HK (+852) 3990 0799

中環中心全層每呎70元租出 屬市價水平 金融機構擴規模


市場消息透露,中環中心 68樓全層,原本分隔多個細單位,力吸中小型客戶,近則獲單一大租客垂青,以呎租70元承租全層,若以建築面積約25000方呎計算,月租約175萬。
















































新地西九再下一城 奪藝術廣場大樓

環球貿易廣場高鐵站商地 組668萬呎商業王國

西九藝術廣場大樓項目僅得一份標書,西九文化區管理局公布,批予區內大地主新地 (00016) ,連同環球貿易廣場 (ICC)、西九高鐵站商業地,組成總樓面達668萬平方呎的商業王國。

該藝術廣場大樓商業項目於區內推出的首幅商業地,總樓面約70萬平方呎,在今年初招標時獲4份標書,惟西九管理局均不接納,最終在早前重新招標,但上周一 (14日) 截標時,只得新地一間發展商入標。






新地主席兼董事總經理郭炳聯表示,集團繼2019年底投得高鐵西九龍總站上蓋大型商業項目後,另一個在該區地標性項目,集團再次在西九投資發展大型項目,足證集團對香港和國家前景充滿信心。他又指,項目與比鄰的環球貿易廣場 (ICC),以及正在興建的高鐵西九龍總站商業項目發揮聯動效益。



測量師:存協同效應 助調節租金


藝術廣場大樓項目由三幢商業大樓組成,總樓面面積合共約70萬平方呎,包括67.2萬平方呎作辦公室用途和2.7萬平方呎作零售 / 餐飲 / 消閒用途。





宏安積極申強拍鴨脷州舊樓 待重建


3項目 重建樓面6.3萬呎

在南港島綫落成後,鴨脷洲的發展潛力增加,吸引不少發展商積極在該區收購舊樓,當中以宏安 (01222) 最為積極,於年初接連為鴨脷洲大街的舊樓申請強拍,包括位於鴨脷洲大街17至19號海德樓、鴨脷洲大街21至23號與平瀾街5B號花洲大樓;及鴨脷洲新市街37至39號南德大樓。




值得留意的是,集團於年初已經公布,已與總部位於新加坡的房地產私募股權投資公司SC Capital Partners,以約4.18億元完成收購上述項目 (連同平瀾街4A號) 的大部分不可分割業權作住宅項目重建。

而龍頭發展商恒地 (00012) 多年前亦已看中區內潛力,收購鴨脷洲大街的舊樓,現已發展為倚南及逸南。

另外,港燈 (02638) 現時在海怡半島仍擁有綜合大樓及停車場項目。項目位於怡雅路2號,亦即位處整個海怡半島的中央,比鄰海怡寶血小學及海怡西商場。事實上,項目於2018年2月以約6.6億元完成補地價,將與長實 (01113) 合作發展酒店項目,涉及可建樓面約38.1萬平方呎,料提供約510個酒店客房,而綜合大樓部分則會保留,總項目樓面共約53.2萬平方呎。



Sole bidder SHKP wins West Kowloon commercial site

The first commercial site in the West Kowloon Cultural District - the Artist Square Towers Project - was awarded to Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), the only bidder.

The project comprises three commercial buildings with a total gross floor area of approximately 65,000 square meters, including 62,435 sq m for office use and 2,500 sq m for retail/dining/entertainment uses.

SHKP has the right to develop and operate the project for about 47 years under a build-operate-transfer arrangement and will be responsible for the project's design, construction, financing, marketing, leasing, management, operation, and maintenance, the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority said in a statement yesterday.

The price was not disclosed but the authority believes it is "commensurate with the market level" having considered the average valuation provided by three independent valuers.

Betty Fung Ching Suk-yee, chief executive of WKCDA, said the project is a key component of the development model of the district and the authority looks forward to working with SHKP to make the development a success.

SHKP chairman Raymond Kwok Ping-luen said he was very pleased to have won the site and expects it to create synergy with the developer's two nearby projects - the International Commerce Centre and the High-Speed Rail West Kowloon Terminus Development, further boosting the area's status as a unique commercial, cultural, arts, retail, entertainment, and transportation hub in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

The developer bought the site atop the high-speed rail for HK$42.2 billion in 2019 and later sold more than half of the interest in the office part - a 25 percent stake to the Kwok's family for HK$9.4 billion and a 30 percent stake to an arm of Ping An Insurance (Group) (2318) for HK$11.3 billion.

