葵涌工廈低水現商機 基金垂青
嘉民亞洲 3.8億購泉基工廈
永昇9成業權 凱龍瑞承接
香港仔興偉中心全幢 12.5億標售
9年前曾獲承接 惟最終撻訂
中國電信1.8億 奪舂坎角電訊站用地
地政總署昨公布,中國電信國際以1.8億元,奪得一幅位於赤柱舂坎角 (鄉郊建屋地段第1220號) 用地,擊敗另一投標者GB21 (Hong Kong) Limited,批租期為30年。上述地皮的地盤面積約19,763平方呎,指定作對外電訊站用途。
地政總署於今年3月以約4.29億元,批出一幅比鄰上述地皮的電訊站用地 (鄉郊建屋地段第1219號用地),予新地 (00016) 旗下的新意網集團 (01686),批租期同為30年。
沙田顯和里住宅地 今招標
另外,沙田顯和里住宅地將於今日招標,地皮鄰近顯徑邨、雲疊花園,地盤面積約14,890平方呎,指定作非工業 (不包括倉庫、酒店及加油站) 用途,亦即可作為私人住宅或商住用途。地皮估值約5億元,即每呎樓面地價約5,600元起。
HSBC raises mortgage rate, dealing a blow to Hong Kong homeowners, with other banks set to follow suit
Someone taking on a 30-year, HK$5 million mortgage at a rate of Hibor+1.3 per cent, will pay an extra HK$656 per month
The mortgage businesses of banks in Hong Kong are about to enter ‘a cold winter’, a mortgage broker says
HSBC has taken the lead in raising mortgage rates as the cost of borrowing money keeps rising, dealing a blow to Hong Kong homeowners and potential buyers.
The move is expected to prompt other major banks in the city to follow suit.
HSBC raised the cap for its Hibor-linked home loans to 2.75 per cent from 2.5 per cent for new applications, it said on Thursday. Hibor (the Hong Kong interbank offered rate) is the interest rate banks charge each other for borrowing money.
The one-month Hibor has soared to 1.9 per cent, the highest in more than two years.
HSBC’s move means someone taking on a HK$5 million (US$637,385) Hibor-linked mortgage over a 30-year period at a rate of Hibor+1.3 per cent, will pay an extra HK$656 per month, an increase of 3.3 per cent, according to a mortgage brokerage service provider.
“As the adjustment of the mortgage rate at such a leading bank is an indicator, other banks are expected to follow suit and increase the cap on their new Hibor-linked mortgages,” another mortgage broker said.
Standard Chartered said it would raise the capped mortgage rates for new Hibor-linked mortgages from 2.5 per cent to 2.75 per cent next Wednesday.
Bank of China (Hong Kong) said it would “review its mortgage service conditions from time to time, taking into account market development, interest rate trends and customer needs, in order to maintain the competitiveness” of its business.
Hang Seng Bank said it is “closely monitoring market conditions” and would review mortgage loan interest rates “from time to time”.
The city’s homeowners and potential buyers have been braced for higher mortgage rates since the Federal Reserve embarked on a rapid succession of interest rate hikes in March to tame the fastest inflation in four decades.
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de facto central bank, increases its base rate in lockstep under its linked exchange rate system with the US dollar.
The US central bank raised its benchmark rate for two consecutive months in June and July. The market widely expects the US interest rate to increase by another 50 to 75 basis points in September.
Another mortgage brokerage service provider expects local banks to raise the prime rate in September by 25 basis points, when the one-month Hibor rate approaches 2 per cent.
Five smaller banks had already raised their mortgage rates, according to the mortgage brokerage service provider, but HSBC’s decision is by far the most influential. The lender enjoyed just over a fifth of the market share of mortgages in July, according to Land Registry data cited by the mortgage brokerage service provider.
The current cycle of rising mortgage rates, given impetus by HSBC’s announcement, is the the first since 2018.
HSBC has also launched a new one-year, fixed-rate mortgage plan to give customers the option of repaying a set monthly amount, it said on Thursday.
“Under a floating-rate mortgage plan, monthly repayments go up and down in line with the market’s interest rate movement,” the mortgage brokerage service provider said. “At a time like this, some customers may prefer a mortgage solution which offers predictability and stability.”
The brokerage service provider expects other lenders to launch similar fixed-rate mortgage plans.
The effective Hibor-linked mortgage rate already hit the cap of 2.5 per cent in late July when the one-month Hibor reached 1.2 per cent. On Thursday, the one-month Hibor rate climbed to 1.9 per cent, the highest in 28 months, according to the mortgage brokerage service provider.
The amount and number of new mortgage loans plunged by 14.5 per cent and 17.1 per cent year-on-year, respectively, in the first six months of this year as the coronavirus fifth wave ravaged the city’s economy.
Banks are likely to start offering bigger discounts as they strive to drum up business, the mortgage brokerage service provider said.
The mortgage brokerage service provider does not envisage mortgage rates falling again any time soon.
“The current mortgage cap of 2.5 per cent will become history,” the broker said.
The broker predicts that the overall number of mortgages will drop by at least 10 per cent on an annual basis in the coming months.
With sales in the second-hand property market so sluggish recently, “the mortgage business of banks in Hong Kong will enter a cold winter”, the broker said.
An index of lived-in home prices dipped 1.1 per cent to 380.5 in June, its lowest level since December 2020, according to the latest Rating and Valuation Department data.
The city’s property developers have been speeding up their sales launches in a bid to get ahead of interest rate rises. Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) is offering an extra batch of 383 flats for sale at its Novo Land projects on Sunday.
It sold all 180 units on offer in the second phase of the development in Tuen Mun within the first four hours on Wednesday.
(South China Morning Post)