HK (+852) 3990 0799

Wheelock gets three buildings in Staunton Street for $529m

Wheelock Properties acquired three residential buildings in Staunton Street in Sheung Wan at the reserve price of HK$529 million through a compulsory sale yesterday. 

The property, with a registered site area of approximately 4,333.55 square feet, is currently a pair of seven-story commercial/residential composite buildings completed in 1968, and Wah Yee Mansion, which is a sixstory complex completed in 1971, according to a property agency.

Caine Hill, a nearby new project developed by Henderson Land Development (0012), cost around HK$30,000 per sq ft when it was put on the market last year.

Managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu said this was the company’s second site acquisition through compulsory sale this year, after No. 15 Ventris Road. 

The site, with a buildable area of 36,000 sq ft, will be developed into a prime residential project at the core of the central business district where supply is tight, he said, adding that the project may be put up for sale in three years.

On recent proposals about lowering the compulsory sale application threshold for old buildings, Wong welcomed new measures from the government which would help speed up urban renewal while ensuring fair treatment with regard to owners’ interest.

Commenting on the recent performance of the residential market, Wong said prices have begun to recover some of the lost ground in the second quarter, and the strong demand amid tight supply should ensure support for home prices, despite the onset of US rate hikes and other external factors.

In the primary market, Lohas Park phase 11B in Tseung Kwan O has been named Villa Garda I, which provides 592 homes.

The project is jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Merchants Land (0978).

K Wah said the project is pending presale consent and it has confidence that the sales will be launched next month.

In Tai Po, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said sales of 188 homes at phase 1 of Silicon Hill will take place on Friday, when the city celebrates the Dragon Boat Festival. On sale are 170 units on price lists and 18 via tender, the developer said. The 170 flats, with areas from 291 sq ft to 661 sq ft, are priced from HK$4.97 million to HK$11.35 million after discounts, or HK$16,006 to HK$20,254 per sq ft.

(The Standard)


Show flats on way at Symphonie project

Henderson Land Development (0012) says the first batch of The Symphonie in Cheung Sha Wan will be unveiled next week at the earliest.

Sales brochures and show flats will also be ready by then, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of Henderson's sales department.

The project provides 262 units ranging from 261 to 573 sq ft and 85 percent of them have one or two bedrooms, Lam said, adding that sales may take place this month.

In Tai Po, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said it has collected more than 2,200 checks for the 170 flats at phase 1 of Silicon Hill, meaning the homes are 12 times oversubscribed. The 170 flats, with areas from 291 sq ft to 661 sq ft, are priced from HK$4.97 million to HK$11.35 million after discounts. A total of 188 homes will be put on the market on Friday, including 170 units on price lists and 18 via tender.

Meanwhile, SHKP's project with CK Asset (1113) in Tuen Mun was named Grand Jete yesterday.

The 800-home project will be developed in two phases. The first, with 400 flats is expected to be launched this month, CK Asset said.

(The Standard)


Golden Financial fails to sell Hong Kong skyscraper as it struggles to pay debt

Goldin Financial Holdings Ltd. said the sale of its eponymous Hong Kong skyscraper failed to complete in a blow to the embattled property firm’s attempts to repay debt.  

The agreement by receivers to sell the Goldin Financial Global Centre was terminated and the deposit paid by the purchaser was forfeited, according to a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange. The company did not elaborate on why the deal was not completed.  

The office tower is at the heart of an asset grab by creditors as Goldin Financial struggles to make timely payments on its outstanding debt. The flagship building of tycoon Pan Sutong’s firm was seized by creditors in September 2020.  

The company had said in a filing in March that all outstanding loans and notes will be satisfied if the transaction is completed. 

The building is estimated to have a value of around HK$10 billion (US$1.3 billion), local media reported earlier. The 27-story super grade A office located in Kowloon Bay includes a single floor area of around 35,000 square feet, according to the company’s website. 

Goldin Financial was informed by the purchaser that it will dispute the alleged wrongful termination, and the deal will be subject to the outcome of the legal proceedings, according to the statement. 

Shares of Goldin Financial have been suspended in Hong Kong since April 1 after it failed to publish earnings ahead of the March 31 deadline. 

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre please visit: Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay please visit:  Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay


Hong Kong education group signs US$20.6 million lease to open its first international school in Kowloon East

Innovative Education Group has leased nearly 50,000 sq ft of space in the retail podium at Maya by Nouvelle residential project in Yau Tong

The school will offer an international curriculum for students from grades seven to 13 from September 1, says founder Thomas Qi

A Hong Kong-based education group plans to open its first international school in Kowloon East, after signing a leasing deal worth at least HK$162 million (US$20.6 million) over 10 years on Tuesday.

Innovative Education Group has leased the bottom three storeys of the retail podium at Maya by Nouvelle residential project in Yau Tong spread over 49,600 sq ft for an average monthly rent of HK$1.35 million, the largest retail leasing transaction in Kowloon East so far this year.

“I believe that Hong Kong will see an increasing number of international schools,” said Thomas Qi, founder and principal of Innovative Education Group.

Inno Secondary School will offer an international curriculum for students from grades seven to 13 from September 1, the start of the new academic year.

“We are actively adopting the Mastery Transcript Consortium (MTC) learning models into our curriculum, which is the most advanced and disruptive assessment method in the world, as well as A-levels, in the hopes that students will be able to pursue their passions and career pathways freely,” Qi said.

MTC is an international group of private and public secondary schools founded in 2017 by Scott Looney, head of Hawken School in Northeast Ohio.

Qi said that half of the students are Hongkongers, 40 per cent from the mainland and the rest from other countries. The school charges fees of about HK$188,000 per year across all grades.

Hong Kong has seen an exodus of pupils and teachers as part of a wave of emigration following the introduction of the national security law. Some 15,000 students had left the city up to July 2021 since the law was implemented a year earlier.

Another survey released on Monday showed a record number of both teachers and students departed campuses in the 2020-21 academic year. Each school lost an average of 7.1 teachers in 2020-21, with the figure standing at 3.9 in 2019-20 and 4.2 in 2018-19.

“I used to worry about [the expat exodus in Hong Kong],” said Qi, adding that he also found a lot of expat teachers want to come to Hong Kong.

He said that 70 per cent of the teachers hired are from overseas. The school interviewed 150 foreign teachers and hired six from countries like Belgium, South Africa, and the UK.

The school plans to limit the number of students to fewer than 60 for the first year, Qi said, adding that the applications have exceeded the number of spots available, leading to students being put on a waiting list.

Qi said the group also planned to open a primary school and kindergarten in the next three to five years.

On financial and operational problems plaguing Hong Kong’s international schools, Qi said he was not concerned.

“If you operate a school well, there is definitely no need to worry,” said Qi. Since the group has the landlord’s explicit support, there will not be much of a problem, he added.

Nick Tang Ho-hong, CEO of Wang On Properties, said the company was pleased to lease 50,000 sq ft of space in Maya by Nouvelle’s retail podium in such a difficult retail environment.

“The commercial lease transaction will help propel Yau Tong into one of the upscale residential areas in East Kowloon,” Tang said.

(South China Morning Post)


中環中心呎租65元低20% 地產投資公司進駐















油塘曦臺商場月租高達135萬 區內今年最大宗租賃 啟迪教育開設國際學校




啟迪教育集團創辦人兼校長祁文迪表示,將以全新概念發展國際學校中學部,以開辦一諾中學 (Inno Secondary School),是一所為七至十三年級學生提供全日制課程的私立學校,集團曾考慮選址中環及奧運站等,最後落實油塘區,鍾情區內環境及配套,運動場、圖書館及行山景點,適宜辦學校,招生反應不俗,首階段全校6個年級,合共收生不多於60人,部分年級滿額,目前已錄取學生當中,半數為本港學生,四成來自內地,約一成為外國學生,每年學費18.8萬。












中環區表現佳 按年回落7.02%

該代理分析,雖然月內各區空置率略見微升,但整體表現對比一年前顯著改善,以餐飲業最進取,市場近期較矚目租務個案為銅鑼灣羅素街38號金朝陽中心地下A、B號及1樓,總面積約5200方呎,獲餐飲集團A La Carte預租以開設「變形金剛」主題餐廳,市傳成交月租約100萬,呎租約192元。





栢麗大道求「翻身」 申改食肆變打卡勝地



值得留意的是,為減低對九龍公園環境及於彌敦道成齡樹 (即已長至接近最高生長高度的樹) 影響的風險,計劃建議為「食肆」用途設置「不超過50%總樓面面積」的限制。







4綫滙聚 帶動金鐘商業樓面需求


兩商業項目 新增逾250萬呎樓面


金鐘廊用地規模頗大,實屬近年該區規模較大的商業樓面供應。據規劃署文件顯示,地皮計劃分兩部分發展,當中東面鄰近統一中心的地盤佔地約6.7萬平方呎,擬重建48層高商廈,其中38層為寫字樓,涉約86.2萬平方呎,而西面地盤 (即現有金鐘廊行人通道) 則會保留,提供約2.6萬平方呎餐飲及零售樓面,兩地盤合共提供逾100萬平方呎的商業樓面。在東鐵綫過海段通車後,相信亦有望進一步帶動日後的商舖及商廈成交。

高等法院用地 規模僅次中環海濱地王

而另一規模龐大的區內商業地供應,是位處金鐘廊對面的高等法院用地。該用地估計佔地約10萬平方呎,早年政府亦曾研究將其騰空,以作商業發展。如以地積比率15倍發展,將可提供多達150萬平方呎商業樓面,估計規模將僅次去年由恒地 (00012) 奪得的中環新海濱3號商業地王。

由於中環、金鐘一帶為本港的傳統商業核心地帶,而且地皮供應罕有,每逢一推售即吸引發展商競投,當中位於中環、金鐘交界有兩個重建項目最快明年落成,其中一個為美利道地王項目,發展商恒地早於2017年以每平方呎樓面地價約5萬元投得,並將重建成1座36層,另設5層地庫的甲級商廈,總樓面面積約46.5萬平方呎,並已命名為 The Henderson,將於2023年落成。另外,長實和記大廈重建項目長江集團中心二期亦將會重建1幢樓高約41層的商廈,總樓面面積涉逾49萬平方呎。




更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租



Dorsey & Whitney has taken up 3,500 sq ft of space at Alexandra House in Central

Office rents in Central are currently a third lower at HK$116 (US$14.8) per square foot compared with the peak of HK$170 in 2019

International law firm Dorsey & Whitney relocated on Wednesday to a 3,500 sq ft prime office space in Hong Kong’s main business district of Central, making it the latest law firm to take advantage of an office glut.

Such moves have offered some relief to office landlords in the city, who have been struggling as overall office vacancy rates remained stubbornly high at 9.4 per cent in March and April, according to a property agency.

Dorsey’s office used to be in Pacific Place in the neighbouring district of Admiralty, where it stayed for more than two decades. It employs about 20 legal professionals in Hong Kong. The new office is in Alexandra House, a Hongkong Land property with 37 floors of office space above a retail podium called Landmark Alexandra that houses luxury brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Saint Laurent and Tory Burch.

“Our new home in Hong Kong brings us much closer to our clients in the heart of Central,” said Simon Chan, head of Dorsey’s Hong Kong office. “Moving to this prestigious location and more efficiently using our space were two of the driving factors in our move.”

The move puts the firm within walking distance of clients, the stock exchange, banks, financial institutions, conglomerates, family offices, and local law firms that it serves and collaborates with, Chan said.

The 110-year-old Minneapolis-headquartered law firm opened its Hong Kong office in 1995. It has 20 locations across the US, Canada, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

The Hong Kong office has served as crucial connector both into Asia and from Asia to the US and the rest of the world. It provides services such as dispute resolution and assistance for cross-border mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and international capital markets transactions.

“Our team in Hong Kong is committed to the highest quality service to clients, and our new location is one more way that we invest in that commitment,” said Dorsey managing partner Bill Stoeri.

Dorsey’s relocation follows that of New York-headquartered White & Case, which opened in April a 25,000 sq ft office across three floors at York House, Central, also owned by Hongkong Land.

“We have seen a trend of well-performing businesses looking to move to Central or relocate within Central” due to the upgrade in quality, said Neil Anderson, director and head of office, commercial property at Hongkong. “Recent leasing activity in Central underlines its continuing resilience and value at the nexus of the capital markets and business community in Hong Kong.”

The average prime office rent in Central currently stands at HK$116 (US$14.8) per square foot, nearly 32 per cent lower than the peak of HK$170 in 2019, according to a property agent. Overall prime office rents in Hong Kong have fallen by more than a quarter to HK$53 per square foot.

“We do see multinational companies relocating within or to Central, or upgrading their space to higher-quality buildings in various sub-markets,” the agent said. “The reasons are rental savings, better specifications of buildings and other long-term business strategies.”

The office property market would have been more active if Hong Kong had not been hit hard by the fifth wave of the pandemic, according to another property agency.

“Landlords are beginning to speak to occupiers about potential early lease renewals to retain existing tenants,” agent said.

The agency which had originally anticipated a slight recovery of around 1 per cent for the year, now expects overall Hong Kong and CBD grade A office rents to correct by 5 per cent.

Another agency however, expects office rents to trend higher. Rents in Central could rise between 5 and 10 per cent, and overall Hong Kong office rents by as much as 5 per cent, agent said.

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease at Alexandra House please visit: Office for Lease at Alexandra House

For more information of Office for Lease at York House please visit: Office for Lease at York House

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central

For more information of Office for Lease at Pacific Place please visit: Office for Lease at Pacific Place

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty


Henderson Land says John Lee’s pledge to speed up housing and land supply will benefit homebuyers, the government and developers

Co-chairman Peter Lee says developer will help Hong Kong’s next leader with scheme to provide training and mentoring to 1,000 junior secondary school students living in subdivided flats

We believe that the demand in the second half will be strong, co-chairman Martin Lee says

Henderson Land Development, which was founded by Lee Shau-kee, Hong Kong’s second-richest man, said it expected that a pledge by John Lee Ka-chiu, Hong Kong’s next leader, to speed up housing and land supply would benefit homebuyers, the government as well as developers.

“We agree that Hong Kong should boost the supply of land in both quantity and quality, as mentioned by chief executive-elect John Lee,” Martin Lee Ka-shing, Henderson Land’s co-chairman and Lee Shau-kee’s younger son, said at an annual general meeting held on Wednesday.

Peter Lee Ka-kit, Henderson Land’s other co-chairman and the founder’s elder son, said that Henderson Land would help John Lee complete his pilot scheme and help 1,000 junior secondary school students living in subdivided flats with training and mentoring programmes. “The scheme will offer 1,000 children a better future and help to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor,” he said.

Henderson Land is betting on a recovery in Hong Kong’s housing market in the second half of this year, as the city’s Covid-19 outbreak is brought under control. “Social distancing controls have been relaxed, and we believe that the demand in the second half will be strong,” Martin Lee said, adding that the company was planning to roll out the 2,800-unit Baker Circle project in Hung Hom.

Baker Circle is expected to be put onto the market for sales this month at the earliest, and is one of the biggest urban residential redevelopment projects by a private developer in Hong Kong.

Henderson Land has spent more than 20 years and billions of dollars on property acquisitions for Baker Circle, which will have a total gross floor area of about 1 million sq ft. It will include an almost 1 kilometre long pedestrian street inspired by Coal Drops Yard, a shopping area near King’s Cross in London.

On the mainland, Peter Lee said that due to the recent lockdown in Shanghai, projects in the city had been delayed by about half a year. “Most of the places have reopened today and our work can be resumed. We will try to catch up in the second half,” he said.

Shanghai ended its two-month-long citywide lockdown on Wednesday, allowing 2.67 million businesses to resume operations.

Henderson Land has six commercial properties for leasing, including offices and shopping centres, in Shanghai. Its commercial complex Lumina Shanghai in Xuhui Riverside District is currently under construction and is expected to be launched this year.

(South China Morning Post)


11,292-home plan for Yuen Long rejected

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) and Hongkong Land's 2019 application for an 11,292-flat project in Shek Wu Wai in Yuen Long was rejected by Town Planning Board yesterday.

The project is located at San Tin/Lok Ma Chau and the future development of the area has not yet been formulated, therefore the rezoning application was not supported, the board said. The developers said they were aware of the TPB's decision and that they had submitted another rezoning application earlier in May this year, which would be more in line with the government's latest planning and development framework.

(The Standard)


遠東金融中心呎租55元減25% 放盤5個月獲承租
























太古坊二座租6層 疫後港島最大手

中信銀行「升級」 租甲廈逾13萬呎每呎約50元

甲廈新需求疲弱,而大手租務僅屬搬遷。今年入伙的太古坊二座錄得大手成交,中信銀行 (國際) 租用物業6層逾13萬呎樓面,為疫後港島區最大手甲廈租務,該銀行原租用同區太古地產 (01972) 旗下德宏大廈,是次搬遷可提升寫字樓級數,呎租料約50元。



今年落成的太古坊二座,近日錄得另一宗全層成交,涉及物業中層全層逾2萬平方呎,呎租料約50元,新租客為顧問公司Boston Consulting,該公司原租太古坊一座約1萬平方呎單位,如今搬至二座,樓面有所擴充。

中區4月呎租103 本年累跌1.1%

太古地產早年啟動太古坊重建計劃,一座已於2018年入伙,而康和大廈及和域大廈,重建為總樓面面積約100萬平方呎的「太古坊二座」,預計今年中入伙。據悉,現時大廈預租率逾半,除了中信銀行外,另一大租客為瑞士私人銀行寶盛集團 (Julius Baer Group Ltd),租用物業4層共約9.18萬平方呎樓面,呎租約50元。該集團原租用中環交易廣場等,搬遷可大幅節省租金開支。



甲廈高峰租跌25% 再跌空間微










企業「只搬不擴」 商廈空置暫難減


甲廈空置11.6% 近10年新高




新供應將臨 租務預計不佳




美資縮規模 轉租創紀之城5期




同區屢錄縮減業務個案,消息指,觀塘宏利廣場 (前稱國際貿易中心) 3.6萬平方呎樓面,以每平方呎約30餘元租出。據悉,新租客為船務公司,原租用同區建生廣場約4.3萬平方呎,是次搬遷縮減7,000呎單位。此外,較早前旺角新世紀廣場全層2.6萬平方呎樓面,獲電子品牌樂聲牌租用,品牌亦大幅縮減逾萬呎樓面。













Market sizzles as Tai Po flats sell out

Both the primary and secondary property markets performed well over the long Tuen Ng festival weekend.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) launched another batch of 153 homes at phase 1 of Silicon Hill in Tai Po on the back of selling all the 170 flats in the first round of sales last Friday.

