HK (+852) 3990 0799

信德中心招商局大廈標售 意向價1.4億



有代理表示,業主委託以公開招標形式放售,為上環干諾道中168號信德中心招商局大廈 17樓12至16室,建築面積合共約6,223平方呎,意向價約1.4億元,平均每呎叫價約22,497元,截標日期為10月31日。項目屬上環區內罕有大樓面單位,同時為港島區知名甲級海景商廈,而標售的單位更可享有開揚維港景致,份外耀眼。至於物業會以交吉形式放售,部分樓面附有整齊裝修及來去水位,可即買即用。

上環區罕有大樓面 眺望維港景



鄰近新海濱地 前景看俏






遠展逾20億 放售油麻地灣仔酒店

今年酒店買賣表現不俗,發展商趁機放盤。消息指,遠東發展 (00035) 旗下酒店集團,放售油麻地及灣仔酒店,合共涉逾20億元。

海景絲麗酒店 市值11








每呎樓面地價5501元 發展社區商業設施

領展 (00823) 擊退4組財團,成功以7.66億元,奪前觀塘安達臣道石礦場首幅商業地,每平方呎樓面地價約5,501元,符合市場預期。集團表示,日後將會發展為社區商業設施。

領展行政總裁王國龍稱,集團將可持續發展標準融入項目中,並為區內居民營造一個理想的租戶組合,藉以滿足消費者不斷演變的需求。該區未來數年將有多個公共發展項目及資助房屋屋苑落成,集團擬將該用地發展為社區商業設施 (包括零售設施、鮮活街市及停車場),以滿足區內將逾3萬人人口的日常所需。

接有蓋天橋 連接旗下秀茂坪商場


該地比鄰觀塘安達邨,佔地約6.3萬平方呎,總樓面面積約13.9萬平方呎,於上周五(26日)截標,共接獲5份標書,包括:信置  (00083) 、新地 (00016) 、領展、長實 (01113) 及華懋。地皮估值約5.6億至10億元,每呎樓面地價約4,000至7,200元,反映成交價屬市場預期之內。


至於領展對上一次投得商業項目要數到2016年2月,集團當時以59.1億元奪得旺角彌敦道700號項目,並已發展為「T.O.P This is Our Place」。至於上述同區的海濱滙則同由領展夥拍南豐於2015年以58.6元奪得。近期領展亦頗踴躍參與競投商業地,包括西九文化區藝術廣場大樓、銅鑼灣加路連山道商業用地等。







荃灣愉景新城商場 中資60億洽購

新世界放售非核心物業 或成今年最大額買賣

發展商加快推非核心物業,早前傳出新世界 (00017) 放售非核心物業,消息指旗下荃灣愉景新城商場獲中資洽購,估計涉資近60億元。該商場總樓面達64萬平方呎,若最終落實,將成今年最大額物業買賣。





消息稱,洽購財團以華潤集團最為積極,事實上,華潤集團今年非常活躍於本港物業市場上,如今年中,集團向嘉里 (00683) ,購入嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉及嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉兩項物業,作價分別23.3億及22.9億元,合共涉及約46.2億元,以成交價計,為今年最大金額買賣,收購後作集團旗下華潤物流之用。





商場由新世界及香港興業 (00480) 合作發展,97年落成,2010年新世界斥資約13.78億元,向香港興業購入商場及車場5成業權。其後新世界為物業進行租戶重組以及重新定位,據了解,近年商場打造成以親子為主題,包括商場設中央公園等,周末吸引家庭客前來,據了解,目前商場出租率逾9成。


數字顯示,今年大額買賣物業相對較淡靜,大額商舖成交,主要來自地區商場,包括近日中國海外 (00688) 以約4.25億元,沽出土瓜灣海悅廣場商場,買家為俊業集團。







民生區商場抗跌 今年投資焦點


代理行數據顯示,2017及2018年,均錄逾400宗大手買賣 (5,000萬元以上物業),近年整體回落,2021年有所反彈。但因年初疫情嚴峻,今年首7個月暫錄471億元成交,僅為去年一半,宗數亦只是去年35%。香港加息在即,預計對投資市場進一步衝擊,金額及宗數有可能再下跌。



出租率高 本地消費仍穩定






土地審裁處文件顯示,位於黃泥涌道59及61號、雲地利道36及38號的愉華大廈,由一家名為PRECISE LUCKY LIMITED的公司申請強拍,該公司持有約80.59%業權,現餘下8個單位未成功收購,包括Hongkong Bank Trustee Limited持有黃泥涌道61號一個低層物業,市場估值約1336萬,該8個單位市場估值約1229萬至1667萬,市場對整個項目估值6.1124億。



值得留意的是,早前一家名為Sonic Success Limited的公司,向土地審裁處申請強拍上述舊樓毗鄰的翠景樓,現持有約83.33%業權,市場對整個項目估值7.0681億。與此同時,黃泥涌道63至65號安美大廈,早前曾錄19宗成交,包括16個住宅單位及3個鋪位,總成交額涉及約4.12億,不排除上述項目由同一財團併購,料屆時會整合發展。


此外,由財團併購的九龍城嘉林邊道28A至28B號,早前獲土地審裁處頒下強制售賣令,仲量聯行將於9月23日,安排拍賣該物業,底價4.0425億。據土地審裁處文件顯示,上址現為1幢3層高舊樓,早於1950年落成入伙,樓齡約72年。該舊樓佔地10070方呎,現劃為「住宅 (乙類)」用途,若以地積比率5倍重建,可建總樓面約50350方呎。



Link's $766m bid wins site at Anderson Road

Link Asset Management, the manager of Link Real Estate Investment Trust (0823), has won a commercial site in Kwun Tong for HK$766 million, or HK$5,501 per square foot, which is in line with market expectations.

The site on Anderson Road, known as Lot 1078 in Survey District 3, has an area of about 5,880 square meters and the maximum gross floor area is 12,936 sq m, according to the Lands Department.

The lot's market valuation ranged from HK$550 million to HK$905 million, or from HK$4,000 to HK$6,500 per sq ft.

The plot is the first of a pair of commercial sites available for sale within the Anderson Road Quarry Development. It is also the second government land won by Link seven years after its HK$5.86 billion bid for a commercial site on Hoi Bun Road in Kowloon Bay, where its headquarters is located.

Other tenderers included Sino Land (0083), CK Asset (1113), Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) and Chinachem.

Link said it intends to develop the land into a community commercial facility, including retail facilities, a fresh market, and car parks to serve the daily needs of more than 30,000 population as a number of public developments and subsidized housing estates in the district are completed in the coming years.

The site will be connected to public transport via an adjacent interchange. A covered pedestrian footbridge and lift system, both to be built by the government, will connect Link's Sau Mau Ping Shopping Centre and other residential estates in the Sau Mau Ping district.

The project is required to be completed by end of June 2028.

Previously, the government sold two residential sites in the area.

In 2018, Chinachem acquired Lot No 1068 at a consideration of HK$3.11 billion for private residential development, which is now known as Mount Anderson, which will provide 334 flats by 2023.

In 2020, CK Asset acquired Lot No. 1069 at a price of HK$4.95 billion to build 1,700 units of private and subsidized starter homes.

In other news, a consortium has applied for a compulsory sale of Comfort Mansion in Happy Valley, which is valued at over HK$600 million.

And a property at No 28A and No 28B Grampian Road in Kowloon has been granted a compulsory sale for redevelopment with a reserve price of HK$404.25 million, the auctioneer said.

(The Standard)


Transitional flats play pivotal role in easing Hong Kong’s housing crunch as city looks to secure enough land supply, official says

Short-term policies are necessary to alleviate the plight of underprivileged residents, Undersecretary for Housing Victor Tai says

Average waiting time for public rental flats is six years, double the government’s pledge of three years

Transitional homes have played a pivotal role in easing Hong Kong’s shortage of public flats while authorities look to secure enough land supply, the deputy housing chief has said.

Undersecretary for Housing Victor Tai Sheung-shing on Wednesday said short-term policies were necessary to alleviate the plight of underprivileged residents. He was officiating a commencement ceremony ahead of the construction of more than 1,000 transitional homes and a community service building in Kam Tin by next year.

“Distant water cannot quench a fire nearby,” Tai said, citing a Chinese proverb. “We need to take forward every short-term measure to ease difficulties faced by public housing applicants and residents living in undesirable environments.”

He added that transitional housing was an important policy that showed cooperation among the community, the business sector and the government.

The policy is a 2018 government initiative to help low-income groups living in poor conditions, such as subdivided flats, who have not been able to move to public housing.

The average waiting time for public rental flats in Hong Kong is six years, double the government’s pledge of three years.

As of August, the government has identified land for 21,700 temporary flats, of which more than 5,000 are currently in use, while the rest are under construction or study.

The government has identified 350 hectares of land for 330,000 public flats to fulfil demand for housing over the next 10 years, but two-thirds of the homes can only be built between 2027 and 2032.

The Kam Tin project, which is among the coming transitional housing schemes, will provide 1,028 flats in a 200,000 sq ft site along Kam Po Road and cost more than HK$576 million (US$73 million).

Its operator, the pro-establishment New Territories Association of Societies (Community Services) Foundation, is aiming to construct three four-storey buildings in September 2023 to accommodate around 2,800 residents, who are currently either public housing applicants or families living in undesirable environments like subdivided units.

A two-floor community service building, featuring a supermarket, restaurant, clinic and a self-serve laundry shop, will also be built. The centre will also offer interest classes, counselling and career training services.

“These community services will serve both the transitional housing residents and the neighbourhood to foster interaction between them,” said Leung Che-cheung, president of the New Territories Association of Societies.

Leung added that the district’s rural community had been supportive of the project despite construction leading to the closure of a public road.

Located within a five-minute walking distance from Kam Sheung Road railway station, the operator said it expected the site to be fully occupied next year when it opened, while residents would sign a three-year contract and could potentially extend their stay.

“We hope that residents can stay until they can be housed in public housing,” Leung said.

The site is temporarily leased by the developer Henderson Land Development until 2027.

The government’s assessment committee on funding transitional housing projects led by undersecretary Tai held a meeting on Tuesday, approving changes to five schemes to provide an additional 260 flats, increasing the total number to 2,415.

The amendments included doubling the number of flats for a housing estate in Choi Hung operated by Lok Sin Tong to 331 to accommodate a total of 778 residents by increasing the number of floors in the building from four to eight.

Lok Sin Tong will also relocate 108 modular housing units to the Choi Hung site from another transitional housing estate in Sung Wong Toi Road, a site due to be returned to the government by next year. It will be the first transitional housing estate to reuse such flats.

Secretary for Housing Winnie Ho Wing-yin pledged to locate sites which would allow occupants of transitional flats to stay there longer following her first visit as minister to several of the city’s subdivided flats in July.

(South China Morning Post)

金鐘海富中心細單位每呎34元租出 交吉逾一年 面積1442方呎







翻查資料,李耀湘為活星地產創辦人,近年亦活躍於物業買賣,中環雲咸商業中心 27樓全層於去年10月以7650萬成交,原業主為李耀湘等人,持貨約13年後帳面獲利約4866萬,此外,李氏於去年中亦4.7億購入山頂倚巒單位,面積3581方呎,呎價約13.12萬,創該屋苑成交價及呎價新高。















有代理指出,中環皇后大道中9號 14樓3室現以招標形式放售,總建築面積約3335方呎,物業以現狀連租約出售,意向價約1.3億,截標日期為今年10月11日 (星期二) 正午12時正。











共享工作空間營運商IWG於今年3月,向太古承租旗下金鐘皇后大道東8號 (8QRE) 辦公大樓18層,總樓面逾6.7萬方呎,開辦共用空間Spaces,已錄兩全層租出。該項目提供900個辦公位置,為Spaces於本港第7個據點,亦令IWG旗下品牌包括Spaces、Regus及Signature於本港據點擴展至18個。



IWG香港及大灣區區域經理 Paul MacAndrew 表示,市場對混合辦公模式寫字樓需要大增,目前,皇后大道東8號已錄2層全層租出。至於IWG其他辦公中心,今年6月份使用率明顯增長,較2月份升逾80%,IWG目標為年內為其全球網絡新增1000個據點的目標出發。






外資代理行:未全面通關 港島甲廈租金料跌5%



租務成交上,近日甲廈租務成交,不少來自中資機構。九龍站環球貿易廣場  (ICC) 55樓逾半層樓面、以及56樓全層,總面積約5萬平方呎,以每平方呎約75元租出。按該廈高層單位高峰呎租達100元計,如今租金水平已回調約25%。

中金公司租環球貿易廣場 5萬呎





至於中環新甲廈預租情況,將於明年落成,恒地 (00012) 旗下中環 The Henderson 於早前錄得第2宗租務,承租的是國際投資公司凱雷集團 (Carlyle Group),涉及約2萬平方呎樓面,呎租料約130元。







更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租



資策推威靈頓街商廈 呎價2.16萬起

商廈買賣方面,近日銀座式商廈交投轉多,資本策略 (00497) 現推售中環銀座商廈「威靈頓街92號」(92 Wellington Street) 重建項目,現先推7層,每層面積約2,300平方呎起,呎價約2.16萬元起。

每層2371呎起 明年落成






啟德跑道區兩商地保留 有望今通過










大南街商住銀主盤 3950萬沽 5載貶8%






商廈市場方面,有代理表示,中環皇后大道中9號 14樓3室,建築面積約3335方呎,以現狀連租約出售,意向價約1.3億元,呎價約38981元,截標日期為10月11日。

上址今年6月由內房佳源國際 (02768) 以9500萬元售予肇才教育創辦人與行政總裁張肇桓。






Hong Kong, mainland China to see office rents decline through 2022 amid Covid-19 policies, while Singapore, Seoul surge

Hong Kong and most mainland cities will see office rents slide in the second half of the year, according to a property consultant’s forecast

Seoul and Singapore top property consultancy’s forecast for 22 markets, while Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Tokyo will see the largest drops

Office property markets in Hong Kong and mainland China are likely to see declining rents for the rest of the year, according to a consultancy ranking that places them in the bottom half of a list of 22 Asia-Pacific markets.

“Hong Kong SAR and mainland China are lagging in terms of rental growth,” a property consultant said. “We have also revised down our full-year expectations of the two markets.”

Guangzhou, which ranks 21st on the list, is tipped to see rents tumble by 3 per cent for the rest of the year following a 1.1 per cent decline recorded in the first half of the year, according to the consultancy. The vacancy rate in the city is likely to ease slightly, to 16.1 per cent from the current 16.4 per cent.

Only Tokyo fares worse, with the forecast calling for a 3.1 per cent slide in office rents, following a 1.6 per cent decline so far this year, the consultancy said. The Japanese capital’s vacancy rate is likely to worsen to 3.1 per cent from 2.1 per cent.

Hong Kong, meanwhile, ranks 20th, with rents pegged to fall 2.5 per cent.

Office rents in Shanghai are forecast to retreat 0.9 per cent, while those in the tech hub of Shenzhen are estimated to see a 0.7 per cent slide.

Among Chinese cities, only the capital Beijing is expected to see office rents rise, with the consultancy predicting they will improve by 0.5 per cent – placing the city in the 13th spot.

Singapore’s office market is likely to be the second-best performer with 8.3 per cent rent growth this year. Seoul tops the consultancy’s list with an anticipated 14.8 per cent increase in rents.

While most major markets in the region have opened to international visitors provided they are fully vaccinated, mainland China and Hong Kong still require visitors to quarantine upon arrival, on top of a plethora of Covid-19 tests.

China, the world’s second-largest economy, grew at a slower-than-expected 0.4 per cent pace last quarter, reflecting the toll of wide-ranging lockdowns in the capital Beijing and financial hub Shanghai, which hammered economic output and likely put the nation’s 5.5 per cent growth target for this year out of reach.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s economy slipped into a recession in the second quarter, contracting by 1.4 per cent from a year ago. In the first three months of the year, the gross domestic product slumped 3.9 per cent, leading officials to downgrade the growth forecast for the second time this year. Hong Kong’s economy is now tipped to contract by as much as 0.5 per cent or grow by as much as 0.5 per cent.

“The continued closure of the border between Hong Kong and China mainly affects the recovery of Hong Kong in regards to attracting mainland companies and the return of Chinese tourists,” the consultant said.

The impact on the office property market is apparent in Hong Kong. According to data from another property consultancy, the vacancy rate for prime office space in July inched up to 9.6 per cent from 9.4 per cent in June – close to the record high of 9.8 per cent recorded in September 2021.

With 2.8 million square feet of new prime space hitting the market this year, supply will reach a level not seen since 2008, when it stood at 3.5 million sq ft, according to another property consultancy.

(South China Morning Post)


Homes go on sale for Mid-Autumn

Miami Quay I in Kai Tak may unveil its first price list today, offering at least 130 flats and kicking off sales for the Mid-Autumn Festival, said the developers.

This came as the Bank of East Asia (0023) raised the cap on Hong Kong interbank offered rate-linked loans by 0.25 percentage points to 2.75 percent.

Developed jointly by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development (0012), New World Development (0017) and Empire Group, phase one of Miami Quay provides 648 homes in total.

The project features one or two-bedroom units, so the developers expect it will attract young buyers, small families and investors.

Elsewhere, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) is expected to start sales of 164 units at Park Yoho Bologna in Yuen Long at the end of September.

Andy Chan Hon-lun, the developer's real estate agency general manager, said phase three of Park Yoho will be put for sale at a market price.

SHKP said about 3,000 homes at the project have been sold so far.

In other news, China's large residential builder Vanke (2202) said it will launch a new project on Yee Kuk Street and Hai Tan Street in Cheung Sha Wan, offering over 500 new homes in small and medium size.

Vanke said it expects to put the redevelopment project for sale next year, after winning two compulsory sale tenders for HK$852 million.

(The Standard)

太古地產:核心區甲廈租金 中期看穩

彭國邦指應盡快與國際通關 令商業市場回正軌

疫情衝擊商業市道,太古地產 (01972) 行政總裁彭國邦 (Tim Blackburn) 認為,本港應盡快與國際通關,令商業市場重回正軌,並指寫字樓租金已見底,通關後新需求可重臨,而住宅樓價受加息影響等僅屬短綫,長遠仍可平穩發展。


港背靠中國優勢 跨企必選擇






中長綫住宅需求 仍理想

至於住宅市場上,最近樓價有所調整,彭國邦認為,住宅價格有調整受不同原因影響,包括加息、經濟不明朗因素,「相信只是短綫衝擊,中長綫住宅需求仍理想。」他指,集團過往發展大型屋苑太古城、半山豪宅等,而2023至2026年將有數項目,包括灣仔EIGHT STAR STREET、黃竹坑站4期、柴灣中巴車廠,以上本年投得灣仔皇后大道東地皮,將提供多元化的住宅供應。







未來10年 重點投資內地一綫城市

今年為太古地產 (01972) 成立50周年,行政總裁彭國邦 (Tim Blackburn) 指,集團對本港及內地投信心一票,未來10年將投1,000億元,一半投資中國內地,並集中一綫城市。










數據中心需求殷 租金穩步上 代理:料未來1年升3%


該代理指出,儘管受疫情及美國聯儲局加息等利淡因素洗禮,工商鋪市場觀望氣氛揮之不去,然而,全幢酒店及工廈於今年上半年仍受捧,該類物業防守力較高,該行統計資料顯示,今年第二季逾億元成交金額涉183億,當中工廈物業佔47%,涉及買賣金額達86%,因工廈受工廈活化政策支持,隨着市場進入5G大時代,新經濟需求如數據中心及凍倉等應運而生,該類物業均可透過工廈改裝而成,可為物業增值 (Value-added),成為機構投資者追逐目標。





另一方面,該代理亦為甲廈市場「把脈」,代理指出,整體租務市場於今年第二季曾稍回暖,惟通關尚未有正式時間表,市場仍缺乏新動力,今年第二季市場錄負吸納量17.7萬方呎,待租率 (空置樓面加於未來12個月市場放租樓面) 約13.8%,加上正值供應高峰期,環顧今年達290萬方呎樓面出台,明年亦有大量樓面「排住隊」出場,料整體待租率持續上升。




Hong Kong’s Swire Properties zeroes in on Shenzhen as part of its US$12.7 billion, 10-year investment plan

Swire plans to bring its Taikoo Li and Taikoo Hui mixed-use projects, which have been successful in other mainland Chinese cities, to Shenzhen

The Hong Kong-listed firm recently signed a cooperation agreement with the Futian district government of Shenzhen to develop a retail-led commercial project

Swire Properties will expand its retail property business in Shenzhen as part of its HK$100 billion (US$12.7 billion) investment plan over the next 10 years.

The Hong Kong-listed company is keen to grow its retail assets in the Greater Bay Area in Shenzhen besides Hong Kong and Guangzhou, said chief executive Tim Blackburn at a briefing last week.

“The challenge for us is continuing the Greater Bay [Area] story which, at the moment, is Shenzhen. That is where we want to be able to bring a Taikoo Li or a Taikoo Hui concept,” said Blackburn.

Taikoo Li and Taikoo Hui are Swire’s mixed-use property projects in China. On the mainland, the company has such developments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu.

Swire’s HK$100 billion investment plan unveiled in March is broadly divided into three main components. About HK$30 billion has been earmarked for reinforcing office developments, HK$20 billion for residential projects in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, and HK$50 billion for Taikoo Li and Taikoo Hui projects in China’s tier one cities, specifically in the Greater Bay Area.

He added that the company would like to build on the success of its Taikoo Hui project in Guangzhou, which “has been our flagship for more than a decade”.

While the scope of the Shenzhen project “will be entirely determined by the size of the site and the planning parameters”, Swire’s “retail projects are generally between one and 1.5 million square feet”, Blackburn said.

Swire recently signed a cooperation agreement with the Futian district government of Shenzhen. The company will work closely with the local authorities to develop a new commercial project and introduce premium international retail brands with a focus on culture and the arts to support the district in lifting its profile.

“The Futian district government is keen to take advantage of our extensive experience and expertise in urban regeneration, as well as our creative approach to placemaking” to transform neighbourhoods, Swire said in a statement.

Swire has a clear understanding of what the government is looking for, Blackburn said. Swire has had a team in Shenzhen since 2019 scouring for sites, but has yet to zero in on a location.

“To choose one site, we probably look at 100. That is how you know how complex the process is, in order to meet all our criteria,” Blackburn said.

Generally, the development period from acquisition to completion is between four to five years, depending on the scale, he added.

Swire’s focus in Shenzhen will be retail-led and is unlikely to include an office component. The city has ample supply of grade A office space, which has pushed up the vacancy rate to 15.5 per cent in the second quarter, according to a property consultancy.

“In short term, the issue of oversupply exists, the liquidity/lettable rate of the stock will be slower compared to last year, the vacancy rate will be pushed up and the rent is likely to remain flat,” the property consultancy said in its Shenzhen office market report.

“We have very clear ideas on where we want to invest and how much we want to invest in each of those projects,” Blackburn said, adding that that the project in Shenzhen would most likely be a joint venture.

The company has previously resorted to this route in Xian, where it had formed a 70:30 joint venture for the HK$10 billion project.

Last week, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sounded another warning about China’s economy at a State Council meeting, saying companies were “facing more difficulties than in 2020” – during the initial outbreak of the coronavirus – and called for more reform.

China’s Communist Party will hold its twice-a-decade congress next month and it comes against the backdrop of an economy dogged by constant Covid-19-related disruptions, a looming population crisis and soaring youth unemployment.

Blackburn said Swire was comfortable investing in the Chinese mainland, pointing to the group’s 150-plus year history in the country.

“Will we continue our investment decisions in the Chinese mainland? The short answer is yes,” he said. “Irrespective of the short-term volatility, during this period of Covid, we still see the fundamentals.”

