HK (+852) 3990 0799

Buyers hold back for new launches

Secondary transactions across 10 major estates dropped 27 percent to 13 over the weekend, according to property agency.

The biggest decline was recorded at Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai, where the number of deals fell from six to two, as buyers held back for the launch of new projects in the district this month.

In the primary market, the Development Studio, backed by Keith Graham Kerr, former chairman of Swire Properties (1972), launched five units at 42 Tung St in Sheung Wan for sale by tender.

In the commercial market, Bridgeway Prime Shop Fund Management bought an 880-sq-ft shop in To Kwa Wan for HK$14 million, 20 percent lower than the market price, while Hanison Construction (0896) sold the Hay Nien Industrial Building in Kwun Tong for HK$628 million, taking in a HK$139 million profit.

(The Standard)














全幢工廈交投旺 興勝6.28億沽觀塘物業

3億售柴灣工廈5成業權 美資基金買入

投資市場明顯轉旺,大手成交屢現。興勝創建 (00896) 宣布,以6.28億沽出觀塘大業街1號禧年工業大廈全幢,持貨2年獲利約1.39億元,而集團亦宣布以約3億元售出柴灣美利倉大廈5成業權,由美資基金AEW購入。



均輝購觀塘工廈 或合併重建





金鐘統一中心 全層5.15億易手






外資活躍 工商舖全年成交料900億





對港投資市場 憂慮漸降







50大甲廈8買賣 創今年單月新低













上址為太古城道39號匯豪峰車場,樓高3層,設56個車位,另5個電單車位,知情人士透露,該車場剛以7600萬沽售,以買賣公司形式易手,平均每個車位約136萬 (不計電單車),由投資者周永祥及另一名拍檔承接,支付一成訂金,明年一月正式成交。


他續說,鰂魚涌每個屋苑皆設車場,惟匯豪峰位置特別好,距港鐵站約3分鐘步程,而且被多幢大型工廈 (已被收購或收購中) 包圍,未來極具前景,加上車場樓底高,車位寬闊,極具增值空間。此車場多年來由承包商租用,月租18萬,承包商以每個4000元出租車位,另提供日租車位。















Wing Tai bets on affordable luxury concept in Kwu Tung after Tuen Mun projects prove popular with millennials

Wing Tai will expand its affordable luxury concept at its new project in Kwu Tung, New Territories, where it set a land price record.

The developer plans to build 700 units, mostly two-bedroom flats, targeted at young buyers.

Wing Tai Properties will expand its affordable luxury concept for millennials at its upcoming project in Kwu Tung, New Territories, where it set a price record in terms of square footage for the land it acquired last month.

The Hong Kong developer said that the concept leverages on its experience of designing luxury developments, opening up a new product line that appeals to a new generation of buyers seeking affordable prices. This has resulted in strong sales at THE CARMEL, OMA OMA, and OMA by the Sea in Tuen Mun since they were launched in early 2019, the company said.

The company said that their designs match that of upscale luxury projects. Some of the features include a stone spa at THE CARMEL, a 40-metre long infinity pool at the OMA OMA and a 25-metre hanging garden pool at OMA by the Sea.

“This concept is well received by new families and first-time buyers between the ages of 25 and 35,” said Kenneth Ng Kar-wai, managing director of Wing Tai’s property division, which has developed 7.5 million sq ft of real estate in the city since 1991, including the luxury residential projects La Vetta and Le Cap in Kau To, Sha Tin.

The common characteristic of these three housing projects in Tuen Mun is that they are surrounded by greenery. Nearly 50 per cent of the flats in these projects are two-bedroom units priced between HK$6 million and HK$8 million.

The developer plans to build 700 units, mostly two-bedroom flats, targeted at young buyers on the Kwun Tung site.

Ng said that he would blend the development with nature, pointing out that landscape design is their strength. “With the natural surroundings, the result will be twice as good,” he added.

In June, the developer paid HK$2.61 billion for the site in Kwu Tung, which can yield a total gross floor area of 284,169 sq ft. It works out to HK$9,208 per square foot, making it the most expensive plot in the New Territories. It was among the three sites sold in the area by government tender since April.