The batch, which comprises studio units to three-bedroom units, is priced from HK$3.8 million to HK$10.9 million after discounts, or from HK$16,427 to HK$20,354 per square foot.

These homes on average cost HK$17,661 per sq ft and have a market value of around HK$1.3 billion, the home builder said.

The sales may take place as early as Saturday, it said.

The first round of sales generated HK$1.37 billion in contracted sales and it had also sold two homes via tender, SHKP said.

An 848-sq-ft three-bedroom flat with a 435-sq-ft rooftop was sold for HK$18.84 million, or HK$22,212 per sq ft, and the other home also with three bedrooms was sold for HK$12.62 million, or HK$21,000 per sq ft, it added.

In the second-hand market, home sales at 10 major housing estates rose 14.3 percent, or two to 16 cases over the weekend, which was a six-week high and remained in the double-digit level for the twelfth consecutive weekend, a property agency said.

The turnover will increase to 21 if Friday's sales are included, it stated.

An agent said that there were not many new homes in the market during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday apart from Silicon Hill, which boosted the performance of the secondary market.

The agent expects that the second-hand market sentiment to be stable as the sector gradually recovers from the hit in the first quarter.

Another property agency also recorded a 14.3 percent growth in the number of transactions over the weekend to 16.

Although second-hand home sales remained active, the property agency's home price index slipped last week, reflecting that the overall property prices were under pressure in the wake of the launches of new projects, the agent said.

The agent believes that the market will continue to focus on first-hand properties this month and new home sales may top 2,000.

(The Standard)


工商鋪錄436宗按月升16% 代理行:料後市平穩發展



















何文田The Argyle全幢 7億洽至尾聲

住宅租務需求強勁,帶動相關投資。消息指,何文田The Argyle全幢住宅租賃項目,獲財團7億元洽購至尾聲,料短期內易手。

何文田The Argyle全幢,正獲財團洽購。該物業位於亞皆老街,鄰近勝利道及太平道,位置理想。該項目由萬泰持有作收租,消息指,項目獲以7億元洽購至尾聲。

商住大樓 現提供36伙住宅


項目合共提供36伙,實用面積由約440至980平方呎,採2至3房設計。項目6至20樓為2房及2房 (連套房) 間隔,實用面積分別為約440及645平方呎。而21至29樓為Simplex特色戶,採3房 (連套房) 及工人房設計,實用面積約980平方呎,另會所提供雅座及健身室等設施。





工廈進可攻退可守 基金追捧

代理:活化作數據中心 絕對有前景



疫情緩和,大手買賣開始出現,成交集中在工廈,先有美資基金Nuveen以近29億元購入葵涌集運中心全幢,該物業總樓面面積約26.62萬平方呎,呎價高見1.09萬元。兩星期前,嘉里 (00683) 更以約46億元,沽出火炭、柴灣兩項貨倉物業,買家為華潤物流,料購入自用。



疫情令消費模式改變 工廈需求大





東鐵過海效應 火炭工廈潛力高


工廈重建「標準金額」補地價先導計劃實施1年多,工廈可補地價重建商業項目或住宅。事實上,住宅在港長期供不應求,工廈轉作住宅有商機。事實上,長實 (01113) 去年曾向城規會提出改劃申請,把比鄰火炭站附近用地,由「工業」用途改劃為「住宅 (戊類)」、「政府、機構或社區」、「休憩用地」,可興建24座28至38層的住宅樓宇,並將提供4,706伙住宅。

工廈區轉住宅 較發展北都快

另外,荃灣大窩口工業區一帶7個項目工廈重建項目中,涉及約182萬平方呎樓面正在進行,當中沙咀道一帶漸轉型成住宅區,包括新地 (00016) 牽頭的住宅項目,提供約1,330伙。











Hong Kong’s property market regains mojo as deals hit 10-month high in May

Overall property transactions jumped 63.8 per cent month-on-month to 7,949 in May, which was also the highest since 9,957 clocked in July 2021

Sales of new homes saw the biggest jump in May, rising nearly fivefold to 1,492 units from the previous month

Hong Kong’s property market picked up momentum in May, with deals hitting a 10-month high, building on the gains of the previous month as homebuyers returned after the fifth wave of Covid-19 was brought under control.

Total transactions, including residential, commercial and industrial properties as well as parking spaces, rose 63.8 per cent month-on-month to 7,949 in May, according to data from the Land Registry. It was also the highest total since 9,957 deals were completed in July 2021.

“As the pandemic continues to stabilise, the government has gradually relaxed social distancing measures, helping to lift property market sentiment,” a property agent said.

The brisk second-hand transactions, coupled with the enthusiastic response of buyers to many new launches, led to a significant increase in the overall number of deals in May, the agent said.

The May figure was more than double the 3,828 transactions in March. The biggest jump was for new homes, sales of which skyrocketed nearly fivefold to 1,492 from the previous month.

The most popular projects included the first phase of Grand Mayfair, which sold 701 flats, and Monaco Marine, which sold 267 homes.

Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu, ­managing director of Wheelock Properties, expects sales of new homes to remain at around 1,500 in the coming months as developers speed up launches, taking advantage of an improvement in sentiment following the easing of the fifth wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

A 1,206 sq ft flat with a rooftop at K Wah International’s K Summit development in Kai Tak on Thursday sold for HK$48.3 million (US$6.16 million), or HK$40,050 per sq ft. Both figures are the highest for the project.

Chinachem Group sold three duplex flats at the luxury project Bisney Crest in Pok Fu Lam in two days. One of them, measuring 1,640 sq ft, sold for HK$60 million on Wednesday.

Sino Land sold one flat at 133 Portofino in Sai Kung measuring 1,076 sq ft on Sunday for HK$21.8 million.

On the outlook for this month, a property agent said that transactions are likely to drop by as much as 18 per cent to around 6,550.

“In the second-hand residential market transactions are slowing down as owners have become more ambitious [with asking prices] and some have even raised asking prices, narrowing the room for bargaining,” the agent said.

Coupled with new residential launches that are competing for buyers, the number of second-hand transactions may soften by 20 to 30 per cent this month, the agent added.

Another agent expects that the overall sales figure in June to decline by up to 12 per cent to around 7,000 in June.

“Second-hand bargain properties have been purchased, and sales have slowed down,” the agent said. “The primary market is seeing launches with restrained pricing, which has diverted second-hand buying power.”

(South China Morning Post)

Hong Kong homebuyers mark Dragon Boat Festival by buying all flats at Sun Hung Kai’s Silicon Hill project in New Territories

Silicon Hill’s first round is priced 6 per cent lower than the average price of lived-in homes at SHKP’s St Martin development

Young buyers are betting on the future of Pak Shek Kok, a property agent said

Hong Kong homebuyers turned out in droves on the Dragon Boat Festival holiday on Friday and snapped all homes that Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) offered in New Territories, despite an expected hike in interest rates and the city’s weakened economy.

All 170 homes put on the market at Silicon Hill in Pak Shek Kok in the city’s northeastern Tai Po district were sold as of 5pm, agents said. Another 18 homes had been offered through tender and the results of these bids have not been made public yet.

The project comprises three phases and 1,871 homes, and its first round was priced at an average of HK$17,498 (US$2,230) per square foot, 6 per cent lower than the average price of lived-in homes at St Martin, which is a 10-minute walk away from Silicon Hill and was launched by SHKP four years ago.

“Many young buyers, aged around 30, bought their first homes, as the total price was not that high. They were also betting on the future of Pak Shek Kok, where the launch of a new MTR station has been confirmed,” a property agent said.

The city’s home market has been robust in recent months, defying an expected interest rate hike and still weak economic growth. The cost of buying a house locally is rising, with the benchmark one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (Hibor) expected to rise to 1.5 per cent in the third quarter of this year. It will follow the same upwards trajectory as the higher interest rates set by the US Federal Reserve and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

At the same time, the local jobless rate in the three months ending April rose to 5.4 per cent, its highest level in 12 months, and about 206,100 people were out of work in this period.

At the same time, a price index of lived-in homes compiled by the Hong Kong government edged up 0.4 per cent to 390.8 in April and was about 1.5 per cent shy of the 396.9 recorded in May 2019.

Analysts said they expected the increase in May to amount to 1.5 per cent, which meant the index could break this record. And if the index rose by about 1 per cent in June, it could climb to the unprecedented 400-point mark.

The cheapest unit on offer at Silicon Hill was a 291 sq ft studio priced at HK$4.96 million. About 3,200 bids were received for the first batch, which means about 18 people were vying for every unit on sale.

“It is mainly due to the easing of the Covid-19 outbreak. Homebuyers expect things will bottom out in the second half,” another property agent said. New home sales were expected to rise to 2,000 units this month, as new developments gradually enter the market, the agent added.

(South China Morning Post)


4月商廈買賣 78宗今年新高

有代理表示,商廈買賣登記已在首季見底,經4月反彈後,5月料重越百宗的相對高水平,而6月可續看俏。根據土地註冊處數據,2022年4月全港共錄78宗商廈買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前商廈市場實際市況),較3月的49宗大增59%,為連跌4個月後首現反彈,並創今年以來的高位。


億元以上物業 買賣升5








美心主席 7.5億購白建時道獨立屋


消息指,渣甸山白建時道6號屋易手,物業原由本地廠家持有,據資料顯示,持有物業公司註冊中董事名字換上wu wei kuo Michael,為本地大型飲食連鎖品牌、美心集團主席兼董事總經理伍偉國。

呎價約9.4 總樓面7986



疫情緩和後,超級豪宅成交亦有所增加,上月尾資本策略 (00497) 牽頭發展的渣甸山超級豪宅皇第錄大手買賣,涉及地庫、地下、1及2樓B室連兩個車位,實用面積4,178平方呎,連4,207平方呎花園,成交價約3.34億元,呎價高達8萬元,刷新項目成交價及呎價紀錄外,呎價亦創渣甸山分層住宅新高。






另外,宏基資本 (02288) 旗下灣仔謝斐道218號商廈樓花項目 Novo Jaffe 上月開售,僑福集團董事長黃幼華或有關人士斥4299萬元購入19樓全層,建築面積約2243方呎,呎價約19166元。




更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售


EC Healthcare building to go up in Tsim Sha Tsui

EC Healthcare (2138), backed by Adrian Cheng Chi-kong, chief executive of New World Development (0017), will spend HK$275 million forming a joint venture to raise a medical building in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Construction of the building, with an estimated lettable floor area of 103,000 square feet, is expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2024, EC Healthcare said yesterday.

EC will hold a 30 percent stake in the joint venture company, and enter into a lease for the entire building for an initial term of five years with an option to extend for a further five years. It will also have naming rights to the building.

Meanwhile, shares of NWD rose 3.8 percent after FTSE Russell reversed a decision and kept the developer as a constituent of the FTSE EPRA/Nareit Developed Asia Index.

Also, New World has named its Grade A commercial building at 888 Lai Chi Kok Road in Cheung Sha Wan the NCB Innovation Centre.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at NCB Innovation Centre please visit: Office for Lease at NCB Innovation Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Cheung Sha Wan please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Cheung Sha Wan

For more information of Office for Sale at NCB Innovation Centre please visit: Office for Sale at NCB Innovation Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Sale in Cheung Sha Wan please visit: Grade A Office for Sale in Cheung Sha Wan


Redevelopment at Jardine's Lookout to be leased

SEA (0251) has had second thoughts on a property at 89-93 Tai Hang Road on Jardine's Lookout it acquired for HK$627 million last year.

The property comprises 15 residential units with an aggregate gross floor area of approximately 22,000 square feet.

SEA had intended to redevelop the site into a luxury residence for sale when it signed the deal last year. But it has now decided to redevelop the property into a luxury project as a long-term investment for lease, seeing that course as the most cost-effective option.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong real estate owners seek alternative uses for retail complexes and hotels amid tourism slump

The owners of Park Lane Shopper’s Boulevard in Tsim Sha Tsui want to turn the 50-store complex into a food and beverage destination

Sun Hung Kai Properties secures Town Planning Board nod to convert its Royal View Hotel in Tsuen Wan West into a residential project

Some Hong Kong retail landlords and hotel owners are seeking to convert their properties into restaurants and housing to counter rising store closures and lower occupancy rates, as the two-year tourism slump shows no signs of ending.

The owners of Park Lane Shopper’s Boulevard on Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, one of Hong Kong’s four major tourist belts, last Friday submitted an application to turn the 300-metre long, 50-store complex along the boulevard into a food and beverage destination.

The proposed change will replace the retail stores with cafeterias, coffee shops and tea houses on the ground and first floors of the landmark shopping destination for tourists and locals since 1986.

The retailers are seeking a change “as a market response to the structural shifts in the socio-economic context of Tsim Sha Tsui and wider Hong Kong in recent years, especially amid a decline in tourists, which has resulted in store closures and affected the urban dynamics in the area”, the Incorporated Owners Park Lane Shopper’s Boulevard, which represents the landlords, said in their application to the Town Planning Board (TPB).

The proposed uses are “critical for adding flexibility and resilience to the local economy in responding to the recent changes”, the application said.

Hong Kong’s strict travel curbs have brought the city’s tourism industry to a standstill since the coronavirus pandemic started more than two years ago. Tourist arrivals plunged 94 per cent from 43.8 million in 2019 to 2.7 million in 2020, and fell by another 98 per cent to 65,721 in 2021, according to data from the Hong Kong Tourism Board.

“The proposed change reflects the prevailing retail market demand,” a property agent said. “Even after the reopening of the border, the food and beverage sector will continue to be a sustainable trade, and modern dining concepts will do well in Hong Kong.”

Another agency also expects food and beverage outlets to attract more local customers and draw more footfall to the area.

“If the food and beverage options are of high quality and coupled with the boulevard’s trees and ambience, similar to the Champs-Élysées in Paris, it can also attract overseas tourists with its vibe,” another agent said.

Meanwhile, the slackening demand for hotels is prompting developers to convert their hotels into residential use.

Last Thursday, Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) became the latest builder to secure approval from the Town Planning Board to convert a hotel – its waterfront Royal View Hotel in Ting Kau, Tsuen Wan West – into a residential project.

The proposed changes will see the 15-storey building converted into 661 flats of varying sizes and will include a day care centre for the elderly with 60 places, according to the document from the planning authority.

It said the existing building will remain unchanged as “only minor addition and alteration work would be required [and] housing units could be delivered within a short period of time”.

SHKP’s proposal comes after CK Asset Holdings secured approval from the planning board to convert two hotels for residential use over the past 18 months.

CK Asset, the flagship company of retired tycoon Li Ka-shing, received permission in December 2020 to convert its 1,100-room Harbour Plaza Resort City in Tin Shui Wai into a 5,000-unit housing project. And in February last year, it received the green light to convert its 800-room Horizon Suites in Ma On Shan into a residential development with up to 758 flats.

“The proposed conversion makes sense as the full recovery of the city’s tourism industry is still far from certain,” a surveyor said.

(South China Morning Post)



新世界發展 (00017) 旗下位於長沙灣荔枝角道888號的全新甲廈正式命名為「南商金融創新中心」(NCB Innovation Centre)。









甲廈租金回調 機構趁機搬遷




中資升級辦公室 太古坊多層

港島甲廈近日錄得一宗大手租務,涉及今年即將落成的鰂魚涌太古坊新商廈。太古坊二座低層及中層各3層樓面,合共6層樓面,以每層面積約2.2萬平方呎計算,涉逾13萬平方呎。按面積計,為疫情後港島區最大手甲廈租務成交個案。新租客為大型中資機構中信銀行 (國際),該集團租用本港多幢物業,包括位於太古坊的德宏大廈多層,是次搬至同屬太古地產 (01972) 旗下物業,而太古坊二座為全新甲廈,質素大幅提升,而租用樓面相若,未有擴充。

太古坊二座錄得另一宗全層成交,涉及物業中層全層逾2萬平方呎,呎租料約50元,新租客為顧問公司Boston Consulting,該公司原租太古坊一座約1萬平方呎單位,如今搬至二座。













凱龍瑞尖沙咀商廈 醫思健康入股



醫思健康 (02138) 公布,向亞洲聯合基建 (00711) 及凱龍瑞集團管理旗下尖沙咀商廈業權一家合資公司認購30%股權,總額不多於2.75億元,涉及可出租樓面面積約10.3萬平方呎,主要用作醫療中心及其他臨床用途。據了解,是次涉及物業為尖沙咀金馬倫道35至37號重建商廈項目。





九龍城兩舊樓招標 估值約3億


兩幢4層高物業均是於1952年落成,地下為商舖,樓上為住宅,將以交吉及現有狀況出售。該物業佔地約3,042平方呎,可以最大地積比率為9倍重建發展。根據馬頭角分區大綱圖編號S/K10/28,物業現址劃為「住宅 (甲) 2類」用途,可作住宅連商舖基座發展。



爪哇6.3億 奪大坑道公僕合作社

有外資代理行公布,渣甸山大坑道89至93號公務員合作社住宅地盤,全部業權悉數售出,計及補地價的總收購成本約6.27億元,每呎收購成本約2.8萬元,買家為爪哇集團 (00251) 。





衙前圍道全幢物業7380萬沽 長情業主割愛 60年升值359倍






















Mega Hung Hom project gears for first sales

Henderson Land Development (0012) is poised to launch sales of the first homes at its 2,800-flat Baker Circle redevelopment in Hung Hom.

The Baker Circle Dover tower will offer 324 flats including 84 studios, 194 one-bedroom, 42 two-bedroom, and four special units, with sizes ranging from 200 square feet to 570 sq ft.

The sales brochure and show flats will be unveiled soon and sales could take place as early as next week, the developer said.

Baker Circle consists of nine blocks, which will be built in three phases, providing a gross floor area of more than 1 million sq ft.

In Tai Po, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said the second round of sales of 198 flats at phase 1 of Silicon Hill will take place on Saturday.

Of the homes on offer, 190 will be sold on price lists - ranging from HK$3.8 million to HK$11.34 million after discounts, or from HK$16,427 to HK$20,354 per sq ft - while eight will be tendered.

In Tuen Mun, the sales brochure of Grand Jete, SHKP's project with CK Asset (1113), is expected to be released this week at the earliest.

Grand Jete will offer 400 homes including 240 one-bedroom, 120 two-bedroom, and 40 three-bedroom units, CK Asset said.

The flats range from 263 to 722 sq ft in size and five showflats are expected to open shortly, with sales launched within the month.

In Kai Tak, Wheelock Properties put 120 homes at Monaco Marine on sale on Friday, including 21 flats in low-rise buildings.