(South China Morning Post)


Miami Quay prices attract plenty of home hopefuls

Miami Quay I in Kai Tak plans to put another 65 flats on the market, which are expected to see a 5 to 10 percent hike in prices.

Co-developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land (0012), New World Development (0017) and Empire Group, the project had received over 500 checks for 130 flats on the first price list by Saturday, making the batch 2.8 times oversubscribed.

The first batch goes on sale over the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival weekend.

Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu, an executive director of Wheelock Properties, said about 7,000 visitors were in attendance at an exhibition hall, with more than 50 percent of them current residents of Kowloon, especially people living or working in Kowloon East.

About 25 percent were from Hong Kong Island and the rest from the New Territories and other parts.

And many of the would-be buyers were young people.

About 70-80 percent of them intend to purchase a property for themselves while the remainder aimed to buy the property for investment.

The Miami Quay development features three residential buildings that can offer a total of 648 flats.

The first price list for Miami Quay I was released last Friday and included 130 flats.

There are studios plus one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom flats on the list, with prices ranging from HK$5.24 million to HK$14.6 million. So square-foot prices are from HK$20,339 to HK$23,839.

The average price is HK$22,452 per sq ft, which is the lowest seen in the district during the past two years.

Wong said the prices of these units are indeed attractive in the market, and he believes there will be room for increases of 5 to 10 percent when more flats are added.

Amid sales of a large project, the picture of sales in the 10 major housing estates in the secondary market was mixed over the weekend.

A property agency's 10 major housing estates only recorded eight transactions during the weekend - a five-week low.

But another agency recorded 10 transactions, a week-on-week increase of 11.1 percent.

The decrease of transactions recorded by the first agency was seen to be mainly due to the fact that the pandemic in Hong Kong has risen again, with tens of thousands of confirmed cases in a single day, and that caused a decline in property viewing activities.

(The Standard)

啟德兩商地保留 1720伙住宅供應





西貢綠化地 建330伙住宅










Miami Quay sells at 10 per cent discount as Kai Tak developers grapple with monorail loss in a slowing housing market

Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development, New World Development and Empire Group priced the first 130 units of Miami Quay at HK$22,452 per square foot

The price is about 10 per cent cheaper than the Monaco Marine that launched in the same area in April, and 2.3 per cent less than One Victoria that launched in June 2021

A housing project at Kai Tak launched with a 10 per cent discount to the area’s prevailing price, as developers grappled with the sudden loss of mass-transit access and reduced commercial presence in Hong Kong’s former airport site amid a slowing market.

Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development, New World Development and Empire Group priced the first 130 units of their Miami Quay apartments at HK$22,452 per square foot on average after discounts, about 10 per cent cheaper than the Monaco Marine that launched in the same neighbourhood in April.

The first phase of Miami Quay, comprising 648 flats in three tower blocks, is scheduled for completion in August 2023. As the second housing project to go on sale on the former runway, Miami Quay’s price is also 2.3 per cent lower than the average price by its predecessor One Victoria, which launched in June 2021 at HK$22,977 per sq ft.

“Overall it’s cheaper,” said Sam Chi-yung, chief strategist at Patrons Securities in Hong Kong, adding that the 2020 decision to scrap a monorail link between Kai Tak and East Kowloon has affected home prices, as did the conversion of three commercial parcels in the area to residential use. “Higher interest and mortgage rates will affect the ability to repay, which indirectly affects sales.”

[Kai Tak] appears to be mostly residential,” Sam said. “Home prices in a place with only residential [property] will not be as high as where there is also commercial use.”

The entry price of Miami Quay is HK$5.24 million (US$667,590) for a flat that measures 250 square feet (23 square metres).

The price was set below the market price to attract the attention of young buyers and small families, said Wheelock Properties’ managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu. It could be on sale in the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday next weekend at the earliest, he added.

The average price of second-hand homes has fallen in Hong Kong, as a resurgent Covid-19 outbreak – and the quarantine rules to contain it – has driven the city into a technical recession. A property agency’s index which is a gauge of lived-in homes, fell 0.8 per cent to 173.22 for the week that ended on August 28, the lowest since March 2019.

The index may fall a further 1.9 per cent until the Mid-Autumn Festival next week, the agency said.

Some buyers are taking advantage of falling prices to enter the market, aiming to get ahead of the curve before the rising interest rates imposed by monetary authorities spill over into higher mortgage payments.

The number of residential, commercial and industrial properties as well as parking spaces rose 4.8 per cent to 5,238 transactions in August as more buyers piled in amid the falling prices.

The most affordable prices – usually associated with the smallest units – are finding ready buyers. Wang On Properties launched its Larchwood micro-apartments in western Mong Kok, featuring units as small as 181 sq ft, as cheap as HK$3.83 million. The developer sold 33 units, or 40 per cent of the 83 flats on offer, as of 6:30pm, agents said.

Hong Kong’s government set a 280 sq ft minimum size last December for flats built on government land. However, private projects that were not subject to lease modifications and land exchanges were still not covered by the minimum flat size requirement.

The tiniest flat measures 181 sq ft, slightly larger than a standard car-parking space of 130 sq ft, and costs HK$4.18 million after discounts. The cheapest flat at HK$3.83 million measures 206 sq ft. The average price of the 83 flats is at HK$22,421 per sq ft after discounts. Another 15 Larchwood flats will go on sale on Sunday.

(South China Morning Post)

上月錄367宗工商鋪買賣 代理行:料後市維持低水平














本港疫情反覆,整體商業氣氛不景氣,市建局亦調整觀塘市中心第4和第5發展區「巨無霸」商業項目的酒店、寫字樓及商業零售組合比例推出,包括可放棄興建酒店、商業樓面最多102萬方呎等,以打造區內新地標,並於明日 (7日)截收意向書;綜合市場估值介乎約184.1億至259.9億,每呎樓面地價由8500至12000元。








而寫字樓部分則修訂為70.89萬至137.37萬方呎,最後商業用途樓面 (商店及服務行業、食肆、娛樂場所及教育機構),則修訂為69.97萬方呎至102萬方呎。若規劃許可獲城規會批准,該局會據「浮動規劃參數安排」推出招標。



李寧開旗艦店 200萬租廣東道巨舖

租金較高峰跌7成 核心區今年最大額租務

核心區舖位租金經過大幅調整後,吸引個別品牌趁機開旗艦店。內地體育服裝品牌李寧 (02331),以每月約200萬元,租用尖沙咀廣東道新港中心逾7,000呎複式舖,成品牌首間香港旗艦店。是次租務為今年核心區最大額商舖租務成交,租金較高峰期跌7成。


新港中心複式舖 共7700

據了解,新租客為內地服裝李寧,近日舖外已貼上品牌標誌,預計第四季開業。李寧為內地龍頭運動服裝,產品包括球鞋、輕便運動服裝,並贊助國家跳水隊、乒乓球隊等,更與國際級體育明星合作,包括前NBA球星韋迪 (Dwyane Wade) 推出「Way of Wade」系列,球鞋甚受歡迎,亦反映品牌在國際上地位。


周生生數月前遷出 高峰700萬租

翻查資料,該店舖地下面積5,243平方呎,1樓建築面積2,443平方呎,原由連鎖金行周生生 (00116) 自2005年開始承租,月租高達700萬元,直至數月前合約期滿遷出。如今李寧以約200萬元承租,租金下跌約逾7成。

事實上,目前由華置 (00127) 及華創建投持有新港中心,因疫情衝擊令出租率偏低,特別區內大型品牌旗艦店先後遷出,例如其中一複式舖,地下至2樓,總面積共約10,140平方呎,曾由國際品牌Burberry租用,今年亦棄租。









檢疫措施放寬 激活商業氣氛?


趁租金跌 打造品牌聲望




部分品牌 現階段採觀望




栢麗大道複式舖 展覽商60萬租用






藝術展覽近年在港頗受歡迎,在核心區吉舖增加下,不少展覽商短租舖位。如中環皇后大道中59至65號泛海大廈地舖及1樓,總樓面約19,075平方呎,曾由TOPSHOP時裝租用,舖位於2020年中交吉,去年獲藝術展覽會主辦機構短租,舉行香港首個大型藝術科技體驗展Digital Art Fair Asia,屬亞洲首個展示世界級新媒體藝術、NFT加密藝術實體展覽,為期約1個月。





全幢住宅租務穩健 吸財團注意


在投資物業中,商舖及商廈交投相對淡靜,而大手成交上,連環錄得全幢住宅買賣。包括Weave Living表示,與領盛合作,成立價值1.4億美元 (約10.9億港元) 的合營企業,並以2.75億元購入半山羅便臣道68號全幢住宅物業。該廈由本地老牌家族持有多年,Weave Living方面表示,項目總樓面約2.6萬平方呎,屬一梯一伙設計,入市因價格較便宜,並看好住宅租務市場。集團將加以翻新,作長綫收租項目。

Weave Living購半山住宅 擬收租

Weave Living今年已於香港和新加坡收購合共4個物業,現時在兩地持有共10個物業,提供約1,500個住宿單位。最新與領盛成立的合營企業,總投資價值為4億美元 (約31.2億元)。早前集團與安祖高頓 (Angelo Gordon) 及保德信房地產 (PGIM Real Estate) 等合作。至於是次合資的領盛過去曾在港投資物業,對上一次在港進行買賣,為2012年以23.68億元沽出佐敦彌敦道諾富特酒店。

另外,何文田The Argyle全幢住宅租賃項目,早前以5.8億元成交。該物業位於亞皆老街,鄰近勝利道及太平道,位置理想。物業於2015年落成,由萬泰發展,項目地下及1樓為商舖,舖位面積約6,165平方呎,6至29樓為住宅,總建築樓面約36,997平方呎,而住宅部分實用面積約23,032平方呎,以市值約5.8億元計,建築面積呎價約1.56萬元。






中環振邦大廈 交通便合服務業



樓上每層 可分間數單位






買賣較少 去年呎價見16398









低層單位放售 呎價叫1.9萬



同時招租 每呎41










Prices rise at Miami Quay

Miami Quay I in Kai Tak has released its second price list of 65 flats, with prices ranging from HK$6.44 million to HK$21.15 million, up 5 to 10 percent over the first batch.

The first batch of 130 flats had received more than 800 checks over the weekend.

The project, developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development (0012), New World Development (0017) and Empire Group, attracted more than 30,000 visitors to both its online exhibition and show flats at The Gateway, Harbour City in Tsim Sha Tsui over the weekend.

Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu, executive director of Wheelock Properties, expects the first round of sales will be launched on the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

Wong said a four-bedroom unit featuring a skyline view will be up for sale by tender in the first round as well.

In other news, a private equity fund acquired a shop on Queen's Road West for HK$20.5 million. Bridgeway Prime Shop Fund has bought 20 stores for about HK$430 million so far this year, expecting shop prices will be steady before the year end if quarantine-free entry is rolled out in November.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at The Gateway please visit: Office for Lease at The Gateway

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui


Hong Kong property sellers roll out perks and promotions, but a bathtub video gets one agency into slightly hot water

Developers and agencies offer perks including Japan travel, water park memberships, festive craft activities and dining vouchers to drum up sales

A property agency removes a promotional video that featured a female agent in a bath towel showing off a large tub

Some Hong Kong property companies are pulling out the stops to secure sales in a downbeat market amid falling home prices, offering a range of perks and – in the case of one agent – appearing in a bath towel in a video to entice potential buyers.

In addition to lower prices, developers and agencies have recently offered perks including subsidies for travel to Japan, water park memberships, hot-water dispensers, festive celebrations and dining vouchers to drum up sales.

“There will be more discounts for promoting sales in the primary market in the short term,” an agent said, adding that the market will also see more alternative promotional tactics, like videos and gifts.

Prices of second-hand homes have fallen in Hong Kong as a resurgent Covid-19 outbreak – and the quarantine rules to contain it – have driven the city into a technical recession.

A market index which is a gauge of lived-in home prices compiled by a property agency, fell 0.8 per cent to 173.22 for the week that ended August 28, the lowest since March 2019. The index may fall a further 1.9 per cent before the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 10, according to the agency.

Hong Kong had 41,684 property agents active in August, a four-month high, but only 5,238 property deals were completed, according to data from the Estate Agents Authority and Land Registry. That equates to a ratio of eight agents per deal.

Amid this competitive environment, one female property agent appeared in a bathtub, wrapped in a bath towel, in a video about Longfor Group’s Upper Riverbank development in Kai Tak. A property agency posted the video in late August but removed it after it sparked criticism, “online bullying” and even “doxxing”, according to a statement from the agency.

The video was meant to show the “spacious bathroom and an extra-large bathtub”, the agency said in defending both the agent and the video, adding that the agent was wearing clothing underneath the towel.

“The front-line colleague did not have any indecent actions or inappropriate statements in the whole film,” the agency said. “Before the short film was released, it had been reviewed, and there was no indecency in the video. After the production of the short film was completed, it was also confirmed and agreed by the seller.”

The number of housing transactions rose 12.7 per cent to 4,137 in August after a four-month low in July as more buyers piled in amid the falling prices and promotional lures. Some buyers are aiming to get ahead of the curve before rising interest rates imposed by monetary authorities spill over into higher mortgage payments.

Developers and agents have offered the following enticements recently.

A property agency offered the first three buyers of certain properties in Japan a subsidy of 2 million yen (US$14,234.8) for travel to Japan, according to the company’s statement in early September. The offer lasts until September 30.

The first 10 people buying three- or four-bedroom flats at Grand Victoria in Cheung Sha Wan – developed by Wheelock Properties, Sino Land, K Wah International and SEA Group – in September through a specific agency will get dining vouchers worth HK$5,000.

At Soyo in Mong Kok, developed by Excel Billion Group Holdings and Chun Wo Development Holdings, the first five buyers in September will get two free annual memberships for Water World at Ocean Park. The first five buyers through a specific agency get instant hot water dispensers.

Vanke Holdings (Hong Kong) Company has been giving its club members materials for use in craft activities at the showroom of VAU Residence in Cheung Sha Wan for the Mid-Autumn Festival, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day.

(South China Morning Post)











新世界觀塘 KOHO 申重建商廈

新世界持有的觀塘 KOHO,新近向城規會申請放寬20%地積比重建。






更多KOHO寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:KOHO 寫字樓出租



DUTYZERO「衝出」東涌租核心區鋪 進駐中環銅鑼灣 租金大減50%至68%

零售商趁疫市插旗設據點,專賣酒類及食品的DUTY ZERO「衝出」東涌,進駐中環銅鑼灣,一口氣承租兩個地鋪,中環新顯利大廈地鋪月租25萬,平均每呎156元,較舊租金跌約50%,銅鑼灣羅素街金朝陽中心地鋪,月租約35萬,每呎476元,租金更大跌約68%。





除了中環外,DUTY ZERO更吼準曾以貴租聞名世界的羅素街,承租38號金朝陽中心D號鋪,建築面積735方呎,月租約35萬, 平均呎租476元,該鋪位對上長租為愛彼表 (Audemars Piguet),今年初撤出,當時月租約110萬,最新租金大跌約68%。














旭輝13.38億沽北角項目 宏安與匯集基金聯手承接




今番交易連兩家公司,近11.3億未償還金額,母公司旭輝為賣方擔保人。買方為華王有限公司,由宏安地產及APG SPV各擁50%權益。APG SPV為APG Strategic Real Estate Pool (匯集基金) 於荷蘭成立的存託機構,由荷蘭退休基金為集體投資而成立。







市建土瓜灣項目突擊招標 「一口價」定勝負 賣樓逾60億按比例分紅


市建局於土瓜灣第四個以「小區模式」發展的榮光街 / 崇安街發展項目,挾市區及鐵路沿綫優勢,昨日正式招標,招標條款隨即曝光。市場消息透露,項目售樓收益達60億後,中標財團須與市建局分紅,達標後首1億須分紅兩成,其後分紅比例以每1億為一組遞增,當收入達63億以上,分紅劃一為50%,若以項目總樓面約27.86萬方呎計,相當於每方呎售價逾2.15萬便需要分紅,而且發展商須向市建局自行提出「一口價」建議,將成為勝負的關鍵。





項目位於銀漢街44至54A號 (雙數) 及榮光街72至118號 (雙數),鄰近港鐵土瓜灣站,步行前往約5至6分鐘;地盤面積約3.1萬方呎,可建總樓面約27.86萬方呎,發展規模是目前已推出項目中最細,估計可以提供約560伙住宅。








市建局昨日正式邀請發展商及財團入標競投的土瓜灣榮光街 / 崇安街項目,為該局於過去約一年多,推出招標的第4個同區發展項目,而之前招標的3個項目,中標發展商分別為恒基、嘉里及長實,涉及金額合共逾197.7億。



至於鴻福街 / 銀漢街項目,市建局於去年9月邀請發展商提交發展意向書,合共接獲36份意向書,同年10月招標,11月截標時合共接獲8份標書,結果嘉里於12月以超過55.87億投得。該項目地盤面積約4.93萬方呎,可建總樓面最多約44.38萬方呎,預期可提供665伙住宅及7.4萬方呎商業樓面。










現址為一幢樓高13層的商住舊樓,地下為商鋪,樓上為住宅樓層,該舊樓早於1971落成入伙,至今樓齡約51年。文件顯示,項目地盤面積5172方呎,目前坐落於「住宅 (甲類)」地帶,若以地積比率9倍發展,涉及可建總樓面約46548方呎。



除上述項目外,會德豐地產夥拍培新集團、於今年3月透過強拍途徑,以底價17.32億,成功統一雲地利大廈舊樓業權。上述地盤面積約17595方呎,現時規劃為「住宅 (乙類) 6」用途,若以地積比率約5倍重建發展計,預計可建總樓面約87975方呎,以上述強拍價計算,每呎樓面地價約19687元。當時發展商指將盡快開展相關程序如申請拆卸物業等,預計項目最快於3年或以後推出市場。項目位於跑馬地黃泥涌道及雲地利道的豪宅地段,落成後料不少單位可享馬場景色。












啟德跑道區2用地 保留作商業用



2商業地 料供應138萬呎樓面


但是,觀乎整個啟德區發展,區內的商業配套日漸成熟,預計今年至2024年,將有4個大型商業及體育項目落成,為該區新增約400萬平方呎商業樓面。前述的4個項目較近港鐵啟德站,當中規模較大的南豐旗下商業地標項目 AIRSIDE,預料於今年第4季正式開幕,總樓面逾191萬平方呎,總投資額達320億元。

AIRSIDE 預計第4季開幕

同樣屬大型商業項目、早於2016年由利福國際  (01212) 以約73.88億元投得的啟德第1E區2號商業地,亦擬發展2幢樓高18至19層高的雙子塔式商廈,並設4層地庫,其中1幢則發展為大型百貨公司崇光 (SOGO) 分店,總樓面逾109萬平方呎,其中9成樓面作零售用途,而項目將會在明年緊接推出。

此外,遠東發展 (00035( 於2019年以約24.46億元奪得的承啟道商業地,將發展為酒店及寫字樓,供約400個酒店房間,及12層高 (計入地庫) 的寫字樓及零售商廈,涉及總樓面約34.4萬平方呎,料於2024年落成。項目的辦公室部分早前以約33.8億元出售予中電 (00002) ,將成集團的新總部。而啟德體育園亦將提供約64.6萬平方呎的零售及餐飲設施,早前日式百貨公司AEON已宣布承租啟德體育園舖位9年,涉及金額約3,730萬元。


更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租




經過多年規劃,前身是啟德機場的啟德發展區其發展日漸成熟,近年陸續有多個私人住宅項目入伙。今年7月,在跑道區上持有土地的9間發展商更合組公司,將跑道區建構為一個全新綜合多元化地段—PARK PENINSULA。


上述9間發展商包括華懋集團、帝國集團、中國海外 (00688)、遠東發展 (00035)、恒地 (00012)、嘉華國際 (00173)、新世界發展 (00017)、新地 (00016)及會德豐地產。他們均在跑道區分別以獨資或合資形式持有9幅用地,涉逾萬伙住宅,總樓面達636萬平方呎,佔整個跑道區單位總數逾8成。

跑道區屬前啟德國際機場的跑道部分,三面環海,翻查資料,政府近年在跑道區合共批出11幅用地,涉及逾700萬平方呎樓面。早前有份參與的發展商亦透露,將藉此與政府相關部門、區內持份者及NGO溝通,合作舉辦休閒及慈善活動。至於交通方面,目前正爭取在PARK PENINSULA每一個項目設有穿梭巴士往返港鐵站,方案日後或有機會落實。



CIFI changes course for a $1.3b sale

CIFI (0884) switched its plan to sell its property at No 101 and 111 King's Road to Wang On Properties (1243) and APG Strategic Real Estate Pool for HK$1.34 billion instead of three of its major shareholders.

The deal could bring a gain of HK$21.8 million to CIFI. The net proceeds from the disposal amounted to HK$681 million after estimated expenses, and will be used as general working capital.

The Chinese developer bought the previous Sing Pao Building and its parking lot for HK$1.88 billion in 2018. The building is under demolition and will be redeveloped into a residential project with commercial space, which is expected to be completed in 2026.

It planned to sell 60 percent equity of the property to its major shareholders but later sold all the interests to Wang On Properties and APG Strategic Real Estate Pool.

Meanwhile, CIFI's contracted sales dropped 6.46 percent monthly to 15.06 billion yuan (HK$16.99 billion) in August, while the sold gross floor area slid 11 percent to 1.01 million square meters from a month ago.

In other news, a state-owned company in the northeast city of Shenyang is reportedly set to take over the remaining 7.56 billion yuan worth of shares of Shengjing Bank (2066) held by China Evergrande (3333).

And another developer, China Overseas (0688), has obtained a 100 million pound (HK$903.49 million) sustainable loan for five years, arranged by BOC Hong Kong (2388).

(The Standard)


3,341 flats await presale consent

Thousands of new homes are expected to enter the Hong Kong market shortly, with six projects 3,341 flats applying for presale consent in August, and the number of private flat completions rising by a quarter month-on-month in July.

Among the new applicants, Henderson Land Development's (0012) phase 2 and 3 of One Innovale in Fan Ling will offer 408 and 565 flats respectively, data from the Lands Department showed.

The department also approved three projects involving 2,305 flats in August, up by 42.3 percent from the previous month.

Newly approved projects include phase 2 of a residential project at 15 Shing Fung Road in Kai Tak, co-developed by K Wah International (0173), Wheelock Properties and China Overseas Land & Investment (0688) and providing 1,221 flats.

Meanwhile, 1,131 private homes were completed in July in the city, up by 25.4 percent from the previous month, the Rating and Valuation Department said.

The total number of private homes completed in the first seven months was 13,195, accounting for 57.7 percent of the government's estimate of 22,851 homes.

In urban renewal projects, the Urban Renewal Authority has invited developers to submit bids for Wing Kwong Street and Sung On Street Development project in To Kwa Wan, which had attracted 31 expressions of interest.

In the commercial market, New World Development (0017) has applied to rebuild the former industrial building now known as Koho in Kwun Tong into a 288,000-square-foot commercial building, increasing the plot ratio by 20 percent

And Sino Land (0083) has put up for sale three commercial floors in Kowloon Bay for HK$1.5 billion.

In the primary market, Miami Quay I in Kai Tak has received 1,000 checks for 195 flats on the first two price lists as of Monday, making them more than four times oversubscribed.

Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai , meanwhile, is expected to upload the sales brochure and unveil the first price list within this week, the developer Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said.

