HK (+852) 3990 0799

美國銀行中心呎租48元跌18% 律師樓續租2年














市場消息透露,九龍環球貿易廣場 55樓4B至7室、及56全層,合共建築面積約47491方呎,新獲中資金融機構中金公司承租,平均呎租約75元,月租約356.18萬,屬疫市下甲廈較大手承租個案。業內人士指出,上址早前由德意志銀行租用,惟於去年棄租撤出。




至於買賣方面,黃竹坑 W50 新錄連環成交,市場消息指出,該廈高層2室,建築面積約575方呎,以約800萬售出,每呎造價約13913元,該廈另一成交為高層1室,建築面積約580方呎,亦約以800萬售出,呎價約13793元。








更多W50寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:W50 寫字樓出售




疫情封關下,中資機構成本港商廈市場的租賃主力。眾安在綫 (06060) 旗下虛擬銀行眾安銀行 (ZA Bank) 承租上環無限極廣場高層全層樓面,月租約58萬元,料作擴充。

每呎55 較舊約挫19%

市場消息指出,眾安銀行落實租用無限極廣場 28樓全層,建築面積約10603方呎,成交月租約58萬元,呎租約55元。



不少中資機構相繼擴充,內地投資銀行中金公司 (03908) 承租尖沙咀九龍站環球貿易廣場 (International Commerce Centre, ICC) 55樓半層及56樓全層,總租用面積達5萬方呎,月租約375萬元,呎租約75元。該批單位原由德意志銀行租用,去年租約期滿已遷出,料租金較高峰期下跌25%。

此外,中環皇后大道中99號中環中心 55樓10室,建築面積2487方呎,以每月17.4萬元獲原租戶續約,呎租約70元。租戶原在2019年以22.4萬元租用上址,呎租約90元,現租金較3年前低22.2%。


















屋署6月批20圖則 恒地佔兩項目

梅艷芳故居壽臣山恒安閣 獲批重建

屋宇署今年6月批出20份建築圖則,恒地 (00012) 有兩個項目獲批,包括大埔舊墟直街美新里3號項目,最新獲批建1幢21層高的商住項目連住宅康樂設施,總樓面涉約4.85萬平方呎,其中住宅樓面佔約4.14萬平方呎。


同時,恒地旗下大角咀萬安街16至30號項目,亦獲署方批建1幢22層高 (另設3層平台) 的商住項目連住客康樂設施,涉及總樓面約5.78萬平方呎。

另已故天后梅艷芳故居壽臣山恒安閣,亦最新獲批重建1座樓高3層的分層住宅,總樓面約5.77萬平方呎。事實上,新地 (00016) 郭氏家族於2013年以1.47億元(呎價約36,127元)購入梅艷芳故居後,已正式統一整幢恒安閣的業權,完成當年長達6年的收購。

佳明粉嶺戲院地 建17層商住樓

而山頂種植道44號項目獲批重建1座3層高 (另設1層停車場) 的獨立屋,住宅總樓面約7,852平方呎。

至於在2020年由陳卓林家族成員陳思遠以4.51億元投得的大埔大埔公路--大埔滘段 (大埔市地段第241號) 住宅地,亦獲批建6座3至4層高的洋房、2座8至9層高的分層住宅 (全另設1層地庫) 連住客康樂設施,總樓面約9.5萬平方呎。

佳兆業資本 (00936) 早於2020年以8,590萬元投得的上海街445號蚊型地,獲批興建1座18層高 (建於3層平台之上) 的商住項目,總樓面約1.28萬平方呎。此外,佳明集團 (01271) 旗下粉嶺聯發街1號前粉嶺戲院地盤,獲批重建1座17層高 (另設2層地庫) 的商住項目連住宅康樂設施,總樓面約3.6萬平方呎。