These homes cover areas from 324 sq ft to 768 sq ft and are priced from HK$8.2 million to HK$19.4 million after discounts, or from HK$23,170 to HK$29,974 per sq ft.

Separately, the number of new homes completed in April was 1,896, up by 1.46 times from a month ago. The aggregate completion in the first four months of this year reached 9,979, 1.43 times more than a year ago, data from Rating and Valuation Department showed.

(The Standard)


疫市擴充 「士多」租九龍灣商廈全層

涉恒生中心2.6萬呎 每呎24元

疫下網購行業有所擴充,網購平台「士多」租用九龍灣恒生中心全層2.6萬呎商廈,呎租約24元,屬擴充。另八達通亦擴充,租用 Manhattan Place 7,000呎單位。


疫情下市民網購大幅提升,而「士多」生意亦有所增加,該機構於第5波疫情期間,亦表示宣布招聘逾100人。另外,去年該平台75%股權,亦獲電視廣播 (00511) 收購。

八達通租 Manhattan Place 極高層

另消息指,九龍灣 Manhattan Place 極高層單位,面積約7,000平方呎,以每平方呎約30元租出,新租客為八達通,該機構早於十多年前租用該廈作總部,如今業務有所擴充。




更多Manhattan Place寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:Manhattan Place 寫字樓出租








尖沙咀9重建項目 香檳大廈規模最大




在多個舊樓收購項目之中,以位於金巴利道16至20號的香檳大廈收購最為矚目。香檳大廈在上世紀60年代落成,曾經是九龍區最高物業,由於恒地 (00012) 系內在鄰近持有美麗華廣場及酒店,發展商早在10年前已經展開收購。


漢口道2舊樓 一申強拍另擬建甲廈

至於鄰近海防道的漢口道一帶近年亦有不少舊樓獲收購,當中新世界 (00017) 或相關人士早在2016年已經開始收購漢口道43至49A號漢口大廈,目前已持有88.596%業權,亦已經申請進行強拍。


另外,原本由資本策略 (00497) 收購的亞士厘道重建地盤,在兩年前以約17.6億元轉售予建灝地產,目前正興建21層商廈,總樓面約10萬平方呎,每層樓面約5,500平方呎,預計將於2023年初落成。











灣仔商住樓5966萬售出 投資者許教武等承接





















Hung Hom show flats to open

Henderson Land Development (0012) will open show flats of The Baker Circle Dover in Hung Hom this weekend.

The sales brochure may be unveiled today and the first price list with at least 65 units may be released within the week, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of Henderson's sales department.

The tower offers 324 flats, including 84 studios, 194 one-bedroom, 42 two-bedroom, and four special units, with sizes ranging from 200 square feet to 570 sq ft.

The Baker Circle redevelopment project consists of nine blocks which will be built in three phases, providing a total of 2,800 flats.

In Tai Po, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has raked in more than HK$63.8 million after selling five homes via tender.

Meanwhile, a real estate agency expects that overall property market sentiment to further improve in the second half of this year as the economy is set to pick up and Covid subsides.

An agent estimates that new home sales will jump 91 percent to 10,500 in the second half from a projection of 5,500 in the first half.

Secondary home sales will also soar 36 percent to about 30,000 in the second half from about 22,000 in the first half, the agent said.

The property agency plans to open 30 additional branches and recruit 1,000 more employees in the six months from July.

Separately, Secretary for Development Michael Wong Wai-lun said the government plans to consult a Legislative Council panel on the "new land first" proposal in the fourth quarter of this year.

The proposal is to enable early implementation of the title registration system on newly granted land first, which will enable industry practitioners and the public to benefit from the new system as early as possible, Wong wrote in a reply to LegCo.

Compared to the present deeds registration system, which gives no guarantee to title, the title registration system will provide greater assurance and certainty of property titles, he said, adding that all key stakeholders have expressed support in principle for the "new land first" proposal.

(The Standard)


東鐵過海段通車帶動啟德甲廈租金 每年料升5%




















栢麗大道鋪呎租77元跌34% 交吉1年始租出重返86年水平







月租5.9 簽約3




Nomura Securities Said to Surrender Floor at Hong Kong’s Two IFC

Japan’s Nomura Securities is surrendering an entire floor in Hong Kong’s second-tallest office tower, having terminated its lease for the 26th floor at Two International Finance Centre last month, according to local media accounts.

After handing back the 23,076 square foot (2,143 square metre) floor, Nomura is retaining about half the space it had initially taken up when it leased close to six floors in the tower three years ago, analyst said.

The securities brokerage firm is scaling down its Hong Kong office space amid the city’s economic slowdown, with the stock exchange having helped just 17 companies raise a combined HK$14.9 billion ($1.8 billion) in IPO proceeds over the first quarter – about 89 percent less than during the same period last year, according to a reporting by S&P Global citing stock exchange data.

As Nomura shrinks its footprint, financial services firm Jefferies Hong Kong is said to be taking over the 26th floor of Two International Finance Centre, as it shifts from its long-time home just over a kilometre (0.62 miles) away on the 22nd floor of CK Asset’s Cheung Kong Center in Central. In April, Jefferies had also agreed to lease units 10 to 12 on the building’s 27th floor – which Nomura had given up in 2020, according to local media reports.

Exits and Upgrades

With Nomura’s latest hand-back taking place about two years after it surrendered 56,000 square feet (5,202 square metres) of space at Two International Finance Centre, the firm’s downsizing this year means that since 2019 the firm has given up about 56 percent of what had once been a 140,000 square foot presence in Two International Finance Centre.

Before giving up the 26th floor, the Japanese brokerage firm was paying a monthly rent of about HK$3 million for the space, or around HK$130 per square foot per month, local media reported.

Current rents at Two International Finance Centre, which was jointly developed by Hong Kong’s Sun Hung Kai Properties, Henderson Land and utility provider Towngas, average around HK$120 to HK$130 per square foot per month, according to market sources.

Although these rental rates represent the highest in Central, the cost to occupy space in the 88-storey tower has fallen by 25 percent since the first quarter of 2019, analyst said, with average rents in Greater Central in the first quarter of this year down about 30 percent from the same period in 2019 to an average of HK$97.80 per square foot per month.

Rents at Cheung Kong Center, which average HK$110 per square foot per month, are only slightly lower than Two International Finance Centre, said analysts who spoke with Mingtiandi. However, the tower’s waterfront location, access to the city’s Central and Hong Kong MTR stations, and its connection to the IFC mall – which is part of the same commercial complex – could be reason enough for companies like Jefferies to shift to the iconic complex, analyst said.

Last month, Central district’s biggest landlord Hongkong Land welcomed a former tenant back to its office portfolio after 15 years, announcing that global law firm White & Case had taken up three floors at York House, the developer’s Grade A office tower at 15 Queen’s Road. The move followed a 2.5 percent year-on-year decline in average rents at the developer’s Hong Kong office portfolio to HK$117 per square foot per month in 2021, according to Hongkong Land’s latest annual report.

High Vacancy

Nomura’s remaining tenancy in the Two International Finance Centre, which is currently 97.5 percent occupied, spans floors 30 to 32, and will expire in December of 2023.

Its lease surrender at Two International Finance Centre last month paralleled a slight increase in Central district’s vacancy rate, which in April edged up 0.1 percentage points from the preceding month to 7.4 percent, according to a property agency’s report.

News of Nomura’s downsizing comes as firms continue to scale back their footprints in the city. Since the second half of 2020, multinational banks in Hong Kong have downsized their offices by at least 312,000 square feet, including Deutsche Bank giving back 104,000 square foot at SHKP’s ICC in West Kowloon, according to an another report published by another agency in April.

“Many financial services firms are adopting flexible working practices as a more permanent way of working and are typically downsizing on lease expiry,” the agency said.

About 11 million square feet of new Grade A office supply is scheduled to be added to the Hong Kong market between 2022 and 2025 with minimal pre-commitments from occupiers, according to the property agency. This surge of new space could result in 17.2 million square feet of office supply over the next four years, with the agency predicting that vacancy could rise as high as 17.7 percent.


For more information of Office for Lease at International Finance Centre please visit: Office for Lease at International Finance Centre

For more information of Office for Lease at York House please visit: Office for Lease at York House

For more information of Office for Lease at Cheung Kong Center please visit: Office for Lease at Cheung Kong Center

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central

For more information of Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre please visit: Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui



宏基資本旗下灣仔商廈項目 Novo Jaffe 高層全層,為連平台特色戶,以約4935萬售出,買家為新世界鄭氏家族人士,購入自用。

市場消息指出,由宏基資本發展的灣仔謝斐道218號商廈 Novo Jaffe 28樓,建築面積2243方呎,以4935萬成交,平均呎價22002元,買家為新世界鄭氏家族相關人士。





更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售





鴨脷洲地盤擴大規模 宏安6100萬收購商廈





鴨脷洲在鐵路通車及「躍動港島南」計畫推動下,發展商紛於區內「插旗」興建地標,區內舊樓掀起收購潮,除了宏安之外,樂風集團亦夥拍新加坡的房地產私募股權投資公司SC Capital Partners,收購平瀾街2至4A號和好景街26至28號的大部分業權,以作住宅項目重建;該地盤面積約4000方呎,可建總樓面約35000方呎,總收購價約4.18億,每方呎樓面地價約11943元。該公司計畫重建為港島南區的標誌性建築,屆時所有住戶均可享香港仔海峽和海濱長廊景觀。












以轉讓形式放售 Jessville估值20億


薄扶林豪宅項目 7.22截意向

該項目位於薄扶林道128號,包括樓齡達91年、經保育和活化的三級歷史建築Jessville Manor,以及2019年建成的分層住宅大樓Jessville Tower,總實用面積約3.9萬方呎。

Jessville Tower樓高14層,提供28個單位,3房和4房間隔,單位實用面積1358方呎及1431方呎,據悉,該大樓去年推出招租,約一半單位獲承租,集中低層戶,月租約7萬至8萬元,是次以連租約方式發售。至於Jessville Manor已改建成提供4個特色單位的大宅,將以交吉形式易手。

負責該項目放售事宜的代理表示,有興趣的財團等須於7月22日下午5時正或之前將已簽妥的意向書正本 (以正式合約為準),遞交到萊坊位於灣仔的辦公室。

有代理表示,Jessville Manor屬三級歷史建築,在市場上十分罕有,而Jessville Tower所有單位都可以享受開揚的山景和海景,私密度很高,有見港島區新建豪宅項目供應非常短缺,該項目具潛力可拆售,勢吸引發展商和投資者等垂青,預計市場反應正面。



外資代理行看好新甲廈 吸引租客搬遷





倘通關 中環尖沙咀率先反彈


近日港島甲廈錄得一宗大手租務,涉及今年即將落成的鰂魚涌太古坊二座合共6層樓面,涉及逾13萬平方呎。按面積計,為疫情後港島區最大手甲廈租務成交個案。新租客為中信銀行 (國際),屬同區搬遷。

疫情下 共享空間辦公需求增







啟德配套齊 商業前景佳



九龍區方面,該代理指特別睇好啟德區。事實上,今年南豐旗下 AIRSIDE 將入伙,項目涉及200萬平方呎,投資額高達320億元。

AIRSIDE 將入伙 涉200萬呎

該代理認為,過去數年啟德住宅概念較重,「其實啟德是一個非常全面地區,有商業、住宅,又有大型運動場,日後若發展地下街等,該區前景更佳。最近港鐵東鐵綫過海段通車,交通更為方便,而 AIRSIDE 提供商場及商廈各100萬平方呎樓面,是地標項目,絕對值得留意。


更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



觀塘禧年均輝申建商廈 今闖關



禧年大廈及均輝中心共佔地9,978平方呎,申請項目地積比率由12倍增加20%至14.4倍,擬建1座30層高商廈,樓面約14.4萬平方呎,當中禧年大廈原由興勝創建 (00896) 持有,曾申請重建酒店,去年由均輝6.28億元購入後便計劃將兩物業合併發展。



連鎖飲食35萬 租莊士敦道兩層舖

上手體育品牌70萬租用 租金跌半


消息稱,由灣仔莊士敦道74至80號地下及1樓巨舖租出,物業面積合共約7,517平方呎,以每月約35萬元租出。該舖正對修頓球場,鄰近利東街商場,故平日人流頗旺。據悉,新租客為連鎖餐飲集團Cafe Deco Group,由於舖位面積甚大,故集團將開設多間餐廳,包括台灣「段純貞牛肉麵」、台式飲品店以及一間日式餐廳。

疫情緩和 餐飲積極擴充

翻查資料,該舖對上租客為運動服裝品牌Under Armour,早年以約70萬元承租舖位,早前遷出,如今換上餐飲,租金跌約一半。疫情緩和後,餐飲擴充相對積極,趁核心區一綫地段租金回調,搶佔地舖。




SEA Holdings Pays $79M for Hong Kong Build-to-Rent Project

Hong Kong’s SEA Holdings this week acquired its second luxury residential site in four months, and is on the way to building a HK$900 million ($114.6 million) housing project targeting wealthy mainland tenants in the city’s Jardine’s Lookout neighbourhood.

Having paid a total of HK$627 million to acquire full ownership of Loong Fung Terrace, an aging residential block on Tai Hang Road, the local developer now plans to develop up to 22,000 square feet (2,043 square metres) of luxury rental housing on the Hong Kong Island property.

The company’s decision to develop the property on a build-to-rent basis rather than for sale as condos reversed an earlier plan, with SEA noting a recent exodus of senior professionals and the city’s closed borders as driving its decision to hold the property for the long term.

“Since the beginning of this year, there have been increasing reports of professionals and senior management people who are upper-income and high-net worth individuals leaving Hong Kong and might not return again,” the company said in its announcement to the stock exchange. “Further, the opening of the border with China was delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic.”

Lookout Luxury

With high-end residential prices on Hong Kong island having slid 1.7 percent during the first quarter, according to a property consultancy, SEA acknowledged a slip in demand for high-end properties and also pointed to the Russia-Ukraine war as denting buyer confidence in explaining its rationale for pursuing a rental strategy. At the announced consideration, SEA Holdings is paying the equivalent of HK$28,000 per square foot of floor area for the residential property.

Spanning an 11,000 square foot site on 89-93 Tai Hang Road, the Loong Fung Terrace is located less than 15 minutes’ drive from both the Hong Kong Jockey Club in Happy Valley, and the MTR Wan Chai station, with analysts pointing to the future value of the project as a luxury housing asset.

“Situated on a rare residential lot in Jardine’s Lookout, a prestigious location for the rich and famous to set up homes, the property enjoys good prospects and thus the attention of developers,” a property consultant said, which brokered the sale of the property.

Leasing rates for residential properties in Jardine’s Lookout currently fall within the HK$40 to HK$60 per square foot per month range, another property consultant said. Depending on the size of completed units, monthly rents for SEA Holdings’ project could be in the HK$60 per square foot range or higher, the consultant added.

“Considering the location of Tai Hang as a traditional luxury residential area, we expect SEA Holdings to build slightly larger units (averaging) 1,000 to 1,500 square feet in size, with a total of approximately 15 to 20 luxury flats,” the consultant said.

Jardine’s Lookout, home to billionaires such as Joseph Lau of Chinese Estates, Gordon Wu of Hopewell Holdings, and family members of Hong Kong’s late “King of Gambling” Stanley Ho, is an affluent residential area located less than 5 kilometres (3.1 miles) downhill from Wheelock’s Mount Nicholson project, which has repeatedly set records for Hong Kong’s most expensive homes.

In the same neighbourhood, Nan Fung Development, which co-developed Mount Nicholson with Wheelock project, last year acquired 17 units at Jardine Court for a potential redevelopment project through a series of purchases that totalled over HK$1 billion.

Civil Servants Sell Out

On the sales side, new homes in Jardine’s Lookout trade for at least HK$70,000 per square foot of floor area, another property consultant said. “Not many transactions are recorded in (the area) each year, due to low housing supply, though the area enjoys accessibility to Central district and Causeway Bay.”

Should SEA Holdings choose to sell homes in the project rather than hold the property for long-term investment, the per-square-foot price of each unit could cost between HK$40,000 and HK$50,000, property consultant said.

The developer had won full ownership of the property from the Civil Servants Cooperative Building Society (CBS) Scheme – which governs homes built under an initiative to house civil servants in Hong Kong. Under the scheme, civil servants were granted land at a premium about a half or one-third of its full market value to build homes, though legal titles to the land and residential building were held by the CBS.

Selling the project required consent from at least 75 percent of the CBS members, as well as payment of a land premium to the government to remove restrictions from transferring their interest in the property.

“In this case, we’ve gathered all the interests of the individual unit owners, and submitted applications to the government for premium assessment,” the consultant said, who noted that the HK$627 million acquisition cost included both the land price and premium.

That price was not far from market expectations of around HK$660 million, or HK$30,000 per square foot of floor area, said market sources who spoke with Mingtiandi.

Taste for Luxury

SEA Holdings has been actively acquiring housing projects in Hong Kong’s traditional luxury areas in recent years, the property consultancy said.

In February the developer paid a record high price of HK$62,355 per square foot to acquire a luxury residential site on South Bay Road in Hong Kong Island’s Repulse Bay at a government land sale where it is entitled to build up to five fully detached homes.

The developer helmed by tycoon Lu Wing Chi and his son Lambert Lu already has some experience with high-end sites in Hong Kong island, including its 1 Shouson Hill Road East. Last July a home in that villa project on Shouson Hill traded for more than HK$91,000 per square foot and a nearby unit in the same project sold for HK$79,036 per square foot during the same month.









乙廈租金按月微跌0. 4%



市場上即將有全新甲廈落成及啟用,包括新世界發展旗下的航天城項目11 SKIES及長沙灣荔枝角道888號南商金融創新中心。此外,近日有全新商廈項目開售,如灣仔新盤 Novo Jaffe,這些因素都有利帶動寫字樓交投。不過,目前寫字樓需求仍較弱,相信寫字樓市場會供過於求,對空置率及租金會構成一定壓力。












更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售



灣仔地周五截標 估值約17億

灣仔皇后大道東269號官地本周五 (17日) 截標,地皮同樣設有280平方呎限呎條款,地皮估值約17億元,每呎樓面地價約1.5萬元。

測量師:市區罕有地 流標風險低





生活配套充足 鄰近港鐵站







Hong Kong homebuyers snap up Sun Hung Kai’s Silicon Hill flats for the second weekend in a row, aiming to get ahead of higher interest rates

Every one of the 198 flats on offer – including eight for sale by tender – at the project at Pak Shek Kok in Tai Po district sold out, according to sales agents

The flats, ranging from 217 to 770 square feet (71.5 square metres), were priced between HK$3.79 million and HK$11.34 million (US$1.44 million) after discounts

Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP)’s Silicon Hill flats have sold out for the second consecutive weekend, as homebuyers plunged into Hong Kong’s housing market to get ahead of higher interest rates.