In other news, an application has been submitted for a compulsory sale of Bonny View House, an old residential building in Happy Valley with an estimated value of HK$522 million.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at KOHO please visit: Office for Lease at KOHO

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Kwun Tong please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Kwun Tong


Li-Ning, Dior among luxury brands flocking to Canton Road in ‘iconic’ Tsim Sha Tsui with eye on Hong Kong’s borders reopening

Tsim Sha Tsui is an iconic business district, says Li-Ning, which is paying HK$2 million a month for a new 7,000 sq ft flagship store on Canton Road

Tsim Sha Tsui ‘a great location for brands to make a statement to the market’: property consultant

Tsim Sha Tsui’s Canton Road – once buzzing with tourists – has over the past two years become largely deserted, as the border between Hong Kong and mainland China remained closed to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

In recent months, however, this retail haven has been showing signs of recovery, with Chinese and western brands choosing the district for flagship stores or the expansion of their current foot print despite the continued absence of tourists.

There are several likely reasons for this: landlords have become more flexible with lease terms; retailers are anticipating the reopening of Hong Kong’s border; and brands are tapping the local population, which is willing to spend more on luxury items given that the city’s current quarantine requirements discourage them from travel.

Li-Ning, China’s biggest sportswear maker, for instance, is leasing a 7,000 sq ft shop on Canton Road for HK$2 million (US$254,827) a month, 70 per cent lower than the previous tenant’s lease, according to local media. The store in Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, will be Li-Ning’s first flagship store in Hong Kong and is expected to open this year.

“Tsim Sha Tsui is an iconic business district in Hong Kong,” a Li-Ning spokesman said on Tuesday. The Li-Ning Hong Kong Canton Road flagship will allow local consumers to “fully experience Li-Ning’s professionalism in sports products and services, and better understand our brand philosophy of ‘anything is possible’,” he added.

In 2018, before anti-government protests engulfed the city and triggered a decline in the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong, and before the coronavirus pandemic upended tourism, mainland Chinese visitors spent HK$7,029 each per trip. They made up more than three quarters of Hong Kong’s visitors that year and were considered the lifeblood of the retail industry. Tourism has contributed an estimated 32 per cent of the city’s services output in recent years, up from 21 per cent in 2003.

“Brands choose Tsim Sha Tsui for expansion mainly because the market is anticipating the reopening of borders in the near future,” a property agent said. “This is also a great location for brands to make a statement to the market.”

When the border with China reopens, Tsim Sha Tsui – only about a seven-minute taxi ride away from West Kowloon station, the sole station in Hong Kong for the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link – might be a likely first stop for mainland Chinese tourists.

While all of Hong Kong’s popular retail districts have seen a decline in rents, the Tsim Sha Tsui area is arguably the worst affected by the absence of tourists.

Since 2019, when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, rents in the district have declined by 40 per cent, according to the property consultancy. According to another property consultancy, prime street shop rents in Tsim Sha Tsui fell 32 per cent in 2019, 25 per cent in 2020 and 6.1 per cent last year. As of the second quarter of this year, shop rents were flat.

But things might be looking up for Tsim Sha Tsui.

Harbour City, which is Hong Kong’s largest shopping centre and is located on Canton Road, is set to open about 100 new stores, including those of European luxury brands, by the end of the year. So far, it has opened more than 70 stores including Hong Kong’s largest Dior shop with nearly 10,000 sq ft across two floors of the mall. A Miu Miu speciality store also launched on Canton Road this year.

Another newcomer is Casa Loewe’s only store in Hong Kong, which spans 5,000 sq ft across two floors. Other brands such as Patek Philippe, Breitling, A. Lange & Sohne, Lanvin, Parisine and Malin+Goetz have also opened stores in the shopping centre this year.

“Harbour City has consistently strengthened its tenancy mix with world-famous brands, which have brought growth in footfall and car park utilisation,” said a spokesman for the mall. “As a result, in January to August, Harbour City’s footfall and car park utilisation on weekends and holidays increased by over 10 per cent compared to last year.”

Swiss and French luxury jewellers Piaget and Van Cleef & Arpels will also open stores at Harbour City later this year and the next, respectively.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong retail sales rose 4.1 per cent in July to HK$28.3 billion, provisional figures from the government show. In June, the sales of jewellery, watches, clocks and valuable gifts – considered the luxury category – rose 2.3 per cent from a year ago, according to the Census and Statistics Department.

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease at Silvercord please visit: Office for Lease at Silvercord

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui












該項目早前向城規會提交修訂申請,調整酒店、寫字樓及商業零售組合比例,增加項目彈性,當中酒店部分不設樓面下限至最多34.44萬方呎,意味中標財團可選擇不興建酒店或最多提供400間酒店客房。寫字樓部分則修訂為70.89萬至137.37萬方呎,最後商業用途樓面 (商店及服務行業、食肆、娛樂場所及教育機構),則修訂為69.97萬方呎至102萬方呎。




當今社會較過往更講環保,尤其疫市下,健康生活成為大眾追求目標, 有代理指出,近年不論發展商起樓,大機構承租物業,焦點都放在「環保」商廈,期待物業在省電,排廢等環保方面達到水平,令用家擁有健康的工作環境。



「環保」商廈建築成本並非特別高,另有代理解釋,環保在於投入心思及策劃,令物業更節能 (節省水電),空氣流通,管理妥善,只要好好加以策劃,建築成本並不因而提高;近年,亦有業主重新打造現有已落成的商廈,加入環保元素,那麼,視乎不同的個案,費用大約為建築費的5%至20%。











項目位處油麻地、旺角商業地段,具重建價值,步行前往港鐵油麻地站約6分鐘步程,上址地盤面積5033方呎,坐落於「住宅 ( 甲類)」地帶,若以地積比率8.5倍發展,涉及可建總樓面約42781方呎。連同上述項目,土地審裁處今年迄今共錄20宗強拍申請個案,已超過去年全年16宗,並多出4宗。

另外,由The Development Studio創辦人兼主席簡基富 (Keith Kerr) 旗下灣仔堅尼地道33至35號項目,早年申建75伙住宅方案今年初遭城規會拒絕後;該公司今年中「捲土重來」、並維持原有其發展參數再向城規會申請放寬8.3%高限,以建一幢樓高28層的住宅,以提供75個住宅單位,可建總樓面約61624方呎不變;最新獲規劃署不反對,城規會將於周五 (9日) 舉行會議審議時,料會「開綠燈」通過。



跑馬地舊樓掀財團併購熱 群雄「爭土儲」 至少7項目將重建豪宅







除併購的項目外,亦不乏已完成併購的項目,其中,培新集團去年曾斥資約12.399億購入大坑道341至343號住宅項目雅居,以上述物業總樓面面積約1.8萬方呎計算,平均呎價收購高達6.9萬;當時該公司曾指,計畫將上述項目重建發展為低密度住宅。 另外,同區亦有不少豪宅新盤仍積極銷售當中,恒隆持有的藍塘道23至39號現樓洋房項目,共提供18座洋房,迄今已售出8座洋房,合共套現逾25億。

遠中集團旗下Eight Kwai Fong Happy Valley,迄今共售出32伙,套現逾4.1億。



觀塘中海日升中心低層 每呎叫價2萬



內部間隔四正 鄰近港鐵站











Landmark South 勢打造成文藝地標

信和集團及帝國集團旗下首個位於港島南區的甲級商業合作項目Landmark South,有關建築工程現已進入最後階段。項目將打造成區內嶄新的文創及藝術孕育地標。

信和集團執行董事李正強表示,Landmark South 採用頂尖的建築規格及已獲多項綠色認證。配合近年黃竹坑的蛻變發展,結合甲級辦公室、零售、餐飲、藝術與創意社區於一身。是次項目與藝發局成為夥伴,由項目設計階段開始,已經與藝發局展開協商,一直保持緊密溝通,確保物業建築工程能夠配合藝發局在 Landmark South 內各項藝術設施的規劃、設計、功能和需要。

信和集團資產管理董事蔡碧林表示,Landmark South 自今年初開始招租, 接獲不少來自創意行業如室內設計、畫廊及建築師樓的租務查詢。

香港藝術發展局藝術空間、研究及發展總監陳安玲表示,Landmark South 大廈設備完善,藝發局位於此新落成大廈的新址作永久辦事處外,同時會開設及營運一個約5000方呎的展覽及多用途藝術空間、一個藝術資訊中心及27間以優惠租金租予藝術家的工作室。藝發局新辦公室及設施預計將於明年初啟用,而藝術工作室的招租工作將於本月中開始。

Landmark South 目前的招租進度理想,首批租戶已如期開始進駐。項目位於21樓的示範單位,以及位於8樓,佔地9200方呎的空中花園現已開放予有興趣的租戶參觀。


更多Landmark South寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:Landmark South寫字樓出租



Kwun Tong job gets 24 expressions of interest

The Urban Renewal Authority's Kwun Tong town center redevelopment project's areas four and five, which have introduced flexibility in plot ratios in shaping a building complex with government facilities and commercial operations, has received 24 expressions of interest.

The Kwun Tong spread is the URA's largest-ever single redevelopment project spread across five areas.

The last phases of the redevelopment cover 25,595 square meters. Upon completion there can be a maximum total gross floor area of 201,220 square meters.

The authority initiated what it calls "floating planning parameters" in the tender of the project.

Under this arrangement, the total gross floor area is unchanged but flexibility will be given to the successful developer or consortium to determine the actual areas within specified ranges for office, hotel and other commercial uses.

It has also been noted when it comes to flexibility the Planning Department did not object to a plan for building 75 flats on Kennedy Road.

That project at 33-35 Kennedy Road, which is owned by Keith Kerr, a former chairman of Swire Properties (1972), had applied for the redevelopment to a 28-story residential building.

In the primary market, Miami Quay I at Kai Tak will launch its first round sale with 138 units next Monday. There will be 137 flats on the price list, and one will be sold via tender.

Dah Sing Bank (2356) has meanwhile raised the mortgage rate cap by 0.2 percentage points to 2.85 percent, which takes the number of banks in Hong Kong that have raised the mortgage rate cap to 10.

But Bank of China Hong Kong (2388) and Hang Seng Bank (0011) have not raised the cap.

A property agency said that Hong Kong home prices fell 2.4 percent in the second quarter, making it 145th in the world in the property price trend ranking.

Yet despite the weak performance of residential property prices in Hong Kong there has not been a significant fall in prices due to headwinds such as interest rate hikes and a rebound from the pandemic, agent said.

On the commercial property front, another agent said that the vacancy rate of Grade A offices reached 11 percent as of July - the highest since 2008 - because social unrest and the pandemic had affected Hong Kong's economy during the past three years.

And in the overseas property market, Chinachem Group bought the London headquarters of social media company TikTok for 158.5 million pounds (HK$1.41 billion) yesterday.

(The Standard)

九龍灣高銀金融國際中心全幢將易手 南豐出價65億奪標呼聲最高



洽商細節 預期兩周內簽約


南豐鍾情東九龍,亦是區內大地主之一,矚目一役為2017年5月,奪取啟德1F區2號商業地王,作價246億,當時是賣地史上最高的造價,項目亦即將落成集商廈與商場的地標項目 AIRSIDE,提供逾191萬呎樓面。

呎價7629 料回報4.7

有代理指出,高銀金融國際中心寫字樓平均呎租約30元,回報甚高 (4.7厘),該廈位處單邊,建築具特色,里外都特別闊落,況且,九龍灣商廈租戶都是大公司,在此設立後勤部門,區內規劃佳,街道不塞車,未來發展潛力看高一綫。

高銀金融國際中心原由潘蘇通旗下高銀金融持有作總部,近兩年潘蘇通陷入財困,該全幢於2020年9月,被接管人委託標售,估值高逾120億,同年10月,高銀金融高調公布以143億向商人FONG Tim出售物業,兩個月後更傳出物業以逾140億易手。





更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租













老牌家族7.1億放售一籃子貨 上海街商住樓具重建潛力






灣仔軒尼詩道363號為半幢物業,與361相連,意向價約1.7億,項目地下及閣樓為商鋪及儲物用途,1樓至14樓為住宅,總樓面約10305方呎,鄰近灣仔堅拿道天橋 (俗稱鵝頸橋)。




銀行接管灣仔中國恆大中心 再安排出售

市值80億至90億 較2015年購入價跌逾3成

內房危機持續,近月出現財困問題的內房恒大 (03333),早前標售灣仔中國恆大中心全幢商廈,惟消息指,銀行已經接管該商廈,預計日後將會再安排出售,項目市值約80億至90億元。

據外電報道,中國恒大債務爆煲後,繼集團位於元朗和生圍的「皇宮屋」地皮發展項目遭債權人接管後,據公司註冊處資料顯示,在9月6日,持有灣仔中國恆大中心的項目公司 Pioneer Time Investment Limited 最新一份遞交存檔文件為「委任接管人或經理人通知書」。


總樓面34.5萬呎 出租率逾8

早於今年中,恒大委託測量師行,標售其總部大廈中國恆大中心,並於7月初截標。當時長實 (01113) 確認入標,最終項目未有售出。物業坐落於灣仔告士打道,恒大於2015年以125億元購入自用,近一年多集團遇上財困,有需要出售資產以套現。現時大廈出租率逾8成,除了恒大自用樓面外,亦有保險等租戶。





高銀金融國際中心銀主盤 料短期售出

該項目總樓面達85.2萬平方呎,消息指,有財團出價逾60億元,呎價約7,000餘元,若最終落實,呎價遠低於同區甲廈約3至4成。翻查資料,該廈由潘蘇通旗下高銀金融 (00530) 持有,早年購入地皮並發展成集團總部,惟近年潘蘇通陷入財困,高銀金融國際中心2020年9月曾被接管人委託標售,其後更公布售出,惟最終未有完成交易。







西營盤紹德樓拍賣 底價2.1億

西營盤高街124及126號紹德樓,於今日 (9月9日) 進行公開拍賣,拍賣底價為2.1億元。該物業比鄰英皇書院,地盤面積約2,798.84平方呎,坐落於劃為「住宅 (甲類) 8」用途的用地,現為1幢於1966年落成的8層高商住樓宇,地下為商舖,設有兩條公共樓梯。

據了解,就上述項目申請強拍的申請人過往曾多次為新世界 (00017) 收購舊樓,故不排除背後財團為新世界或相關人士。



Evergrande's HQ seized

China Evergrande's (3333) Hong Kong headquarters has been seized by a lender after failing to sell the building twice due to its default on loans, the Financial Times reported yesterday.

The report came as the winding-up petition hearing of the debt-burdened developer was adjourned again to November 28, Hong Kong's High Court said yesterday.

Meanwhile, in China's embattled property sector, the city of Zhengzhou vowed to start building all stalled housing projects within 30 days, by making good use of special loans, asking developers to return misappropriated funds and encouraging some real-estate firms to file for bankruptcy. The local government required about 60 real estate companies to continue the construction of 72 suspended projects no later than early October, and to hire third-party auditors to account for the balance of funds.

(The Standard)

上月錄1564宗工商鋪租賃 代理行:觀望氣氛濃厚

















疫市下,核心商業區仍錄大手買賣,較矚目的為湯臣集團以約1.93億購入金鐘海富中心二座 13樓全層,呎價約1.8萬,創該廈近八年來呎價新低。另外,上海商業總會以1.2億購入中環南華大廈7樓全層,成交價約1.1億,呎價約2.9萬元,創該廈歷來呎價新高。







中環雲咸街鋪呎租84元跌33% 重返13年前水平 特色餐廳進駐


上址為雲咸街54至60號中央廣場地下3號鋪,建築面積3546方呎,由食肆承租,起初兩年入場月租28萬,第三年之後加租,計及加租幅度,五年平均月租大約30萬,新租客為特色食肆,市場人士指為韓式餐廳,舊租客為美式扒房El gaucho,月租逾45萬,新租金較舊租下跌逾33%。上述巨鋪業主為發展商信和,多年來一直持有收租。












憧憬通關 Weave Living斥32億購2酒店

位於觀塘旺角 鄧成波家族持貨逾4年蝕2億

市場憧憬通關,酒店再成熱捧對象。鄧成波家族以約32億元,沽出觀塘及旺角兩幢酒店,由近期積極入市的Weave Living承接。鄧成波早年合共斥34億元購入兩項目,持貨4至5年轉手,家族蝕約2億元離場。


觀塘悅品酒店 約24.7億易手

其中觀塘悅品海景酒店位於偉業街,前身為麗東酒店,樓高31層,提供598間房,類型包括豪宅客房、家庭客房等,面積由200至400平方呎,屬觀塘區內罕有大型酒店,目前暫作檢疫酒店之用。據了解,酒店以約24.7億元易手,平均每房價值約413萬元。舖王鄧成波於2017年,斥23億元向恒地 (00012) 購入酒店,持貨5年轉手,帳面獲利約1.7億元。

旺角旭逸酒店 每房價值367




該家族今年相繼出售大型酒店,包括年初以14.2億元沽出荃灣汀蘭居酒店,蝕約2.6億元離場。消息稱,新買家同為Weave Living。

事實上,Weave Living今年積極入市,包括月初以2.75億元,夥拍基金購入半山羅便臣道68號全幢住宅。翻查資料,未計是次收購,Weave Living今年已於香港和新加坡收購合共4個物業,現時在兩地持有共10個物業,提供約1,500個住宿單位,包括年初斥13.75億元購入大角咀九龍珀麗酒店。




新港中心租戶重組 冀帶動人流



李寧200萬租複式舖 租跌7

隨着近期本港放寬檢疫措施,「3+4」新方案下,預計通關有望在年內發生,而零售商亦憧憬生意有轉機,加上租金回調,近期重回核心區。尖沙咀新港中心錄得一宗大手舖位租務成交,涉及地下及1樓複式舖位,約200萬元租出,成為今年核心區最大額租務成交。新租客為內地運動服裝李寧,近日舖外已貼上品牌標誌,預計第四季開設本港首間旗艦店。該舖地下面積5,243平方呎,1樓建築面積2,443平方呎,原由連鎖金行周生生 (00116) 自2005年開始承租,月租高達700萬元。如今李寧以約200萬元承租,租金下跌約逾7成。


新概念商戶 成招攬對象






尖沙咀商舖空置率 相對平穩







尖沙咀新聲大廈 半零售行業合適





每層4808 可分間8單位











多層樓面招租 呎租逾34元


最高層單位 呎租35











Kai Tak project kicks off sales

Miami Quay I, a new project in Kai Tak jointly developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land (0012), New World Development (0017) and Empire Group Holdings, sold 42 flats yesterday.

The project launched the first round of sales yesterday, with 137 units on the price list and one unit to be sold by tender.

Ahead of the sales, the project had received 2,048 checks by Sunday, making the batch 14 times oversubscribed.

One customer spent HK$25.86 million to buy two flats - a three-bedroom unit with an area of 716 square feet and a one-bedroom unit with 315 sq ft - through an agency. The prices were HK$18.56 million for the three-bedroom unit and HK$7.3 million for the one-bedroom unit.

Another buyer purchased a three-bedroom flat for her family for more than HK$10 million.

Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu, an executive director of Wheelock Properties, said more flats may be put up for sale in the near future, depending on the sales progress of the first batch.

In the secondary market, transactions in 10 major housing estates rose over the long weekend with more sellers willing to cut their asking prices.

Over the weekend, another property agency saw the number of deals double week-on-week to a three-week high of 16, in addition to 19 deals over the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

The first agency, meanwhile, recorded 17 transactions, up by about 70 percent week-on-week, rising for two consecutive weeks and hitting a three-week high, in addition to 20 deals over the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

Agents said the secondary market performed better amid the gradual decline in property prices, improved sentiment and a dearth of new launches in the primary market.

On the other hand, rents for grade A offices dropped 4.1 percent for the first eight months this year during the persistent outbreaks of the pandemic in Hong Kong, the agency said.

August rents inched up 0.8 percent monthly and the vacancy rate of grade A offices reached 9.9 percent, up by 0.1 percent from 9.8 percent in July.

(The Standard)


Dismal sales by Miami Quay shows Hong Kong’s home market is in a ‘depression’, expert says

Only about 30 per cent, or 41 of the 137 flats on sale at Miami Quay in Kai Tak have been sold

Besides a resurgence in Covid-19 infections, Hong Kong’s homeowners and potential buyers are also bracing for higher mortgage rates

Hong Kong’s housing market is in a “depression” according to one leading property expert, who pointed to poor sales at a prime new development in the city centre amid a backdrop of falling home prices, an interest rate upcycle and a new wave of Covid-19 infections.

Only about 30 per cent, or 41 of the 137 flats on sale at Miami Quay in Kai Tak have been sold, according to agents. Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development, New World Development and Empire Group priced the first 137 units of their Miami Quay flats at HK$23,250 per square foot on average after discounts earlier this month. The entry price was HK$5.24 million for a flat that measured 250 sq ft.

“The market is panicking amid rising interest rates and the pandemic. So it’s been much quieter,” agent said. “It is Hong Kong’s problem. The entire Hong Kong property market is in a depression.”

The agent cited a poor economic environment for his bleak outlook, which has pressured both the primary and secondary markets. The agent added that upcoming new launches would have to wait until the economy improves. “Whichever project launches [now] will fail,” the agent said.

Miami Quay caters mainly to middle-class buyers, who have been hit by the current economic downturn, the agent said. Currently, only projects with a lower price range of HK$3 million (US$382,220) to HK$5 million, similar to that of Home Ownership Scheme flats, will sell now, the agent added.

There is prevailing wait-and-see sentiment in the market, with heavy discounts required to facilitate transactions in the secondary market, another agent said.

“With the recent volatile stock market, sentiment is sour and [property] sales have been relatively low,” the agent said, who also cited the interest rate upcycle and higher Covid-19 infection numbers in the city.

The first phase of Miami Quay, comprising 648 flats in three tower blocks, is scheduled for completion next August. Together, its two phases will comprise 1,219 flats. As the second housing project to go on sale at the site of Hong Kong’s former runway, Miami Quay initially fetched 2,048 registrations of intent, which means 15 buyers competed for each flat.

The poor sales at Miami Quay come around 10 days after Wang On Properties launched its Larchwood micro-flats in western Mong Kok, with some as small as 181 sq ft and priced as low as HK$3.83 million. The developer sold 33 of the 83 homes on offer that day.

Aa lived-in home prices market index fell 0.8 per cent to 171.83 for the week ended September 4 – the lowest level since February 2019. The index has fallen 5.1 per cent over eight weeks and this fall may steepen, according to an agency.

Aside a resurgence in Covid-19 infections, Hong Kong’s homeowners and potential buyers are also bracing for higher mortgage rates after the US Federal Reserve’s rapid interest rate hikes this year to tame the fastest inflation in America in four decades.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de facto central bank, has increased its base rate in lockstep due to the Hong Kong dollar’s linked exchange rate system with the US dollar.

(South China Morning Post)


宏安地產夥拍管理荷蘭最大退休金的資產管理公司匯集基金 (APG),早前透過收購股權形式,斥資13.38億購入港島英皇道101號及111號地塊,宏安透露擬發展為以兩房及三房單位為主的住宅項目,預期項目的總投資額將超過29億。








Commercial site in Hong Kong’s arts hub West Kowloon tipped to fetch as much as US$1.3 billion in tender

The West Kowloon Cultural District Authority has put up for tender a 700,000 sq ft property to be developed into three commercial buildings

Sun Hung Kai Properties and Sino Land are likely bidders for the Artist Square Towers project, according to consultants

Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District Authority has put up for tender a 65,000 square metre (699,654 square foot) property to be developed into three commercial buildings with office, retail, dining and entertainment components.

The property could fetch a bid as high as HK$10.5 billion (US$1.3 billion), according to one valuation, given that Hong Kong’s tourism is likely to have recovered from its pandemic malaise by the time construction is complete in four to five years. Estimates put construction costs at HK$8 billion.

