twice this year, Chan said the impact on Hong Kong's property market will not be significant as the interest rates are not the only factor and the existing reading is not very high.
He sees a good recovery in retail property but office buildings are still under pressure, though he believes this will improve gradually.
On business in mainland China, he said Hang Lung will invest in more projects if the prices are favorable. He added that confidence is the key to mainland real-estate recovery.
In the primary market, Aruna at Ap Lei Chau, developed by Chuang's China Investments (0298), received more than 50 checks for its first batch of 50 units.
In Tuen Mun, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said Phase 2A of Novo Land had received more than 4,800 checks by yesterday for the second batch of 223 units, more than 20 times oversubscribed.
Meanwhile, the overall Grade-A office rent in 2022 fell to the 2013 level, down by 23.7 percent in the past three years, a property agency said. Of 33 tracked Grade-A offices, 24 projects plunged below the 2013 level last year.
But the super Grade-A offices reported a smaller decline in rent, as seven buildings saw a tiny dip compared with the 2013 level.
(The Standard)
With Hong Kong’s property market reeling from falling deals and prices, an uptick in rates will dampen mood further, analysts say
Deals have fallen by nearly half since earlier this year, which are expected to pressure prices further, market observers say
The headwind of high interest rates will only begin to ease in 2024, a property agent says
An elevated interest-rate environment is likely to weigh on Hong Kong’s secondary housing market until next year, given the possibility of further rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve and its consequent impact on mortgage rates in the city, analysts said.
Higher interest rates have taken a toll on the transaction volumes of lived-in homes, which have fallen 40 to 50 per cent of this year’s weekly average, according to executives from two leading Hong Kong property agencies. They expect the high rates to push prices further down in the short term.
“There are still many uncertainties about whether the interest rate will peak, [as a result] the wait-and-see sentiment in the market will continue,” an agent said.
Home prices may fall by up to 5 per cent in the third quarter, the agent added.
The possibility of mortgage rates rising further has not been ruled out. The Fed, which held rates steady for the first time after 10 consecutive hikes since March 2022 to control inflation, sees one or two more increases.
Even the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) CEO, Eddie Yue Wai-man, cautioned on Thursday that interest rates in the city may continue to stay at the current high level for some time before any cuts take place.
“The public should not take the pause in rate rise today as the end of the interest rise cycle or any rate cut in the near future,” Yue said. “They should carefully assess interest rate risks before making investment decisions or taking a mortgage loan.”
Since the Fed embarked on its interest-rate hike cycle in March last year, a market index which is a gauge of lived-in home prices – has fallen by 6.6 per cent.
In Yuen Long, second-hand deals plummeted over 40 per cent month on month to 27 in the first half of June, with owners cutting prices slightly, according to the agency.
That figure compares with those collated by another agency, which tracks transactions of 35 large-scale housing estates in the city. The agency said it has seen consistently lower deals since March, which fell below 100 for 14 consecutive weeks and have sunk to less than 50 since the beginning of May, according to data compiled by the agency. The weekly average stood at 34 transactions in the past six weeks, compared with this year’s overall average of 73, it said.
In the short term, to lure buyers from competitively priced new residential projects, secondary homeowners eager to sell may have to cut prices further, the agency said.
HSBC, Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Hang Seng Bank said they would keep their prime lending rates unchanged at 5.75 per cent, while Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia said they would keep theirs unchanged at 6 per cent on Thursday, but the HKMA’s Yue warned that “there is a chance for interest rates to rise one or two more times this year”, echoing Fed chairman Jerome Powell’s hawkish note on the need to raise interest rates “somewhat further” this year to bring down inflation.
Since the mortgage rate has more than doubled to 3.5 per cent from 1.5 per cent before the rate hike cycle, the monthly mortgage payment for a HK$6 million (US$766,640) flat with a 90 per cent loan-to-value ratio spread over 30 years has surged 30.1 per cent to HK$25,461, according to the agency.
The headwind of high interest rates will only begin to ease in 2024, an agent said.
“Some buyers of small and medium-sized units may not pass banks’ stress tests, which will depress home prices in the short term,” the agent said.
“The US interest rate hike cycle has not yet ended,” the agent said, adding that there is still a chance Hong Kong banks might increase their prime rate.
Meanwhile, Yue said the HKMA was not considering any changes to its mortgage policy, pointing to the nature of the property market.
“Property prices went down 15 per cent last year but have bounced back this year,” he said. “The HKMA will need more time to monitor demand and supply, transactions, prices and other economic data to determine if it should relax the mortgage policy.”
(South China Morning Post)