Every one of the 198 flats on offer – including eight for sale by tender – at the project at Pak Shek Kok in Tai Po district sold out, according to sales agents.

The flats, ranging from 217 to 770 square feet (71.5 square metres), were priced between HK$3.79 million and HK$11.34 million (US$1.44 million), or HK$16,427 to HK$20,354 per square foot after discounts of up to 17.5 per cent. The results of the eight units sold through tender were not released yet.

The sell-out launch marked the second bumper weekend for SHKP, which sold all 170 flats the previous weekend, a successful campaign that gave the developer the confidence to raise the average price by 0.9 per cent over one week.

“The discounts and the low price were the first reasons for the strong sales result,” a property agent said. “The average price per square foot is lower than the price of second-hand properties in Pak Shek Kok.”

The city’s base lending rate rose by 50 basis points in May to 1.25 per cent, after the US Federal Reserve raised its rate by half a point, the biggest one-time increase in Fed rates since 2000.

The Fed has signalled 10 increments in US interest rates, raising the Fed rate from zero to 2.6 per cent by the end of this year, and to 3.75 per cent by the end of 2023, economists said.

Hong Kong’s biggest banks are holding their prime rates unchanged for now, with HSBC, Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Hang Seng Bank keeping it at 5 per cent, while Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia held their rate steady at 5.25 per cent.

In the previous cycle, the city’s banks waited through nine consecutive increments of 25 basis points each by Hong Kong’s monetary authority before raising their prime rate by 0.125 percentage point in 2018, passing some of the higher borrowing costs to customers for the first time in a decade.

Still, property buyers are not taking their chances, seeking to get ahead of higher interest rates. Silicon Hill’s strong sales also benefited from the proposed Pak Shek Kok railway station which is expected to launch in the future and improve transport in the area, according to the agent. The project is also attractive to young homebuyers due to its low density, which is more comfortable to live in, the agent said.

Hong Kong’s property market sentiment improved in June, even as the city is still wallowing in one of its worst economic contractions on record amid a persistent Covid-19 outbreak. The city’s borders with southern China remained closed, leaving the housing market to rely on demand from the city’s residents, another property agent said, in a note on Saturday.

Around 70 to 80 per cent of the customers who attended SHKP’s sales launch on Saturday were buying for their own use, while around 20 per cent were looking to add the flats as investments for rental purposes, according to the agent.

The Silicon Hill project has been favoured by customers who plan to buy the property and use that to collect rent. As more overseas students in Hong Kong will be looking for apartments for rentals in the city this summer holiday, it will also promote the rental transactions of the project, the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)



市建局西營盤崇慶里 / 桂香街發展項目,昨日正式推出招標。消息透露,發展商須自行提出「一口價」,以價高者得決勝負,日後售樓收益達30億,即須按比例分紅,最高為五成。該項目綜合市場估值約14.7億至16.1億,每呎樓面地價約1.55萬至1.7萬。

西營盤崇慶里 / 桂香街發展項目,為市建局逾5年來,首度推出的港島市區住宅重建項目,上月中截收意向,昨日正式推出招標。市場消息指出,項目售樓收益達30億,須與市建局按比例分紅,達標後首5000萬須分紅兩成,其後收益每5000萬分紅增加一成,分紅比例最多五成,若以項目總樓面約9.48萬方呎計,相當於每方呎售價逾3.16萬便需要分紅,而且發展商亦須向市建局自行提出「一口價」,以價高者得作勝負關鍵。








Baker Circle Dover rolls out third list

Henderson Land Development (0012) has released its third price list for The Baker Circle Dover in Hung Hom, providing an additional 46 units at an average price of HK$23,998 per square foot after discounts.

The latest batch, which comprises one- and two-bedroom homes with sizes ranging from 270 sq ft to 369 sq ft, are priced from HK$6.23 million to HK$8.98 million after discounts.

The third list was released a day after the second batch of 68 flats was launched at an average price of HK$23,968.

The developer has collected around 1,000 checks for the 182 homes on the three price lists, making them 4.4 times oversubscribed, said general manager of Henderson's sales department Thomas Lam Tat-man.

He added that the first round of sales will take place on Saturday.

The project offers 324 flats, including 84 studios, 194 one-bedrooms, 42 two-bedrooms and four special units, with sizes ranging from 180 sq ft to 569 sq ft.

It is also phase 1 of The Baker Circle One - the first phase of the three-phase The Baker Circle redevelopment project which will provide a total of 2,800 flats.

Henderson's other two projects - The Quinn Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui and The Holborn in Quarry Bay - will each put five more homes up for sale this Friday, said Mark Hahn Ka-fai, the other general manager of the sales department.

The Quinn Square Mile will put four one-bedroom units and a studio unit with areas from 206 sq ft to 264 sq ft on the market, costing HK$4.84 million to HK$6.06 million after discounts or HK$22,663 to HK$23,473 per sq ft, Hahn said.

The developer has earned around HK$830 million after selling 128 units for the project, he added.

The Holborn is offering a studio unit and two one-bedroom units, as well as two that have two bedrooms, with sizes varying from 221 sq ft to 452 sq ft.

The prices for the homes range from HK$6.42 million to HK$13.47 million after discounts, or from HK$28,197 to HK$29,801 per sq ft.

On the luxury front, Chinachem Group said it has sold a 1,527-sq-ft penthouse together with a parking space for HK$64.38 million, or HK$42,161 per sq ft, at its Bisney Crest in Pok Fu Lam via tender.

The developer has raked in more than HK$350 million after selling five duplexes in two weeks.

(The Standard)




中環中心78樓1至3室,建築面積約4948方呎,早前於市場以每呎約95元放租,經多番磋商後,以每呎約80餘元租出,月租約395840元,因上址位處該甲廈屬鳳凰樓層 (全幢79層高),故坐享開揚維港海景,屬該甲廈優質單位,成交租金亦屬市價水平。









銅鑼灣兩層巨舖租150萬 疫市升25%

美食廣場進駐 Neway五年前120萬租用



據了解,新租客為近年興起的美食廣場 (Food Hall),將提供多間餐廳供食客選擇,勢吸納附近消費群,由於同區缺乏大型美食廣場,相信今年開業有一定吸引力。

2至3樓共5萬呎樓面 呎租約30

翻查資料,該舖早年曾由卡拉OK連鎖店Neway租用,開設豪華裝修的CEO Neway,曾大受市民歡迎,成為娛樂消遣熱門地點。舖址涉及物業地下至3樓合共4層,達7.8萬平方呎,高峰期月租達300萬元,惟該集團近年縮減業務,5年前Neway決定放棄物業地下至1樓舖位,僅保番物業2至3樓兩層,月租約120萬元,而早前亦已遷出。

如今兩層舖位以每月150萬元租出,新租金較舊租升兩成半。另外,物業地下及1樓,原由天馬影業租用,4年前開設Cinema City戲院,惟本年第5波疫情宣告結業,舖位現仍於市場放租。代理指,業主有意把舖位分間放租。



業界:旺舖租累跌約5 現承接

其中銅鑼灣羅素街金朝陽中心地下A、B舖至1樓複式舖位,面積合共5,200平方呎,曾由名牌Burberry以每月約880萬租用,去年尾遷出,舖位早前獲餐飲業機構A La Carte租用,開設變形金剛主題餐廳,月租料約100萬元。





本地消費撑經濟 餐飲擴充積極




業主選擇餐飲業 保未來有收入


網購影響傳統消費 租務放緩




醫療集團疫下擴充 大手租地舖


體育用品店 租務增加


如迪卡儂、Foot Locker等,近一年相繼於中環皇后大道中、旺角西洋菜南街租舖,而體育服裝Under Armour,數月前亦以每月80萬元,租用皇后大道中萬年大廈舖位,面積達3,900平方呎,該店近日正式開業。

醫療中心 轉戰核心區舖









疫情緩和 工商舖5月金額68億升43%

有代理行資料顯示,工商舖5月份註冊量錄436宗 (主要反映4月份市況),按月上升約16.6%,註冊金額則錄67.77億元,按月躍升約43%。



料後市交投 續平穩發展





中資企業今年內 港寫字樓使用布局





未來5年計劃 下半年將明確






銅鑼灣銀座sugar+ 樓面大合餐飲業





位處單邊 望極開揚維園景






多層樓面招租 每呎叫租約60




同區銀座式商廈租務上,位於霎東街THE SHARP,近日兩層單位租出,包括極高層全層,面積約1,585平方呎,以每呎約41元租出,另物業中高層,成交呎租約41元。




太協荃灣協和廣場 銀主15億放售

連91車位出售 每個值約200萬




5層購物商場 共逾16萬呎





Hung Hom flats in demand as Hibor rises

Henderson Land Development (0012) has received more than 1,280 checks for 182 flats on offer at Baker Circle Dover in Hung Hom, making the batch six times oversubscribed, although the one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate has risen to a 19-month high.

The first round of sales of 182 homes will take place on Saturday, the developer has said.

Baker Circle Dover offers 324 flats, including 84 studios, 194 one-bedroom, 42 two-bedroom and four special units, with sizes ranging from 180 sq ft to 569 sq ft. It is also phase 1 of Baker Circle One, the first phase of the three-phase the Baker Circle redevelopment project which will provide a total of 2,800 flats.

Baker Circle's architectural design consultant is Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates of the US.

Also on course to launch sales on Saturday is Sun Hung Kai Properties's (0016) phase 1 of Silicon Hill in Tai Po.

A total of 118 flats - 110 on price lists and 8 by tender - will be put up for sale, the developer said.

The 110 homes are priced from HK$16,234 to HK$20,168 per sq ft after discounts, it said.

This came as one-month Hibor jumped to 0.38 percent yesterday, sending the actual interest rate of Hibor-based mortgages to 1.68 percent, 0.23 percentage points higher than at the beginning of this year.

A mortgage brokerage service company expects that the one-month Hibor to gradually reach 0.6 percent to 0.7 percent after the US interest rate hike this week, which means the actual mortgage interest rate will hover at around 2 percent.

Separately, a property agency expects that the number of home transactions to increase 48 percent quarter-on-quarter to reach 14,900 for the second quarter though this was a drop of 32 percent from a year ago.

(The Standard)


Developers’ aggressive loan schemes could put financially weak buyers at risk if Hong Kong home prices fall, analysts say

Minmetals Land, the developer of Montego Bay in Yau Tong, has come up with a plan that allows buyers to defer payments for two years

The interest rate on the ‘Super Easy First Mortgage Loan’ plan works out to 5.5 per cent at present, versus 1.61 per cent for a Hibor-linked plan

Developers’ aggressive mortgage schemes to drum up home sales could put financially weaker buyers at risk if property prices trend downwards and end up costing more in the long-term, according to market observers.

Minmetals Land, the developer of Montego Bay in Yau Tong, has come up with a plan offered by a local financial institution that allows buyers to defer repayment of mortgage loans of 80 per cent of the flat’s value plus interest to the third year after they move in.

“After making the purchase and paying the 20 per cent [down payment], they can move in,” said Allen Fong, Minmetals Land’s sales and marketing director. “For two years, they do not have the extra burden of mortgage repayments.”

Buyers who opt for the “Super Easy First Mortgage Loan” with a 25-year tenor will be charged 0.125 percentage points above the best lending rate, which currently stands at 5.375 per cent, from the 25th month onwards.

It is higher than the prevailing mortgage rate linked to the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (Hibor) of around 1.61 per cent for ordinary financing plans. The one-month Hibor currently stands at 0.3 per cent.

For a 508 sq ft two-bedroom flat at Montego Bay worth HK$11.5 million (US$1.46 million), buyers can apply for a loan of HK$9.2 million, or 80 per cent of the flat’s value. Based on the scheme, the monthly mortgage payment works out to HK$57,976.

This is 51.6 per cent higher than the HK$38,248 under a Hibor-linked mortgage plan of 1.61 per cent, according to a mortgage brokerage services company’s mortgage calculator.

“When the [property] market is [moving] relatively slowly or the atmosphere is not very good, [developers] sometimes may think up of more payment methods to promote sales,” the mortgage broker said. “The higher the loan-to-value ratio, the greater the risk if a [buyer’s] financial strength is relatively weak.”

The waiver on the repayment of principal and interest is relatively unusual since most other plans require interest payment at the very least, another mortgage broker said.

While the strategy is aimed at attracting buyers to boost sales, most buyers will shift to financing plans offered by banks after the two-year period, the broker said.

However, if home prices drop, the buyers may need to pay extra to take into account the drop in the value of the property when they shift to another mortgage plan, the broker added.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority said homebuyers should be prudent in assessing their purchasing capability.

Homebuyers who choose to purchase properties with stage payment plans should understand that property prices may fluctuate, and there is a risk of them not being able to obtain adequate mortgage financing to complete the property transaction, it said.

The payment waiver for two years acts as a “transitional arrangement” to “free buyers from concern” and give them more flexibility, said Fong of Minmetals. The loan is offered by a local “independent third party”, he added, declining to name them that as the company wanted to stay “low profile”.

Fong said the company was receiving dozens of inquiries each day regarding the mortgage plan. The financial institution requires documents for approval, but might be less strict than banks, he said, adding that the onus was on the buyers to determine whether they can bear the risk.

Buyers who sign up to flexible financing plans with high loan-to-value ratios may struggle with repayments if their businesses or economic conditions deteriorate due to the pandemic, another mortgage broker said.

“When home prices drop, in terms of the property value relative to the loan, the risk will be higher,” the broker said.

(South China Morning Post)


代理料租金保持平穩向上 西九甲廈供應5年增70%














隨着本港工業日漸式微,長沙灣工廈群亦漸漸轉型,開始重建成全新工商項目。據本報統計,現時區內最少有10個項目申請重建為商廈或全新工廈,涉及可建總樓面約252.49萬方呎,發展規模最大為Fung Properties (HKS) Limited就區內香港紗廠工業大廈第一期及二期,連同萬利中心,早前向城規會申請重建兩幢樓高33層的商廈,涉及總樓面約107.66萬方呎。


上述項目位於長沙灣道800及828號及大南西街601至603號,地盤面積約7.48萬方呎,早前申請放寬地積比率約20%發展,由12倍增加至14.4倍,建築物高度由主水平基準以上130米,申請放寬至152米,即增加約16.9%,重建為2座相連的商業大樓,包括第一座樓高33層、第二座樓高31層,包括4層用作零售 (地下至2樓) 及社區設施 (3樓) 的平台、4層地下停車場。地盤西面部分提供一座1層高的建築作零售用途,涉及總樓面約107.66萬方呎。


該公司亦就同區利豐大廈,向城規會申請放寬兩成地積比率,由12倍增加至14.4倍,地盤面積約19.98萬方呎,以重建一幢樓高27層 (另有4層地下停車場) 商業大樓,涉及總樓面約28.77萬方呎。

據城規會文件顯示,項目位於長沙灣道868至888號,屬「其他指定用途」註明「商貿 (2)」地帶,擬議略為放寬地積比率限制,以作准許的「辦公室」、「商店及服務行業」及「食肆」用途。單計上述兩個矚目的大型重建項目,已為區內新增136.43萬方呎商業樓面,佔區內已知項目改劃重建項目總樓面的54%。


該公司透過強拍途經併購的同區青山道豐華工業大廈,地盤面積約9205方呎,亦向城規會申請放寬兩成地積比率至14.4倍發展,以重建1幢樓高27層 (包括2層地庫及1層平台) 的新式工廈,可建總樓面約13.26萬方呎。資料顯示,高山企業於今年6月底透過強拍途經以8億元投得上述工廈業權。




東方國際大廈全層1.31億易手 第一集團沽長沙灣工廈 每呎造價1.3萬




投資者承接 租金回報2.5

事實上,該工廈項目近期頻錄大手買賣,資料顯示,該廈早前名為環球商貿廣場三期 (GCC3),該廈29樓及16樓,總樓面約2萬方呎,於年初連命名權獲東方國際 (集團) 承接,作價2.4億,平均呎價1.2萬,並命名為東方國際大廈,購入上址作自用用途。

此外,該集團積極於區內發展,於2020年3月先後以7.9億購入長沙灣道926號全幢工業大廈,再以6.4億收購毗鄰918號,連同2018年以12.5億購入的大南西街1018號 (廣隆泰大廈),發展成三幢新式工廈,其中,今番錄大手買賣的東方國際大廈樓高26層,設有3層地庫停車場,2樓至29樓為工作室樓層,共設154個單位,單位面積由1451方呎至全層10842方呎,另設有特色單位,享獨立平台。















東頭工業區2住宅項目 料增1163戶



麗新元朗中心工轉住 提供828

當中規模比較大為資本策略 (00497) 及麗新發展 (00488) 購入的麗新元朗中心,現址為2幢10層高工廈,由發展商於2018年以逾14億元購入,亦計劃重建成2幢住宅大樓,總地積比率5.22倍,可建樓面約39.1萬平方呎,將會提供約828個單位。

雨後中小型單位 料明年底落成

至於較快能夠登場則為星星地產 (01560) 持有的宏業西街21號項目,將會重建成1幢24層高綜合商住樓宇,可建樓面約18.2萬平方呎,料提供約335伙中小型單位,主要提供實用面積約330平方呎的1房戶,佔全盤單位數目一半,實用面積220至250平方呎的開放式戶佔1成,餘下單位則為2房戶及3房戶。

項目在去年底獲地政總署批出約8.18億元補地價,將會「工轉住」發展,近日已經隨即向地政總署申請預售樓花同意書,並命名為「After The Rain」,而地盤外牆亦掛上中文名「雨後」的宣傳名字,項目預計2023年12月落成。

至於商業項目方面,則以信置 (00083) 於2015年以約16.9億元投得宏業西街項目規模最大,已經命名為「One North」,包含2座樓高14層的商廈部分,辦公室面積約44.5萬平方呎;商場零售面積約11.3萬平方呎,另外亦有2萬平方呎的休憩園林,辦公室部分預計今年第3季落成,商場則於年底開幕。發展商計劃,該座商廈將會主力吸納科技、物流、貿易公司、以至政府部門承租。



銅鑼灣呎價舖王租金急跌75% 劈至7.5萬續約 回報僅剩0.5厘



租期一年 較舊約平22.5





CEO Neway舊址1至3樓拆細分租


而汪敦敬在購入舖位後,去年11月把舖位租予連鎖咖啡品牌Flash Coffee 3年,平均月租約10萬元,由於租予目前承租能力較高的外賣餐飲店,故租值較毗連的N舖高逾三成。

此外,同區糖街2至8號及怡和街19至31號樂聲大廈原銅鑼灣CEO Neway舊址,資深投資者黃海明確認以「大包租」形式租用1樓至3樓,建築面積約7.6萬方呎,月租為115萬元,呎租約15元。據了解,該3層樓面正在市場拆細招租,意向呎租約48至55元。




Experts mixed on property price trends

Citibank expects Hong Kong's property prices to fall up to 10 percent this year amid higher mortgage rates but a property agency believes that they will rise up to 5 percent as market sentiment improves.