“The site adjacent to Fanling golf course already offers a great landscape,” Ng said, adding that the plot was about 10 minutes’ walking distance to Sheung Shui MTR station.

The relatively underdeveloped Kwu Tung, where an MTR station is due to open in 2027 – has caught investors’ attention after Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) won a site, Area 25, for HK$8.61 billion in April. SHKP paid nearly 40 per cent more than the market valuation for the plot.

The per square foot price for the site, which can yield a total gross floor area of 1.19 million sq ft, works out to HK$7,184. Surveyors expect completed flats to fetch as much as HK$20,000 per square foot.

Last week, Wheelock Properties won another parcel, Area 24, which can yield a gross floor area of 492,390 sq ft, for HK$4.19 billion, or HK$8,499 per sq ft. This was 18.3 per cent higher than the HK$7,184 per square foot SHKP paid for the adjacent plot, Area 25, in April.

On July 29, just before the Lands Department awarded Area 24 to Wheelock Properties, property agency said that it had helped a client to buy a 1,576 sq ft house at Valais, the biggest luxury development in Kwu Tung, for HK$23 million, or HK$14,594 per square foot.

“The deal was done with zero discount,” agent said.

The seller had paid HK$20.33 million for the house in December 2011.

“It is one of the few profit-making transactions concluded at Valais as many owners sold their houses at a loss in the past several years due to the area’s inaccessibility,” another agent said.

“In the past three months, seven transactions were done at Valais, compared to just two to three deals a year previously,” the agent added.

(South China Morning Post)

OECD property prices break 30-year record

Property prices are surging in almost every major economy during the pandemic along with the global fiscal and monetary stimulus, analysis by the Financial Times found.

Only three of the 40 countries experienced real-terms housing price decrease in the first three months of 2021, covered by data of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. It was the smallest portion of the price fall since the data series began in 2000.

As countries bottomed out from the recessions triggered by pandemic, the annual house price growth across the OECD members is at its fastest pace in 30 years in the first quarter recording 9.4 percent, which is also faster than growth in rent prices.

Strong growth in housing costs continued in the United Kingdom, South Korea, New Zealand, Canada and Turkey.

Properties in developed countries were overvalued by about 10 percent compared with long-term trends, said Adam Slater, lead economist at analysis firm Oxford Economics. He calculated that the "housing fever" is one of the biggest since 1900, but it was not so big as to kickoff a financial crisis.

Meanwhile, the Chinese city of Dongguan implemented a series of property cooling measures after banning developers from bidding sites by related companies to increase the winning rate.

Measures included a tightening on property taxes, which the exclusion period of individual housing transaction value-added tax extended to five years from two years. Homeowners who sold their property within five years of their purchase are required to pay a total of five percent VAT.

(The Standard)










該代理又指,物業地理位置優越,毗鄰香港歷史博物館和香港科學館,是每年平均參觀人次最多的博物館,物業同時鄰近大型購物商場,包括The One、K11 Musea等,日夜人流暢旺。大廈交通配套完善,徒步至紅磡站及尖東港鐵站僅需約10分鐘,附近亦有多條巴士及小巴專綫來往港九各區。預計上述放盤短期內可獲投資者承接。






2座單位 月租9.7






外資代理行:商廈需求漸回穩 50%受訪企業有意擴張

有代理發表最新商廈市場調查報告顯示,約半數 (50%) 受訪企業有意在未來三年內擴張,比較2020年10月的調查結果 (23%) 大幅增加,尤其以科技公司、投資和保險公司等亞洲本地企業意願較強。就跨國企業而言,辦公室整合與升級計畫仍是公司房地產策略重點,但部分企業 (如科技公司) 仍持有適度的長綫擴張意願。


數據顯示,71%受訪企業認為企業經營狀況持續改善,比例遠高於2020年4月 (22%) 及10月(48%) 兩次調查結果。以大中華區和太平洋地區受訪企業的市場信心度最高,印度和東南亞地區企業對市場樂觀程度相對較低。

