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全海景 呎價1.5萬按年跌3











Montery Plaza高層全層逾2億售出

億京旗下位於觀塘的Montery Plaza,獲用家斥逾2億元,購入高層全層樓面,建築面積達12042方呎,呎價約1.66萬元。

據悉,買家購入作為公司擴充用途,考慮Montery Plaza高層擁環迴海景,毗鄰牛頭角港鐵站,屬區內優質甲級商廈,加上最近疫情緩和,對東九龍發展前景有信心,故購入單位作為自用及作長線投資之用。














騰訊前高層 6億購77/79 PEAK ROAD洋房

九倉 (00004) 旗下的山頂道豪宅項目77/79 PEAK ROAD,早前售出兩幢洋房,其中一宗以5.98億元易手,土地註冊處資料顯示,新買家為李海翔,據知為騰訊創辦人之一,後來自立門戶成立創投公司。


新買家據知為李海翔 (LI HAIXIANG),在1999年加入騰訊,屬於早期創辦人之一,曾任集團高級執行副總裁,不過在2012年離開騰訊,創立「弘勵創投」物色醫療科技的初創公司作投資,總部設在香港。

方方幼稚園創辦人 購九龍塘屋地

另外,據土地註冊處資料顯示,九龍塘金巴倫道3號屋地最新以1.682億元易手,新買家為名校方方樂趣幼稚園創辦人邊陳之娟 (PEI CHEN CHI KUEN DELIA)。

據資料顯示,該屋地曾經在2017年放盤,佔地約1.25萬平方呎,規劃為「住宅 (丙類)」用途,地積比率0.6倍,可建樓面約7,479平方呎,按此計算,每平方呎樓面地價約2.25萬元。而同區金巴倫道15號屋地在去年3月易手,當時呎價大約3.9萬元。




黃竹坑站壓軸6期收38意向 鐵路項目次高 測量師:好踴躍

港島區鐵路上蓋發展項目供應買少見少,港鐵 (00066) 旗下香港仔黃竹坑站上蓋港島南岸最後一期發展項目第六期,挾市區及鐵路沿線住宅的優勢,於周五 (12日) 完成招收意向書程序,勁收38份意向書,追平同區第四期的紀錄,同為本港鐵路項目歷來收到意向書數目次高。




據記者在九龍灣的港鐵總部現場所見及綜合市場消息,多家本地大型發展商都有提交意向書,包括新地 (00016)、信置 (00083) 及會德豐地產,而中小型發展商如華懋、帝國集團、遠東發展 (00035)、英皇國際  (00163)、其士國際  (00025) 及爪哇控股  (00251) 等亦有參與。另有最少3家中資發展商提交意向書,包括中國海外 (00688)、旭輝集團  (00884)、碧桂園  (02007) 等。




對於港島南岸第六期吸引38家發展商表達有興趣爭奪,萊坊執行董事及估價及諮詢部主管林浩文形容「反應好踴躍」,料同區有發展項目及有協同效應的發展商會有更大興趣,預期最終有10至15個發展商會正式入標,部分發展商或會以合組財團方式競投。他估計該地皮的市值 (已包括補地價) 約80.6億至90.7億元,每方呎樓面地價約1.6萬至1.8萬元,料項目將發展高檔中型單位為主,落成後每方呎售價約2.8萬元起。




Homebuyers snap up Wheelock’s Grand Victoria flats, ignoring Hong Kong’s growing Covid-19 cluster as vaccines and resurgent stock market bolster confidence

Wheelock Properties and Sino Land sold 89 per cent of the 227 units in the first launch of Grand Victoria in Cheung Sha Wan as of 9:00pm

The average price of the project was 7 per cent higher than a nearby property put for sales last month

Hong Kong’s property buyers ignored warnings of a growing cluster of Covid-19 infections in the city to snap up new flats on offer at Cheung Sha Wan, as the roll-out of coronavirus vaccines and a resurgent stock market boosted confidence.

Wheelock Properties and Sino Land sold 202 apartments, or 89 per cent of the 227 units on offer, at their Grand Victoria project as of 9:00pm, for a total haul of nearly HK$2.4 billion (US$309 million), sales agents said. The developers’ sales office at the Olympian City in Tai Kok Tsui in Kowloon was thronged with people, with about 10 buyers bidding for each available unit.

Wheelock and Sino Land raised the average price of Grand Victoria to HK$25,275 (US$3,526) per square foot, 7 per cent more than Sun Hung Kai Properties’ three-year-old Cullinan West Phase Three in the same neighbourhood. That did not deter buyers, whose sentiments were lifted by increased stimulus spending in the United States and the roll-out of vaccines, agents said.

“There are a couple of factors that are acting as tailwinds for the property market, such as the approval of the new US relief package, the continuity of the low interest rate environment and the wealth effect of the stock market,” agent said. “The bullish sentiment in the property market will carry on.”

The first phase of Grand Victoria, comprising five tower blocks, is about 5 minutes walk from the Nam Cheong subway station. As many as 524 apartments of various sizes, including duplex units, will be available when the project is completed in March 2023. The first 227 units on sale over the weekend ranged from 277 square feet to 835 square feet in size, with prices starting from HK$6.35 million and going up to HK$23.96 million.

The brisk sales at Grand Victoria underscore the growing confidence among investors of Hong Kong’s economic prospects, as the city claws its way out of its worst recession on record. Hong Kong’s economy may rebound 4.1 per cent this year after a contraction of 6.1 per cent in 2020, according to Bloomberg data.

The city government announced a slew of measures last month to restore growth, including handing out HK$5,000 in consumption coupons to each of the city’s resident. Rising US Treasury yields also suggest that borrowing costs will increase in the future, a signal of an economic recovery.

The worst may be over for Hong Kong’s retail sector, the chief executive of one of the city’s largest property developers said two weeks ago, citing the combination of Hong Kong’s electronic consumption vouchers and the availability of vaccination as reasons for his upbeat forecast. New World Development’s executive vice-chairman Adrian Cheng Chi-kong also predicted that retail sales would expand by double-digit percentages in the second half.

That is a relief for real estate developers, who are taking advantage of the window to put more residential units on the market. The pipeline of Hong Kong’s new flats may widen to between 20,000 and 36,919 flats this year, according to property agent’s estimate. 

Other joint developers of the Grand Victoria project are K Wah International, Shimao Group and SEA Group. The consortium paid a record HK$17.3 billion, or HK$17,500 per square foot, for the development right on the site in November 2017.

(South China Morning Post)