HK (+852) 3990 0799















至於上月市場錄49宗商廈買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前商廈市場實際市況),較二月份的50宗減少1宗,連跌4個月兼創近19個月低位。












有市場消息指,上述兩幢酒店以Weave Living呼聲最高,而Weave Living向來亦鍾情市區酒店,本月初夥拍外資基金以約13.75億向德祥地產購入大角嘴珀麗酒店,日後將改作共居空間,該酒店提供435間房間,每房間售價約316萬。


本報昨日就西環及北角兩幢酒店,向Weave Living查詢,不過,負責人作出否認,強調集團於現時不打算增購任何物業。知情人士則說,上述兩幢酒店買家同為一家基金,近期活躍於市場,他還表示,該兩幢市區酒店,可塑性高,可作服務式住宅或共居空間。



佐敦珀.軒商場1.3億易手 面積近萬呎 持貨9年貶值40%












疫情緩和 中環舖率先錄大手買賣


有代理表示,店舖市道最壞時刻已在3月份出現,4月份已呈反彈勢頭。根據土地註冊處最新資料顯示,2022年3月份全港共錄70宗店舖買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前的實際市況),較2月份的86宗再跌19%,連跌2個月兼創24個月新低。不過,3月份店舖買賣登記金額逆市大增1.15倍,錄得33.02億元,創下4個月以來新高。


按物業價格劃分,在7個價格組別當中,共有4個組別的登記量報跌,跌幅介乎25%至65%不等。當中以200萬至500萬元以內組別的登記量跌幅最顯著,由前月的23宗減至上月的8宗,跌幅達65%。上月最矚目的大額登記為元朗 The YOHO Hub A期商場部分,涉及登記金額逾16.29億元,其次為佐敦德成街2號本木商場,涉資2.1億元。



德己立街舖 33年升值7

近日疫情有所緩和,中環舖位即錄大額買賣,中環德己立街2號業豐大廈地下6號舖連閣樓舖位,以1.65億元易手。新買家為本地家品「住好啲」(G.O.D.) 創辦人楊志超,過往少有投資商舖。物業地下面積755平方呎,閣樓面積約3,850平方呎,合共約4,605平方呎,以1.65億元成交價計,呎價約3.58萬元。該舖位處皇后大道中通往蘭桂坊必經之路,亦比鄰娛樂行,屬人流暢旺地段。舖位曾由莎莎化粧品租用,現時交吉。原業主早於1989年以2,160萬元購入,早前以2.2億元放售,現減價25%沽貨。現持貨33年轉手,帳面獲利約1.43億元,升值近7倍。事實上,去年11月,資深投資者黎永滔沽出同廈地下1及1A、1B號舖位,涉及1.83億元,物業面積約1,650平方呎,據悉,新買家為鷹君集團羅嘉瑞或有關人士。








Robust demand as more flats hit the market

The first batch of 61 homes at The Henley II in Kai Tak have been nearly four times oversubscribed and the upcoming batch may cost 5 percent more, the developer Henderson Land Development (0012) said yesterday.

The new batch, which will offer at least 31 flats, will be unveiled soon and tenders for special units with sea views will also be announced at the same time, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of the sales department.

Well Born Real Estate Management, a unit of Henderson, will provide the property management services for the project to ensure that each resident "enjoys star-rated hotel-like butler services," Lam added.

Also in Kai Tak, Wheelock Properties said it had sold 30 flats at Monaco Marine in less than an hour after kicking off the second round of sales of 112 homes last night.

Meanwhile, Henderson's project in Tai Kok Tsui - The Quinn Square Mile - will launch sales on Sunday, offering 138 units. Eight studio units, 113 one-bedroom units, and 17 units with two bedrooms, with areas ranging from 208 square feet to 382 sq ft, will be put on the market then, said Mark Hahn Ka-fai, the other general manager of the sales department.

The builder has collected over 600 checks, meaning the homes were 3.3 times oversubscribed, Hahn said, adding that a new price list will be unveiled next week.

In Yuen Long, The Grand Mayfair I was nearly 34 times oversubscribed with 13,500 checks for the 388 units on offer as of yesterday.

In Tuen Mun, a mega residential project, which will provide over 4,500 homes, has been named Novo Land, the developer Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said.

The project will be developed in six phases and phase 1A, which comprises 824 units mainly with one to two bedrooms, will launch in June at the earliest, it said.

With developers rolling out new projects, the number of primary property deals is expected to rocket this month.

Property agent said that around 590 new homes have been sold so far this month and the figure could reach 1,000 for April, a six-fold increase over the number sold in March.

On the luxury front, Sino Land (0083) and CLP (0002) sold a 2,140-square-foot home at St. George's Mansion in Ho Man Tin for HK$102.8 million, or HK$48,037 per sq ft via tender.

This was the second flat sold in the project this month, bringing the total number of transactions to 14 , and the developers have cashed in more than HK$2 billion in the project.

(The Standard)


Wheelock’s Monaco Marine project in Kai Tak proves popular with Hongkongers as second batch of flats sells briskly

Wheelock said it sold 30 of the 112 units at Monaco Marine, netting HK$400 million (US$51 million) within an hour of the flats going on sale

The average price of flats was HK$26,630 (US$3,400) per square foot, 7 per cent higher than the launch price of HK$24,844 per square foot

The second batch of flats to go on sale at Wheelock Properties’ latest residential project at Hong Kong’s former Kai Tak airport got off to a brisk start, with buyers snapping up about a quarter of the 112 units within an hour of the launch.

Wheelock said it sold 30 units at Monaco Marine, netting HK$400 million (US$51 million) soon after sales opened at 6:30pm on Thursday. The flats had received 3,600 applications from prospective buyers, local media reported.

The sales “reflect keen market demand for high quality units in Kai Tak”, a Wheelock spokesman said.

The average price of flats was HK$26,630 (US$3,400) per square foot, an increase of 7 per cent from the launch price of HK$24,844 per square foot last Saturday. The units on offer ranged from 326 sq ft to 616 sq ft, costing between HK$8.6 million and HK$17.6 million.

“As the pandemic is brought under control gradually, Hongkongers will continue to snap up new units if the developers do not set prices too high,” a property agent said. “There has been unmet demand during the fifth wave of the pandemic.”

Last Saturday, Wheelock sold more than three quarters of the 308 flats on offer in the inaugural batch, the first major sales launch in the city since late January, receiving nearly 13 bids for every available flat. These flats were priced about 12 per cent cheaper than another project in the same neighbourhood that went on sale last summer.

The recovery in market optimism came amid Hong Kong’s first week of easing its most stringent Covid-19 social distancing measures since the pandemic began two years ago.

“I think the market will slowly recover and then will have a stronger recovery once quarantines are lifted,” another agent said, adding that sentiment was starting to improve.

The agent said that developers will be more aggressive in launching other projects when the government further eases travel restrictions, allowing for more normal business operations in the city.

More than 800 flats from four projects in Kowloon and the New Territories will be made available in the coming two weeks, according to data compiled from impending property launches.

Sales of new homes are likely to hit 1,200 units in April, another agent said.

If so, it will be the busiest month since 1,493 units recorded in December, according to Land Registry data. They could reach a 10-month high of 2,000 in May, he predicted.

(South China Morning Post)