Expected aggressive US interest rates hikes will push up Hong Kong interbank offered rates, and therefore, the costs for homeowners while emigration is also projected to exacerbate the fall, said Citi economist Adrienne Lui Chi-ngan, who believes it may take six to nine months before the property market can fully digest these negative impacts.

The one-month Hibor rose to 0.52 percent yesterday, the highest since September 2020, while the 12-month rate hit 2.85 percent, the highest since 2008. "Rising interest rates have played a part in cooling what was a very hot property market back in 2021, with prices down from their historical peaks," an analysts said. Prospective homebuyers will be deterred from buying homes and "on the whole, rising interest rates will cool the market," the analysts said.

The analysts expects that the one-month Hibor to rise to 2 percent by the end of this year.

However, the property agency said that with the pandemic under control and under the leadership of the new government, market sentiment will improve in the second half, with prices rising by 3-5 percent throughout the year.

Meanwhile, at least seven new projects are set to be put on the market this weekend including Henderson Land Development's (0012) Baker Circle Dover in Hung Hom, which has been 7.8 times oversubscribed with 1,600 checks. Hang Seng Bank (0011) said it will offer green mortgage loans for buyers of the project.

And Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said it has signed a five-year sustainability-linked loan facility with 16 banks with a size of up to HK$20.7 billion.

(The Standard)



Why rising interest rates are bad news for Hong Kong’s housing market

Hong Kong’s banks, which have refrained from raising mortgage rates so far, could be forced to lift them to keep up with the Fed increases

Property prices may fall once capital outflows accelerate as investors take advantage of higher rates in the US

Hong Kong’s homebuyers should be mindful of the impact of the upward cycle of interest rates in the US as local banks are likely to follow suit, thus reducing the appeal of the city’s property assets, analysts said.

“Those who are considering buying a home need to think clearly, [as] the market has actually started [to see] a cycle of interest rate hikes,” a property agent said.

If US interest rates continue to rise as expected, the city could see capital outflows, he said, adding that under such circumstances Hong Kong banks could keep up with the faster pace of interest-rate increases.

While Hong Kong banks have held back from raising mortgage rates, the possibility of higher interest rates have been looming since the Federal Reserve raised its benchmark borrowing cost by 25 basis points in March and 50 basis points in May to tame the fastest inflation in four decades. The market expects the Fed to raise by 75 basis points this week in what would be the most aggressive tightening since 1994.

The US central bank has flagged 10 increases through the end of 2023. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority increases its base rate in lockstep under its linked exchange rate system to preserve the local dollar’s peg to the US currency.

Last week, the HKMA said global capital flows and geopolitical risks were Hong Kong’s biggest challenges for the next few years. HKMA chief executive Eddie Yue Wai-man warned that the cost of borrowing money will continue to rise, which will lead to more capital leaving the city.

The Fed’s rate increase has also seen capital outflow from Hong Kong, with the HKMA intervening seven times since May – selling US$4.54 billion and buying HK$35.63 billion – to maintain the currency peg.

“This is actually a signal that capital in the market will actually begin to tighten,” the agent said. “Higher price levels will lead to rate hikes, which will be a negative factor for real estate.”

Other market observers concurred.

“Rising US interest rates will drive capital outflows to the US,” said Sam Chi-yung, chief strategist at Patrons Securities, adding the city’s property prices may fall once capital flight accelerates as investors take advantage of higher US rates and stand aside for potential policy changes after incoming Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu takes over the reins next month.

Sam said that investors were always on the hunt for better yielding assets. Ten-year US Treasuries yielded 3.3 per cent on Tuesday, while the yield on office, retail and small residential properties in Hong Kong stood at 2.4 per cent in April, according to data published by the Rating and Valuation Department.

“If [investors] simply buy a 10-year US bond, the yield is better than property. I think investors will prefer it,” Sam said. As Hong Kong real estate is sensitive to interest rates, any increase would be detrimental because of the associated rise in servicing mortgage payments, he added.

Some analysts, however, played down the impact of rising interest rates.

Another property agent said that “a rising rate environment having an adverse effect on real estate values is a fairly broad-brush comment”.

The agent noted that investors with diversified investments were unlikely to withdraw entirely from Hong Kong. Meanwhile, real estate investments were long-term by nature, so any major shift in allocation of funds does not necessarily correspond to just one event or reason, the agent added.

(South China Morning Post)







資料顯示,一座中層6室,建築面積1570方呎,今年4月以每呎約42元租出,略低於市價水平,月租約65940元,較上一手租金每呎53元跌約20%。 去年5月,力寶中心一座高層D室,面積約2343方呎,獲中資企業以每月7.73萬承租,平均呎租約33元,為該甲廈11年以來新低水平。

















外資代理行料住宅樓價 今年升3至5%

核心區甲廈租料回升 惟舖租恐跌15%


新盤帶動氣氛 加息影響有限



中環甲廈租金 有望升1








採「標準金額」計劃 每呎3307





21 building plans get the go-ahead

The Buildings Department has among 21 plans it approved in April cleared the way for low-rise houses in the Southern District and on the Peak as well as four residential buildings in Yau Tong.

Hang Lung Properties (0101) has approval to build 25 blocks of three-story houses plus a parking lot floor for its Burnside Estate at 9 South Bay Road in Repulse Bay.

The total gross floor area is 126,921 square feet.

At Pollock's Path on the Peak a site bought by Yeung Kin-man, founder of Biel Crystal in 2016, has approval for two three-story houses apart from a basement level. The total floor area is 25,554 sq ft.

In Yau Tong, Yuexiu Property (0123) has a redevelopment project on Tung Yuen Street, and that has approval for four residential buildings of 23 to 27 stories.

The project will have a total floor area of 659,458 sq ft, including 1,016 for a non-residential area.

The planning application for the project was approved by the Town Planning Board last year and will provide 1,393 units.

The 21 plans passed in April take in five on Hong Kong Island, eight in Kowloon and eight in the New Territories. Of those plans, 11 are for apartment and apartment / commercial developments, two for factory and industrial uses, and eight for community services features.

Also in April, consent was given for works to start on 14 projects which, when complete, will provide 39,089 square meters of gross floor area for 797 domestic premises and 520,609 sq m non-domestic use.

The Buildings Department has received notification of commencement of superstructure works for 11 of the projects.

The department also issued 16 occupation permits, with five on Hong Kong Island, two in Kowloon and nine in the New Territories.

Of buildings certified for occupation, the gross floor area for domestic use was 143,427 sq m involving 3,696 units and 98,592 sq m for non-domestic use.

The declared cost of new buildings completed in April totaled about HK$6.4 billion.

(The Standard)













啟德五商業地改住宅勢通過 規劃署不支持地建會反對意見




規劃署指,請城規會在審議各項申述和意見時,亦考慮在聆聽會上提出的論點,然後決定建議 / 不建議順應/局部順應申述而修訂該分區計劃大綱草圖。倘城規會決定無須順應有關申述而修訂該分區計畫大綱草圖,請委員同意,該分區計畫大綱草圖連同其《註釋》及已更新的《說明書》適合根據條例第8條,呈交行政長官會同行政會議核准。





透過活化工廈及新發展項目,九龍東商業總樓面面積在過去十年已大幅增加,九龍東 (包括啟德發展區、觀塘及九龍灣) 目前合共約有3120萬方呎商業總樓面面積,日後也會陸續額外供應約1076萬方呎,加上觀塘及九龍灣兩個行動區約538萬方呎,九龍東整體商業總樓面面積預計會增加至超過逾4305萬方呎,與中環核心商業區規模相若,因此改劃不會影響九龍東轉型為第二個核心商業區。













油塘2重建項目批建1838伙 越秀東源街擬建4座規模最大











九龍城兩商廈招標 估值共4億


太子道西452號為一幢樓高6層之商業大廈,地盤面積約1,403平方呎,於1973年落成。而太子道西456至464號則為一幢落成於1965年、樓高5層的商業大廈,地盤面積約5,035平方呎。這兩幢物業現時均規劃作「住宅 (甲類) 2」用途。




甲廈租務改善 買賣仍淡靜



星光行低層 1380萬易手




中遠大廈 呎租高見75













商廈空置率 創7個月新高








市場上即將有全新甲級商廈落成及啟用,包括新世界發展旗下的航天城項目11 SKIES及長沙灣荔枝角道888號南商金融創新中心

此外,近日有全新商廈項目開售,如灣仔新盤 Novo Jaffe,這些因素都有利帶動寫字樓交投。不過,目前寫字樓需求仍較弱,相信寫字樓市場會供過於求,對空置率及租金會構成一定壓力。












更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售


Rate hike fails to deter HK's new home buyers

Hong Kong's primary property market remained buoyant over the weekend in spite of the hawkish US interest rate hike but the number of transactions in the secondary market shrank further.

Henderson Land Development (0012) had sold at least 121 out of 182 flats on offer in the first round of sales at Baker Circle Dover in Hung Hom over the weekend.

The developer pulled in over HK$847 million in sales and plans to launch more batches with price hikes soon, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of Henderson's sales department.

The project offers 324 flats, including 84 studios, 194 one-bedroom, 42 two-bedroom, and four special units, with sizes ranging from 180 square feet to 569 sq ft. It is also phase 1 of The Baker Circle One - the first phase of the three-phase The Baker Circle redevelopment which will provide a total of 2,800 flats.

In Tai Po, all 110 units on sale at Sun Hung Kai Properties' (0016) phase 1 of Silicon Hill were sold out. The developer released the sixth price list yesterday, which proves 58 units at an average price per sq ft of HK$18,147 after discounts. The batch, which includes homes ranging from 217 sq ft to 578 sq ft, is priced from HK$3.85 million to HK$10.03 million after discounts, or from HK$17,079 to HK$19,773 per sq ft.

The secondary market, however, saw only five deals across 10 major housing estates, according to a property agency. The number was 28 percent lower than last week and hit a 15-week low with five estates recording no deals at the weekend, the agency said.

An agent said that the market has recently been full of negative news such as the rebound of Covid infections. Also, the public also needs some time to digest the implications of the US rate hike which increases the cost of buying properties even if the prime rate remains unchanged, the agent said.

The agent believes that the 200-odd transactions in the first-hand market reflected the restrained pricing of new homes which attracted buyers away from second-hand deals.

(The Standard)












會展廣場辦公大樓3692呎 15.8萬租









九龍塘地皮 3.2億洽至尾聲










另一代理表示,發展商出售333 HENNESSEY 5樓及6樓商鋪用途樓層,建築分別約為1751呎及約1745呎,每方呎約17800元,平均每層約3100萬。





21財團入標投灣仔住宅地 市區罕有靚地 大中小發展商齊競逐






























消息指,啟德2A區兩幅用地,包括為2A區2跑及2A區3號地盤 (合併出售土地) 和2A區4號、2A區5 (B) 及2A區10號地盤 (合併出售土地),及4B區5號用地獲改劃。










地政總署公布,將推出西營盤醫院道 (內地段第8872號) 住宅地招標,招標於6月24日開始,並於7月22日截標。該地位於斜坡之上,可沿此直達東邊街及第二街,毗鄰私樓匯賢居,鄰近一帶有多所醫院及診所,地皮對面為東華醫院。地皮面積逾5372方呎,是新財政年度賣地表中最細面積的地皮,以地積比8倍計,涉及可建總樓面約42978方呎,指定作私人住宅用途。綜合市場資訊,地皮估值約5.6億至9.5億,每方呎樓面地價約1.3萬至2.2萬。




資料顯示,政府自1985年以來並未推售西營盤地皮,而該區主要靠收購舊樓重建為主,如藝里坊.2號、KENSINGTON HILL及 15 WESTERN STREET 等。


Kowloon may attract more Chinese firms as office-rental cost gap narrows between Greater Bay Area cities and Hong Kong

The average office rent fell nearly 10 per cent in May in Kowloon, leaving rents in parts of the district close to what they are in Shenzhen and Guangzhou

Fewer Chinese enterprises are based in Kowloon than on Hong Kong Island, but the gap has closed significantly compared with five years ago

Falling office rents in Kowloon have reduced the price premium between the area of Hong Kong and mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area, attracting more Chinese firms to set up shop in Kowloon, according to property consultancy.

The most recent and worst wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Hong Kong dragged down office rental prices, and the average office rent in Kowloon fell 9.3 per cent to HK$26.90 (US$3.43) per square foot in May.

Rental prices in the Greater Bay Area on average are 20 to 25 yuan [HK$23.52 to HK$29.38] per square foot per month, while in Kowloon they are between HK$25 and HK$30 per square foot, according to a property agent.

Kowloon is experiencing a supply surplus cycle right now, another agent said, who added that only outlying parts of Kowloon are seeing office rents close to what they are in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, while the central part is still far more expensive.

“The Kowloon grade-A office market demonstrated much stronger momentum since the easing of the fifth wave of the epidemic,” the agent said. “New set-ups of Chinese mainland enterprises, relocations from Hong Kong Island, and office upgrades are the major sources of new demand in Kowloon that fuelled the momentum. We have also witnessed growing demand for medical real estate in Hong Kong.”

Chinese companies with the mission of connecting with the world prefer to locate themselves in Hong Kong rather than in the Greater Bay Area.

For example, China telecom giant Huawei Technologies has offices in central Kowloon, specifically in The Gateway in Tsim Sha Tsui.

In 2020, Ping An Life bought a 30 per cent stake in the office portion of a commercial project on top of the West Kowloon high-speed rail station for HK$11.27 billion from Sun Hung Kai Properties and its controlling shareholder, the Kwok family. Nan Yang Commercial Bank acquired three floors in the commercial building at 888 Lai Chi Kok Road NCB Innovation Centre in Cheung Sha Wan, West Kowloon, in October 2021. PC Partner also took space in the same building.

One of the property consultancies anticipates that Kowloon West will account for 29 per cent of the 14.6 million sq ft of new office supply the company expects to see in 2026. The area accounts for 7 per cent of the total office stock right now.

“Kowloon West and New Territories West account for 36 per cent of the next five years’ new supply,” an agent said. “This will make Kowloon West the fastest-growing submarket in Hong Kong.”

West Kowloon has only six grade-A offices currently, compared with 19 in Central and 15 in east Kowloon.

The number of Chinese enterprises in Kowloon is around 20 per cent less than the number on Hong Kong Island at the moment, but the gap has closed significantly from between 30 per cent and 35 per cent five years ago, the agent said.

“Kowloon West has its own advantages to attract Chinese mainland companies, with its proximity to the border and the airport,” the agent said. “Particularly now the government is also pushing the linking to the Greater Bay Area via the airport area, linking up Macau and Zhuhai, surely demand will also start to pay attention to this area.”

Another agent however, said Kowloon West would not be a popular spot, while the eastern and central parts of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island will remain dominant.

The agent said that Chinese firms still prefer the core Central business district or East Kowloon, which will transform into the city’s second core business district in the long run.

Hong Kong Island office rents have recorded declines three years in a row, according to Knight Frank. The average prime office rent in Central currently stands nearly 32 per cent lower than the peak in 2019, according to a property consultancy. Another property consultancy predicts that rents will rebound 5 to 10 per cent by the end of the year.

“I would say the downward pressure [on Central] is not large if Kowloon’s office demand surges,” an agent said. “Central has been very mature and companies with more international demand will not relocate.”

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease at NCB Innovation Centre please visit: Office for Lease at NCB Innovation Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Cheung Sha Wan please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Cheung Sha Wan

For more information of Office for Sale at NCB Innovation Centre please visit: Office for Sale at NCB Innovation Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Sale in Cheung Sha Wan please visit: Grade A Office for Sale in Cheung Sha Wan


Hong Kong developers lower prices to generate sales amid interest rate hikes, high supply

Developers will first test the water with low starting prices, seeking higher sales volume before achieving a higher price

Rate hikes could limit the upside potential of home prices

Hong Kong property developers are offering new projects at lower starting prices to stimulate sales in an environment of rising interest rates and increasing supply of flats.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP), Hong Kong’s biggest developer by sales, for instance, on Sunday set the starting price for a 217 sq ft flat at its Silicon Hill project at HK$3.85 million (US$490,460) in its latest price list. This was lower than the HK$4.97 million it asked for a 291 sq ft flat in the first round of sales on June 3.

“Developers will first test the water with low starting prices, seeking [higher] sales volume before [achieving a higher] price,” a property agent said.

Homebuyers in the city whose mortgage is linked to the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (Hibor), had seen their repayments go up since March, when the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the city’s de facto central bank, raised rates in lockstep with the US Federal Reserve. On Monday, however, the one-month Hibor more than doubled to 0.61 per cent, from 0.28 per cent when the US raised interest rates for the first time this year on March 17.

This is because the Fed announced its biggest one-time increase in 28 years last week, which prompted the HKMA to also raise Hong Kong’s base rate by 75 basis points to defend the stability of the local financial system.

As a result, the monthly repayment of a HK$5 million loan for 30 years at the rate of 1.3 per cent above the Hibor on Monday rose 5.4 per cent from early March, before the first interest rate rise in the US, to HK$18,254, according to a mortgage brokerage service company’s mortgage calculator.

“Facing interest rate hikes in the US, some buyers may be more hesitant,” the agent said.

In a market dominated by self occupiers, who are likely to be more price sensitive, such rate hikes could limit the upside potential of home prices, another agent said. The property consultant has forecast a 5 per cent decline in home prices this year.

“The US rate hike will have a cooling effect on investment demand. Buyers will prefer to put their money in banks, which is risk free,” the agent said, adding that the price gap between the primary and secondary markets will narrow to 15 per cent from 20 per cent currently.

An property market index compiled by a property agency, reported the biggest drop in 12 weeks at 0.95 per cent to 180.78 for the week ending on June 12.

Two days before SHKP announced its lowered price list, CK Asset Holdings revealed the starting price for the first batch of units at Grand Jeté development, which at HK$4.37 million for a 284 sq ft flat. The pricing for Grand Jeté, which has been developed by CK Asset and SHKP, is 10 per cent cheaper than new projects in the area, according to the property agency.

The rate hikes could potentially coincide with the launch of about 12,646 units this year and early 2023, according to an estimate by another property agency.

