HK (+852) 3990 0799

商廈價格見調整 用家紛入市


據一間本港地產代理行每月10大指標甲廈統計,4月份 (反映3月份數字) 共錄3宗買賣。當中金鐘遠東金融中心2302室,面積約2,282平方呎,以約7,189萬元易手,呎價約3.1萬元,買家料為用家。按成交呎價計,已較高峰期同類單位下跌約4成。據悉,原業主於2016年底以約8,717萬元購入單位,如今持貨7年沽出,蝕約1,528萬元離場,蝕幅約18%。




息口仍高 甲廈租售價料平穩


近期商廈另一焦點為新盤市場,宏基資本 (02288) 旗下黃竹坑道23號「宏基匯」首批單位在本年初推售,短短一個月內已售出約八成半單位,套現超過7億元,最高呎價達16,300元。項目暫沽出逾55伙,平均呎價約14,800元,買家方面,用家為主佔7成,另外有3成買家來自內地資金。











上環南島商廈 交通便利配套齊




南島商業大廈位處核心商業區,周圍環境繁華,商業氣息濃厚,比鄰多幢甲級知名商廈,包括國際金融中心 (IFC) 及中環中心,不少企業及金融機構總部進駐設在此區。物業附近民生配套齊全,鄰近上環文娛中心及西港城,購物娛樂、各類食肆一應俱全,人流絡繹不絕。









兩全層單位放租 呎租逾24


實用率高 附寫字樓裝修





雅居樂九龍塘舊樓 周五強拍底價9.66億

市區土地新供應有限,近年不少內地財團積極在港「插旗」,收購舊樓項目進行重建。由雅居樂併購的九龍塘龍圃別墅,3月獲土地審裁處批出強拍令後,最新落實於本周五 (5日) 舉行公開拍賣,底價為9.66億。










343 homes to hit market as weekend sales boom

At least 343 new homes will be put up for sale this week, following a strong performance in both the primary and secondary markets over the Labor Day long weekend.

Wheelock Properties will be offering 118 homes for sale at Monaco Marine in Kai Tak today. Among them, 110 will be available on the price list, while the remaining eight will be sold through a tender process.

Meanwhile, Sablier, a project co-developed by Chevalier International (0025) and the Urban Renewal Authority in Tai Kok Tsui, will launch nine one-bedroom flats for sale.

On Thursday, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) is set to put 216 flats at University Hill in Tai Po on the market.

As University Hill has been in high demand, the developer has decided to launch a new round of sales.

The upcoming release will feature a total of 216 units, with 191 being offered on the price list and the remaining 25 units being offered through a tender process. The total value of this batch is estimated to be almost HK$1.5 billion.

Besides, after selling all 150 flats on the price list in the first batch for over HK$1 billion last Saturday, SHKP had unveiled the fourth price list of 103 flats and fifth price list of 68 flats at University Hill.

The fourth price list includes one- to three-bedroom units, with a saleable area ranging from 278 to 640 square feet. Based on the 15 percent discount, the prices for these flats range from HK$4.44 million to HK$10.91 million.

The fifth price list includes studios and one- to three-bedroom units, with saleable areas ranging from 217 to 628 sq ft.

These flats are being offered at discounted prices that range from HK$3.25 million to HK$10.53 million.

According to SHKP, University Hill is the phase 2A of the Silicon Hill project. The upcoming release, phase 2B, is scheduled to launch next week.

The developer has received pre-sale consent for phase 2B, which includes a total of 688 apartments. Further information regarding the sales arrangement for these units will be released on Tuesday.

The Knightsbridge, which is located in Kai Tak, will be releasing its first price list for parking spaces today. The project is a joint venture between six developers.

A total of 116 parking spaces were listed on the first price list, with prices ranging from HK$3.5 million to HK$3.75 million. The combined total value was over HK$410 million.

Earlier, the developers had decided to launch the first batch of apartments through tender on Friday.

In the secondary market, a property agency said that the 10 major housing estates recorded a total of 16 transactions in the secondary market over the Labor Day weekend, with 14 transactions taking place on Saturday and Sunday alone - an eight-week high representing a 55.6 percent increase week-on-week.

(The Standard)


Oyster Bay project to be relaunched

The MTR Corporation (0066) said it will improve the tendering terms for the first phase of Oyster Bay project and relaunch it later this year after a withdrawal in February.

The MTRC will adjust the terms to resolve technical problems and reduce risks for the developers in the new tender, said the property and international business director David Tang Chi-fai.

He noted that it is not the best time to land sales but will try to increase its competitiveness by amending the terms.

The increased interest rates and the large size of the Oyster Bay Project made developers cautious about the bidding, said Tang.

But the MTRC would put the important project in the market this year, reaffirmed Tang, as apart from providing home supply, it is also connected with the MTR station and shopping malls. The exact timing of the relaunch will be up to the external environment, he added. The company recently signed an agreement with the government on the land along the extended part of Tung Chung Line, and it expected to offer some 4,500 new units in the coming 10 months.

(The Standard)