The first tender of the AST project was canceled earlier this year and the retender kicked off in September after the authority extended the construction and operation period for the project by 14 years to 2070 and lengthened the period for parking spaces by 38 years to the same year.

Meanwhile, SHKP plans to invest about HK$10 million - 25 percent more than last year - in promotion for its apm mall in Kwun Tong through Christmas, including setting up three giant TVs for customers to watch the World Cup and promotions for celebrating the Christian festival.

It expects sales in the mall for the rest of the year to rise by 20 percent from last year.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre please visit: Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui


Wan Chai project offers a discount

Swire Properties (1972) is offering a 3 percent discount on four homes at its completed project Eight Star Street.

Swire Properties director Adrian To said the areas of the one and two-bedroom units range between 431 to 555 square feet.

The Wan Chai project, launched in March last year, has sold eight units worth a total of HK$628 million. The average price per sq ft was HK$38,888, while the most expensive one sold at HK$53,122 a sq ft.

To said there would be a tender for the project's unit A on the 21st floor, which has an area of 913 sq ft and three rooms, at a reference price of HK$48.8 million, or HK$53,450 per square foot.

It is normal that the local property market fluctuates due to negative factors such as interest rate increases, To said, but there is a massive demand for property in Hong Kong which is believed to be healthy in the long run.

(The Standard)


Citibank expects Hong Kong property prices to fall another 10 per cent, bottom out in second quarter of 2023

Property prices to fall another 10 per cent from October to the second quarter of 2023, bank says

Rising interest rates are the ‘biggest negative factor’ affecting market, executive says

Hong Kong property prices are expected to bottom out in the second quarter of next year at the earliest, following an estimated drop of 20 per cent from a record high posted in 2021, Citibank said on Tuesday.

The bank, the first to make a clear-cut forecast, said property prices will fall another 10 per cent from October to the second quarter of 2023.

The interest rates upcycle is the biggest negative factor affecting the property market,” said Josephine Lee Kwai-chong, managing director and head of Citibank Hong Kong’s retail banking. “It increases people’s burden of loan repayments and the difficulty in passing stress tests.”

Citibank is not alone in forecasting a decline in property prices. Last month, Goldman Sachs forecast a 30 per cent decline in overall home prices in the city over two years, while DBS said it expected a 5 per cent drop in 2023. Morgan Stanley, HSBC and two property agencies have all predicted lower prices recently.

Despite the continued downside potential of local home prices, Lee said she hoped that the relaxation of current cooling measures might stimulate new demand and an excessive correction of Hong Kong’s property market might be avoided.

There is a chance that the Hong Kong government will relax a 15 per cent ad valorem stamp duty on the purchase price of a second residential property in the budget to be announced next year, Citibank said. This would stimulate demand for home ownership and avoid the emergence of negative equity, it said.

Hong Kong’s economy is expected to recover next year, with a slowdown in inflation and a drop in the unemployment rate, which “will help people return to the property market”, Lee said.

Sentiment for Hong Kong property remains weak, with a further softening of a market index and contraction of transaction volumes, Singapore-based bank UOB Kay Hian said in a report on Tuesday. “Developers are also cautious over launching sales of new projects. The rising Hibor [Hong Kong interbank offered rate] is a key risk,” the report said.

The index has lost 15.2 per cent since a peak in early August last year. It fell 1.5 per cent to 162.31, the lowest since November 2017, for the week ended November 13. It is just 1.4 per cent above the level of 160, which an agency expected the index would touch by the end of November.

Citibank also released its Residential Property Ownership Survey on Tuesday. The survey was conducted in September this year and polled more than 1,000 Hong Kong residents from the ages of 21 to 60.

More than half of the respondents expected property prices to fall in the coming 12 months. The third quarter of this year saw a sharp decline in the proportion of respondents who expressed optimism about home prices. Only 12 per cent of the respondents expected property prices to rise in the coming year, compared with 51 per cent who expected otherwise.

“The survey results reflect a wait-and-see attitude among the public towards the property market in 2022,” said Citibank’s Lee. “We can expect to see continued impact on future property prices from the economic situation and rising mortgage interest rates, among other factors.”

Citibank Hong Kong has been conducting surveys of the Hong Kong housing market since 2010 to assess the current state of home ownership in the city, gauge public intentions towards home ownership, and track public expectations of future housing price trends.

(South China Morning Post)