Developers may speed up launches, because it will be easier to launch projects before any further increases in local interest rates, an agent said. Moreover, developers “will need to catch up after slow progress in the first half of the year”, the agent added.

“The market will automatically adjust according to the actual environment. Under the large supply, the pricing of new developments needs to be more competitive,” the agent said.

Natalie Gao, 35, who bought a one bedroom, 400 sq ft home in Hong Kong’s Discovery Bay in 2018 for about HK$5 million, said the a couple of hundred more in mortgage payments each month will not add “too much pressure” to her life.

“But I might want to plan a bit further now, as it seems that this is just the start of an interest rate hike cycle. I am considering cooking more at home and cutting down spending on dinning in,” she said.

(South China Morning Post)


$720m Jardine's Lookout house up for sale

A two-story house at Jardine's Lookout with a value of HK$720 million or HK$110,889 per square foot has been put on the market.

The 6,493-sq-ft house on 8 Purves Road is built upon a site of 9,814 sq ft and can be redeveloped into a three-story home, a property agency said.

In the primary market, Chinachem Group sold a four-bedroom home together with a parking space at University Heights in Mid-Levels West for HK$71.8 million by tender.

The 1,584-sq-ft home costs around HK$45,328 per sq ft, the developer said, adding that it has recorded contracted sales of over HK$930 million after selling 10 units in the project.

Meanwhile, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said its phase 1 of Silicon Hill in Tai Po is set to put 72 flats on sale on Friday. The homes, with areas ranging from 217 sq ft to 661 sq ft, are priced from HK$3.85 million to HK$11.41 million after discounts or from HK$16,963 to HK$19,773 per sq ft.

The sixth price list released on Sunday has 58 homes ranging from 217 sq ft to 578 sq ft and priced from HK$3.85 million to HK$10.03 million after discounts, or from HK$17,079 to HK$19,773 per sq ft.

In Tseung Kwan O, Villa Garda I - phase 11B of Lohas Park - which provides 592 units has been granted presale consent, the developers said. The project is jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Merchants Land (0978).

In Hung Hom, Henderson Land Development (0012) launched the fourth price list for Baker Circle Dover, offering 68 homes at an average per sq ft price of HK$24,168 after discounts.

(The Standard)


MTRC rolls out Tung Chung site again

MTR Corporation (0066) said it will invite developers to submit their expressions of interest for the Tung Chung Traction Substation Property Development today after rejecting five bids last year.

The deadline for submission would be at 2 pm next Tuesday, the railway operator said.

The project is a residential development to be built on top of the Tung Chung Traction Substation and its associated railway facilities with a maximum residential gross floor area of 87,288 square meters. It may provide 1,400 to 1,800 residential units.

The development attracted five developers and consortiums to submit tenders, including CK Asset (1113), Henderson Land (0012), Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), Sino Land (0083) and Chinachem Group, but none were accepted by the MTRC.

The land premium was expected to be HK$4.77 billion and the value of the site was estimated to be up to HK$7.5 billion - about HK$8,000 per sq ft by then.

The successful bidder would have to share at least 15 percent of the project sales with the MTRC, local media had said.

It is expected that these terms may be relaxed.

A total of 35 expressions of interest for the project were received a month before the tender.

This came as the MTRC said deputy director for capital works Carl Devlin will succeed Roger Bayliss, who will retire, as the new director with effect from August 1.

Devlin, 53, will be responsible for leading the Capital Works Business Unit and overseeing the company's capital works portfolio, covering new railway extensions and operations projects, the MTRC said in a filing yesterday.

The amount of his emoluments, which excludes discretionary variable remuneration, is HK$4.79 million per annum, it said.

Bayliss will retire upon completion of his service agreement with the firm immediately after July 31 and will cease to be the capital works director and a member of the executive directorate of the company, the railway service provider stated.

In other news, the MTRC was recognized as a well-rounded innovator by the Hong Kong Management Association and Microsoft Hong Kong.

Microsoft Hong Kong said the MTRC recognizes the new possibilities of evolving digital technologies in the fast-changing business landscape and commits to being the industry pioneer in enhancing customer experience using digital technologies and promoting Smart City developments in the city.

(The Standard)


美資轉租中環超甲廈 呎租130元

預租 The Henderson 兩萬呎 趁中區租跌擴充升級

第5波疫情4月放緩後,中環寫字樓租務稍改善,超甲廈重獲注視。消息指,恒地 (00012) 旗下中環全新商廈 The Henderson 錄得第二宗租務,物業一層半逾2萬呎樓面獲美資金融機構租用,呎租料約130元。近期外資公司相繼趁超甲廈租金回調,進行搬遷及升級。

中環全新甲廈罕有,而明年落成的 The Henderson 新近錄得預租,消息稱,該廈一層半樓面,涉及逾2萬平方呎,獲一家美資機構租用,公司主要業務包括基金投資、資產管理等。該機構目前辦公室位於金鐘太古廣場二座,樓面約2萬平方呎,是次搬遷可作少許擴充,而最重要是可升級至中環全新超甲廈。市場人士估計,是次成交呎租約130元,屬目前超甲廈市價水平。


佳士得租4 設拍賣中心

受疫情影響,本港超甲廈租務不算活躍,去年7月 The Henderson 首宗租務,由藝術及奢侈品拍賣行佳士得承租物業4層合共約5萬平方呎樓面,將為該拍賣行首個香港的常設拍賣中心和藝廊。相隔接近1年,大廈才錄得第二宗租務。

事實上,最近中環甲廈錄得新租務成交上升,不少屬同區搬遷。包括國際金融中心二期 2.75萬平方呎樓面,獲美資投資銀行富瑞金融集團 (Jefferies) 租用,該公原租用同區長江集團中心,趁租金下跌轉租國際金融中心二期。據悉,有關樓面原由野村證券租用,集團早前棄租。另外,上月另一家美資機構景順投資 (Invesco),租用怡和大廈約3.1萬平方呎樓面,機構原租用同區花園道3號,亦屬辦公室升級。


代理行:倘通關 中環先反彈



更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租









中區變「抵租」 機構「去中環化」意慾降



中環港島東呎租差距 降至55







甲廈下半年租金穩 呎價看升5%




代理行料下半年成交 升至400





九龍新式甲廈優質 將成租務焦點




西九新供應 佔比最高



長沙灣轉型 料租戶青睞










第一集團補地價 重建九龍灣前總部







尖沙咀星光行 間隔靈活合各業





位置優越 大部分單位向海































該物業現為兩層高獨立大宅,地盤面積約9814方呎,面積約6493方呎,花園面積約6000方呎。大宅地下為接待室、客廳飯廳、花園及泳池等;1樓則設有五間套房 (連主人套房)、家庭活動室及宗教室。該物業坐落渣甸山包華士道,位處傳統獨立屋的豪宅地段,鄰近白建時道商場。由物業往跑馬地及銅鑼灣僅需約5分鐘車程;約15分鐘車程便可直達中環商業區,交通便利。物業現址劃為「住宅 (丙類)1」用地,物業將會以「交吉」狀況出售。





曾流標東涌住宅項目捲土重來 下周截收意向 補地價料調低


港鐵昨日公布,今日起邀請有興趣的發展商或財團提交發展意向書,並於下周二 (28日) 截收發展意向書。港鐵又表示,在收到發展意向書後,將編訂經甄選之投標者入圍名單,以邀請發展商或財團遞交正式標書。











Swire wins rare Wan Chai site in competitive bid

Swire Properties (1972) has outbid 20 bidders to win a rare residential site on 269 Queen's Road East in Wan Chai for HK$1.96 billion or HK$16,888 per buildable square foot, according to the Lands Department.

The site, which is presently the Lui Kee Education Services Centre, has a minimum size requirement of about 280 sq ft for flats.

It has a site area of about 1,226 square meters and the maximum gross floor area is 10,794 sq m, the department said in a statement yesterday.

The lot's market valuation ranged from HK$1.7 billion to HK$2.1 billion, or from HK$14,000 to HK$18,000 per sq ft.

Tim Blackburn, the developer's chief executive, said the firm is delighted to have won the land tender despite fierce competition. The plot has enormous potential and will play to its strengths especially when it comes to creating premium, high-quality residential developments, Blackburn said, adding that it will provide more information on its development plans in due course.

Apart from its commercial complex Pacific Place in Admiralty, Swire Properties has service apartments - Star Studio - near the site as well as a residential project Eight Star Street which has a total of 37 homes, and was launched last year.

Other 20 tenderers included CK Asset (1113), Henderson Land Development (0012), Wheelock Properties, and Kerry Properties (0683), the government said.

A surveyor said that it was no surprise that the site with a prime location had attracted so many developers given that it is a rare small and medium-sized plot with a moderate investment amount on Hong Kong Island.

The surveyor estimates that the average price per salable sq ft of the project would reach HK$33,000 when it is built and it will provide studio to two-bedroom units.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at Pacific Place please visit: Office for Lease at Pacific Place

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty


Hysan boosting residential focus

Hysan Development (0014), which has been focusing on investment in commercial properties, aims to have residential development contributing 10 percent of its core profit in a long run.

The dominant landlord in Causeway Bay will put up for sale a low-rise 262-unit project Villa Lucca co-developed with HKR International (0480) in Tai Po soon.

Hysan executive director and chief operating officer Ricky Lui Kon-wai said it will be priced with reference from those in Kau To Shan, which are currently selling between HK$20,000 and HK$30,000 per square foot. It is the first residential project that Hysan developed in more than two decades. Comprising 36 houses and 14 five-story buildings, it targets businessmen within the Greater Bay Area.

Besides, Hysan is also developing a Urban Renewal Authority residential project in To Kwa Wan with Henderson Land (0012). Lui said he hopes to leverage the group's experience in Causeway Bay to contribute to the retail part of the project.

(The Standard)


Developers roll out more flats

Hundreds of new flats are set to hit the market with Henderson Land Development (0012) poised to release more price lists for Baker Circle Dover in Hung Hom before kicking off another round of sales on the project.

A new round of sales may take place at the weekend, Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of Henderson's sales department, said.

The developer has sold 125 flats in the project worth a total of HK$900 million.

In Tuen Mun, Grand Jeté - Sun Hung Kai Properties' (0016) project with CK Asset (1113) - has released another batch, offering 48 units at an average price per square foot of HK$16,129 after discounts.

The first round of sales of 138 units - which comprise 79 one-bedroom, 49 two-bedroom and 10 three-bedroom units - will take place on Saturday, CK Asset said.

The 138 homes are priced from HK$4.37 million to HK$10.43 million after discounts, or from HK$13,720 to HK$17,474 per sq ft.

SHKP is also expected to put phase 1A of Novo Land in the same area on the market next month. The developer said the project, which offers 824 homes, is pending presale consent, adding that Novo Land will be developed in six phases, providing more than 4,500 flats in total.

In Tseung Kwan O, the first price list for phase 11B of Lohas Park called Villa Garda I, which provides 592 flats, may be released as soon as this week and show flats opened to the public. The project is jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Merchants Land (0978).

(The Standard)


太古逾19.6億奪灣仔地 貼估值上限

時隔9年再投得官地 每呎樓面地價近1.7

太古地產 (01972) 相隔約9年再度成功投得官地,地政總署公布灣仔皇后大道東住宅地,由太古地產以逾19.6億元奪得,每呎樓面地價近1.7萬元,貼近市場估值上限。

據地政總署昨日公布,上述灣仔地皮由太古地產以約19.62億元投得,即每呎樓面地價約16,888元,頗貼近截標前的市場估值上限 (約1.8萬元)。




事實上,太古地產近年積極收購及發展灣仔一帶地皮,早前收購的星街項目已發展為EIGHT STAR STREET。另外,太古亦已收購皇后大道東46至56號的寶華大廈、蘭杜街1至11號及晏頓街2至12號,並將重建為一座甲級寫字樓。同時,集團亦持有太古廣場三座軒尼詩道28號項目、皇后大道東8號的商業項目。



由於地皮屬市區罕有官地供應,上周五招標反應踴躍,共收21份標書,涵蓋中小型發展商以至「大孖沙」,包括長實 (01113) 、信置 (00083) 、恒隆地產、旭日國際等。截標前地皮的市場估值介乎約16.3億至20.9億元之間,每呎樓面地價1.4萬至1.8萬元。

有測量師指出,太古品牌效應下,估計對售價有「提振作用」,預計每呎賣3.7萬至3.8萬元。該測量師亦表示,雖然地皮設立「限呎」條款 (最細280平方呎),但日後細單位成交價約1,000萬元,即準買家仍能承造高成數按揭,所以「限呎」條款與招標反應的關係不大。









未來2年 啟德區增400萬呎商業樓面


南豐 AIRSIDE 料第4季開幕

前身是啟德機場的啟德發展區,經過多年的規劃及發展,近年陸續有多個私人屋苑入伙,而商業配套亦開始轉趨成熟,由今年起至2024年內將有約400萬平方呎商業樓面供應,當中不乏大型商場、百貨公司,亦有辦公室及酒店推出。當中規模較大屬於南豐旗下商業地標項目 AIRSIDE,總投資額高達320億元,今年第4季正式開幕。


至於鄰近由利福國際 (01212) 於2016年以約73.88億元投得的啟德第1E區2號商業地,則將會在明年接力登場,計劃興建2幢樓高18至19層高的雙子塔式商廈,並設4層地庫,涉及總樓面逾109萬平方呎,當中9成樓面作零售用途,其中1幢亦會發展為大型百貨公司崇光 (SOGO) 分店。

啟德體育園 已獲AEON承租


同時由遠東發展 (00035) 於2019年以約24.46億元投得的承啟道商業地,將會發展為酒店及寫字樓,提供約400個酒店房間,及12層高 (計入地庫) 的寫字樓及零售商廈,預計於2024年落成,早前遠東將辦公室部分的17萬平方呎樓面,以約33.8億元出售予中電 (00002),將會成為後者的新總部。而地皮比鄰日後啟德體育園主場館,涉及總樓面逾34餘萬平方呎。


更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



改劃用途 減住宅供應


配合郵輪碼頭 2地還原發展



事實上,啟德區內商業地的改劃,早在諮詢階段已遇上商界反對。當中地產建設商會批評,改劃嚴重削減啟德區的商業樓面,從而危害啟德作為香港第二個核心商業區 (CBD2) 的角色,又指因應目前經濟狀況而減少商業地供應,屬相當短視的行為。





市場消息指出,銅鑼灣波斯富街56號地鋪,於本月初以1.57億易手,原業主於2011年以1.95億購入,持貨11年帳面蝕讓3800萬,物業期間貶值約19.4%。另一宗交易為上址毗鄰54號地鋪,亦以1 .56億易手,原業主於2009年以1億購入,持貨13年帳面獲利5600萬,物業期間升值約56%。據悉,上述兩鋪位原業主為永光地產相關人士,按兩鋪買入及賣出價計算,原業主帳面仍獲利1800萬。





Best Mart tycoon sells Tai Po mall for $1.3b

Best Mart 360's (2360) founder and chairman Lin Tsz-fung has sold a shopping center and car park in Tai Po for HK$1.36 billion.

Lin held the Wan Tau Tong Square and its 414 parking spaces for six years.

The sale price of the shipping mall and car park worked out to HK$17,000 per square feet, with Lin making a substantial profitaround HK$50 million on the deal.

The buyer, CR Resources Enterprise Property Investment, has bought the mall for rental purposes, according to sources.

The mall's monthly rental income is about HK$4 million. Its main tenants include fast-food restaurants, supermarkets and convenience stores.

Lin bought the property from The Link Real Estate Investment Trust (0823) for HK$810 million back in 2016. At the time, Lin said he would spend HK$60 million to 70 million on renovating the mall.

(The Standard)


Villa Garda I unveils first prices

Villa Garda I, phase 11B of Lohas Park in Tseung Kwan O, has unveiled the first price list, offering 128 homes at an average per square foot price of HK$17,888 after discounts, around 10 percent cheaper than the secondary properties in the same area.

The batch, which comprises 38 one-bedroom, 81 two-bedroom, and nine three-bedroom units, is priced from HK$6.2 million to HK$12.43 million after discounts, or from HK$16,757 to HK$20,128 per sq ft, developers said.

The project with 592 flats is jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Merchants Land (0978).

K Wah said showrooms will open to the public from today and future batches may have room for price hikes.

A property agent said that homes in the first batch have a 5 to 10 percent discount on second-hand properties in the same area and are 15 to 20 percent cheaper than new homes in the area.

The agent expects that the annual rental return of the project to reach 2.5 to 3 percent and a price increase of 1 to 2 percent might be seen in the next batch.

In Sham Shui Po, the project developed by Carrianna Group's (0126) property unit with Choice Holdings has been named The Vim.

It provides 115 studio and one-bedroom units.

This came as one-month Hibor jumped to 0.71 percent yesterday, sending the actual interest rate of Hibor-based mortgages to 2.01 percent.

A mortgage service firm expects that the real mortgage rate to gradually reach the cap of 2.5 percent after the expected US interest rate hike next month.

But even so, the extra weight on homeowners with a 30-year mortgage loan would only be HK$500 per month per HK$1 million of mortgages compared to the 1.5 percent interest rate seen in May, the mortgage service firm said.

In the office market, a real estate consultancy said that the overall net absorption of Hong Kong's Grade A office reached 129,000 square feet last month, marking the eighth consecutive month of positive take-up.

The real estate consultancy stated that the overall office vacancy rate dropped to 9.3 percent by the end of last month. The vacancy rate in Central rose slightly to 7.6 percent, while Kowloon East continued to register the highest vacancy rate among major office submarkets at 12.6 percent. Overall rents slid by 0.2 percent month-on-month in May, it said.