銅鑼灣商業區南延 10項目待發展




加路連山地 增希慎利園山版圖

作為商業用地的加路連山道用地,於去年5月由希慎興業 (00014) 夥華懋以約197.78億元投得,將會興建3座16至24層高 (另設5層地庫) 的商廈,基座屬於商場、社區設施及停車場,總樓面約109.8萬平方呎。擁有利園山多幢商廈收租的希慎,在區內經營多年,早在去年初已經獲准在區內興建5條天橋及有蓋行人路貫穿旗下利園山的商業王國,包括上述的加路連山道地盤。

與此同時,位於禮頓道、加路連山道及希雲道交界的多幢舊樓,多年來亦獲財團收購,日前位於禮頓道128至138號、希雲街2至30號希雲大廈,經金朝陽 (00878) 收購後,便公布以約32.09億元沽出。該項目屬於兩面單邊地盤,鄰近以住宅、學校及醫院等社區設施為主,但隨着加路連山道商業地落成後,銅鑼灣商業版圖將進一步南擴,連帶動禮頓道一帶商業潛力。

希雲大廈佔地約1.32萬平方呎,屬於「其他指定 (混合用途)」用途,可以住宅或商業,又或者申請作混合兩者發展,若果以商業地積比率最高15倍計算,可建樓面約19.8萬平方呎,每呎樓面地價約1.62萬元。據金朝陽指,新買方為United Endeavor,徐意為最終實益擁有人,但未有交代其背景。市場有傳新買家具中資背景。

另外,利園山道5至27號、波斯富街54至76號,以及羅素街60號的舊樓群,近年由新世界 (00017) 所收購,目前正在申請強拍以統一業權,佔地約2萬平方呎,現時已經屬於「商業」規劃用途,若果以最高地積比率15倍發展,可建樓面將達30萬平方呎,預計將會較適合作銀座式商廈,或者基座為商場、樓上為寫字樓的綜合式商廈發展。



3,000 homes get go signal

The Buildings Department yesterday reported that it had approved 20 sets of building plans in June involving more than 3,000 small and medium-sized flats.

Of the approved plans, 16 were for apartment and apartment/commercial developments, with six on Hong Kong Island, three in Kowloon and 11 in the New Territories.

Consent was given for work to start on 16 building projects among the 20 plans, which when completed will provide 131,448 square meters of gross floor area for domestic use involving 3,094 homes plus 62,679 sq m of gross floor area for non-domestic use.

The largest of these is a residential project in the Tai Po Road-Tai Po Kau area, which is intended to be for multi-level flats and limited-height blocks of homes with a total floor area of around 95,090 square feet.

Two eight- and nine-floor buildings, five three-story blocks and a four-floor family dwelling with a basement are envisaged for the project.

And the building where the late Hong Kong singer and actress Anita Mui Yim-fong's home is located, Henredon Court at Shouson Hill, has been approved for redevelopment into a three-floor residential building involving a total floor area of 57,700 sq ft.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has meanwhile received 12,887 checks for its first round of sales at Novo Land's phase 1B, making the batch more than 70 times oversubscribed.

And Henderson Land (0012) announced it will be selling 32 units at The Henley I in East Kai Tak on Saturday, with the lowest price at HK$24,747 per sq ft.

Elsewhere, a luxury harbor-view five-room home at 21 Borrett Road in Mid-Levels has been rented at about HK$230,000 per month while a harbor-view duplex at Marinella in Aberdeen has gone for rental at HK$45,000 monthly.

Meanwhile, the mortgage-related one-month Hong Kong Interbank offered rate rose to 1.87446 percent, the highest since March 2020.

(The Standard)


URA’s Kwun Tong town centre redevelopment tender likely to draw muted response amid bleak economic outlook, analysts say

Only three to four bids can be expected from top developers because of the ‘large and long-term investment’, a surveyor said

Market observers expect the site to fetch between HK$18 billion and HK$20 billion, compared with earlier estimates of as much as HK$26 billion

The upcoming tender for the last phase of Kwun Tong town centre’s mega redevelopment will test the market’s resilience amid a weakening economy and high office vacancy rates in the area, market observers say.