The project is a “landmark commercial development” to be dubbed the Artist Square Towers (AST) Project, according to the authority.

The plot is located at Artist Square in the West Kowloon Cultural District, a 40-hectare development touted as Hong Kong’s arts and cultural hub. The property lies close to facilities including the M+ contemporary art museum, the recently opened Hong Kong Palace Museum, the Lyric Theatre Complex currently under construction and an 11-hectare Art Park fronting Victoria Harbour.

The deadline for tender submissions is November 14 at 5pm.

“The AST Project is one of the flagship commercial projects of the [area], dedicated to creating a new cultural central business district in Hong Kong,” a statement from the authority said. “It will provide the private sector with a precious opportunity to take part in such an ambitious arts- and culture-led development.”

The winning bidder will have the development and operational rights of the AST Project for 47 years under a build-operate-transfer (BOT) model, unlike the usual 50-year grant given to the winning bidders of other land tenders in Hong Kong.

The site is adjacent to the commercial and residential area above Kowloon Station, which is a stop for the Tung Chung and Airport Express lines, and close to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, which is the terminus and only station on the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link.

“The project will have good prospects in the long term, as after the opening of the Palace Museum, M+ and other facilities, the district will become a true cultural hub with a strong market position,” a property agent said. “Once the office and retail development is completed, the West Kowloon area will be another business hub [that is] even larger than the Quarry Bay island east hub.”

The foundation and basement car parking facilities in the district have already been built, the agent said, meaning lower costs and faster construction for developers.

“The project will be suitable for end users like large corporates looking for exclusive use of the building with a good naming-rights signage facing Victoria Harbour,” the agent said.

Sun Hung Kai Properties, which won the commercial parcel above the West Kowloon terminus, is likely to be interested in the project, as is Sino Land, which is part of a consortium that built the Grand Victoria residential project in southwest Kowloon. Sino Land also owns the China Hong Kong City commercial complex in neighbouring Tsim Sha Tsui district, which includes five office towers, a shopping centre, a hotel and a ferry terminal, a surveyor said.

“Developers will have a concern about the uncertainty with the 47-year model, as ordinary land grants in Hong Kong give the winning bidder a 50-year lease term and upon expiry, they only need to pay 3 per cent of the weighable value of the land,” the surveyor said.

Another concern is that since the authority managing the district is a statutory body, the winning bidder will have to deal with the Hong Kong government plus the authority, the surveyor said.

The surveyor estimates that the land and construction costs for the property at about HK$11 billion.

“This project is slightly different from a regular government tender site, as it is tendered under the BOT procurement model,” another surveyor said. “The total land value could reach HK$10.5 billion.”

“Taking into account the prominent future of the West Kowloon district, by the time the development is completed, it is likely to be after four to five years,” the surveyor said. “The pandemic should have hopefully vanished and the tourism industry should have recovered.”

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease in China Hong Kong City please visit: Office for Lease in China Hong Kong City

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui


Hong Kong confronted by bleak outlook, with banks’ record high borrowing costs set to hit property market, economy

The one-month Hibor hit a 29-month high on Friday, while three-month Hibor was close to a 14-year high

An increase in the Hibor is set to force banks to increase prime rates this month, Everbright Securities analyst says

The interest rates Hong Kong’s banks charge each other for borrowing money have hit new highs and are expected to drive up their funding costs.

The one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (Hibor) – the benchmark for mortgage loans – rose to 2.01 per cent on Friday, a 29-month high, according to a mortgage broker. The three-month Hibor, the benchmark for corporate loans, climbed to 2.79 per cent, nearing a 14-year high.

The one-month Hibor stood at only 0.15 per cent at the beginning of this year, while the three-month rate was at 0.25 per cent. The mortgage broker said that it expected both to rise further this year.

A widening interest-rate gap between Hong Kong and the US has contributed to a flight of capital out of the Hong Kong dollar market and has increased funding costs at banks in the city.

The US Federal Reserve has increased interest rates four times since march to control inflation. Last month, it increased interest rates by 75 basis points for a second straight month after US inflation topped 9.1 per cent in June and was well above its 2 per cent target. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the city’s de facto central bank, has moved in lockstep with the Fed to help maintain the peg between the US dollar and the local currency.

The banks will, as a result, be pressured into raising their prime rates, the interest rates charged on loans made to private individuals and companies, this month after the Fed raises its rates for a fifth time this year on September 22, analysts said.

“Banks have, so far, not followed the US rate rises but an increase in the Hibor, which adds to banks’ cost of funding from the interbank market, is set to force them to increase their prime rates in September,” analysts said.

The aggregate balance – the sum of balances in clearing accounts maintained by banks with the HKMA – has fallen to HK$124.92 billion as of Friday, 63 per cent lower than the HK$337.53 billion in May, before the HKMA first intervened this year. The authority has intervened 31 times this year to support the currency peg, buying a total of HK$213.096 billion and selling US$27.15 billion US dollars.

The HKMA increased its base rate by 75 basis points to 2.75 per cent in July, in lockstep with the US Fed. The interbank interest rates followed suit – 12 banks have already raised the cap for Hibor-linked home loans, according to a mortgage broker.

However, HSBC and Bank of China (Hong Kong), two of Hong Kong’s three currency-issuing lenders, have kept their prime rate unchanged at 5 per cent. Standard Chartered, the third currency issuer, has kept its rate steady at 5.25 per cent.

But Banks will raise their prime rates by 25 basis points this month, followed by another 25 basis points by the end of 2022, said Kenny Wen, head of investment strategy at Hong Kong-based broker KGI Asia.

“The rise in the prime rate will increase borrowing costs including mortgage lending. That will bring a negative impact on home buying desire and hold back the economy as we have already recorded two quarters of negative GDP growth,” he said.

A customer with a 30-year HK$5 million loan will have to pay HK$656 more each month following a 25 basis points increase and HK$1,324 more following a 75 basis points increase, according to the mortgage broker. Should the prime rate rise a full-percentage point, this homeowner will see monthly repayments increase by HK$2,004.

The city has fixed-rate mortgages too, but most mortgages are linked to either the one-month Hibor or banks’ prime rates. Because of low interest rates since 2008, most homebuyers have opted for either Hibor or prime rate mortgages as it has been cheap. Fix rated mortgages become popular when interest rates are high or on a rising trend.

The ratio of new mortgage loans priced with reference to Hibor stood at 96.8 per cent in July 2022, according to HKMA data. New loans priced according to prime rates stood at 1 per cent, while fixed-rate mortgages stood at 0.1 per cent. The other 2.1 per cent were linked to other benchmarks that the authority did not elaborate upon.

“Hong Kong has entered an interest rate hike cycle. Homebuyers should evaluate their ability to afford a home before they make a purchasing decision,” a property agent said.

“But there is real demand and they are looking for bargain deals,” the agent said, adding that property market activity in Hong Kong will continue to slow down.

Home prices in the city fell by 1.6 per cent in July, sinking to nearly a two-and-a-half-year low amid rising interest rates and Covid-19 rules that continue to weigh on the city’s economy and the property market.

The closely watched weekly market index shows that on Friday secondary home prices at 130 housing estates fell to 171.83, their lowest level since the week of February 17, 2019.

An increase in prime rates would hurt the macro economy, an independent currency analyst said. Banks last raised their prime rates in September 2018, by 12.5 basis points.

(South China Morning Post)

中資巨企遊客區搶租靚鋪 吼準銅鑼灣中環尖沙嘴 租金平50%至70%

疫市持續下,旅遊區鋪市寂靜多時,近期卻一枝獨秀獲中資巨企追捧,繼體育用品店李寧率先於尖沙嘴設旗艦店、免稅店DUTY ZERO一連承租中環及銅鑼灣黃金地段,手機生產商小米,將首度在港島區開設門市,看中銅鑼灣鬧市一個複式巨鋪,料短期內進駐。地產界人士形容,中資巨企平租遊客區靚鋪,儘管租金跌幅高達五成至七成,仍即時撐起鋪市,為鋪位市場注入強心針。


小米洽租Fashion Walk複式鋪


知情人士則說,該巨鋪位處銅鑼灣記利佐治街十一至十九號Fashion Walk商場,為二號地鋪及一樓全層,面積各為六百多及逾一千八百多呎,鋪位「牛高馬大」,非常寬敞,Fashion Walk毗鄰為港鐵站,儘管在疫市下,街道仍然人流聚集。巨鋪前身為長情租客時裝店MAX MARA,進駐逾十年,早前遷走後,騰出連同地下一號鋪在內的近5000呎巨鋪,業主恒隆將之一拆二,其中一個地下鋪位旋即獲鞋店承租,餘下二號鋪及一樓全層,亦即將迎來小米。雖然鋪位成功覓得租客,不過在經歷近年的動亂及在疫情持續的洗禮,比較起舊租金,最新租金較高峰期跌約五成。



中國唯一由國務院授權,於全國各地開展免稅業務的中免集團,旗下與外資合營的DUTY ZERO,向來只有赤鱲角機場及東涌東薈城據點,近期衝出東涌,連環承租中環德輔道中及銅鑼灣羅素街鋪位,其中,中環鋪位更一簽三年梗約,足見其對後市的信心。















事實上,上述舊樓毗鄰的高街124及126號紹德樓,上周五由同一財團以底價2.1億投得,成功統一業權,相信會合併發展。資料顯示,紹德樓坐落高街南面,位於薄扶林道與西邊街之間,毗鄰英皇書院,現為1幢於1966年落成的8層高商住樓宇,地盤面積約2798.84方呎,現劃為「住宅 (甲類) 8」用途。




今年以來,基金積極入市,其中,WEAVE LIVING連環購入酒店及服務式住宅,最近斥資34億,向鄧成波家族購入兩幢酒店,觀塘悅品酒店作價約24.7億,旺角旭逸酒店以7.3億成交。




WEAVE LIVING積極入市,上月亦夥拍環球房地產投資管理公司領盛投資管理 (領盛),以2.75億收購位於西半山羅便臣道68號全幢住宅物業,以作服務式住宅項目發展,主攻年輕家庭客,以該項目總樓面約17163方呎計,呎價約16022元。


WEAVE LIVING年初亦以合營企業形式,向德祥地產購入大角嘴九龍珀麗酒店,作價13.75億,今年5月夥拍美資基金安祖高頓,以9億購入西環皇后大道西338號至346號華麗都會酒店全幢,故該主攻共居及服務式住宅品牌於今年以來連購5項目,合共斥資約59.5億。











渣甸山白建時道83號 10億標售

市場再有屋地放售,渣甸山白建時道83號獨立屋地,最新委託測量師行進行招標出售,意向價10億元,每呎樓面地價約12.78萬元,截標期為下月20日 (周四)。據悉,業主為從事建築工程的南美堅記有限公司陳氏家族。

重建樓面7824 呎價12.78

渣甸山白建時道83號獨立屋地比鄰大潭郊野公園、渣甸園,地盤面積約13,040平方呎,現為兩層高的低密度洋房,連佔地近1萬平方呎的特大庭園、私家泳池及停車場,目前坐落於劃為「住宅 (丙類) 1」用途的用地之上。以地積比率為0.6倍重建,可重建樓面面積約7,824平方呎,而業主意向價為10億元,即每呎樓面地價約12.78萬元。






油塘工業區 搖身變臨海住宅


油塘區內有2個工業區,當中位於油塘東南部、鄰近三家村、鯉魚門的東源街、高輝道交界一帶的工業區,以分層工廈為主,過去10年陸續有工廈重建成住宅項目,例如包括嘉賢居、鯉灣天下、OCEAN ONE、海傲灣、曦臺、PENINSULA EAST,大部分前身均屬於工廈重建而成。

5項目重建 料增3500

當中臨海部分規劃為「綜合發展區」,業權相對集中,在近年政府先後批出多幅住宅用地,包括蔚藍東岸、海傲灣為近年批出的住宅官地,前者由五礦地產 (00230) 於2016年以約40億元投得,興建4幢住宅大廈,提供約688伙,區內住宅發展開始成形。

至於目前正在進行規劃及重建中的項目,則仍有5個,合共將提供近3,500伙,當中規模最大為越秀地產 (00123) 就持有的油塘東源街冷藏貨倉及比鄰政府土地,將建4座23至27層高的商住物業,涉及約65.8萬平方呎住宅樓面及約1,016平方呎非住宅樓面,總樓面約65.9萬平方呎,提供約1,393伙。

而臨海的綜合發展區部分,則有長實 (01113) 東源街5及8號項目,發展商已經在2年前補地價約22.1億元,將工業地轉為興建4幢住宅大廈,提供約903伙,當中405伙為面積少於431平方呎的小型單位。


另外曾經在區內收購工廈重建成曦臺的宏安 (01222) ,於今年初再出手,以約5.8億元購入四山街18至20號油塘工業大廈第4座超過8成業權,每平方呎收購價高達約4,100元,發展商將申請透過強拍以統一大廈業權並作重建。該工廈於1979年落成,現為樓高4層的工業大廈,地盤面積約41,800平方呎,規劃為「住宅 (戊類)」,預計重建作商住用途,最高地積比率6倍,可建樓面約25.08萬平方呎,估計可以提供約400至500個中小型住宅單位。

鄰近同為四山街的世運貨倉,則在早前由已故「船王」包玉剛家族旗下的康世集團,申請重建成住宅,提供約445伙。除了在油塘工業區重建加快外,位於港鐵 (00066) 油塘站南面的油塘灣近年亦有進展。項目由恒地 (00012) 等發展商牽頭展開全面重建,目前跟政府商討補地價中,將會興建逾6,000伙。



油塘工廈均價4000 略低於觀塘



油塘工業城 17年升價8





Jardine's Lookout house in $1b offer

A house on Perkins Road at Jardine's Lookout has been put up for sale with an indicative price of HK$1 billion.

The detached house at No 83 Perkins Road, with a site area of 13,040 square feet, is available for tender until October 20, a surveyor said.

With a plot ratio of 0.6 times, it has 7,824 square feet of floor area which can be redeveloped, leading to a price of HK$12,781 per square foot.

The two-floor luxury house has a garden of nearly 10,000 square feet, a private pool and a parking lot and is also close to business districts such as Central and Causeway Bay.

The house is now held by a construction service provider, Nam Mui (Kin Kee) Company, which was established in 1970 and is controlled by a Chan family.

Owning some properties in Hong Kong, the landlord also cashed in HK$14.15 million by selling two units of Wilton Place in Mid-Levels two years ago.

On Perkins Road, a house of 9,185 square feet site area at No 81 was bought by a founder of Hopson Development (0754) Chu Mang-yee for HK$800 million in 2019, while a luxury property of 10,716 square feet site area at No 6 was purchased by Maxim's Caterers' chairman Lawrence Ng Wai-kwok for HK$700 million this June.

In other news, the mortgage-linked one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate rose by 5.7 basis points to 2.06484 percent yesterday, nearing the high of 2.15661 percent in February 2020.

(The Standard)


Recent Hong Kong home buyers stand to lose millions as prices decline – some already have

Many people who bought homes over the past five years are now facing a loss – at least on paper – as prices continue to slide

Some owners who had to sell have taken significant losses – in one case to the tune of HK$5.85 million (US$745,334)

Many homeowners who bought flats in Hong Kong over the past five years are looking at a loss if they decide to sell now, as the housing market enters a downward cycle amid rising interest rates, a recession and a wave of emigration.

In fact, some owners who bought high have been forced to sell low recently, turning paper losses into real losses – in one case to the tune of HK$5.85 million (US$745,334).

Many homeowners who bought homes after mid-2017, when prices were higher than the current level, may find themselves in the same position if they choose to sell, property agent said. A total of 327,419 private homes fall into that category, according to Land Registry data.

“Negative factors such as the US-China trade war, social unrest, Covid-19, and rising interest rates have caused property prices to soften,” the agent said. “Therefore, those who entered the market at a high price in the past few years have a high chance of experiencing paper losses.”

For most of 2018 and 2019 the government’s index of lived-in home prices ran higher than the latest reading of 376.1 in July this year, according to official data released by the Rating and Valuation Department. For example, the index is now 5.2 per cent below the 396.9 it registered in May 2019, before the outbreak of social unrest and the coronavirus pandemic.

The HK$5.85 million loss came on a four-bedroom, 1,318 sq ft flat with a sea view at Harbour Glory in North Point, which changed hands for HK$42 million in early September, 12 per cent below what the owner paid the developer, CK Asset Holdings, in 2017, according to another property agency.

The person decided to “sell as soon as possible and leave the market, as Hong Kong is about to enter the interest rate upcycle,” another agent said.

In Sai Kung, a seller lost HK$3.85 million on a three-bedroom, 1,108 sq ft flat with a garden at Mount Pavilia, which changed hands for HK$17.8 million, 18 per cent below the original price in 2018, according to property agency.

The district in August saw at least four recent loss-making deals at developments completed in the past few years, agent said.

A market index, fell 0.8 per cent to 171.83 for the week ended September 4 – the lowest level since February 2019. The index has fallen 5.1 per cent over eight weeks and may fall further and more sharply.

Among 144 new projects that launched since 2018, 42 of them, or about 30 per cent, have seen flats sell recently for less than the average price per square foot for all sales, according to data from Dataelements, a data provider that tracks new residential properties in Hong Kong.

Part of the reason may be the different sizes of the units sold, according to Dataelements.

Phase one of Emerald Bay, developed by debt-laden developer China Evergrande Group, recorded the biggest drop at 16.7 per cent.

The city’s homeowners and potential buyers are braced for higher mortgage rates since the US Federal Reserve embarked on a rapid succession of interest rate hikes in March to tame the fastest inflation in America in four decades.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de facto central bank, has increased its base rate in lockstep under its linked exchange rate system with the US dollar.

The US central bank raised its benchmark rate for two consecutive months in June and July, and the market widely expects US interest rates to increase for a fifth time this year by another 50 to 75 basis points in September.

“The downward trend of home prices in Hong Kong has not stopped,” agent said. “With the loss of market confidence, the decline tends to widen.”

Buyers in Hong Kong tend to hold onto their properties for at least three years, until they are no longer liable to pay the Special Stamp Duty. Therefore buyers who made their purchases in 2018 account for the majority of buyers facing potential losses right now, agent said. Later, more 2019 buyers will gradually begin facing the predicament.

At The Pacifica in Cheung Sha Wan, a homeowner in a rush to emigrate sold a 441 sq ft flat for HK$7.6 million – the lowest price for a flat of that size there in one-and-a-half-years – losing HK$480,000 compared with the May 2019 buying price of HK$8.08 million, according to another agency.

At The Visionary in Tung Chung, a foreign pilot who left Hong Kong early this year lost HK$1 million selling a three-bedroom, 1,033 sq ft flat for HK$11.5 million in late August, absorbing an 8 per cent loss on his August 2019 purchase.

An agent attributed that the widening decline to the city’s higher Covid-19 infection numbers, deterioration in the overall investment sentiment with the plunging Hang Seng Index and interest rate increases, which may dampen investment sentiment and developers’ recent property launches at low prices.

If there is no good news this month, the decline in property prices will not stop, and home prices will fall by about 8 per cent this year, agent said.

(South China Morning Post)

甲廈錄1130萬呎空置樓面 外資代理行:創歷來新高

有外資代理行發表最新研究報告指,過去三年 (2019年至2022年) 受到疫情及環球政治緊張局勢影響,甲廈出現歷史上最長、最深下行周期,截至上月,最新空置樓面升至1130萬方呎,創歷來新高,相當於5幢中環國際金融中心二期的規模,最新空置率為13.5%。





按行業劃分,批發與零售、物流與貿易行業租用的甲廈面積,由1190萬方呎降至1070萬方呎;法律及專業服務由680萬方呎,降至620萬方呎,為兩大跌幅最深類別,分別達10.4%及8%。至於資訊科技、科技及電訊,最新租用甲廈樓面為420萬方呎,亦較三年前減少6.3%。截至2022年3月的三年內,共有948家企業 (或佔甲廈租戶9.5%) 縮減租用空間。





中環聯盛大廈全幢2.98億易手 投資者羅守輝沽貨 20年升值近9倍







杜家駒為新世界創辦人鄭裕彤外孫,現時亦是新創建非執行董事,他對區內迷你商廈情有獨鍾,早於去年中,他與父親杜惠購入區內荷李活道35至37號C Wisdom Centre全幢商廈,作價4.32億,該廈每層寫字樓僅約950方呎,屬於迷你商廈,樓高26層,總樓面23889方呎,平均呎價18084元,現時月租約80.7萬,料回報約2.24厘,原業主為章鎮泉等人,章家為本地低調老牌家族,上世紀七十、八十年代從事工業行業。














近期市建局加快推出項目,城規會早前就《市建局昌華街/長沙灣道發展計畫草圖》提出修訂,將昌華街/長沙灣道發展計畫用內的地劃為「住宅 (甲類) 地帶」、「政府、機構或社區」地帶及「休憩用地」地帶等,以提供約830伙住宅單位,有關修訂於諮詢期收到270份申述,當中268份屬支持,只有2份為反對,最新規劃署並不支持該反對意見,而城規會將於明日舉行會議審理有關申述。



More homes priced at Wong Chuk Hang

A sixth price list has been released for SouthLand in Wong Chuk Hang, developed by Road King Infrastructure (1098) and MTR Corporation (0066).

The project will also open show flats today.

Of 80 flats on the sixth list, the cheapest is HK$8.87 million and the average price is HK$36,862 per sq ft after discounts.

The 80 homes take in 44 studios, eight one-bedroom flats, 11 with two bedrooms and 17 with four bedrooms ranging from 290 square feet to 1,218 sq ft.

Across at Miami Quay I in Kai Tak, meanwhile, a third price list covering 65 homes with an average price of HK$24,996 after discounts has been released.

Developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development (0012), New World Development (0017) and Empire Group, Miami Quay I is also expected to launch a second round of sales of 140 flat this Sunday.

Elsewhere, a house on Clear Water Bay Road in Sai Kung has been put up for tender, with a market valuation of HK$218 million. The house was apparently among locations for shooting a biographical musical drama about late Cantopop star Anita Mui.

In commercial property news, smartphone giant Xiaomi (1810) is set to open a flagship store on Hong Kong Island after leasing a shop with a monthly rent of HK$300,000, or HK$120 per sq ft. The shop is at Fashion Walk in Causeway Bay and the latest rent for the premises is down 50 percent from peak times.

Xiaomi joins other mainland brands in leasing premises in the city's core shopping and business districts.

Earlier this month Li Ning (2331) moved to open a flagship store in Tsim Sha Tsui's Canton Road with a rent that could be as much as HK$2 million per month, although such a rent would be 70 percent lower compared to the peak.

Meanwhile, Duty Zero backed by travel retailer China Tourism Group Duty Free Corp (1880) leased stores in Central and Causeway Bay recently.

And in a broader property picture, the vacancy rate for Grade A office space in Hong Kong reached a record high of 11.3 million square feet in August according to a property consultancy, which expects rents to have dropped by up to 5 percent across all 12 months at the end of this year.