(The Standard)


甲廈連續8個月錄正吸納量 上月涉及樓面12.9萬呎


該行昨日發表的報告指出,今年5月甲廈租賃市場走勢理想,錄12.9萬方呎正吸納量,為連續8個月錄正吸納量,近期市場矚目成交為中信銀行 (國際),預租鰂魚涌太古坊二座六層樓面,涉及租用面積約15萬方呎,將由太古坊其他商廈遷入。



















尖沙咀星光行2單位 每呎叫價1.75萬起


面積2189呎起 連租約放售


















旺角商業發展密度勢增兩成 擬寬高限至30米 彌敦道一帶地積比可達15倍

市區重建局 (市建局) 去年公布油麻地和旺角地區大型規劃研究 (下稱油旺研究) 的建議,提出多項發展建議,並即將由政府啟動相關的法定規劃程序。政府率先就旺角一帶提出大綱圖的修訂,放寬區內住宅和商業用地的高度限制15米至30米,而彌敦道兩旁的「商業」地帶,政府亦因應油旺研究的建議,擬取消現時規劃上設定的地積比率上限12倍,令有關土地的可建地積比率變相可增加至15倍,發展密度大增兩成。


該大綱圖涵蓋界限街與登打士街之間的大部分旺角和大角咀範圍,其中位於彌敦道兩旁的「商業」地帶,現有高限定為110米 (主水平基準以上.下同) 和130米兩級,大綱圖的註釋中也訂明地積比率上限為12倍。




另外,水渠道和登打士街之間的通菜街和花園街一帶地皮,以及花墟道旁邊的用地,現時屬於「住宅 (甲類)」用途,規劃署建議改為「混合用途」地帶,地積比率上限維持9倍,當中住用地積比率上限亦維持7.5倍,但放寬只有最低3層才可以用作商業用途的限制。

至於大綱圖中大部分的住宅用地,包括「住宅 (甲類)」、「住宅 (甲類) 3」和「住宅 (戊類)」用途,雖然地積比率上限維持9倍,但住用部分的上限則由7.5倍放寬至8.5倍,令住用和非住宅樓面比例可按發展方案存在更大彈性。而就混合用途和住宅用途土地,高限一律由100米放寬15%,至115米。城規會將於周五 (24日) 討論前述建議,如果城規會委員同意有關修訂,稍後將正式進入法定規劃程序,包括修訂大綱圖、接受和聽取公眾的申述及意見等。

粉嶺高球場建住宅 城規開綠燈

另外,規劃署上周五 (17日) 就粉嶺高爾夫球場位於粉錦公路以東約32公頃土地作住宅發展,向城規會提交《粉嶺/上水擴展區分區計劃大綱圖》的建議,城規會延至昨天 (22日) 作出決定,同意把該大綱圖刊憲,稍後將正式刊憲進入規劃程序。


Housing scheme at bayside looks a starter

A green light is expected for a scheme to build 1,233 transitional homes at Lau Fau Shan on Deep Bay near Tin Shui Wai.

New World Development (0017) has lent a site there to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to build the homes.

A site area of around 204,300 square feet will be good for housing 2,832 people, and if all goes to plan construction should be completed in 2024.

Meanwhile, New World has also formed a strategic alliance with HKT (6823) to accelerate the digital transformation of NWD's growing business ecosystem in Hong Kong and the mainland.

The two have agreed to leverage the latest cloud-based technologies and create a "workplace for tomorrow" for cross-border communications and collaboration.

On another front, Henderson Land Development (0012) is to put at least 65 more flats on the market with a 1-2 percent price hike for Baker Circle Dover in Hung Hom.

The new round of sales will take place next week.

In Tseung Kwan O, joint developers could also increase the prices on upcoming price lists for Villa Garda I, phase 11B, at Lohas Park.

A new batch of flats is expected to be released this week, and sales arrangements will be announced next week.

The project of 592 flats has been developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Merchants Land (0978).

In other action, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority bought another HK$8.58 billion from the market to stop the local currency from weakening. The aggregate balance decreases to HK$233.3 billion today.

(The Standard)


Hongkongers spoilt for choice in Lohas Park, as developers offer lower prices for new projects to counter interest rate rises

If developers are willing to adjust, they can absorb demand amid rigid secondary market prices, property agent says

First batch at Villa Garda I has been priced 14 per cent below the initial launch price of the Manor Hill project, which was launched in October last year

Homebuyers in Hong Kong are spoilt for choice in Lohas Park, the city’s largest residential enclave, where developers are dropping prices for new projects to drum up sales amid rising interest rates at home and abroad.

Villa Garda I in Lohas Park, which has been developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Merchants Land, for instance, has priced a first batch of 128 flats at HK$17,888 (US$2,279) per square foot on average, according to a spokeswoman.

The average price for the project, which sits atop The Lohas, a shopping centre, is 14.5 per cent below the initial launch price of HK$20,921 per square foot on average at Kowloon Development’s Manor Hill project, which was launched nearby in October 2021, before interest rates rose. The price for Villa Garda I is closer to the levels seen during the launch of LP10 in September last year, which was priced at HK$17,463 per square foot.

“After the US raised interest rates earlier this month, there have been signs of a slowdown in property transactions, especially second-hand transactions,” a property agent said.

“The market adjusts prices immediately, but second-hand property owners’ asking prices are relatively rigid. If developers are willing to make adjustments, they can absorb the purchasing power of the market,” the agent added.

Villa Garda I’s launch came as the one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (Hibor), to which mortgage plans are frequently linked, rose to 0.71 per cent on Wednesday. It has risen for 12 consecutive trading days and hit its highest level in more than two years, since June 9, 2020.

This is because the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the city’s de facto central bank, has raised rates in lockstep with the US Federal Reserve. Based on the current Hibor and the formula Hibor +1.3 per cent, the actual mortgage interest rate has risen to 2.01 per cent, a new high in more than two years.

A mortgage brokerage services firm said that the Hibor could climb to 1.8 per cent in the third quarter of this year, and local banks might speed up increases in the prime rate – another rate linked to mortgages – as well.

Villa Garda I’s average price is about 5 to 10 per cent below the prices of lived-in homes in the same district, the agent said. It is 9.2 per cent cheaper than lived-in homes in the LP6 development, for instance, which is priced at HK$19,697 per square foot on average, according to a property agency’s data.

The entry price for the project is HK$6.2 million for a 329 sq ft flat. It is, however, higher than the entry prices for other recent developments. But, although Silicon Hill, Grand Jeté, J Loft and Baker Circle had lower starting prices, the sizes of their cheapest flats were smaller than at Villa Garda I.

“The prices in the first price list are quite attractive,” the agent said, adding that he expected the first batch to sell out. Moreover, there was room for a 1 to 2 per cent increase in the next price list.

Hong Kong could see the launch of as many as 12,646 units this year and early 2023, according to an estimate by another property agency, as developers rush to catch up as far as sales are concerned.

Elsewhere, secondary market prices and transaction volumes for 50 major estates in the city dipped in May, according to another local property agency. The agency said it expected volumes to plunge 40 to 50 per cent in June on the interest rate rises.

(South China Morning Post)


佳源1.12億沽中環皇后大道中9號 面積3290方呎 每呎3.42萬 低市價15%

















港府部門擴充 租東九商廈11萬呎

配合「起動九龍東」 涉 One Kowloon 企業廣場五期 Landmark East

配合特區新班子,政府及相關部門近日進行擴充。據悉,政府委託產業署近月落實承租東九龍多個商廈,包括 One KowloonLandmark East企業廣場五期等,合共逾11萬平方呎,料涉及衞生署、港台等機構使用。業界認為因該區甲廈樓面大,亦配合「起動九龍東」計劃作帶頭作用,故持續進行擴充。

業內人士指,政府近月委託產業署,於東九龍研究多幢商廈樓面,並落實租用部分樓層。其中位於九龍灣 One Kowloon 10樓全層、26及35樓單位,面積合共約5.2萬平方呎,成交呎租約26元。




另外,產業署亦於觀塘租用商廈,其中 Landmark East 18樓全層,面積約2.8萬平方呎,成交呎租約25元。據了解,該層作香港電台使用。由於早前港台教育電視大樓地皮售出,故有需要租用樓面作辦公室。



代理行:東九選擇多 樓面較大




更多One Kowloon寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:一號九龍寫字樓出租






東九龍供應邁高峰 考驗吸納量


今年東九龍整體商廈租務頗淡靜,受疫情及未通關影響,各大型機構搬遷、擴充活動亦偏低,反而區內主要租務,不少來自政府部門及公營機構。今年東九龍上半年錄得最大手租務,為新地 (00016) 旗下巧明街重建項目,明年落成,該項目逾10萬平方呎樓面,獲積金局租用,呎租料約30元。據悉,是次積金局將把多個部門整合。

東九傳統大客戶 近年擴充不多






起動九龍東 啟德商業定位重

「起動九龍東」計劃早於2011年《施政報告》提出,目標是將九龍東建構成香港第二個核心商業區 (CBD2),而在計劃帶動下,九龍東一帶的發展潛力進一步釋放,單計啟德區,未來兩年已經新增約400萬平方呎商業樓面。

未來兩年 新增約400萬呎樓面


啟德的商業發展項目正如火如荼地進行,初步估計今年至2024年會提供涉約400萬平方呎商業樓面,包括區內最高的南豐旗下商業地標項目 AIRSIDE,及利福  (01212) 的雙子塔式商廈等。後者的其中1幢亦會發展為百貨公司崇光 (SOGO)。此外,啟德亦擬建構全長1,500米的嶄新地下購物街,橫跨九龍城、啟德至新蒲崗。



更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



新甲廈質素高 吸引機構預租


甲廈租務市場有所改善,而市場焦點落在即將落成的甲廈項目。其中,明年落成的中環 The Henderson 新近錄得預租,消息指,該廈1層半樓面,涉及逾2萬平方呎,獲一家美資金融機構租用,公司主要業務包括基金投資、資產管理等。該機構目前辦公室位於金鐘太古廣場二座,樓面約2萬平方呎,是次搬遷可作少許擴充,以及進行升級。市場人士估計,是次成交呎租約130元,屬目前超甲廈市價水平。

中環 The Henderson 錄第2宗預租

恒地 (00012) 於2017年以233億元投得中環美利道地皮,每平方呎樓面地價高達5萬元,盡破本港紀錄,而物業提供約46.5萬平方呎樓面。即使中環新供應極罕有,疫情衝擊商業活動,超甲廈租務不算活躍,去年7月 The Henderson 首宗租務,由藝術及奢侈品拍賣行佳士得承租物業4層合共約5萬平方呎樓面,將為該拍賣行首個香港的常設拍賣中心和藝廊。相隔接近1年,大廈才錄得第2宗租務。

至於非核心區,下半年將落成的鰂魚涌太古坊新商廈,亦錄得租賃。太古坊二座低層及中層各3層樓面,合共6層樓面,以每層面積約2.2萬平方呎計算,涉逾13萬平方呎。按面積計,為疫情後港島區最大手甲廈租務成交個案。新租客為大型中資機構中信銀行 (國際),集團原租用太古坊的德宏大廈多層,是次搬至同屬太古地產 (01972) 旗下物業,而太古坊二座為全新甲廈,質素大幅提升,樓面上未有擴充。

太古坊二座 獲中信銀行進駐

另外,該廈錄得另1宗全層成交,涉及物業中層全層逾2萬平方呎,呎租料約50元,新租客為顧問公司Boston Consulting,該公司原租太古坊一座約1萬平方呎單位,如今搬至二座。

至於新供應項目甚多的東九龍,亦有大手預租。新地 (00016) 觀塘巧明街98號,當中8萬平方呎樓面,獲積金局租用,呎租料約30元。該機構現租用觀塘、葵涌等甲廈,料作整合業務及擴充。據了解,項目總樓面115萬平方呎,其中兩幢寫字樓合共約65萬平方呎,而兩幢樓面每層面積,分別約2.2萬及1.3萬平方呎。翻查資料,項目前身為九巴車廠用地,重建成商廈,預計明年落成。



更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租








馬時亨長女 1.1億購羅素街8號全層

由歌手麥浚龍的父親、中建富通 (00138) 主席麥紹棠持有,位於銅鑼灣羅素街8號高層全層,早前以1.1億元蝕賣。其新買家背景曝光,為港鐵 (00066) 前主席馬時亨長女劉馬露明。

原業主麥浚龍父 帳面蝕3900


而新買家為全仁健康產品有限公司 (TM WELLNESS LIMITED),公司董事為劉馬露明 (LAU MA, LO MING CHRISTINE),亦即港鐵前主席馬時亨長女。

美容公司17萬租用 回報1.85





凱龍瑞推灣仔新盤 全層叫3100萬

會展站啟用,財團趁勢推售商廈新盤。現凱龍瑞推出333 HENNESSY新盤兩層,全層叫價約3,100萬元。

有代理表示,該行獲發展商委託,出售333 HENNESSY 5樓及6樓商舖用途樓層,面積分別約為1,751平方呎及約1,745平方呎,每層意向約3,100萬元,每平方呎約17,800元。

333 HENNESSY 樓高23




元朗晉美全幢2.6億易手 持貨30年升值逾9倍










港數據中心樓面7年飆1.2倍 今年預測達1100萬呎 業界:供不應求












合共12幢數據中心 將軍澳大埔成集結地





近期有美資基金於該區「插旗」,消息指美資基金Nuveen旗下The Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF),本月初斥資約28.8億購入葵涌集運中心全幢,而該物業現作數據中心用途,為今年來市場最大手買賣,以項目總樓面約26.6萬方呎計,每方呎約10800元,創區內新高。


Luxury market perks up with $870m Shouson Hill sale

A luxury residential project at Shouson Hill Road co-developed by Emperor International (0163) recorded its first sale with a six-bedroom mansion going for a whopping HK$870 million

The price per square foot worked out to HK$108,347, making it the highest price in new flat sales so far this year.

The project is jointly developed by Emperor International, C C Land (1224), Mingfa Group (International) (0846) and CSI Properties (0497).

The sale comes as a boost to the super-luxury property market amid the Covid pandemic, said Alex Yeung Ching-loong, the vice chairperson of the Emperor Group.

House No. 7 in the development has an area of 8,032 sq ft and comes with six bedrooms. It also has a large indoor area and an exclusive outdoor space, including a 3,427-sq-ft private garden and a 2,091-sq-ft rooftop.

It also comes with its own private swimming pool, he said.

15 Shouson Hill provides a total of 15 low-density luxury detached houses, each with areas of 3,727 to 12,073 sq ft, in configurations ranging from four to six bedrooms.

Meanwhile, Villa Garda I, phase 11B of Lohas Park in Tseung Kwan O, has received over 2,200 checks on Saturday and will shortly unveil the second price list which offers 80 flats.

Also in the primary market, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said it has sold 560 flats at phase 1 of Silicon Hill in Tai Po after four rounds of sales, raking in HK$4.5 billion.

A flat with an area of 848 sq ft and a 624-sq-ft rooftop and platform sold for HK$18.8 million, making it the highest deal at the project.

And at Grand Jeté, 91 of 138 flats on offer were sold over the weekend. The project by CK Asset (1113) and Sun Hung Kai Properties offers 400 flats with areas of 263 to 722 sq ft, at an average price at HK$15,418 per sq ft.

In the secondary market, a total of six transactions at 10 blue-chip housing estates were recorded over the weekend, which was the same as last weekend, according to a property agency.

An agent said that Hong Kong still has a low interest rate environment.

The agent believes that the number of second-hand transactions may increase by 25 percent in July compared with this month, and property prices will remain buoyant.

(The Standard)


New shop registrations rise in May

A total of 116 new shops were registered in Hong Kong in the month of May, up 13 percent over the previous month, according to a property agency.

And the number staying above the 100-mark for the second consecutive month, the department said, citing data from The Land Registry office.

The total value of the shops rose by around 21 percent over the previous month to HK$2.19 billion, it said.

Among the regions, Hong Kong Island recorded 18 registrations, down 50 percent, while Kowloon and the New Territories recorded 58 and 40 registrations, up by about 28.9 percent and 90.5 percent respectively.

Meanwhile, four core areas - Central, Causeway Bay, Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui - recorded 19 registrations in May, an increase of 46 percent compared to April.

An agent said that the easing of pandemic restrictions and the release of the second round of consumption vouchers in August will boost the retail sector's growth.

(The Standard)








今年大手工廈暫錄10宗成交 按年跌33% 基金買家主導市場


今年最矚目工廈成交,為葵涌貨櫃碼頭路集運中心全幢,以約29億易手,每呎1.09萬,創區內工廈新高,更成為二手工廈高價指標,買家為美資基金Nuveen旗下Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF),該基金首度在港插旗,重手出擊令市場側目。





除了美資基金表示積極外,今年出手購入工廈,包括加拿大基金公司Brookfield Asset Management Inc,向興勝創建購入沙田工業中心單位及車位,涉資2.11億,新加坡基金SilkRoad Property Partners,亦購入荃灣大成大廈3全層,涉資1.8億。

由於工廈盤源不多,基金積極買酒店,今年以來市場暫錄6宗酒店買賣,基金佔4宗,涉資逾45億,市佔率73%,WEAVE LIVING夥拍安祖高頓一連購入大角嘴九龍珀麗酒店及西環華麗都會酒店,涉資各14.20億及9億。





產業署為政府部門承租東九龍多個商廈,包括企業廣場五期One Kowloon Landmark East 等,合共逾11萬方呎,將由衞生署、港台等機構使用。疫情下,衞生署相關人手增加,政府新租用的樓面,多屬全新需求。



市場消息指,九龍灣 One Kowloon 10樓全層,以及26及35樓單位,合共約5.2萬方呎,呎租約26元。料作衞生署及相關機構辦公室。


同區企業廣場五期商廈,即MegaBox樓上寫字樓27樓全層,面積約1.7萬方呎,亦獲政府部門租用,呎租料約25元。Landmark East 18樓全層,面積約2.8萬方呎,成交呎租約25元,據了解,該層作香港電台使用。



更多One Kowloon寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:一號九龍寫字樓出租





Hong Kong’s homebuyers snap up Grand Jeté’s new flats in Tuen Mun to get ahead of rising mortgage rates

91 of 138 flats on sale at the Grand Jeté found buyers at 3pm, agents said

The average price of the project was set at HK$15,548 per square foot, 10 per cent cheaper than new projects in the neighbourhood

Buyers piled into Hong Kong’s property market for the second consecutive weekend after the 75-point interest rate hike by the city’s monetary authority, snapping up two-thirds of new apartments on offer.

In Tuen Mun on the western fringe of Hong Kong’s New Territories, 91 of 138 flats on sale at the Grand Jeté found buyers at 9pm, sales agents said. The project by CK Asset Holdings and Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) range in size from 263-square foot studios to three-room flats measuring 722 square feet (67 square metres), with the average price at HK$15,418 per square foot.

Hong Kong’s biggest mortgage lenders kept their prime rates unchanged immediately after the monetary authority’s June 16 move, giving homebuyers the opening to get ahead of higher borrowing costs. Grand Jeté’s cheapest unit started from HK$4.3 million (US$547,830).

“The interest rate hikes are within market expectations and should have little impact on the real estate market,” property agent said. “Property is more secure than other investments. Even if Hong Kong follows the interest rate hike, interest rates are still at a low level, which is still favourable for homebuyers.”

Today’s launch followed the successful sale of SHKP’s Silicon Hill project in Tai Po, where 90 per cent of the 72 final units on offer were sold on Friday. Last weekend, 70 per cent of Silicon Hill and Henderson Land Development’s Baker Circle Dover flats in Hung Hom were sold.