該行代理表示,近期而言,企業租戶繼續利用區內租金減免及優惠趨勢,重新協商租約及續租,以節省成本,受訪企業希望在疫情完全受控後,員工可花更多時間於辦公室工作,並習慣新混合辦公模式。 與此同時,企業根據實際需要制定長遠的辦公政策,管理層權利決定員工的日程以及批准遙距辦公方案。


該行另一代理表示,辦公室在促進協作與溝通方面,將比以往發揮更大的作用,辦公室設計也需要作出相應的調整和改變。 該行預計,非正式協作空間以及共享工作間需求將有上升趨勢。同時,在混合辦公模式下,員工獨立工作以及組織小型專案團隊會議的情況將會更為普遍,更多企業租戶將考慮減少大型會議室數量,但同時亦期望業主能夠提供大型企業會議或活動的空間及配套。





觀塘茶果嶺道189至193號全幢舊樓,業主推出市場聯售,已收集逾八成業權,並透過市區重建中介服務推出,並委託測量師作銷售,測量師表示,項目毗鄰港鐵藍田站,擁維港景致,可作重建發展,地盤面積約2350方呎,屬住宅 (甲類) 用途,地積比率達7.5倍,可建樓面逾1.7萬方呎。




全幢物業可改用途 成財團吸納對象



Weave Living買酒店 作共居空間

據了解,新買家為Weave Living,該集團在港主力發展共居空間,創立品牌Weave Co-living,過去數年先後購入旺角、紅磡、大角咀及西環4項目,把原本酒店改裝成共居,合共提供540間房。該集團去年以2.95億元收購西半山醫院道6至8號全幢,呎價約1.4萬元,據悉將會被改裝成多戶房屋 (Multi-Family)。






灣仔全幢服務式住宅標售 估值3.7億




測量師指,物業位於摩理臣山道及灣仔道,鄰近銅鑼灣時代廣場,地盤面積約1,890平方呎,現規劃為其他指定用途 (混合用途),可作寫字樓、酒店、住宅等用途。以最高地積比率15倍計,可重建總樓面約28,485平方呎。該物業已獲批重建為一幢22層高銀座商廈,買家可於物業外牆及天台上加設多個大型戶外廣告牌。據市場估值約3.7億元,每呎樓面地價約1.3萬元。


新蒲崗匯達商業中心 享地利交通便







業主多作自用 盤源矜罕



Flats at Kowloon Godown go down in size but up in number

Wheelock Properties has submitted a new redevelopment plan for Kowloon Godown in Kowloon Bay to the Town Planning Board to build 1,782 residential flats but with smaller sizes.

Nearly 1,000 units have been added to the 784 flats that were approved 10 years ago, but the average size of each unit will shrink 56 percent to 465 square feet.

The developer wants to build seven 28-story buildings on the 165,812 sq ft site, providing a total gross floor area of 829,059 sq ft.

The project is located on Kai Hing Road, near the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal.

Managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu said the company has collected over HK$20 billion in the first seven months of 2021, selling 1,165 flats.

He expected the company to break its sales record of HK$26 billion and said overall property prices will rise 5 percent by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, the Land Registry recorded 9,957 sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in July, up 6.1 percent from June and 31.4 percent higher year-on-year.

The total amount for sale and purchase agreements in July was HK$94 billion, which rose 1.5 percent from June and 35.6 percent from 2020.

In the commercial property market, Swire Properties (1972) said the overall Hong Kong occupancy rate for its offices remained at 96 percent in the first half.

The developer said its Pacific Place's office occupancy rate rose to 98 percent, while the rent dropped 11 percentage points. And for its Taikoo Place project, the rental reversions remained positive.

However, the company believes the increased availability and subdued demand has exerted downward pressure on rentals, especially in Central and the Pacific Place portfolio.

Before the completion of Two Taikoo Place, Julius Baer, a Swiss private bank, had committed to four floors (approximately 92,000 sq ft) and will be the first anchor tenant of the building, the company said.

Link Reit (0823) meanwhile said the number of visitors at its shopping malls had returned to pre-pandemic levels and it believes the positive impact of government coupons could last between 12 to18 months.

The company revealed that over 60 percent of its shop tenants have installed e-payment apparatuses which have been adopted by mall tenants, but the acceptance in wet markets is relatively lower.