(The Standard)






甲廈空置率仍然未有改善,8月份的整體甲廈空置率錄9.9%,較7月份的9.8%輕微上升0.1個百分點,當中尖沙咀區的空置率最新升至8.7%,是繼7月份後,再次創2020年6月有紀錄以來新高。而相比起7月份,灣仔 / 銅鑼灣區是唯一空置率有改善之地區,甲廈空置率由8%下跌至7.3%。








銅鑼灣積福大廈基座標售 估值2億













市建局於5月宣布啟動九龍城衙前圍道 / 賈炳達道大型重建計畫,有發展商趁勢於區內插旗。太古地產前主席兼行政總裁簡基富旗下The Development Studio (tds),斥資5.75億購入太子道西452至464號舊樓,將重建精品住宅,項目總投資逾12億,主打一至兩房戶。


The Development Studio購入兩項舊樓,太子道西452號、456至464號及打鼓嶺道1號,以3.8億易手,佔地面積約6400方呎,還有,太子道西454號舊樓亦作價1.95億,佔地面積約2000方呎,兩地盤合共佔地逾8000方呎,料地積比9倍,重建後總樓面逾7.2萬方呎,樓面呎價逾7800元。







由九龍倉及南豐合作發展的亞洲樓王MOUNT NICHOLSON,現時仍以呎價15萬高居亞洲榜首位置,市場消息透露,項目首現二手放盤,為一個位於第三期的中層單位。

位於山頂聶歌信山道8號的MOUNT NICHOLSON分三期發展,合共提供67伙,第一期設有17座洋房,第二期提供24伙分層單位及2座洋房,第三期提供24伙分層單位。




屬亞洲樓王的MOUNT NICHOLSON,分層戶及洋房呎價均居亞洲一手樓王榜首位置,現時呎價最高的洋房為2號屋,面積9217方呎,於2018年3月以13.99億售出,呎價高見15萬;分層單位最貴為第三期16D室,面積4544方呎,單位於去年11月售出,連3個車位成交價約6.39億,呎價高見14.08萬。項目自2016年2月錄得成交以來,迄今已累售58伙,套現逾300億。



HK home prices expected to stabilize soon

A property agency has forecast that home prices will fall by 5 to 8 percent this year.

But they will bottom out this month or October and stabilize in the fourth quarter as mortgage rates in Hong Kong are still at a low level.

By last Saturday, some entry-level home prices had slumped by more than 10 percent this year, the company said. Home prices in mass and middle markets also dropped by 8 and 7.5 percent.

The number of residential transactions in the third quarter is estimated to fall by 22 percent quarter-on-quarter, or 39 percent year-on-year, to 11,608.

A surveyor said that mortgage rates in the city are still at a low level that would not put too much pressure on paying the loans.

Phase three of Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai, developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), has released the first price list, offering 78 units with an average price of HK$14,187 after discounts. That is a decrease of 3.5 percent compared with the phase two.

The 78 on the price list are one-bedroom to three-bedroom units. Based on the highest discount of 13.5 percent, the prices range from HK$4.97 million to HK$9.81 million, or from HK$13,008 to HK$16,347 per square foot. The cheapest one was priced at HK$4.97 million, with an area of 356 sq ft. It is a one-bedroom unit with a storeroom.

The show flats were opened to the public yesterday and subscriptions will be accepted today. SHKP said the flats will be put on sale next week at the earliest.

Meanwhile, the second phase of One Innovale, One Innovale-Bellevue, in Fan Ling with 408 flats is expected to be launched this month, said developer Henderson Land Development (0012).

The 408 units of One Innovale-Bellevue include studios, one-bedroom units, two-bedroom units and three-bedroom units. The second phase is expected to be completed at the end of June next year.

The developer said the pre-sale consent of the project is waiting to be approved, and it hoped that the sale could be started this month after approval.

(The Standard)















上月工商鋪暫錄約342宗 代理行:料未來交投量穩升
















今年酒店買賣暫涉資93億 業界:憧憬未來通關 基金主導市場


今年酒店買賣罕見地暢旺,至今暫錄8宗全幢買賣,涉資由2.2億至24.7億,其中,觀塘悅品海景酒店作價為24.7億,為今年以來暫錄最大宗買賣,其次為紅磡「逸.酒店」(Hotel sáv) 涉資16.46億。


除了宗數之多,金額涉資龐大,更是多年來罕見,多逾93億,比較去年同期只有9.2億,大升9倍。市場由基金買家主導,表現積極,當中有6宗由基金承接,涉資逾77億。亞洲住宅租務品牌Weave living最積極,參與其中的4宗,涉資約54.75億。






Weave Living等斥逾54億購酒店





靈活辦公室興起 擴充空間極大

IWG促寬入境措施 刺激商務活動

疫情下封關令商業活動受阻礙,IWG香港及大灣區區域經理Paul MacAndrew認為,香港若進一步放寬檢疫措施,才可刺激商務往來,他又指疫情加速靈活辦公模式,更可達致僱主及員工雙贏局面,未來尚有極大擴充空間。



旗下中心 6月使用率多2月8

IWG集團主力經營靈活辦公室,包括共享空間、服務式辦公室等。疫情衝擊,令整體甲廈空置率升至20年來最高,不過卻造就靈活辦公室興起,因租約靈活度高,兼提供時尚裝修等,吸引企業轉投。Paul指出,全綫IWG辦公中心今年6月的使用率亦見增長,與同年2月相比大升超過8成。疫情出現辦公室新常態,最明顯是傳統辦公室模式正在下跌,取而代之是靈活辦公室興起,「不需要有固定辦公室,使用混合工作 (Hybrid workplace) 你可以在家、咖啡室,靈活辦公空間工作。很多本港機構因簽長約,現階段未作出變化,但未來會考慮不同模式。」

調查:混合工作 最受求職者歡迎

一項IWG調查發現,76%大灣區求職者傾向應徵提供混合工作的職位,而超過一半 (51%) 更傾向選擇彈性靈活工作多於加薪一成。另一個IWG調查揭示混合工作是最受求職者歡迎的福利,每10名員工就有9名 (88%) 表示混合工作是尋找新工作時重要考量因素,與醫療保險及收入損失保障 (兩者均為88%) 同等重要,「對雙方均是好事,重點是員工非常喜歡,僱主可以吸納及留住人才。畢竟本港商廈租金始終比較高,租用較少樓面,可減少成本,同時令員工快樂,絕對是雙贏局面。」




灣仔Spaces開幕 供逾900辦公位


IWG位於灣仔皇后大道東8號 (8QRE) 全新Spaces辦公大樓於9月正式開幕,是Spaces在香港的第7間中心,令IWG旗下在港品牌包括Spaces、Regus及Signature的據點擴展到共18個。


Spaces 8QRE涉及18層,佔地超過6.7萬平方呎,提供超過900個辦公位置,包括188間私人辦公室、單人固定辦公桌等,更特設有兩層「商務俱樂部」(開放空間),讓會員與更廣泛的專業社群互動交流,部分樓層設有露台,可眺望金鐘一帶的街景。

對於未來擴充計劃,IWG香港及大灣區區域經理Paul MacAndrew指出,仍積極物色合適地方。在新常態下,他認為尋找新據點的選擇可以更廣泛,「由於工作模式在轉變中,我們開設靈活辦公室,不一定要在傳統商業區,選擇在住宅區,鄰近僱員居住地點也可以。」他亦提到,除了現時旗下3大品牌外,亦希望引入集團其他品牌來港,「例如集團旗下HQ,是價格相對經濟實惠的辦公室。未來將會繼續在港積極擴展,向着IWG年內為其全球網絡新增1,000個據點的目標出發。」





More Fan Ling flats poised to hit market

Henderson Land Development (0012) has released a second price list of 60 flats for the second phase of its One Innovale development in Fan Ling after the first list of 83 flats drew a positive response from the market with around 1,200 checks received as of yesterday.

The 60 flats in the second list include studios, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, with areas ranging from 221 to 462 square feet and costing between HK$3.21 million to HK$6.76 million or HK$13,283 and HK$16,803 per sq ft after discounts

The average price is HK$14,613 per sq ft after discounts. Most of the flats in the second list are one-bedroom units and the cheapest, with an area of 221 sq ft, costs HK$3.21 million.

The second phase is called One Innovale-Bellevue and offers a total of 408 flats. One Innovale is being developed in three phases and will have 1,600 flats when completed.

Meanwhile, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) unveiled the second price list for the third phase of its Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai, offering 64 flats at an average price of HK$14,670 per sq ft after discounts, with the cheapest priced at HK$5.9 million.

The first list of 78 flats and the second have together been oversubscribed about 4.6 times with about 800 checks, and may sell out in a week, according to SHKP. The third phase provides 384 flats and the three-phase development offers a total of 1,996 units.

Also in the primary market, Miami Quay I at Kai Tak launched its second round of sales yesterday with 138 flats on the price list and one via tender.

Just two deals were recorded and both were for middle- or high-floor harbor-view units. One was a two-bedroom unit which sold for HK$12.43 million and the other was a one-bedroom bought for HK$8.47 million.

Miami Quay is being jointly developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development, New World Development (0017) and Empire Group Holdings in two phases with a total of 1,219 flats.

In other news, Citibank (Hong Kong), China Construction Bank (Asia) and Nanyang Commercial Bank will raise the cap of the mortgage rate linked to the Hong Kong interbank offered rate to 2.75 percent, following most of its peers in the city.

This came as the mortgage-linked one-month Hibor rose to 2.3598 percent on Friday. Currently, at least 16 Hong Kong banks have raised the cap on Hibor-linked loans.

In the secondary market, property agencies recorded that a drop in transactions at 10 major housing estates this weekend.

One of the agency saw the number of deals nearly halve week-on-week to nine, after two consecutive weeks of increases while another one also saw a 50 percent drop in deals with just eight transactions.

The agencies expects that second-hand transactions will increase at the end of this month, as customers who fail to buy new properties go back to the secondary market.

(The Standard)


Hongkongers snub new homes at Miami Quay, Kai Tak, as rising interest rates, slow economy kill demand

As of 7pm only two out of 139 units on offer at the development on the site of Hong Kong’s former airport had been sold, according to property agency

‘Higher interest rates are weighing on sentiment,’ agent said

Hongkongers continued to snub new home sales on Sunday as sentiment in the property market remained weak and potential buyers stuck with a wait-and-see attitude brought on by rising interest rates and a sluggish economy.

As of 7pm, only two out of 139 units on offer at Miami Quay, a new development at the site of Hong Kong’s former airport, had been sold, according to a property agent. Among the 139 units on offer on Sunday, 65 were new, while the rest was left unsold last week.

The project at Kai Tak was jointly developed by Wheelock Properties, Henderson Land Development, New World Development and Empire Group.

Sunday’s sales were even worse than last Monday when less than a third of 137 flats that went on sale in the first batch found buyers.

“Last time they sold about 40 flats. Buyers interested in this project made their purchases then,” agent said. “The developers decided to launch another round of sales with the hope of attracting more buyers, but market sentiment is slow and the wait-and-see attitude prevails. There were not many new buyers for the extra launch so the sales were lacklustre.”

Analysts cited the rising costs of home loans as a major factor for the current slump in appetite for residential property.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, effectively the city’s central bank, has raised its base rate in lockstep with the Federal Reserve under its linked exchange rate system with the US dollar.

After increasing its benchmark rate for two consecutive months in June and July, another round of increases is likely this month, with analysts estimating as much as a 75-basis points hike.

Higher interest rates are weighing on sentiment. Rates have already nearly doubled to 3 per cent and will continue to increase,” another agent said. “While this is still very low compared to many other countries, it’s a big increase for the local market and is dampening sentiment.”

With US inflation still likely to surge, rate rises are forecast to continue until next year when consumer prices could be brought under control, the agent said.

Hong Kong’s economic slump is further dampening demand. In August, the government further cut its forecast for the city’s economy to between 0.5 per cent growth and 0.5 per cent contraction. It previously estimated that the economy was likely to see a 1 to 2 per cent growth.

The recent wave of emigration is not helping, as more people leaving the city could only mean less demand for homes.

More than 113,000 residents left the city in the 12 months to June, with the population shrinking by 1.6 per cent, the latest figures from the Census and Statistics Department showed. In the same period of the previous year, the population decline was 1.2 per cent.

The local property market is also influenced by the performance of the Hong Kong stock exchange, and with the bellwether Hang Seng Index losing nearly a fifth of its value so far this year, buyers’ sentiment is downbeat, the agency said.

“The Hong Kong property market is very correlated to the equities market. Its poor performance in the last few months has dampened sentiment,” agent said said.

“This combined with other macro factors such as rampant inflation, the war in Ukraine and Hong Kong not opening up [its borders in the wake of the pandemic] is impacting the market and damaging many businesses. These factors will continue to impact sentiment well into 2023.”

The units on offer on Sunday had sizes between 250 and 716 square feet and were priced between HK$5.24 million (US$668,000) and HK$18.73 million, after discounts of as much as 12 per cent.

(South China Morning Post)

英皇3.25億增持壽臣山15號權益 楊政龍:合共持有50%股權 對項目具信心






















全幢物業連錄成交 憧憬旅客重返



全幢靈活度高 價格回調

另外,市場消息指,近期積極沽貨的鄧成波家族,再售出兩項酒店。分別為觀塘悅品海景酒店,以及旺角旭逸酒店。其中觀塘悅品海景酒店位於偉業街,前身為麗東酒店,樓高31層,提供598間房,面積由200至400平方呎,屬觀塘區內罕有大型酒店,目前暫作檢疫酒店之用。據了解,酒店以約24.7億元易手,平均每房價值約413萬元。舖王鄧成波於2017年,斥23億元向恒地 (00012) 購入酒店,持貨5年轉手獲利約1.7億元。



消息稱,新買家同為Weave Living,該集團月初以2.75億元,夥拍基金購入半山羅便臣道68號全幢住宅。翻查資料,未計是次收購,Weave Living今年已於香港和新加坡收購合共4個物業,現時在兩地持有共10個物業,提供約1,500個住宿單位,包括年初斥13.75億元購入大角咀九龍珀麗酒店。




柴灣宏亞大廈全幢 10.8億放售








灣仔鷹君中心 盡享會展站優勢






鷹君長綫收租 平均呎租63


目前大廈絕大部分樓面由鷹君 (00041) 持有作長綫收租,而集團總部亦設於該廈。據集團年初業績指出,鷹君中心寫字樓出租率由88.4%下滑至69.5%,平均現收呎租63元,跌9.4%。









中層全層放租 呎租約53元

隨着會展站開通後,灣仔北之優質商廈比以往更受大機構歡迎。有代理表示, 鷹君中心全層現正放租,呎租約53元。










彌敦道Ladder Dundas全層 2760萬沽

宏安地產 (01243) 旗下彌敦道銀座式商廈Ladder Dundas錄成交,涉及物業15樓全層,面積約1,237平方呎,以約2,760萬元成交,呎價約22,312元。據了解,7月份該層樓面原獲投資者以2,725萬元承接,惟最終取消交易,如今重售,價格輕微調升約1.3%。




灣仔勝任商廈兩層 意向呎價1.3萬放售


連外牆廣告位 叫價5187































Price list for 50 flats released

Henderson Land Development (0012) has released the third price list for the second phase of its One Innovale development in Fan Ling, offering 50 homes at an average per square foot price of HK$14,783, roughly the same as the second one.

The batch, which comprises studio units to two-bedroom units, is priced from HK$4.1 million to HK$6.9 million after discounts, or from HK$13,458 to HK$17,996 per sq ft.

These flats are sized from 288 sq ft to 446 sq ft.

The developer said it has received 1,800 checks for the 193 flats on offer at One Innovale-Bellevue, making them more than eight times oversubscribed.

In Tin Shui Wai, phase three of Wetland Seasons Bay is more than 10 times oversubscribed after the home builder Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) collected more than 900 checks for the 80 units.

The homes will be put up for sale in the first round of sales on Thursday.

These flats include one- to three-bedroom units and are priced from HK$4.97 million to HK$8.85 million after discounts, or from HK$13,008 to HK$17,081 per sq ft.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong property market favours bargain hunters as prices drop, with 1 in 10 home sellers in August incurring a loss

The ratio of second-hand housing deals yielding capital gains has fallen by 6.8 percentage points since last year to below 90 per cent in August

Among 56 developments at railway stations, 30 saw the price per square foot decline in August, according to property agency

Hong Kong homebuyers with tight budgets may be able to take advantage of a downturn to find bargains – even flats being offered at a loss – as a looming prime rate hike and an ongoing wave of emigration continue to depress sales.

Upwards pressure on local interest rates is inevitable after the US Federal Reserve meeting in the United States later this week, agent said.

“Many second-hand property owners are willing to cut prices to sell, which attracts buyers to take the opportunity to pick up bargains,” the agent said.

If US interest rates increase by 1.5 to 1.75 per cent in total in September, November and December, home prices are likely to fall by as much as 8 per cent this year, so buyers can consider listings where the price has been cut by this much or more, a mortgage broker said.

Hong Kong’s homeowners and potential buyers are bracing for higher mortgage rates as the Fed is expected to lift benchmark borrowing costs by at least 75 basis points this week, according to Fed funds futures, with some traders pricing a full percentage point increase. That is in addition to increases of 225 basis points in the past four federal open market committee meetings this year.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de facto central bank, has increased its base rate in lockstep due to the Hong Kong dollar’s linked exchange rate system. Mortgage brokers anticipate that local banks will raise the prime rate this week following the expected US rate hike.

Many owners are open to taking a loss to sell as soon as possible. At Cetus Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui, for example, a flat measuring 417 sq ft changed hands at HK$7.91 million (US$1 million) in mid-September, according to a property agency, a loss of about 30 per cent from HK$11.07 million paid for it in 2018.

The ratio of second-hand housing deals that yield capital gains has fallen by 6.8 percentage points from the end of last year to 89.4 per cent in August, the biggest drop since the financial tsunami in 2008, according to another property agency. This means one in 10 sellers incurred a loss. The agency expects that the metric to dip further to 88 per cent this month.

Among 56 developments at railway stations, 30 saw the price per square foot decline in August, according to property agency. The biggest drop was at The Austin at Austin station, where prices fell 17.7 per cent to HK$24,060 in August.

Tsuen Wan, Kowloon Bay and Tuen Mun have the most discounted listings, according to another agency’s online listings. The highest proportion of discounted listings goes to flats measuring between 431 and 752 sq ft, according to the agency’s data.

For instance, at Summit Terrace in Tsuen Wan, a homeowner about to emigrate managed to sell a flat measuring 424 sq ft one day before departing the city in early September at HK$7.18 million, about 10 per cent below bank valuation, according to agency.

At City One Sha Tin, a proxy for smaller lump sum units, prices experienced a notable drop of 13.6 per cent year on year from the peak in September last year to HK$17,100 per square foot this month, according to another agency.

Three two-bedroom flats changed hands for less than HK$5 million in August, including one for HK$4.2 million, the lowest among all developments at railway stations, according to the agency.

In Taikoo Shing, representing the mid-price market, prices are down 17.3 per cent from the peak in June 2019 to HK$18,700 per square foot this month, according to the agency.

Some estates in Yuen Long, Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan, such as Tsuen Wan Centre, have seen per-square-foot prices fall below HK$10,000, an unusually low benchmark, according to the agency.

An market index has fell 0.3 per cent to 171.27 for the week ended September 11 – the lowest level since February 2019. The index has fallen 5.4 per cent over nine weeks and may fall this month to a low hit in 2019, according to the agency.

Valuations of lived-in homes remain weak, according to the index, a weekly gauge that tracks major banks’ valuations of used properties in 133 housing estates, compiled by the agency.

It fell to 14.1 in the week ended September 11, even lower than the 15.04 reading in March at the height of Hong Kong’s fifth wave of Covid-19 infections. A CVI below 40 indicates a bearish view of the market and a downward trend in home prices, while one above 60 points indicates a bullish trajectory.

(South China Morning Post)

上月港島甲廈空置率10.38% 代理行:租務市場吹淡風











帝國集團旗下黃竹坑香葉道22號的甲廈,命名為「S22」,樓高28層,總樓面達16.35萬方呎,樓高約 4.55米,平層面積約7600方呎。


帝國集團董事郭基浩表示,自港鐵南港島綫通車,加上去年《施政報告》宣布的「躍動港島南」,帶動香港仔及黃竹坑一帶建設,黃竹坑甲廈命名S22,其中 「S」有三重意義,代表地標項目香葉道22號,其次「S」亦取自父親郭炳湘英文名字Sheung (湘),最後,包含他們三子弟傳承 (Succeed) 實現父親宏願,有成就未來 (Success) 的意念。至於S22標誌圖案,更以三個字體相互支持,象徵三位兒女將集團發揚光大。








永泰夥萬科逾7.8億奪沙田地 首次合作投住宅地 每呎樓面價8802元

















其中萬科海外更是首次「插旗」該區發展,而永泰地產更是自2013年1月以逾14.67億投得同區九肚第56A區 (沙田市地段第565號) 豪宅地後 (現時發展為豪宅澐瀚)、當年每方呎樓面地價約10302元,意味,該公司相隔9年再次投得同區地皮。






資料顯示,沙田區過往仍有不少用地批出,而鄰近顯和里的對上一次批出同類住宅地、為新地於2016年8月以23.6437億投得的沙田多石街用地 (現已發展為新盤瓏珀山),當年每方呎樓面地價約5448元;意味是該區相隔約6年再有同類住宅地新供應。



恒基底價12億取土瓜灣舊樓 黃浩明:主力提供中小型住宅







土瓜灣道68A至70C號現為一幢9層高商住舊樓,地下為商鋪,樓上為住宅樓層,部分交吉,部分連分租約、租約及准用書,設8條公共樓梯。該舊樓早於1960年落成入伙,至今樓齡約62年,地盤面積約12290方呎,包括941.31方呎的通行權,現劃為「住宅 (甲類)」,以最高地積比率9倍計算,涉及可建樓面約10.4萬方呎。








據土地審裁處文件顯示,是次獲批強拍令的玫瑰苑位於又一村玫瑰街23至34號,毗鄰私樓又一居,具重建價值;該項目早於2020年由BREMONT INVESTMENTS LIMITED申請強拍,事隔近2年終於獲該處批出強制售賣令,底價為20.75億,對比當年強拍時估值約9.954億,高出10.796億,幅度超過1倍。




現址由約22幢樓高3層的住宅組成,早於於1967年落成,樓齡約55年;該項目地盤面積約38960方呎,屬住宅 (丙類) 地帶,最高地積比為3倍,涉及可建總樓面約116880方呎,料可發展成低密度豪宅。













市場消息透露,山頂歌賦山里GOUGH HILL RESIDENCES一幢洋房,實用面積4,299平方呎,連5,314平方呎花園連泳池,另設約1,717平方呎天台,早前以公司股權轉讓形式易手,市傳作價約5億元,惟成交價有待證實,而新買家為牛仔褲大王劉漢松家族成員,上月中向銀行申請按揭。

上述洋房由海外註冊公司ACTIVE CITY LIMITED持有,區內代理透露,業主為「大劉」劉鑾雄2009年以1.8億元購入,及後贈予甘比。



Henderson extends To Kwa Wan reach with $1.2b win

Henderson Land Development (0012) has won the bid for an old building in To Kwa Wan via a compulsory sale with a reserve price of HK$1.21 billion, a move further expanding its development in the area.

Located on To Kwa Wan Road, the building has a rebuildable area of 104,000 square feet, which indicates a gross floor price of HK$11,667 per square foot.

The nine-storey building, completed in 1960, is close to the To Kwa Wan MTR station.

Besides the bid, Henderson has already acquired three projects in To Kwa Wan. With the latest win on To Kwa Wan Road, the total site area of all four projects will be increased to 42,500 sq ft, and it is expected to offer about 374,400 sq ft of gross floor area for commercial and residential use after redevelopment.

In Kowloon Tong, the Lands Tribunal has approved the sale of a site with a reserve price of HK$2.08 billion, compared to the valuation of HK$995 million seen during applications for compulsory sales in 2020.

The project is about 39,000 sq ft and can be redeveloped into a floor area of about 117,000 sq ft with a plot ratio of 3.

Elsewhere, China's Vanke Overseas Investment (1036) and Wing Tai Properties (0369) have won the tender for a residential site at Hin Wo Lane in Sha Tin for HK$786.38 million, according to the Lands Department.