The Kwun Tong Town Centre Project, which aims to turn the old district into a “small Taikoo Shing”, is the Urban Renewal Authority’s largest redevelopment project to date. The entire project occupies a site area of more than 500,000 sq ft spread over five plots and has been undertaken in phases since 2007. Taikoo Shing is Swire Group’s development in Quarry Bay, which includes flats, offices, a hotel and shopping centre.

Following the withdrawal of tenders for three commercial sites in the nearby Kai Tak Development area in 2019 and 2020, property consultants said they do not expect the Kwun Tong tender to draw many bids.

Only three to four bids can be expected from top developers because of the “large and long-term investment”, a surveyor said. “The market is no longer normal since the outbreak of Covid-19.”

Last week, the URA asked developers and consortiums to formally show their interest in undertaking the Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Areas 4 and 5 Project. The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is September 7.

The current project covers an area of 25,595 square metres (275,502 sq ft). Upon completion, it will provide a maximum total gross floor area of 201,220 square metres.

The development proposal includes an egg-shaped building, a 60-storey commercial tower and a smaller building, according to the URA’s application to the Town Planning Board in July. The project will also include community facilities and a large open space.

The surveyor said that they have expected that Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP), which owns the APM shopping centre in Kwun Tong, and CK Asset Holdings to go it alone, while Henderson Land Development could be part of a consortium.

SHKP and Henderson declined to comment. CK Asset and Sino Land did not reply to requests for comment.

Sino Land was involved in the previous phases of the redevelopment, which included the Park Metropolitan residential project completed in 2014 and the Grand Central project in 2020.

The surveyor cuts the valuation for the site by nearly 20 per cent to HK$20 billion (US$2.5 billion), or HK$9,500 per square foot, saying “developers are conservative at the moment”. He previously estimated the plot to fetch between HK$22.7 billion and HK$26 billion.

The outlook for the Hong Kong’s economy does not look too bright. Last week, the government revised its full-year growth forecast from 1 to 2 per cent growth to between 0.5 per cent growth and 0.5 per cent contraction amid a worsening external trade environment. The revised estimates came after the gross domestic product shrank by 1.3 per cent year on year in the second quarter and 3.9 per cent in the first quarter.

This was preceded by a rate increase by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), which raised borrowing costs to 2.75 per cent, the highest since 2019. The HKMA’s chief executive Eddie Yue Wai-man warned of more interest rate increases in the coming months.

Another surveyor said “only the top-notch local developers would consider such a huge commercial project”.

The current vacancy rate of commercial buildings in East Kowloon, at 14 to 15 per cent, is the highest in Hong Kong, the surveyor said. More projects are still to be launched, the surveyor added.

The surveyor estimates that the site to fetch HK$8,500 per square foot, which translates to HK$18.4 billion.

The URA has initiated a pilot arrangement of “floating planning parameters” for the tender, taking “into consideration the uncertainties brought by the ongoing pandemic and the latest market circumstances”.

Under the arrangement, the total gross floor area will remain unchanged, while giving flexibility to the successful developer or consortium to determine the actual gross floor area within specified ranges for offices, hotels and other commercial uses for the commercial portion.

Another stipulation calls for a minimum of 65,000 square metres of commercial gross floor area to be sited at lower levels of the development to maintain its character of a “town centre”. The project is tentatively slated for completion in phases from 2028 to 2032.

The surveyor said that  the URA introduced the floating parameter arrangement as it expects the project to carry certain risks given the backdrop of rising interest rates. The weakening economy is an added concern.

“The changes are due to the uncertainty surrounding the hotel and retail sectors. That is [why] the URA is leaving it to the developer whether to include a hotel in the new development,” the surveyor said. “Similarly, the developer could also decide to reduce the floor area allocated to the retail portion and [include] more office space.”

(South China Morning Post)