(The Standard)


Record prices of mid-sized Hong Kong flats driven by first-time buyers taking advantage of relaxed mortgage rules, say analysts

Homes measuring between 431 and 752 sq ft soared to record-breaking prices in June as couples and young families snapped up second-hand units

Among the most popular developments driving the price increases were Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai, and City One Shatin in Sha Tin

More first-time buyers have been piling in to Hong Kong’s property market, driving up the prices of mid-sized flats in out-of-town locations, according to analysts.

Homes measuring between 431 sq ft and 752 sq ft soared to record-breaking prices in June as couples and young families snapped up second-hand units in areas like the New Territories, where their money goes a lot further than it does in the city.

Property agents said the prices had been driven higher by a relaxation of mortgage rules in 2019 allowing first-time buyers to borrow a much higher percentage of a flat’s value.

“The relaxation measure pushed more first-time homebuyers to enter the property market,” property agent said. At the same time, more people were taking the opportunity to upgrade to larger units.

“This led to more people making use of the relaxation rules,” the agent said. “So people who previously bought units of 200 to 300 sq ft would perhaps purchase units of 400 to 500 sq ft instead.”

Among the most popular residential developments driving the price increases were Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai, City One Shatin in Sha Tin and Metro City in Tseung Kwan O, according to property agency.

“For some buyers who live in a two-bedroom unit … their family has expanded and they have another child or their children are growing, they may need to switch to a three-bedroom [unit],” agent said.

The prices of second-hand homes measuring 431 sq ft to 752 sq ft set a new record in June, according to an official price index. They edged up 0.37 per cent to 381.5 in June, breaching the previous high of 377.9 set in May 2019, according to recent data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

Homes at the extreme ends of the size spectrum fell in June. Houses larger than 1,722 sq ft saw their value drop 1.2 per cent, the biggest fall among all types of unit, while the very smallest flats, less than 431 sq ft, declined 0.45 per cent.

Home prices were flat overall, with the index remaining at 394.5, just a whisker below the previous peak of 396.9 in May 2019.

A total of 3,059 transactions were recorded in 10 major second-hand housing estates so far this year, up by a half from the 2,049 sales recorded in the first seven months of last year.

Kingswood Villas topped the list, with 433 transactions, a 29 per cent increase, according to the agency.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor announced the relaxation of the lending cap in October 2019.

Under the measure, which applies to completed flats only, the lending cap for those who are qualified to borrow up to 90 per cent of the property’s value rose from HK$4 million to HK$8 million. The cap on the value of flats eligible for mortgages of up to 80 per cent also rose from HK$6 million to HK$10 million.

“The transaction volume of people buying properties in this range is always going to be big,” property agent said. “Now many people are first-time buyers, and when you buy property for the first time you typically buy around such sizes, which makes for an easier entry point.”

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong’s overall property deals to take a breather after coming within touching distance in July of pre-protests high

The overall number of deals were within touching distance of a high recorded in May 2019

Overall number of transactions will fall in August by nearly 13 per cent, property agent said

Hong Kong’s overall property transactions are expected to take a breather this month after rising to a 26-month high in July, close to levels seen before the city’s anti-government protests broke out in June 2019, thanks to a recovery in the economy and the coronavirus pandemic stabilising locally.

The overall number of transactions, including residential, commercial and industrial properties, as well as parking spaces, rose to 9,957 deals in July, approaching a high of 10,353 deals in May 2019, according to the Land Registry. The value of transactions also stretched a five-month rally to a three-year high of HK$94 billion (US$12.09 billion).

“Before property prices could approach historical highs, buyers’ pace of entry into the market slowed down slightly, with some taking a wait-and-see approach,” property agent said. “The overall number of transactions in August will fall from this high level by nearly 13 per cent to around 8,680 deals.”

The improving economy and coronavirus outbreak, coupled with quantitative easing, have boosted the number of transactions in Hong Kong, the world’s most expensive real estate market. But more aggressive asking prices, as well as rising home prices are pushing some potential buyers to the sidelines.