The project has a buildable floor area of over 89,000 square feet, which translates into a land premium of HK$8,802 per sq ft.

Vanke Overseas Investment expects the project to offer small- and medium-sized homes to meet market demand.

In the primary market, the third phase of Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai was about 14 times oversubscribed after the developer Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) received 1,200 checks for the 80 flats on offer.

(The Standard)


Hongkongers snub second property sale in as many days, as MTR’s SouthLand becomes looming Fed rate hike’s latest victim

SouthLand, a project developed by RK Properties and MTR Corporation in Wong Chuk Hang, fails to sell a single unit two days before expected Fed rate hike

Only two out of 139 units were sold at Miami Quay in Kai Tak on Sunday

Hongkongers appeared to have been spooked by a looming increase in interest rates, as they snubbed another property sale in the space of two days.

As of 8pm on Tuesday, not a single unit had been sold out of the 139 flats on sale at SouthLand, a project developed by RK Properties and MTR Corporation in Wong Chuk Hang in Aberdeen, according to agents.

The sale came two days before a meeting of the US Federal Reserve, which is likely to increase interest rates by a further 75 basis points. With the Hong Kong dollar pegged to the US dollar, the Fed rate increase is expected to push Hong Kong’s commercial banks to increase their prime rates this month for the first time in four years.

“Everyone is waiting to see by how much the Fed is going to increase its interest rates. People are more cautious and are taking a wait-and-see approach,” an agent said. “Many homebuyers are still undecided, which is why transaction volumes are relatively poor.”

This is the second time in two days that Hong Kong developers have seen poor sales amid rising interest rates and an economy hobbled by coronavirus restrictions. On Sunday, only two units had sold out of the 139 on sale at Miami Quay in Kai Tak, the site of Hong Kong’s former airport.

Moreover, an announcement by John Lee Ka-chiu, Hong Kong’s leader, on Tuesday that his administration would create “maximum room” to reconnect the city with the world – which is being viewed as the strongest sign yet that hotel quarantine requirements for international arrivals will be scrapped soon – appeared to have done little to boost optimism among buyers.

The flats on offer at SouthLand have an average price of HK$35,804 (US$4,561) per square foot, with the most expensive unit priced at about HK$62 million and the cheapest at about HK$11 million, according to the property’s price list. The flats range in size from 290 sq ft to 2,083 sq ft and in layouts from studios to four-bedroom units.

SouthLand is the first project to sit atop a major subway station in about three decades. It was first launched in May last year, when its initial three rounds of sales were sold out.

The latest round of sales at the development comes amid a less accommodating economic landscape.

Home prices in Hong Kong have declined by about 5 per cent as of August, according to a property consultancy. The consultancy said that for the entire year, home prices will fall by as much as 8 per cent, while transactions are likely to slump by 35 per cent.

The city’s economy shrank 1.4 per cent in the second quarter of this year, following a 3.9 per cent contraction in the first three months of the year, confirming fears that stringent social distancing curbs had affected economic activity far more adversely than initially estimated. Last month, the government further cut its annual forecast for the city’s economy to between 0.5 per cent growth and 0.5 per cent contraction. It previously estimated that the economy was likely to see a growth of 1 to 2 per cent.

A potential full reopening of Hong Kong’s borders might have drawn a muted response from buyers, but it can only benefit the property industry, as it would expand the pool of tenants and investors in the local market, another agent said.

“This will potentially lead to a rebound in property prices.”

(South China Morning Post)

九龍灣高銀金融國際中心全幢逾65億沽 今年以來最大宗 財團趁疫市「低撈」


九龍灣高銀金融國際中心放售多時,去年曾經「成功」出售,最後未如期成交,該幢商廈於今年5月再度推出招標,入標除了發展商、還有外資基金及用家,並於上月底第二輪角逐截標後,最終剛落實出售 市場消息指出,該全幢作價逾65億,為今年以來最大宗買賣,該宗交易亦是去年由億京合組財團,以約105億購入九龍灣國際展貿中心後,區內再錄矚目的大買賣。



高銀於2011年7月以34億投得該商業地皮,並於2016年入伙,作為集團總部及收租用途,近兩年來,高銀金融陷入財困,曾多次抵押該廈,包括新加坡主權基金GIC、德意志銀行及發展商南豐,都是債權人,於2020年7月遭優先抵押票據持有人 (GIC及德意志銀行) 委任的接管人Borrelli Walsh入稟,要求接管高銀金融國際中心,並於同年9月,物業被接管人委託標售,其後高銀金融公布以143億向商人FONG Tim出售物業,但未有如期成交。









觀塘項目料獲城規「開綠燈」 市建申請放寬商業限制具彈性

市建局觀塘市中心重建計畫第4和第5發展區,本月初共收24份意向書,料快將推出招標;該項目早前向城規會提交修訂申請,調整酒店、寫字樓及商業零售組合比例,增加項目發展彈性,容許中標發展商視乎需要「變陣」,包括可放棄興建酒店等,惟整個項目可建總樓面維持約216.59萬方呎不變,最新獲規劃署不反對,城規會將於周五 (23日) 舉行會議審議,料會「開綠燈」通過。

規劃署指,考慮到相關決策局 / 部門的意見,以及區內現有及規劃中的酒店可滿足需求,而容許靈活提供酒店的建議未必不合理,而且規劃意圖是增強活力和改善重建區環境;另外擬議修訂屬於技術性,並且批准方案下的布局和整體建築體積和建築形式將被保留,認為是次方案不太可能對視覺和空氣通風造成重大不利影響。




其次,寫字樓部分由列明須興建約70萬方呎樓面,最新修訂為70.89萬方呎至137.37萬方呎。最後商業用途樓面 (商店及服務行業、食肆、娛樂場所及教育機構),零售部分由原來指定須興建約100萬方呎樓面,最新修訂為69.97萬方呎至102萬方呎。另項目亦設有約7.08萬方呎政府、機構或社區設施樓面,及提供約2.18萬方呎的公共交通交匯處。



整個觀塘重建項目早於2005年展開,項目第1期為前觀塘 (月華街) 巴士總站,由信和重建為住宅項目觀月.樺峯,涉299伙;而第2至3期則為信和夥拍華人置業發展的商住項目凱滙,涉及1999伙。




Hong Kong’s Goldin Financial Global Centre Sold After Two Year Battle

Hong Kong’s Goldin Financial Global Centre has sold after a two year struggle over the Kowloon East office tower.

A social media post by a property consultancy, which has been managing a tender of the 28-storey building on behalf of creditors stiffed by defaulting mainland conglomerate Goldin Financial declared the sale on Wednesday evening without providing details on pricing or the identity of the buyer.

Local press reports have cited deal amounts of between HK$6.8 billion ($866 million) to HK$7.0 billion for the 852,501 square foot (79,200 square metre) tower, pricing the deal at HK$7,977 per square foot or more. Mingtiandi was not able to independently verify financial details of the transaction.

At the reported HK$6.8 billion price, which some analysts believe to be optimistic, the 2016-vintage, grade A asset would be selling for around 44 percent below the HK$12 billion minimum set in an initial tender commenced in September 2020 after the property was seized by receivers in July of that year.

In December of 2019 Goldin Financial had valued the Leed Platinum building then used as its headquarters at HK$18.3 billion.

Game Over

At the reported price, the sale should provide relief to holders of HK$6.8 billion in senior notes issued by Goldin in April of 2019 and with Deutsche Bank affiliate DB Trustees (Hong Kong) Ltd acting as trustee.

After a series of record-setting land buys in Hong Kong, Goldin defaulted on the notes, which were backed by a trust deed on the Goldin Financial Global Centre, and receivers were appointed to redeem the asset.

In late 2020, in a move seen by some observers as an attempt to block the receivers’ tender of the building, Goldin announced that a businessman under the name “Fong Tim” had agreed to buy the building at 17 Kai Cheung Road in Kowloon Bay, stalling moves by creditors. When that sale failed to proceed, and after a protracted legal battle was declared void, the purported buyer was forced to forfeit a HK$2.03 billion deposit.

A fresh tender for the building was launched in May, with media reports earlier this month naming local development giant Nan Fung as the buyer. Representatives of the property consultancy earlier denied naming Nan Fung as the buyer and today declined to provide further details on the sale. Inquiries to Nan Fung went unanswered at the time of publication.

Down Market

At the reported price, the sale of the Goldin Financial Global Centre would mark the largest single asset transaction in Hong Kong’s real estate market so far this year, as rising interest rates and an economic slowdown in China have undermined the world’s most expensive commercial real estate market.

Reported to be 30 percent vacant in May of this year, Goldin’s erstwhile trophy has struggled as a high-specification building in a secondary location within the emerging Kowloon East commercial hub at a time when occupiers have been cutting back their footprints and investors have been keeping their checkbooks locked away.

From March 2019 through March 2022 Hong Kong’s grade A office market contracted by 3.1 percent according to a report released this month by another property consultancy, with the total area of desk space occupied in the city shrinking by 2.3 million square feet, or the equivalent of three major office towers.

“Since mid-2019, company downsizing has been a prominent trend and led to substantial contraction in total occupied space and record-high vacancy in Hong Kong’s Grade A office market, triggering the longest and deepest downturn as a result,” the consultancy said in a statement.


For more information of Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre please visit: Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay please visit:  Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay


Three big deals for handsome homes struck

A member of "King of Jeans" Tony Lau Hon-chung's family appears to be the new owner of a highly desirable house on The Peak.

The property is 3B of Gough Hill Residences with an area of 4,299 square feet, which was put up for sale by Kimbee Lau Chan Hoi-wan, the chief executive of Chinese Estates (0127) and wife of Joseph Lau Luen-hung. Featuring a garden and swimming pool of 5,314 sq ft and a rooftop of 1,717 sq ft, the house was put on sale for HK$600 million, or HK$14,000 per square foot, in October 2021.

It had been bought for HK$180 million in 2009 by an overseas registered company, Active City.

According to the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, a mortgage loan for the house was sought by Anthony Lau Chi-sing.

Anthony Lau is also the sole board director of Active City now that Joseph Lau and Kimbee Lau have quit.

Tony Lau is also the brother of former legislator Sophie Leung Lau Yau-fun, who purchased a house at 16 Repulse Bay Road for HK$160 million in 1999 from Chinese Estates, in which Joseph Lau and his wife have controlling interests.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong celebrity Wong Cho-lam has sold a luxury home in Tai Po for HK$45.8 million, or HK$27,005 per sq ft.

The four-bedroom unit in Mayfair By The Sea has a floor area of 1,696 sq ft and a garden of 928 sq ft.

Wong made 23 percent more from the deal, having bought the property for just over HK$37 million in 2016.

Another big deal involves the family of Yeung Yiu-chung, the late "King of Industrial Buildings," who last month bought a home at Leighton Hill, Happy Valley for HK$102 million, or HK$59,165 per square foot.

The Yeung family paid HK$30.6 million with 30 percent stamp duty for the property that has a floor area of 1,724 sq ft.

Meanwhile, the primary market remains hot with developers attracting buyers to two new projects.

The second phase of One Innovale, built by Henderson Land Development (0012) in Fan Ling, has drawn more than 2,200 checks for 193 units on the first three price lists, making the batch 11.4 times oversubscribed.

And Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai was about 23 times oversubscribed after developer Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) received 1,870 checks for the 80 flats on offer.

(The Standard)


4,500 flats to go on sale at less than half market value under Hong Kong housing scheme, amid fears nano units will not sell

Chairwoman of authority’s subsidised housing committee remains hopeful shoebox flats will sell, others are less optimistic

Around 10 per cent of units on sale are shoebox flats, smaller than 230 sq ft

More than 4,500 subsidised flats in Hong Kong will be offered to buyers at less than half their market value next week, but a concern group has warned that demand for the smallest homes is expected to be weak.

The Housing Authority on Wednesday said 4,693 flats, ranging in size from 184 sq ft to 489 sq ft would go on sale under the Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme starting on September 29. About 10 per cent of the flats are smaller than 230 sq ft.

Cleresa Wong Pie-yue, chairwoman of the authority’s subsidised housing committee, said the proportion of small flats in the latest round had been reduced and she remained hopeful buyers would be interested.

“I cannot say there is a zero chance of a sales slump, but these small flats are of better quality, with easy access to railway stations nearby,” she said.

“Despite an increase in interest rates, these flats are cheaper … even though the economy is not booming, some residents will still be interested.”

The flats will be sold at a 59 per cent discount on the market price, and range in price from HK$750,000 (US$95,000) to HK$2.71 million. The application process will run until October 12, with the lottery to be held in the fourth quarter.

Subsidised nano flats sold slowly previously. More than 780 offered by authority previously went unsold for more than a month last year, with over 500 of them left over from 2020.

According to the authority, 160 homes at Kam Pak Court in Ma On Shan measure about 184 sq ft, while 387 at Ko Wang Court in Yau Tong range from 185 sq ft to 223 sq ft. The rest of the 3,370 units at the two estates and the 776 flats at Ching Tao Court in Fanling fall between 277 sq ft and 489 sq ft.

But Thomas Wong Ka-ki, community officer with the Federation of Public Housing Estates, said he was less optimistic that demand for the shoebox flats would be high.

“These two estates have flats under 180 sq ft. I believe that the applicants will find them less attractive. The advantage is that they are located closer to railway stations so single applicants may be willing to purchase them … I think these flats will take time to be sold out,” Wong said.

He added that buyers’ enthusiasm might not be affected by the sluggish property market as they tended to purchase flats for self-use.

But Wong noted that buyers could only resell their flats five years after the purchase, a tightened requirement from the previous two years, saying this could make them more cautious in making decisions.

He urged the government to review the subsidised housing policy by setting a minimum flat size requirement of 280 sq ft, resembling the rule for the private market, while keeping the proportion of small flats to about one-fifth of the total supply in each batch.

“If these subsidised flats are small in size, applicants with three to four members will not be willing to move out of their rental housing and purchase them,” Wong said.

Launched in 2016, the scheme aims to sell subsidised homes to tenants of public rental housing.

(South China Morning Post)

負面因素衝擊 指標甲廈買賣冰封




8月空置率10.38% 創新高


























九龍灣三湘全層3.88億易手 大鴻輝沽貨 8年升值74%


九龍灣大業街59號三湘九龍灣貨運中心1樓全層,另連車位,面積約6.97萬方呎,以成交價約3.88億計算,平均呎價約5567元 (未計車位在內),新買家為澳洲基金嘉民亞洲,物業以賣公司形式易手,新買家得以節省釐印費,該物業目前呎租介20至25元,月收逾156萬,回報逾4.8厘,原業主為大鴻輝於2014年以2.23億購入物業,持貨8年帳面獲利1.65億,物業升值74%。













有代理表示,立安工業大廈位於新蒲崗五芳街18號,樓高13層,建於1965年,地盤面積約14950方呎,全幢大廈總建築面積約155161方呎,是次出售部分 (包括地下部分) 建築面積約130490方呎,按現狀放售,意向價約7.8億。


該代理續說,新蒲崗大變天,不斷有重建及活化工廈,六合街3號獲批重建一幢22層高新式工廈,區內尚有新世界活化工廈項目Artisan Hub、新落成工廈Artisan Lab、麒豐資本的東傲,由牛仔褲大王劉漢松所持有的五芳街15至17號興建中酒店等。




Home completions hit 18-year high

More than 13,000 private homes were completed in the first seven months this year, marking an 18-year high.

Buildings Department data showed that a total of 1,131 units from three projects were completely built in July, a 25 percent rise from the 902 homes in June.

For the seven-month period, 13,195 units were completed in 36 projects, 31 percent more than the same period in 2021. The figure was also a high going back to 2005.

Of the three projects completed last month, China Overseas Land and Investment's (0688) One Victoria in Kai Tak will offer 1,059 homes. Madera Garden in Ho Man Tin, developed by Hip Shing Hong, followed with 71 units, while Jardine's Lookout also reported the completion of a house, No 8 Henderson Road.

A property agent expects that more big projects to come, including The Arles in Fo Tan (1,335 units) and The YOHO Hub in Yuen Long (1,030 units).

But the agent is worried that the final completed units might miss the 22,850 forecast for the year, as the fifth Covid wave has caused delays at some projects.

The news comes as the grade A office market saw a negative net rental absorption of 29,200 sq ft last month, according to another property agency.

Though office supply exceeds demand, the overall vacancy rate stayed flat at 9.6 percent by the end of August.

Overall rents dropped further by 0.3 percent monthly, with Central seeing a 0.4 percentdip and Causeway Bay 0.3 percent, while Tsim Sha Tsui saw a slight 0.1 percent rise.

In the primary market, the second phase of One Innovale in Fan Ling has unveiled a fourth price list, offering 50 units at an average HK$14,848 after discounts.

Henderson Land Development (0012) has received over 2,400 checks, about nine times oversubscribed.

(The Standard)


Cash-strapped Hong Kong-listed firm Goldin’s former headquarters sells for between HK$6.5 billion and HK$7 billion, according to media reports

A property consultancy declines to provide details about the buyer or transaction amount

At its highest, the sales price is about 30 per cent lower than estimates of HK$10 billion

Goldin Financial Global Centre, the 28-storey former headquarters of cash-strapped Goldin Financial Holdings, has been sold for between HK$6.5 billion (US$828 million) and HK$7 billion, according to local media.

A property consultancy declined to provide details about the buyer or transaction amount on Thursday.

But local media outlets such as Sing Tao, Hong Kong Economic Times and Ming Pao reported that the grade A office tower in Hong Kong’s Kowloon Bay district sold in this price range, which at its highest is about 30 per cent lower than an estimated sales price of HK$10 billion.

Hong Kong-listed Goldin Financial Holdings holds Chinese tycoon Pan Sutong’s finance and real estate development businesses. The firm and its creditors have been engaged in a tussle since July 2020 over who controlled the building, which the developer has used as collateral for loans. Pan resigned as Goldin’s chairman in June this year.

The building has an area of 920,000 sq ft spread across 28 floors above ground and three basement floors, Savills said earlier. Each floor has a gross floor area of around 35,000 sq ft.

“We will see more of Pan and Goldin’s assets being sold to pay debts, or sold by creditors like this, as he has to find a way to pay his debts,” said Kenny Ng Lai-yin, a strategist at Everbright Securities International.

The sale draws to an end the long-drawn tale of debt-laden Goldin’s flagship property.

On September 28, 2020, the receivers appointed a property consultancy to sell the building after the developer failed to meet its debt obligations. But two days later, Goldin said it had entered into a provisional sale-and-purchase agreement for the building with an independent third party for HK$14.3 billion.

Two months later, however, the receivers said the company had no right to sell it. Then on October 29 the same year, the Hong Kong High Court ruled that Pan, Goldin’s chairman back then, had lost control of its assets to creditors.

The receivers sold the building, located at 17 Kai Cheung Road, for a reported HK$14 billion later that year, but failed to complete the deal.

The sale of Goldin Financial Global Centre will, however, not bring any relief to Goldin, and the firm’s debt woes are far from over.

In October 2020, a unit of Deutsche Bank filed a petition in Bermuda for the liquidation of Goldin Financial Holdings.

In May this year, a division of the Bank of China filed a bankruptcy petition against Pan in Hong Kong for an outstanding debt of 740 million yuan (US$105.4 million). In July, the Hong Kong High Court ordered that the tycoon declare bankruptcy and unwind one of his holding companies over unpaid liabilities of HK$8 billion owed to China Citic Bank. The order is being appealed.

The firm had recorded a loss of around HK$1.4 billion, with its liabilities reaching HK$7.5 billion, as of June 30, 2021. The company postponed its annual results for last year, citing disruptions caused by Covid-19 and related restrictions.

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre please visit: Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay please visit:  Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay


First-home buyers swoop in on Sun Hung Kai’s Wetland flats to get ahead of Hong Kong’s first mortgage hikes in four years

All 80 flats on offer at Sun Hung Kai Properties’ Wetland Seasons Bay project were sold on Thursday, agents said

The flats were offered at HK$14,344 per square foot, about 2.5 per cent cheaper than the average price of the previous phase of the project

Hong Kong’s homebuyers swooped in on the weekday sale of a popular property project on Thursday,, as they exploited a slim window before the city’s first increases in mortgage rates take effect.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) sold all 80 flats on offer in the third phase of its Wetland Seasons Bay project in Tin Shui Wai, agents said. As many as 23 bidders went after each available unit, with 1,870 registrations of intent received.

The flats were offered at HK$14,344 per square foot, about 2.5 per cent cheaper than the average price of the previous phase of the project, translating to HK$4.97 million (US$633,159) for a unit measuring 356 sq ft (33 square metres) after discount.

The small offering is likely to sell out, considering the 75-basis point increase in the city’s base rate, because “it caters to users’ demand with appropriate pricing and a good location”, a property agent said.

The limited offer came on the day when five of Hong Kong’s largest banks raised their prime rates for the first time in four years, hot on the heels of the 75-basis point increase in the base rate by the local monetary authority. The higher rates kick in a day later at the earliest, with Bank of China (Hong Kong) making its loans more expensive by 12.5 basis points five days later.

Many outstanding home mortgage loans in Hong Kong are based on the prime rate, the rate that banks charge their best customers. The payment of a typical HK$5 million, 28-year mortgage loan with a 2.75-percentage point discount to the prime rate will cost 1.6 per cent more, or by HK$323, to HK$21,029 per month after the latest rate increases, according to a local mortgage broker.

The latest phase of Wetland Seasons Bay received the lowest registrations of interest compared with earlier offerings, when as many as 33 bids were after each unit during a sales launch in August 2021.

It has also fared better than SouthLand, developed by RK Properties and MTR Corporation at Wong Chuk Hang in Aberdeen, which flopped earlier this week during its launch. The project, priced at HK$35,804 per square foot on average, failed to find a single buyer for the 139 units on offer.

“Interest rates are on an upwards trend, but property is a long-term investment, [so] short-term interest rate fluctuations will not hinder the public’s desire to buy a home,” said Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency’s general manager Allen Woo before Thursday’s sale. “Buyers who have actual housing needs have already considered the factor of rising interest rates. In addition, the project provides a fixed-rate second mortgage payment plan.”

A decline in home prices is widely anticipated in Hong Kong, as the city’s economy grapples with a technical recession and interest rates at a 14-year high. A property consultancy said that it expected an overall drop of between 10 and 12 per cent in mass housing prices this year.

A market index has fell 0.3 per cent to 171.27 for the week ended September 11, its lowest level since February 2019.

The September index may drop to a level last seen in 2019, after declining by 7.2 per cent over the previous nine months, a property agency said.

“Due to the economic downturn, buyers all hope that prices will be set more cheaply,” agent said. “The positioning and unit size of this project are suitable for young people buying their first homes.

“Many young people in Hong Kong want to buy a house and have their own new world, so this project is very popular.”

(South China Morning Post)


How Hong Kong homebuyers have seen their purchasing power shrink by HK$1 million since January

The erosion in buying power comes after increases in both the Hibor and banks’ prime rates

It is worrying that interest rates are on a rising trend, mortgage holder says

Owning a home in Hong Kong seems to get tougher by the day. While potential homebuyers might have lost HK$1 million (US$127,390) in buying power so far this year, homeowners will see their mortgage payments go up after banks in the city raised their prime rates from today.

Hongkongers with a monthly budget of HK$17,000 for a mortgage could borrow HK$5 million at 1.45 per cent annually from a bank and buy a home priced at HK$5.5 million in January, according to a local mortgage broker. Fast forward to Friday, potential buyers with the same budget can only borrow about HK$4 million and buy a home worth HK$4.4 million.

The erosion in their buying power is because of two key references for the city’s mortgage rates, the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rates (Hibor) and banks’ prime rates, both of which have surged this year.

