開設首間地舖門市 較舊租低近3成
尖沙咀錄得大樓面舖位租務成交,涉及彌敦道96號地下及1樓,該物業位處加連威老道及彌敦道交界,對面為THE ONE商場,屬尖沙咀優質地段舖位。物業地下面積約1,354平方呎,連同1樓面積約3,083平方呎,合共約4,437平方呎,成交月租料約70萬元。
核心區舖位租務 明顯加快
自從通關後,整體核心區舖位租務明顯加快,如是次成交地舖,對面THE ONE商場地下近3千呎舖位,最近亦以每月約35萬元租出,新租客為名牌二手店Brand Off。
另據一間代理行綜合土地註冊處資料顯示,4月份商舖註冊宗數錄61宗 (主要反映3月份市況),按月下跌約39.6%;註冊金額約9.60億元,按月減少約52.5%。該行預期,隨着商舖買家逐步消化五一黃金周零售表現符合預期等消息後,部分資金或會流入舖市,惟國際金融市場及地緣政治仍存有暗湧,預料短期內舖位註冊量只會在現水平維持平穩上升。
Uncertainty weighs on property market
Residential and retail property sales in Hong Kong are showing signs of slowing down amid economic uncertainty and interest rate movements.
Only three deals were recorded at 10 major housing estates over the weekend, down by 50 percent from a week ago, according to a property agency.
It was also the third consecutive weekend with single-digit transactions since the prime rate was raised earlier this month.
The market sentiment has "obviously improved" compared to last month but with competitive pricing, new homes took all the attention and purchasing power away from the secondary market, a property agent said.
The agent expects second-hand home transaction volume to remain low in the short run as more new projects are coming onto the market.
In the new home market, In One Above, or phase 1A of In One, atop Ho Man Tin MTR station sold at least 48 out of 90 units on offer yesterday, said the developer Chinachem.
Phase 1C also sold two more flats yesterday, including a 576-square-foot unit with two bedrooms for HK$18.75 million, or HK$32,554 per sq ft.
Phase 1B and 1C combined have sold 356 units for over HK$6.1 billion since sales kicked off in March.
Still, the pace of new home sales may have slowed down compared to the previous phases of the project and other new developments sold in the past few months.
Wheelock Properties' Koko Rosso in Lam Tin sold nearly 150 flats on the first day of sales in March.
In Pak Shek Kok, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) will start a new round of sales of 240 flats, including 222 on the price lists, at University Hill Phase 2B in Pak Shek Kok on Wednesday.
The 222 flats, which comprise studio to three-bedroom units, are priced between HK$3.3 million and HK$11 million after discounts, or around HK$13,024 to HK$19,932, the developer said, adding that prices of some homes were raised by up to 9 percent compared to the previous batches.
Some 300 unsold homes at the University Hill project will be put on the market in the fourth quarter when the project is completed, it added.
In the commercial market, the agency said that the value of street shop transactions more than halved to HK$960 million in April from the previous month as prices increased amid an expectation of tourism recovery for the Labor Day holiday.
The agency sees the transaction volume would remain flat in the short term amid external uncertainties.
Meanwhile, US Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell gave a clear signal he is inclined to pause interest-rate increases next month, citing the recent banking stresses.
"Having come this far, we can afford to look at the data and the evolving outlook to make careful assessments," he said.
(The Standard)