Grand Jeté’s developers set the project’s average launch price 10 per cent cheaper than competing new projects in the Tuen Mun neighbourhood.

The project was oversubscribed by more than eight times, receiving about 1,200 bids for the 138 available units, giving agents the confidence to predict that the current batch would sell out.

Phase one of Grand Jeté comprises 400 flats in two 20-storey towers, scheduled for delivery at the end of March 2024.

As many as 800 newly built homes were sold all over the city in June, and transactions could reach 1,500 by the end of the month with new launches scheduled in Lohas Park, according to the agency.

That would be in line with May’s sales of 1,492 transactions, at a 10-month high, as sentiments improved with Hong Kong’s fifth wave of Covid-19 under control. But with the surge of new launches and rising interest rates, the agent said that it has subdued second-hand transactions.

Developers are offering lower prices for new projects to bolster sales in an environment of rising interest rates and increasing supply of flats. At Lohas Park, Hong Kong’s biggest residential enclave, one project that sits atop a shopping centre is priced 14.5 per cent below the initial launch prices of similar projects in the neighbourhood before the interest hike in mid-June.

The US central bank has flagged 10 increases through the end of 2023. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) increases its base rate in lockstep under its linked exchange rate system to preserve the local dollar’s peg to the US currency.

(South China Morning Post)



尖沙嘴君怡酒店兩年前易手,轟動一時,近日,身為業主的中資集團將酒店放盤,特別的是,物業被放在北京一個資產交易網站,掛牌價格 (開價) 約36.6億,低於購入價。

位處金巴利道28號的君怡酒店,多年前淪銀主盤,2019年10月,由債權人之一、中國信達承接,作價逾43億。該酒店被放上北京金融資產交易所網站放盤,掛牌價格36.6076億,期限由6月24日至7月21日。業界指,該網站專門處理大型資產,買家競投前,需通過程序包括支付訂金,證明有實力,料買家出價高於掛牌價照,才有機會購入。中國信達購君怡酒店時,付相等於樓價8.5%的釐印費 (3.655億),實際成本價高逾46.65億,現時,掛牌價格較當年購入價低,某程度上,顯示兩年疫市以來對酒店帶來衝擊。



由爪哇控股持有的香港銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店,新近向城規會申請重建1幢樓高28層的商廈,涉及可建總樓面逾16萬方呎。文件顯示,上述項目屬「住宅 (甲類)」地帶,申請改劃為擬議辦公室、商店及服務行業及食肆發展。


















鄧成波家族 11.5億沽蔚盈軒







灣仔商廈333 Hennessy 首錄成交

會展站效應令灣仔區全新商廈備受追捧。有代理表示,由凱龍瑞全新發展的灣仔軒尼詩道333號333 Hennessy首錄成交,其中18樓02室,建築面積約609平方呎,剛以呎價約19,500元沽出,成交價約1,187.55萬元。



Prime office rents rise 2pc in May

Rents of Grade-A office buildings in Central and Admiralty have risen over 2 percent in May from a year ago, a property consultancy said.

Rental growth in the two areas outperformed others in the first five months of this year with a moderate rise of 0.4 percent due to strong demand for quality space in the central business district, the property consultancy said in a report.

Tenants continued to take the opportunity to seek Grade-A buildings for workplace upgrades at stabilized rent last month and some sizable companies have created strong leasing demand for co-working space for greater flexibility, said the report.

Fuelled by the popularity of flexible and remote work arrangements, it expects more sizable firms to move into co-working spaces, making this a trend to watch in the next 12 months.

Despite bottoming-out signals in prime locations, rents in decentralized locations are still under pressure, with a high vacancy rate, the property consultancy said. North Point's vacancy rate rose to 12 percent, and Wong Chuk Hang's stood at 11.1 percent in May.

It expects overall Hong Kong Island office rents to rebound in the second half, with rental growth of 5 to 10 percent for Grade A offices in 2022 due to the stabilized pandemic situation and recovering economic sentiment.

(The Standard)



$442m Repulse Bay sale propels luxury market

Hong Kong saw another super luxury home sale worth hundred of millions yesterday, amid rising interest rates.

CK Asset Holdings' (1113) No 5 house at 90 Repulse Bay Road was sold via tender for HK$442 million yesterday, the second luxury home transaction to be revealed in as many days.

The house has 746 square meters of floor area, a private garden, swimming pool and two parking spaces.

On Sunday, a luxury project at Shouson Hill Road co-developed by Emperor International (0163) recorded its first sale with a six-bedroom mansion selling for a whopping HK$870 million.

Also, New World (0017) sold a home at Fleur Pavilia in North Point for HK$93.17 million.

Meanwhile, a property consultancy said that a residential site at Chatham Road North in Hung Hom is for sell now, with a market value of about HK$550 million.

The property consultancy said that the residential site has an area of 4,700 square feet, has vacant possession and is approved for construction of a residential building with around 180 homes.

With MTR Corporation (0066) having further developed the East Rail and Tuen Ma lines, the area is well connected to the airport and the mainland, and the site is expected to draw the interest of many Hong Kong and mainland developers, it said.

Among other new projects, Billion Development's two new projects in Tai Po -- The Horizon and Centra Horizon -- will put a total of 444 units on the market on Friday.

In Sham Shui Po, The Vim, developed by Carrianna Group's (0126) property unit with Choice Holdings has released the sales brochure.

And Villa Garda I at Lohas Park has been 14 times oversubscribed with over 3,600 checks received for the 238 residential units on offer. Villa Garda I will be sold from June 30 at ClubOne, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre and Olympian City 1.

In other news, the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation raised fixed-rate mortgage interest rate for 10, 15 and 20 years by 0.5 percentage points for July, the largest rise since February 2020.

HKMC raised the fixed mortgage loan rate as the one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate rose to a two-year high of 0.9 percent yesterday, a rise for the 15th consecutive day.

While homebuyers are expected to continue to go for the Hibor-based plan, the prime rate is more likely to be hiked in the second half of the year, said Real Estate Developers Association chairman Stewart Leung Chi-kin.

(The Standard)


建灝11.3億購九龍城蔚盈軒 屬服務式住宅 鄧成波家族沽貨














灣仔三湘大廈 樓面適中配套齊




飲食配套方面,謝斐道及駱克道一帶有不少餐廳,對面為近一年落成的全新酒店THE HARI,亦提供特色餐廳。此外,亦可步行至銅鑼灣,有多個大型商場如崇光百貨及時代廣場等,選擇多不勝數。


樓底高約4.3 合多個行業












兩全層單位招租 每呎逾29元


位處中層 可享部分海景











永義5.5億元叫賣 紅磡重建住宅地

市區地皮有價有市,永義國際 (01218) 去年統一業權的紅磡漆咸道北470至478號住宅重建地皮,推出市場放售,市值約5.5億元。





Interest remains strong for residential site in Tung Chung

The MTR Corp (0066) has received 31 expressions of interest for a large residential site in Tung Chung, and the price is expected to be lowered after a tender was withdrawn in November.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), Henderson Land Development (0012), Wheelock Properties, Chinachem Group, Emperor International (0163) and CSI Properties (0497) are said to be among those who have expressed an interest.

The project is a residential development to be built on top of the Tung Chung Traction Substation and its associated railway facilities. It has a maximum residential gross floor area of 87,288 square meters, and it could provide from 1,400 to 1,800 residential units.

A surveyor slashed the valuation for the site from HK$5.64 billion to HK$4.23 billion, or from HK$6,000 per square foot to just HK$4,500 per sq ft.

Although the site is close to a planned MTR station, the large scale of the development and the investment sum required plus the abandoned tender last year may deter some developers, the surveyor said.

The surveyor added that the MTRC could cut the land premium and proportion of home sales shared with the corporation to increase the attraction of the site.

The development attracted five developers and consortiums to submit tenders last year, including CK Asset (1113), Henderson, Sun Hung Kai Properties, Sino Land (0083) and Chinachem, but none were accepted by the MTRC.

Thirty-five expressions of interest for the project were received a month before the tender last year.

The MTRC said it will invite developers to submit tenders later.

In the primary market, Grand Jeté - a Sun Hung Kai Properties project with CK Asset in Tuen Mun - is set to put 80 more homes up for sale on Saturday with an average price per square foot of HK$15,211 after discounts.

Among them, 72 flats will be sold on price lists, including 29 one-bedroom units, 40 of two bedrooms and three with three bedrooms.

Eight penthouses will also be tendered on the same day.

Also on sale on Saturday is Henderson's The Quinn Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui, where 18 homes with sizes ranging from 206 sq ft to 447 sq ft will be put on the market.

The developer has also released a new price list, offering 68 homes priced from HK$5.13 million to HK$12.3 million after discounts, or from HK$21,395 to HK$27,683 per sq ft.

(The Standard)


Special Concerto unit out for tender

Kaisa Group (1638) will put out for tender a furnished special unit at The Concerto in Cheung Sha Wan.

Co-developed by Kaisa and Choice Holdings, the project has sold 89 flats, accounting for nearly 94 percent of the total, raking in HK$450 million.

One of the remaining special units - the showcase Flat A on the 25th floor - has opened its door for viewing and is up for sale via tender, Kaisa said.

Measuring 294 square feet, the one-bedroom unit with light-colored wood flooring has a balcony connected to the living room. Residents can enjoy city views from the balcony as the flat is on a high level.

The bedroom has space for additional furniture, such as a wardrobe, for convenience and comfort. The room's nearly floor-to-ceiling glass windows provide lighting and outdoor vistas, enhancing the sense of space.

An open kitchen with a gray marble worktop is practically designed with cupboards house appliances and utensils.

The bathroom has a separate shower cubicle to keep the wet and dry areas separate, with a recess on the wall for toiletries. There is also a window in the bathroom to enhance brightness, increase air circulation and keep the area dry.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong index of lived-in home prices fell in May and could decline further in June amid high supply of new flats, interest rate rise concerns

Index of lived-in home prices dipped 0.3 per cent in May, according to data released by the Rating and Valuation Department on Tuesday

The decline may widen slightly to 0.5 per cent in June, a property agent says

The prices of lived-in homes in Hong Kong fell in May, a decline that could have stretched into the past month, as homeowners are offering more discounts amid a high supply of new developments and concerns about rising interest rates.

The index of lived-in home prices dipped 0.3 per cent to 384.4 in May, according to data released by the Rating and Valuation Department on Tuesday. It reversed the gain of 1 per cent in April.

“In June … the decline in home prices may widen slightly to 0.5 per cent,” an agent said. The agent attributed the decline to anticipation of an interest rate rise and an uptick in Covid-19 infections. “Some [homeowners] had to sell at discounted prices.”

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the city’s de facto central bank, has raised rates in tune with the US Federal Reserve. Based on the current Hibor, or the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate, the actual mortgage interest rate for some mortgages has risen to more than 2.1 per cent, a more than two-year high.

Hong Kong’s commercial banks have, however, kept their prime rates unchanged after the HKMA’s most recent rate hike, which has kept the interest rate on prime-based mortgages unchanged. People are, therefore, snapping up property before the banks eventually do raise their prime rates.

A 731 sq ft flat at St Barths in Ma On Shan, for instance, last week changed hands for HK$13.7 million (US$1.75 million), or a loss of HK$1.02 million over four years, according to another agency.

Any changes in the index in July and August will depend on any interest rate increases, as well as policies revealed on the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China, the agent said.

“In the short term, new launches will compete with second-hand properties, weighing on second-hand property prices in some areas,” another agent said.

In the second half of the year, the average number of first-hand transactions will reach 1,500 to 2,000 per month, but the prices of new projects will not be set aggressively, he added.

Tuesday’s data came as developers continue to launch new projects. On Thursday, Villa Garda I in Lohas Park will put 238 flats on sale. On Friday, the first two phases of The Horizon in Tai Po will see 444 flats offered for sale.

In May, the prices of larger homes outpaced those of smaller ones, the government data shows. Homes larger than 1,722 sq ft saw the largest increase in prices at 2 per cent, while homes measuring 431 to 752 sq ft reported the biggest decline at 0.6 per cent.

The property price index fell by 2.4 per cent in the first five months of this year. The May figures are also 3.4 per cent lower than a record high of 398.1 reached in September last year.

(South China Morning Post)




發展局起動九龍東辦事處向區議會提交的文件指,九龍東在過去大約十年是全港商業空間供應的重要來源。二零一二年至二零二零年間,九龍東的供應平均佔全港新商業 / 寫字樓樓面約四成,並預計於今年將提升至約五成。








長沙灣旺角打造「民生商廈」 俊業集團吳天偉:舊區尋商機





旗下目前2幢商廈,分別為購入全幢物業,以及收購分散業權的商廈而來。其中,即將推出招租的長沙灣金星商業大廈 (建築面積2.5萬呎),於2020年間,透過收購散業權而來,最新在翻新後名為「TO THE GROUND」。「長沙灣昔日聞名中外的藤器工業中心,翻新設計融入『藤』元素。」他說,該廈基座2至4樓招租,意向呎租25元,全層月租6萬,地下連1樓月租18萬,意向每呎46元。









新蒲崗改劃商貿區 6項目重建

在起動九龍東計劃下,新蒲崗工業區逐步轉型成為商貿區,目前區內6個重建項目預計能提供約110萬平方呎樓面,包括新世界 (00017) 區內兩幢新式工廈接力登場。

新蒲崗工業區佔地約118萬平方呎,現時規劃為「其他指定 (商貿)」用途,早年新蒲崗工業區因為鄰近啟德舊機場,吸引不少輕工業聚集,在60、70年代有不少紡織及塑膠廠,但近年在「起動九龍東」政策帶動下,逐漸轉成商貿區。


新世界2新式工廈 增近19萬呎樓面

事實上,近年有不少發展商及投資者進駐新蒲崗部署重建,以項目數目計算,以新世界最為積極,除了在2013年重建成的六合街19號九龍貝爾特酒店外,近期亦再有六合街9號Artisan Hub及六合街Artisan Lab兩個新式工廈推出,涉及總建築面積近19萬平方呎。

當中已經推出預租的Artisan Lab,總建築面積超逾12萬平方呎,樓高22層,每層面積約8,323平方呎,12至17樓設有特色平台;而Artisan Hub樓高11層,當中地下至5樓為商用樓層,樓上則為寫字樓樓層,全層面積由5,564至6,889平方呎不等。



長江製衣 (00294) 持有的新蒲崗大有街20至24號香港安全印刷大廈,以及長江製衣廠大廈2幢工廈,早年曾經獲批發展樓高31層酒店,不過,在2019年再提交新申請,提高地積比率至近14.9倍,擬建1幢29層高新型工廈,涉及樓面約38.5萬平方呎。


Hong Kong private home prices eased in May after a short-lived bounce, latest official data showed on Tuesday, as potential homebuyers turned wary over higher borrowing costs. 

Home prices last month slipped 0.3 percent from a month earlier, according to official data, compared with a revised 1 percent rise in April. Month on month, prices fell in January to March. The Asia financial hub was ranked by survey company Demographia as the world's most unaffordable housing market for the 12th consecutive year. 

Hong Kong's economy buckled this year under some of the world's most stringent restrictions to contain Covid-19 outbreaks, but sentiment improved after the city eased most of the measures and there were waves of new development launches. 

The number of home transaction agreements in May jumped 59 percent from April to a 10-month high. 

Realtors said softer prices were because the property index tracked mainly transactions in the secondary market while sales in the new home market held up. 

Some homebuyers also turned more cautious ahead of expected rate increases in the second half of the year. The city's interbank market rate - which mortgage rates are linked to - are already rising. 

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority this month raised its base rate charged through the overnight discount window by 75 basis points to 2 percent, after the U.S. Federal Reserve delivered a rate hike of the same margin, though major banks in the city decided to leave their best lending rates unchanged. 

The head of the de facto central bank has urged the public to "carefully assess and manage the relevant risks" when making property purchases and mortgage decisions. 

One month Hibor - the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate, a benchmark used for pricing mortgages - rose to its highest in two years this month. 

(The Standard)


URA makes offers in Kowloon City

The Urban Renewal Authority has made acquisition offers equivalent to HK$17,798 per square foot to property owners affected by a redevelopment project in To Kwa Wan Road-Wing Kwong Street in Kowloon City.

Owners also have a flat-for-flat choice, which would mean a home in the future development at the site or at the URA's Kai Tak development project as an option on top of cash compensation.

The Kowloon City project includes about 560 property interests, and people will have 60 days to consider the offers.

Upon acceptance of offers and completion of acquisitions, the authority will offer an ex-gratia allowance for eligible tenants or rehousing for eligible domestic tenants in lieu of the allowance.

The Kowloon City site will be an area of about 6,590 square meters to be redeveloped into a project with a gross floor area of 41,610 sq m, providing 900 homes.

(The Standard)


商廈錄99宗登記 按月升約27%




此外,期間金額亦同步上揚,上月市場成交額錄109.72億,按月升4.34倍,創今年以來的5個月新高。最矚目為鰂魚涌英皇道1111號 (前稱太古城中心一座)頂層天台,金額逾5.99億;其次是同址的26樓,則以近5.09億登記。

















「撈底王」冠華鏡廠購元朗工廈 全幢作價2.6億 趁疫市出擊










據業內人士指出,上述地段近年發展迅速,商貿氣氛日濃,為區內發展迎來「大變天」,區內最矚目發展項目為由信和發展的元朗ONE NORTH,總樓面約40多萬方呎,料明年初竣工,因受「北部都會區」發展計畫帶動,帶動區內未來寫字樓需求殷切。



上半年13宗強拍申請 按年增逾倍

多項目追落後 全年料錄30申請


宏安涉4 佔整體申請3

截至昨日,該處所接獲的13宗強拍申請中,中小型發展商的參與度頗為踴躍,當中單計宏安地產 (01243),已於本年2月遞交4宗申請,佔整體申請約3成,涉及項目分別位於鴨脷洲及油塘;永倫集團亦遞交了兩宗申請。另外,亦有一所中資公司就旗下項目遞交強拍申請。與此同時,亦見大型發展商的蹤影,包括新世界 (00017)、太古地產 (01972) 及會德豐地產。




鴨脷洲舊樓申強拍 估值1.45

另外,土地審裁處最新接獲兩宗強拍申請,當中永倫集團就佐敦彌敦道317至321號金漢大廈申請強拍,項目的現況市值約11.54億元。而樂風集團亦夥新加坡房地產私募股權投資公司SC Capital Partners,就鴨脷洲平瀾街2至4A號及好景街26至28號舊樓申請強拍,其現況市值逾1.45億元,料傾向發展為單幢式住宅項目。