“Potential homebuyers with limited budgets for monthly mortgages will have no choice but to shift their focus to cheaper homes,” a property agent said. They should calculate carefully, as mortgages will almost certainly “continue to rise after further US interest rate hikes this year,” the agent added.

The Hibor has continued to climb after the Hong Kong Monetary Authority lifted its base rate to defend the city’s currency peg to the US dollar, following five interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve this year.

As a result, the mortgage rate for September now stands at 2.875 per cent, the mortgage broker said, versus 1.45 per cent in January.

The latest increase has forced the city’s commercial banks to also raise their best lending rates. Five major lenders boosted their prime rates by 12.5 basis points with effect from today. The rate HSBC, Hang Seng Bank and Bank of China (Hong Kong) (BOCHK) will climb to 5.125 per cent, while the cost at Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia will rise to 5.375 per cent.

The burden for homeowners has also grown, and there is concern that it will only worsen.

“I paid about HK$1,000 more this month compared with July, and I am starting to feel the heavier financial burden,” said Natalie Gao, 35, who works in the financial industry. She bought a one-bedroom, 400 sq ft home in Hong Kong’s Discovery Bay in 2018 for about HK$5 million.

“I have already cut some spending on dining out and cook more at home,” she said. “But that might not be enough. I am thinking of repaying some of the mortgage in advance to ease some future pressure.”

Others too are preparing for rainy days ahead. Katie Chan, a white-collar worker, bought a 700 sq ft flat on one of the city’s outer islands seven years ago with a mortgage loan from BOCHK of HK$1.2 million priced at the prime rate minus 2.75 percentage points.

With the increase in prime rates today, Chan will need to pay about HK$200 more every month.

“It is not too painful at just HK$200 per month. However, what is more worrying is that interest rates are on a rising trend, which means banks may increase their prime rates by two or three more times in the following months,” she said.

“If the prime rate increases by 1 full percentage point, I expect I would need to pay about HK$1,000 more per month for my mortgage. I can afford it, but I will start to feel the pain.”

(South China Morning Post)

灣仔中國恒大中心標售 市值逾80億低買價4成

近月出現財困的內房恒大 (03333),其位於灣仔的總部中國恆大中心,近期被接管,現接管人推出物業標售,下月底截標,市場估值約80億至90億,較購入價低近4成。

接管人推全幢招標 下月底截標

灣仔全幢商廈罕有出售,有代理行表示,接管人 (安邁企業諮詢) 現正公開招標出售中國恆大中心全幢物業。現以現狀連租約出售,截標日期為2022年10月31日 (星期一) 正午12時。

早於今年中,恒大委託測量師行標售其總部大廈中國恆大中心,並於7月初截標。當時長實 (01113) 確認入標,最終項目未有售出,而本月初,物業遭債權人申請委任接管人接管。據文件顯示,債權人為中信銀行國際,據悉或與恒大此前抵押中國恆大中心,換取76億元貸款融資有關。












投資者賣4舖 10年賺4700


另有代理行綜合土地註冊處資料顯示,8月份商舖註冊宗數錄89宗 (主要反映7月份市況),按月下約跌11%;註冊金額約15.94億元,按月下跌約45.1%。






Evergrande set for beating in sale of HK flagship tower

China Evergrande's (3333) building in Wan Chai was put for sale by tender until the end of next month and might change hands at a price that is 28 percent lower than the HK$12.5 billion it paid for the property in 2015.

China Evergrande Centre at 38 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, was recently commissioned by the receiver Alvarez & Marsal to a property consultancy to sell in a tender.

The 27-story building has a total area of about 345,423 square feet, with each floor having 12,000 to 14,000 sq ft, and 55 parking spaces.

Documents show the creditor is China CITIC Bank International, a subsidiary of state-owned China CITIC Bank (0998), and the sale may have been occasioned by a HK$7.6 billion mortgage that Evergrande took on its Hong Kong headquarters.

It bought the building from Chinese Estates Holdings (0127) in 2015 for HK$12.5 billion.

In October 2021, Yuexiu Property (0123) reportedly planned to buy it for HK$10.5 billion, but the deal failed to go through over concerns that Evergrande's unpaid liabilities could jeopardize it.

Evergrande, in June, tried to auction it off and got a bid of HK$9 billion from CK Asset Holdings (1113), 28 percent lower than its purchase price.

As of August, the overall vacancy rate of grade-A offices was 9.6 percent, up by 7.9 percentage points compared with September 2015, and that is believed to have caused the valuation of Evergrande's flagship in Hong Kong to plunge.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at China Evergrande Centre please visit: Office for Lease at China Evergrande Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Wan Chai please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Wan Chai


HKMA easing rates bounce in property deals

Transactions at 10 major housing estates rebounded after the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's announcement of relaxed stress test requirements but that came amid more price slashing.

A property agency recorded 10 at 10 major housing estates at the weekend, up 11.1 percent, or one more deal, returning to the double-digit level.

It said the HKMA easing and the quarantine policy relaxation will ease pressure brought on by interest rate hikes on buyers and stimulate property market transactions.

Another agency saw nine deals at the 10 estates, which was also one more than the eight that it saw a week ago.

Prices of some secondary-market flats saw significant drops, with a mid-level unit in Shatin City One selling for HK$3.95 million after a discount of about HK$550,000.

The asking price of a one-bedroom unit in Lohas Park fell from HK$6.68 million to HK$6.4 million recently.

The HKMA lowered its interest rate stress testing requirement for mortgage lending by banks from 300 to 200 basis points on Friday. It said the move was taken in response to changes in their risk management needs, taking into account the interest rate environment and the trend of mortgage rates, as well as past long-term averages, and is not related to countercyclical macroprudential measures.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) yesterday said it is adding 43 units to its third price list for Wetland Seasons Bay's third phase after it sold out all 80 units in the first batch on Thursday. Their average price is HK$14,745 per square foot without any discount.

(The Standard)


Shop deals turnover hit by 45pc plunge

Transactions of commercial properties came in at HK$1.59 billion last month, 45.1 percent less than July, amid no hints of when quarantine-free travel will return and the reopening of the border with the mainland.

The transaction volume also fell 11 percent to 89, according to the data from a property agency and the Land Registry.

Though the figures mainly reflect the market situation in July, the sluggish demand is taking its toll on the commercial property sector.

To remain competitive for global capital and talents, the SAR administration late last week canceled the so-called "three-plus-four" arrangement, made up of three days in a designated quarantine hotel and four days of medical surveillance for new arrivals, to a "zero-plus-three" system.

However, property agent said that the change might have only a limited effect in boosting the property market.

The agent also expects tourism to fail to recover to prepandemic levels despite the relaxed quarantine requirements, which may continue to stunt commercial property transactions.

Hong Kong officials have said it is hard to come up with a roadmap for quarantine-free travel.

(The Standard)

寬檢疫至「0+3 業界料帶動商廈需求









財團逾4億 統一嘉林邊道舊樓業權


該物業現為1幢3層高的住宅 (位於車庫層之上)。根據馬頭角分區計劃大綱核准圖,該地皮現劃為「住宅 (乙類)」用途的用地,佔地約10,070平方呎。若以最高地積比率約5倍發展,總樓面面積約50,350平方呎。據早前的強拍文件顯示,上述強拍申請人為金楓集團有限公司 (GOLD FOCUS HOLDINGS LIMITED)。

大鴻輝就深水埗舊樓 申強拍








該項目位於皇后大道西129至151號 (單數),鄰近港鐵西營盤站,步行前往約其中一個出口約3分鐘步行程。地盤面積約1.68萬方呎,可建總樓面約12.15萬方呎。






油麻地德昌里舊樓1.45億易手 涉約83.96%業權 華廈置業沽貨





根據油麻地分區計畫大綱圖編號S/K2/23,物業現址劃為「住宅 (甲類)」用地,若發展純住宅,地積比7.5倍,若以商住混合發展規劃,地積比高達9倍。而該物業將按現狀,部分交吉、部分連現約及許可證形式出售。市場消息預期,買家為本地發展商。







兩季賣地僅收95億 來季料推貴重地

赤柱啟德地可推 連港鐵小蠔灣等涉5040伙

本年度上半年賣地收入僅95億元,較去年同期減7成。發展局即將公布下季 (10至12月) 賣地計劃,市場估計有機會推出賣地表上赤柱、啟德等貴重地皮,以增加賣地收益,連同其他地皮及港鐵 (00066) 小蠔灣站1期,預計供應5,040伙。


上半年度收入 少去年7

2022/23年度上半年 (4月至9月),政府賣地推出的住宅地皮均以中小型地皮為主,連同一幅價值52.6億元的葵涌物流地,由賣地帶來的地價收入只有約95億元,較去年同期高達359億元,按年減少7成。


赤柱環角道地 估值達206




下季度賣地計劃連同鐵路項目,預計將提供約5,040伙,較今季的3,210伙,增加4成。而2022/23年度首3季 (4月至12月) 則合共有10,390伙推出,相當於全年度供應目標1.29萬伙的80%。




樓價跌+商地欠吸引 賣地收入減


根資料顯示,過去5個財政年度 (2017/18年度至2021/22年度) 地價收入介乎887億至1,648億元,平均每年帶來1,300億元的收入,相當於同期政府收入的五分之一,金額甚至高於薪俸稅、印花稅等重要稅項。

早年商地刷賣地紀錄 收益增


其次,近年陸續有大型商業地推出均刷新了賣地紀錄,包括2019年422億元的西九高鐵站商業地王,以及去年508億元的中環新海濱3號商業地王,單是恒地 (00012) 投得中環地王便佔了全年地價收入35%。







基金積極掃工廈 望抵銷加息影響



外資基金 屢購分層工廈收租




事實上,該基金今年開始殺入本港物業市場,以2.11億元向興勝創建 (00896) 購入沙田工業中心單位,面積約1.26萬平方呎,改裝成迷你倉之用,料是次購柴灣工廈,為旗下迷你倉業務擴充。

工廈價較平 兼有改造空間




新蒲崗工廈逾8成業權 7.8億放售




立安工業大廈位於新蒲崗五芳街18號,現時為一幢13層高並建於1965年的工業大廈,地盤面積約14,950平方呎,整幢大廈的總建築面積約155,161平方呎,是次出售部分 (包括地下部分) 的建築面積約130,490平方呎,會按現狀放售,意向價約7.8億元。


該代理亦指,新蒲崗不斷有重建及活化工廈項目出現,如新世界的活化工廈項目Artisan Hub、新落成工廈Artisan Lab、東傲等。



中環雲咸街33號 商業藝術集一身





近年本港藝術氣氛提升,業主在大堂加設一個藝術與文化平台Wyndham Social,邀請本地藝術創作人土,展覽其作品,使物業形象更為獨特。租戶亦可租用大堂位置舉辦活動,令租戶可以有更多互動交流空間,產生的不同協同效應。

地下至9 屬餐飲樓面



租務上,大廈於2018年改裝成寫字樓後,當時正值共享工作空間 (Co-working Space) 興起,物業寫字樓部分,涉及約8.5萬平方呎,獲共享空間WeWork全數承租,呎租料約60元。不過,WeWork近年業務大幅收縮,放棄本港多個據點,包括上述分店。業主收回樓面後,今年重新招租。







多層樓面招租 呎租42元起











Chinachem urges stamp duty cuts

Chinachem Group chief executive Donald Choi Wun-hing said he hopes to see some of the stamp duties reduced in next month's policy address to support the property market amid rising interest rates.

The current dull market environment is different from the time when the duties were introduced, and some relaxation on them will be appropriate, Choi said yesterday.

Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po said last week that there was no need to adjust control measures such as stamp duties for non-residents and second homebuyers. Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu will deliver his first policy address next month.

Home prices have dropped by nearly

5 percent in the first seven months of the year and are projected to decline by about 10 percent this year as rising mortgage costs and a bleak economic outlook have deepened pessimism among homeowners.

However, Choi said he does not expect the number of loss-making home sales to surge as most owners do not have mortgages and there is no urgent need to sell even if interest rates increase.

On the office market, Choi noted that although the vacancy rate is rising as many companies scaled down their business and international firms have left amid the pandemic, demand from mainland firms still exist and many of them may set up shop in Hong Kong once all the travel curbs are removed.

Choi stated that Chinachem's new project named In One in Ho Man Tin is still awaiting presale consent and may not be put on sale until the market sentiment improves.

In other property news, Henderson Land Development (0012) said phase two of One Innovale in Fan Ling received 2,970 checks for the 243 units it put on the market, which means they were 11 times oversubscribed.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) will start to sell 80 units in phase three of Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai this Friday.

Of these, 50 units will be put up for sale via price lists, which include one- to three-bedroom units, ranging from 353 to 667 square feet .

The average price after discounts was HK$14,603, with the cheapest one priced at HK$5.06 million.

The one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate, to which the mortgage rate is linked, rose for 12 consecutive days to 2.6106 percent yesterday.

(The Standard)












工商鋪暫錄874宗買賣 代理行:按季跌29%












東角道地鋪呎租311元跌75% 銅鑼灣一綫街租金重返13年前



面積900方呎 月租28



翻查資料,大丸於1961年11月3日開幕,翌日錄10萬人入店,人山人海,旺場橫跨數十年,不過,昔日大丸現址已變身FALK WALK商場。


鋪市高峰期,啟超道10號複式鋪由六福鐘錶珠寶以176.8萬租用,直至2014年,再獲手表店Glashutte Watch搶租,月租210萬,租約由2014年12月至2017年11月,即使高峰期已過,仍受周大福垂青,在2017年底以每月120萬租用,直至2020年11月完約後改短租,一年前遷出。



金鐘2甲廈明年落成 添逾百萬呎樓面

金鐘屬於中環核心商業區的延伸部分,明年將有2大商業項目落成,合共提供逾百萬平方呎樓面供應,分別是恒地 (00012) 的 The Henderson 及長實 (01113) 的長江集團中心二期,均屬於區內罕有甲級商廈供應。

該2個大型甲級商廈均是近年展開重建,當中 The Henderson 前身為美利道停車場,由恒地於2017年以每平方呎樓面地價約5萬元奪得;而長江集團中心二期前身則為和記大廈。當中長江集團中心二期樓高41層,總建築面積達55萬平方呎,可望270度維港海景,屆時所有辦公樓層均可望向維港,將於明年落成。

長江集團中心二期 享270度維港景

至於 The Henderson 位於中環美利道2號,樓高36層,由扎哈‧哈迪德建築事務所 (Zaha Hadid Architects) 設計成地標商廈,每層面積約1.2萬至1.5萬平方呎,包括地面和5層地庫,總樓面面積46.5萬平方呎,已經陸續展開預租,包括佳士得租用4層,涉約5萬平方呎樓面。另外,國際投資公司凱雷集團 (Carlyle) 則租用約2萬平方呎樓面,據市場估計,呎租料約130元,超越目前的甲廈市價水平。

The Henderson 已展開預租

至於中長綫區內仍有2幅大型商業地有望推出,較為矚目為金鐘廊重建發展計劃,近年已經完成規劃,日後將會推出市場招標出售。項目分為2部分發展,其中東面鄰近統一中心的地盤佔地約6.7萬平方呎,計劃重建48層高商廈,當中38層為寫字樓,涉約86.2萬平方呎;至於西面地盤 (即現有金鐘廊行人通道) 則會保留,提供約2.6萬平方呎餐飲及零售樓面,兩者合共提供逾100萬平方呎的商業樓面。



更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租






灣仔中國恆大中心 下月底截標


位處灣仔告士打道38號中國恆大中心,原本由華置 (00127) 所持有,於2015年由內房恒大 (03333) 以約125億元購入,作為恒大在香港的總部。但隨着恒大陷入財困,中國恆大中心亦多次推出市場放售,去年8月曾傳出獲越秀地產以約100億元洽購,惟最終未有成事,直至今年年中,恒大委託測量師行標售其總部大廈中國恆大中心,但仍然未能售出。

而至本月初,物業更遭債權人申請委任接管人接管。近日有測量師行再獲接管人委託公開招標出售,截標日期為2022年10月31日 (星期一)。

估價逾80 低購入價4







太古近11億 沽出青衣全幢工廈

積極沽售非核心物業 外資基金承接






太古地產 (01972) 最近接受訪問時,曾表示未來10年投資千億元,其中三分一為本港市場,續發展商業項目,亦曾表示因應時機沽非核心物業。該集團於近兩年,不時推售物業,包括2020年以98億元,沽出英皇道1111號 (前稱太古城中心一座) 全幢商廈。








市建局皇后大道西項目 收33意向書


蘭桂坊地產 首度競投市建局盤

項目吸引中小型財團參與,包括:建灝、英皇 (00163) 等;而本地「大孖沙」信置 (00083) 、新地 (00016) 、長實 (01113) 及恒地 (00012) 等亦有參與。中資則有招商局置地 (00978) 及中國海外 (00688) 等,而罕有投地的蘭桂坊地產集團亦有參與。


英皇集團 (國際) 物業經理蔡宏基指,由於港島區地皮供應罕有,且集團在區內擁有數個項目,加上地皮距離港鐵西營盤站約3分鐘步程,所以先就地皮遞交意向書,拿取「入場券」。他又指,是次先研究項目標書,相信日後出價會反映加息等因素。




Land sales to pick up after dismal showing

Land sales turnover came in at HK$9.5 billion from April to September, 70 percent less than one year ago, according to calculations based on tender results published by the Lands Department.

Some market watchers expect the Development Bureau to put more sites with higher prices up for sale to increase turnover numbers for the rest of the year.

Such sites, to be announced soon, may include residential ones in Stanley and Kai Tak, and these projects, along with phase one of the MTR Corp (0066)'s project atop Siu Ho Wan depot on Lantau, will provide 5,040 units.

The market valuation for the Stanley site on Cape Road ranges from HK$14.37 billion to HK$20.6 billion, or HK$30,000 to HK$43,000 per square foot.

In the primary market, Henderson Land Development's (0012) phase two of One Innovale in Fan Ling has reportedly sold 235 of 253 units in its first round of sales yesterday.

A property agent said that new home purchases slumped in volume to about 600 this month from 2,040 cases in August, blaming interest rate hikes.

Potential buyers are adopting a wait-and-see attitude as Hong Kong has entered a rate hike cycle, the agent said.

Last week, major banks raised their best lending rate by 12.5 basis points, the first hike in four years.

The one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate, to which the mortgage rate is linked, fell to 2.60988 percent yesterday, ending a 12-day rise.

Meanwhile, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) will launch a 30,000-square-foot outdoor garden "Play Garden" in Tsuen Wan Plaza today in a move expected to drive up customer numbers and sales by 10 and 15 percent.

The level-five garden was upgraded at a cost of over HK$20 million, and includes rest spaces and recreation facilities.

(The Standard)


Young Hongkongers snap up cheap flats in Northern Metropolis as relaxed mortgage, quarantine rules offset rising interest rates

With an average price of HK$14,623 per sq ft, One Innovale-Bellevue in Fanling is more affordable than Kowloon and Hong Kong Island

Many of the prospective buyers on Tuesday were in their 20s and early 30s, according to property agent

The scrapping of hotel quarantine requirements and a relaxation of mortgage rules boosted sales of affordable new homes in Hong Kong’s Northern Metropolis area, said analysts, as young buyers snapped up flats priced from HK$3.07 million (US$391,085) each.

Henderson Land Development’s One Innovale-Bellevue in Fanling had sold 231, or 95 per cent, of 243 flats on offer as of 8.39pm on Tuesday, according to a spokesman for the developer. Another four flats were sold by tender.

With an average price per square foot of HK$14,623, it is one of the more pricey developments in the immediate area, just 0.3 per cent shy of the secondary market price of the Sheung Shui Centre, the most expensive. However, it remains much more affordable than Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.

Many of the prospective buyers on Tuesday were in their 20s and early 30s, according to a property agent.

“Benefiting from the development potential of the Northern Metropolis area, the launch continues to be sought after by the market, among which young people born in the 1990s and 2000s are the main prospective buyers,” the agent said.

Hong Kong’s former Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor laid down the blueprint for the Northern Metropolis in her 2021 policy address. The scheme involves the development of an IT hub in the northern New Territories near the border with mainland China, construction of up to 186,000 homes and a new cross-border railway linking the city to the Qianhai economic zone in Shenzhen.

The entry price at One Innovale-Bellevue is HK$3.07 million for a flat of 221 square feet.

The launch fetched 2,970 registrations of intent, which translates to 12 buyers for each flat. The flats on sale are worth HK$1.28 billion.

“Most buyers [in the market generally] are still taking a wait-and-see attitude. Transactions in the primary market are still dominated by flats with low prices,” the agent said.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has lifted its base interest rate five times this year to 3.5 per cent, a 14-year high, in lockstep with the hawkish Federal Reserve hikes. Commercial banks including HSBC and Bank of China (Hong Kong) raised their prime rates last week to a four-year high, making it costlier to fund big-ticket purchases like housing.

The HKMA on Friday asked banks to lower the threshold on interest-rate stress testing for mortgage lending.

The government has ended mandatory hotel quarantine for overseas arrivals after more than two years, marking the lifting of one of the world’s toughest pandemic-control regimes.

“The government recently relaxed the stress test from 300 basis points to 200 to offset the pressure of interest rate hikes, and at the same time relaxed overseas entry quarantine to ‘0+3’, which are good for the property market and boosts buyers’ confidence in entering the market,” another agent said.

Despite these moves, the pressure from policy tightening in the US will mount as the Fed attempts to cool runaway inflation.

The agent expects that the number of new homes sold in October to rise to about 1,500, up from only 800 this month. That would still be lower than August’s tally of about 2,000.

The maiden policy address of Chief Executive John Lee in October is likely to benefit the property market, the agent said.

As the pandemic has stabilised locally, the government may further relax entry quarantine measures, and economic activities will continue to normalise, the agent said, adding that developers are likely to seize the opportunity to actively launch new projects.

Tuesday’s sale came as the wave of interest rate hikes ensured second-hand home prices maintained their downward trajectory.

Lived-in home prices in Hong Kong fell by 0.8 per cent in the most recent week to September 18, according to a market index. The index have retreated by a cumulative 6.1 per cent in 10 straight losing weeks, and by 11.2 per cent from a record-high in August 2021.

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices to revisit 2017 levels as more rate increases prolong housing market correction

Prices of lived-in homes have retreated 6.1 per cent in a 10-week losing streak, and by 11.2 per cent since the market peaked in August 2021: property agency’s data

Recent transactions in popular housing estates in Taikoo Shing, Shau Kei Wan and Tseung Kwan O show ongoing bearish sentiment

Property investors thinking of getting ahead of the full reopening of Hong Kong’s economy may have to rein in their enthusiasm. Further interest-rate increases are likely to depress home prices in the coming months to levels last seen in 2017, some analysts said.

While local authorities have scrapped mandatory quarantine for incoming travellers and lowered the bar on mortgage stress tests, the pressure from policy tightening in the US will mount amid attempts to cool runaway inflation. A steady decline in the local housing market over the past 14 months will play out for longer, a property agency said.

Lived-in home prices in Hong Kong fell by 0.8 per cent in the most recent week to September 18, according to the another property agency. They have retreated by a cumulative 6.1 per cent in 10 straight losing weeks, and by 11.2 per cent from the record-high in August 2021.

Recent transactions in major estates on Hong Kong Island, such as Taikoo Shing, indicate prices have reached a five-year low, while one flat in Shau Kei Wan changed hands for a HK$3 million loss.

“The pandemic has not yet subsided and the timing of the full border reopening has not yet been determined,” agent said. “Some buyers and owners are still waiting to see the effectiveness of the new Covid-19 measures. Home prices will continue to be under pressure.”

The outlook for the market may improve when the government unveils its plans during the annual policy address on October 19, Po added. Lived-in home prices could fall by as much as 6 per cent by year-end to the lowest since October 2017 without policy support.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has lifted its base rate five times this year to 3.5 per cent, a 14-year high, in lockstep with the hawkish Federal Reserve hikes. Commercial banks including HSBC and Bank of China (Hong Kong) raised their prime rates last week to a four-year high, making it costlier to fund big-ticket purchases like housing.

“Rising rates, and thus mortgage rates, result in lower affordability,” Morgan Stanley said in a report dated September 22. “Property prices are down 8 per cent year-to-date and we expect another 5 per cent decline in 2023. Thus we have not reached the bottom and the risk of mortgage rate caps going up is still there.”

The HKMA on Friday asked banks to lower the threshold on interest-rate stress testing for property mortgage lending to 200 basis points from 300. While the relaxation is seen as a boost for the housing market, prices are not likely to rebound soon, another agent said.

Since the market peaked in August last year, prices at Metro City, a housing development in Tseung Kwan O, have fallen 23.2 per cent to HK$14,669 per square foot, the lowest since February 2019. In Taikoo Shing, prices fell 19.4 per cent to HK$17,159 per sq ft, the lowest since July 2017. They are the two biggest losers among 133 estates tracked by the first agency in that period.

At Lime Gala in Shau Kei Wan, a flat measuring 491 sq ft changed hands at a loss of HK$3.1 million last week, according to the agency. The owner had decided against living with the city’s pandemic curbs and widened the discount because of concerns rate increases will sap demand.

“Buyers are hesitant about entering the market given the rate outlook,” agent said. Generally, the counter-offer is more than 10 per cent less, and not all owners are willing to lower their asking price by that steep, the agent added.

“Hong Kong property prices are under pressure in the short term because of the overall market sentiment globally in stock markets,” said Raymond Cheng, managing director at CGS-CIMB Securities. “It may not be surprising to see home prices fall a further 5 to 10 per cent” with short-term rate and emigration pressures, he added.

The number of lived-in home transactions is likely to shrink this quarter to about 6,800 deals, the least since the 5,159 recorded in the fourth quarter of 2018, the agency predicted.

Banks remained cautious on the outlook for prices of lived-in homes, according to a separate gauge compiled by the agency, based on their assessment of second-hand properties in the 133 housing estates. The index fell to 11.47 in the September 18 week. A reading below 40 is deemed bearish.

(South China Morning Post)

長實208億 沽半山波老道超豪宅

成港歷來最大額住宅成交 料帶來63億元收益

長實 (01113) 大手沽港資產,以207.66億元,售出半山西部21 BORRETT ROAD項目,予新加坡華瑞資本,為香港歷來最大額住宅單一成交,呎價6.2萬元,較樓盤已售單位平均低出3成,預計可為長實帶來約63億元的收益。

長實位於半山西部的波老道21號超級豪宅21 BORRETT ROAD,分兩期發展,共提供181伙,於2021年初推售第1期項目,至今累售33伙,最高呎價曾達13.6萬元,一度成為「亞洲樓王」。

長實昨日突然宣布,將項目1期餘下單位,連同第2期合共152個住宅單位 (包括4伙已售出而未完成交易)、242個住宅車位及31個電單車車位,一併出售予新加坡資產管理公司華瑞資本 (Sino Suisse) 旗下LC Vision Capital,總金額約207.66億元,屬於2017年11月長實以402億元沽出中環中心後、最大手沽貨。


長實昨收報46.35 跌6.6%

長和集團 (00001) 昨收報43.45元,跌1.8元或3.978%;而長實昨收報46.35元,跌3.3元或6.647%。

是次買家新加坡基金華瑞資本 (Sino Suisse),於2017年成立,創辦人為劉中興,並於當年同時取得新加坡金融管理局所頒發執照。至於劉中興在創立華瑞之前,擔任瑞銀集團新加坡分公司董事總經理暨全球超高淨值中國國家團隊負責人。

華瑞資本過往在港未有投資物業。據該公司網頁顯示,華瑞資本為家族辦公室與超高淨值資產人士提供資產規劃、財富管理等。公司曾預計,華瑞資本的資產管理規模未來3年內將達到70億美元,5年內將超過100億美元。而華瑞曾經在2020年,10月以8.1億元,購入軟件公司亞信科技 (01675) 6.8%股權。




除了有長成交期之外,今次長實將在2025年成交完成交易時,為買家提供貸款,最多涉及103.8億元或以物業估值7成按揭,貸款在成交期後2年到期,每個月須還款並支付P-2.25厘 (滙豐最優惠利率,現為5.125厘) 的利息。





高位賣樓套現 看淡短期樓市?

本地「大孖沙」長實 (01113) 突然以逾200億元,沽出西半山21 BORRETT ROAD。業內人士認為,不排除有個別發展商看淡短期本港樓市發展,故先行加快套現;同時,近期英鎊滙率下瀉,或令於該地有較多投資項目的發展商,需要資金運行。

業界:中環中心有前科 聰明之舉



學者:成交價頗高 基金看好樓市







長和系海外資產 近期亦頻沽售

除了沽售香港豪宅新盤外,長實 (01113) 及同系長和 (00001) 近期亦密密沽售資產,前者曾經在年初124億元沽倫敦商廈,後者則先減持英國水廠、電訊發射塔資產高達400億元資產。

長實今年3月宣布以12.1億元英鎊,以當時滙價相等於123.9億港元,售出「5 Broadgate」的商業辦公單位連車位,相較其在2018年6月的購入價102.5億港元 (10億英鎊),投資3年半,連租金收入等大賺48億港元。

港售樓 今年沽飛揚暫套12


與此同時,早前亦曾經傳出長實、長建 (01038) 和電能 (00006) 共同持有的英國電網項目UK Power Network,獲基金出價高達1,500億元洽購,惟最終未有售出。

香港方面,長實今年推售的新盤不多,除了銷售南區淺水灣道90號、沙田名日 ‧ 九肚山餘貨單位外,全新盤暫時只有跟新地 (00016) 合作的屯門飛揚,目前推出第1期售出逾210伙,套現逾12億元。















北海中心呎價10250元低15%沽 灣仔指標乙廈造價重返7年前




對上一宗同類型成交為去年4月,該廈26樓F室 (上述單位樓上),建築面積1477方呎,以股權方式轉讓,呎價約1.25萬,涉資約1846萬,若以此比較,最新成交價低18%。






有代理表示,北角炮台山英皇道250號 北角城中心高層,面積約3260方呎,意向價約3100萬,平均呎價約9509元。陳氏補充,該單位間隔實用,大玻璃面向英皇道,屬於優質單位,可即買即用或出租。










醫療集團解約 金利豐中心招租

金利豐 (01031) 行政總裁朱李月華私人持有的中環商廈金利豐中心,原本於去年中把全幢大部分樓面租予一家新成立的醫療集團,並簽約10年,惟近日業主突把1至26樓推出市場放租,意向呎租60至130元,意味該醫療集團提早退租。

租期十載 僅用逾


資料顯示,金利豐中心原為舊式商廈,朱李月華於2014年7月斥逾16億元購入,其後重建成新商廈。項目在2020年落成,地舖出租予先施錶行 (00444) 旗下FRANCK MULLER作旗鑑店,而樓上單位在去年中租予新創辦的嘉仁專科醫療集團,租約長達10年,令該廈成為醫療中心。該醫療中心今年完成裝修,已曾使用部分樓層。













Billionaire Li Ka-shing’s CK Asset sells luxury Mid-Levels project to Singapore fund for US$2.6 billion in surprise deal amid market wobble

The buyer, LC Vision Capital 1, is an offshore fund managed by Sino Suisse Capital, a closely held money manager run by Albert Liu

It’s ‘a good deal’ for CK Asset as mainland buyers are shut from border restrictions, property consultancy says

Hong Kong’s richest tycoon Li Ka-shing is selling one of Asia’s priciest residential projects in the city to a Singapore-based wealth manager, surprising the market with one of the biggest deals amid a slump in the economy.

Li’s flagship property company CK Asset Holdings agreed to sell its project known as 21 Borrett Road at Mid-Levels for HK$20.8 billion (US$2.6 billion) to pocket a HK$6.3 billion profit, according to a stock exchange filing late on Wednesday. The transaction is expected to be completed by March 2025, it added.

The buyer, LC Vision Capital 1, is an offshore fund founded by Sino Suisse Capital, a closely held money manager run by Albert Liu, former head of high net-worth client management for China at UBS Asset Management.

The 21 Borrett Road luxury project comprises 152 residential units, 242 car parking spaces and 31 motorcycle parking spaces. CK Asset had earlier contracted to sell four residential units and eight car-parking spaces to third-party buyers.

The transaction with Sino Suisse covers 148 unsold units, each with one accompanying car-parking space, and an additional 86 car and 31 motorcycle parking spaces, according to the filing. The units were priced at HK$62,000 per square foot, while the excess car and motor parking spaces were pegged at HK$5 million and HK$300,000 each, respectively.

“It is a very good deal for CK Asset,” property consultant said. “Although on the surface the average price tag is below what it sold previously at the project, it is not an easy job to find one single buyer to take all the remaining units at one go in this market, which is at the beginning of a downside cycle.”

Hong Kong’s real estate market has been hit hard in recent years by the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020 and social unrest throughout 2019. The ultra luxury market, which is mainly supported by mainland Chinese buyers, has been in the doldrums under more than two years of border shutdown and travel restrictions.

Luxury properties in Hong Kong depreciated faster than anywhere in the world in the first half of this year with a 3 per cent drop in capital value, according to another property consultancy.

The consultant said that recent transactions of 21 Borrett Road apartments fetched about HK$80,000 per square foot on average. That is still a far cry from the record set by the project in February 2021, when a 3,378 sq ft unit changed hands at HK$136,000 per square foot. The previous record was held by flats 12C and 12D at Mount Nicholson in Hong Kong, also one of Asia’s priciest home addresses.

CK Asset’s share price fell 6.7 per cent to HK$46.35 in Hong Kong trading on Wednesday, as investors are worried about Li family’s business exposure to the UK amid a slump of the British pound. The stock has weakened 13 per cent over the past six months, while the Hang Seng Index slumping 21 per cent.

“Even if the borders reopen, we are not sure whether the mainlanders’ money will flow back into Hong Kong’s luxury housing market,” the consultant said. “So at this moment, it is definitely a right decision to seal a deal, when you can find a buyer to pay a reasonable price.”

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong home prices fell in August to lowest since February 2019, unlikely to be boosted by ‘0+3’ quarantine relaxation

Prices of homes in Hong Kong fell by 2.26 per cent in August, their largest monthly decline since November 2018

Official property price index for the whole year will fall by around 8 per cent, property consultant says

The prices of homes in Hong Kong fell by 2.26 per cent in August to their lowest level in three-and-a-half years, and are unlikely to get much support from the city’s reduced Covid-19 hotel quarantine requirements.

An index measuring overall home prices slumped to 368.2 in August from 376.7 in July, according to official data released on Wednesday by the Rating and Valuation Department. Prices for flats of at least 752 sq ft fell 2.3 per cent in August, while prices for flats smaller than that decreased by 0.83 per cent. The August reading is the lowest since February 2019, when it settled at 367, government data shows.

It is also the largest sequential monthly decline since November 2018, a property consultant said.

“It is expected that the official index will continue to find the bottom in September,” the consultant said. “As the HKMA [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] relaxes the threshold for stress testing, property prices are expected to bottom out in the fourth quarter, and the official property price index for the whole year will fall by around 8 per cent.”

Home prices have so far this year retreated by 6.5 per cent, and reflect the impact of higher interest rates and the lingering effects of Hong Kong’s coronavirus restrictions.

The HKMA has raised its base interest rate five times this year to 3.5 per cent, a 14-year high, in lockstep with hawkish US Federal Reserve rate increases. Commercial banks such as HSBC and Bank of China (Hong Kong) raised their prime rates last week to a four-year high, making it costlier to fund big-ticket purchases such as housing.

The government has also scrapped hotel quarantine for international arrivals.

“The epidemic has begun to ease, and the entry quarantine has become ‘0+3’, which brings some good news for overall market sentiment. But purchasing power is still insufficient in the short term, and overall transaction volumes remain at a low level and are expected to fall by about 30 per cent year on year to 50,000 to 53, 000 transactions,” the consultant said.

The higher interest rates are also likely to make new properties buyers’ preferred investment choice, as prices of new homes will compete with the secondary market, further weighing on second-hand property in the coming months, the consultant added.

The HKMA on Friday also asked banks to lower the threshold for interest-rate stress testing for mortgage lending, relaxing the rule for new borrowers.

Meanwhile, overall home rents increased slightly in August, rising by 0.73 per cent from July, which could also provide cushion to landlords. It was the third consecutive month of increases in rents.

“Home prices are sensitive to interest-rate increases, especially when the upswing is too fast,” a surveyor said. The continuing rebound in home rents could help improve property yields despite rising mortgage payment costs and interest costs, the surveyor added.

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong home prices drop 2.3pc in August to lowest in 3.5 years

Hong Kong private home prices fell 2.256 percent in August from a month earlier to the lowest since February 2019, official data showed on Wednesday, as market sentiment was hurt by rising interest rates. 

The drop in home prices in one of the world's most unaffordable housing markets last month followed a revised 1.44 percent decline in July. 

Home prices in the financial hub have fallen 6.5 percent in the first eight months of this year. The property price index was at 368.2 in August, slipping from an all-time peak of 398.1 in September last year. 

Rising mortgage costs and a bleak economic outlook have deepened pessimism among homeowners, while home prices for the full year are expected to drop around 10 percent, the first fall since 2008. 

Hong Kong banks raised their best lending rate by 12.5 basis points last week, the first-rate hike in four years, following the U.S. Federal Reserve's third straight rate increase of 75 basis points. 

JP Morgan head of Asia property research, Cusson Leung, said the smaller-than-expected rate hike was a positive but the property market would likely continue to soften in 2023 due to a weak global economy. 

However, he expected the decline to be moderate. 

"In order for sentiment to turn around, we'd need the help of a better economy and a better stock market," Leung said, adding that a reopening of the border with mainland China would also boost demand. 

Hong Kong financial chief Paul Chan said last week he did not see a sharp risk to the city's real estate market nor a need to adjust property control measures. 

Hong Kong's de facto central bank last week relaxed a mortgage stress test requirement following the best lending rate hike, helping property buyers to borrow more from banks. 

(The Standard)


Home prices feel bite of rising rates

Home prices fell 2.26 percent last month from July to the lowest since February 2019, data showed yesterday, as sentiment was hit by rising interest rates.

But rents rose for two consecutive months at 0.7 percent amid reservations about buying at this time and some mainland students renting homes.

Home prices fell 6.5 percent in the first eight months, Rating and Valuation Department data shows.

The property price index was at 368.2, slipping 7.5 percent from an all-time peak of 398.1 last September.

Prices for small and medium-sized flats fell 2.3 percent month on month, while homes above 1,076 square feet also slipped by 0.8 percent. They declined by 7.4 and 6.2 percent last month from a year ago.

Rising mortgage costs and a bleak economic outlook have deepened pessimism among owners, while home prices are expected to drop around 10 percent for the year, the first fall since 2008.

Banks raised prime rates by 12.5 basis points last week, the first rate hike in four years, following the third US consecutive rate increase of 75 basis points.

JP Morgan Asia property research head Cusson Leung Kai-tong said the smaller-than-expected rate hike was a positive but the market would likely continue to soften in 2023 due to a weak global economy.

The news came as Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp launched a new mortgage plan with a fixed rate of 2.75 percent for the first two years.

The rate is even lower than that of its other mortgage plans of 2.875 percent and will be calculated based on the Hong Kong interbank offered rate with a cap after two years.

(The Standard)

新世界近31億 沽長沙灣甲廈逾半業權

新加坡基金近日積極吸納本港物業,繼長實 (01113) 後,新世界 (00017) 宣布,以近31億元,出售長沙灣永康街甲廈重建項目逾半業權。

新買家為新加坡基金Ares SSG


據了解,新買家為新加坡基金Ares SSG,基金為亞太地區最大的另類資產管理公司之一,在管資產達約98億美元 (約769億港元)。








無懼加息 大手買賣湧現






翻查資料,高銀於2011年7月以約34億元投得該商業地皮,項目於2016年入伙,一直作集團總部及收租用途。惟近兩年高銀金融 (00530) 陷入財困,並多次傳出放售及曾多次抵押該廈。



至於酒店方面,鄧成波家族再售出2項酒店。分別為觀塘悅品海景酒店,以及旺角旭逸酒店。其中觀塘悅品海景酒店位於偉業街,前身為麗東酒店,提供598間房,酒店以約24.7億元易手,平均每房價值約413萬元。另一項酒店為旺角旭逸酒店,提供199間房,以約7.3億元成交,平均每房價值366.8萬元。舖王鄧成波於2018年,以約11億元向英皇購入酒店,持貨4年轉手,家族蝕約3.7億元。新買家同為WEAVE LIVING,料購入部署日後旅客重返。






灣仔中國恆大中心招標 市值約80億


有代理行表示,該廈接管人 (安邁企業諮詢) 現正公開招標出售中國恆大中心全幢物業。現以現狀連租約出售,截標日期為2022年10月31日 (星期一) 正午12時。


早於今年中,恒大標售其總部大廈中國恆大中心,並於7月初截標。當時長實 (01113) 確認入標,最終項目未有售出。







馬時亨長女 取消羅素街8號交易

全層樓面4718呎1.1億購 料損失1100萬

整體投資氣氛一般,個別工商物業買家選擇取消交易。早前港鐵 (00066) 前主席馬時亨長女劉馬露明以1.1億,購入羅素街8號全層商廈,原部署作自用,惟近日顯示該成交日期前取消交易。料是次撻訂離場,估計損失約1,100萬元。


據悉,項目原定正式成交日期為今日 (9月30日)。

原本擬自用 售健康產品

翻查資料,上述物業原由港鐵前主席馬時亨長女劉馬露明於6月份購入,當時新買家登記公司全仁健康產品有限公司 (TM WELLNESS LIMITED),劉馬露明為公司董事。據悉,購入樓面後,新買家曾透露,購入該層樓面作自用,主要售賣健康產品,當時曾表示,難以預計未來6至12個月的樓價升跌,是以中長綫用家角度入市,並非短綫炒賣。是次撻訂離場,料損失約1成訂金,涉及約1,100萬元。




下季賣地1年高 百億地王紛登場

3地連一鐵一局等共5900伙 首3季度已達標9成


發展局昨日公布,下季將會出售3幅住宅用地,分別為赤柱環角道地皮 (約650伙)、啟德第2A區4號、5B號及10號地盤 (1,750伙),以及堅尼地城西寧街及域多利道的「蚊型地」(約100伙),合共提供2,500伙。


甯漢豪:估值下行 依然決心推地











賣地收入萎縮 「百億地王」可救亡?




陳茂波估 今財年赤字達千億






零售業低迷,英國奢侈品巨頭Burberry位於尖沙咀廣東道新港中心的3層複式巨舖於去年底結業,業主將月租大削逾55%至200萬元放租多時仍未能成功租出,最新分拆地下部分出租,並由包浩斯 (Bauhaus,00483) 旗下手袋及配飾品牌Salad「短租」一年,月租低見30萬元。


Salad簽約一年 每呎107


由於核心零售區租金低殘,Bauhaus近期都有租舖動作,兩個月前以每月30萬元租用同區彌敦道66至70號金冠大廈地下A及G舖,建築面積約2500方呎,呎租約120元,租期兩年。上述舖位原租戶為連鎖化妝品店卓悅 (00653),於2019年斥每月88萬元租用,呎租曾達352元,如今最新租金較3年前大跌58萬元,跌幅65.9%。

此外,區內一線街海防道46號地下,建築面積約1000方呎,原由美國運動鞋履品牌Skechers以每月75萬元租用,呎租750元,租戶在今年6月約滿結業。據了解,舖位近日以15萬元短租予口罩品牌OxyAIR MASK,呎租150元,租金下跌八成。







據土地審裁處文件顯示,上述項目位於譚臣道113至115號,由一家名為SMART PRO PROPERTY LIMITED的公司申請強拍,現已持有約83%業權,目前餘下2項物業未成功收購,包括樓上物業及地鋪各一個,其中地鋪市場估值約3410萬,樓上物業市場估值約873.1萬,整個項目市場估值約1.51047億。






中環大道中鋪呎租133元跌57% 平過沙士價 藥房首度搶攻















Hong Kong government brushes aside cooling housing market as it lines up three residential plots worth US$4.9 billion for sale

The three sites earmarked for sale in Kai Tak, Stanley and Kennedy Town will yield around 2,500 flats

Housing market observers expect developers to be conservative in their bids amid a slowdown in the housing market

The Hong Kong government plans to sell three residential plots worth an estimated HK$39 billion (US$4.9 billion) in the fourth quarter, which can provide around 2,500 flats.

The sites earmarked for sale are in Kai Tak, Stanley and Kennedy Town.

A government official also said that there were no plans to slow down land sales despite the city’s housing market showing signs of easing amid rising interest rates and fears of a global recession.

“The global economic outlook is indeed full of challenges. Hong Kong is no exception, and the atmosphere of the local property market is relatively weak at the moment,” said Secretary for Development Bernadette Linn at a media briefing on Thursday afternoon.

“We cannot afford to slow down our efforts in supplying land just because of the economic situation before us. We will continue to adopt a multipronged approach to increase land supply and sustain our efforts in providing land to support Hong Kong’s development,” said Linn.

The plot in Kai Tak will yield the largest number of flats at 1,750 units. However, recent launches in the district have suffered from poor sales.

“The developers will still be interested as land supply in Kai Tak and Stanley neighbourhoods is limited after all, but probably they will not make aggressive bids as the market has been quiet these days and the response to new project launches has not been very enthusiastic,” property agent said.

The agent said it was expected that Hong Kong home prices could drop by up to 12 per cent by the end of the year.

Another agent said that given the current property market conditions, developers are expected to be conservative in their bids.

“[We] are not too optimistic that [the government] can sell all the land on their land sale programme this financial year,” the agent said.

The MTR Corporation, the Urban Renewal Authority and the government’s land sales in the first three quarters are expected to support a total of 11,900 housing units, accounting for 90 per cent of the government’s private housing supply target.

The number of taxpayers in Hong Kong fell from 1.9 million to 1.8 million last year. As the government got about one-fifth of its revenue from selling land last year, it has to keep the pipeline going to generate fiscal revenue amid a recession.

Hong Kong’s housing market remains mired in a slump, reflecting the impact of higher interest rates and the lingering effects of the city’s coronavirus restrictions.

Home prices fell by 2.26 per cent in August to their lowest level in three and a half years and have so far this year retreated by 6.5 per cent.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has lifted its base interest rate five times this year to 3.5 per cent, a 14-year high, in lockstep with the hawkish Federal Reserve hikes. Commercial banks including HSBC and Bank of China (Hong Kong) finally raised their prime rates last week to a four-year high, making it costlier to fund big-ticket purchases like housing.

Last Friday, the HKMA asked banks to lower the threshold on interest-rate stress testing for property mortgage lending to 200 basis points from 300.

The new administration of Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu has pledged to “spare no effort” to ease housing shortages in the world’s least affordable urban centre.

“We hope that the government will put forward more details on shortening the administrative and construction time and speeding up the land integration process in the upcoming Policy Address,” said Jason Leung Yeuk-ho, land and housing researcher at Our Hong Kong Foundation.

“This will enhance the public’s confidence in solving the land and housing problems in Hong Kong.”

(South China Morning Post)