The absence of launches of large-scale new projects in late July and early this month are also expected to weigh on the transaction volume, the agent said. The agent, however, added that the overall transaction number will rise again after a short break, with major new projects in the pipeline.

Hong Kong home prices were flat in June after reaching a two-year high, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department. An index measuring the prices of second-hand homes stayed at 394.5, data from the department shows, just a whisker below the previous peak of 396.9 in May 2019. The rising prices have led to more aggressive asking prices from sellers, according to property agency.

The strong sales “reflected that under quantitative easing and low interest rates, the boom in the second-hand market continued, stimulating brisk turnover”, another agent said.

In the first seven months of this year, the number of overall property transactions totalled 60,293, an increase of 49.5 per cent year on year, the highest in nine years, according to another property agency. The amount was HK$568.4 billion, up 68 per cent year on year, the highest since 1997.

The driving force has been the housing market, occupying 49,737, or 82.5 per cent of the total number of transactions, in this period.

A family bought a 773 sq ft flat at Hemera in Lohas Park for HK$11.6 million this week as they thought “the housing market still has rising momentum” and did not want to keep paying rent, according to the agency.

The number of transactions involving commercial and industrial properties dipped 5 per cent month on month to 628 in July, but the shops market will benefit from an improvement in the retail and catering industries, thanks to the government’s consumption vouchers, according to property agency.

(South China Morning Post)

















7月份共錄得13宗億元買賣,按月增30%,更是近20個月以來單月錄最多逾億元成交宗數,其中長沙灣青山道646號豐華工業大廈全幢及中環C WISDOM CENTRE全幢分別以8億元及4.32億元成交。7月份大手成交大多為鋪位買賣,共佔8宗,包括以3億元成交的屯門天生樓地下共11個商鋪。











除了鋪位及工廈,放售的包括大批住宅,其中,鰂魚涌英皇道846號民新大廈的6個住宅單位,每間實用面積逾千呎,陳氏表示,以意向價計算,回報近約3厘,其他住宅單位分別位於鰂魚涌 、紅磡、佐敦、旺角及新蒲崗,以現狀及連約形式放售,可即時為買家取得穩定租金收入。



東亞銀行購葵涌偉倫工廈全層 作價1.07億面積25618呎


據土地註冊處資料顯示,葵涌偉倫中心第二期中層全層,於上月初以1.072億售出,買家為東亞銀行有限公司 (THE BANK OF EAST ASIA,LIMITED),原業主於2011年底以4535萬買入,以公司名義利合興有限公司持有,註冊董事為吳姓及關姓人士,持貨10年,帳面獲利6185萬,物業升值約1.36倍。











華人行千呎舖 50萬租跌逾5成

部署通關旅客重臨 租客搶一綫靚



高峰期舖租230 跌約78%

翻查資料,該舖多年來曾獲不同租客承租,2012年零售高峰期,舖位曾由鐘錶店以每月230萬元租用,及後2015年獲Folli Follie以180萬租用,租金下跌。其後2018年,零售明顯從高峰回落,Swatch以110萬元租用舖位,惟本港受社會運動及疫情衝擊,零售甚差,而品牌亦於去年6月提早遷出,及後更被業主入稟追討租金。由於舖位交吉日久,業主決定把舖放短租,去年疫情時獲口罩店以每月約20萬租用。如今鐘錶店以每月約50萬元租用,租金上一份長租合約下跌約55%,若與高峰期的230萬元相比,租金更跌約78%。








大窩口工業區 半數項目建新式工廈





當中新地 (00016) 近期再就安泰工業中心、王子工業大廈及亞洲脈絡中心等4幢工廈的重建方案提交修訂,申請將地積比率將增加22%至6.1倍,當中6倍作為住宅用途,將會興建5幢31層高分層住宅,較舊方案減少1幢但高度增加7層,總單位數目約1,330伙,較舊方案增加327伙,約27%。

項目將繼續分為4期發展,當中新地旗下安泰工業中心位於第1期,將會興建1幢31層高住宅,總樓面約20.1萬平方呎,較舊方案增加2成,預計提供約465伙,較舊方案增加42%。至於鄰近轉型速度較慢,只有數年前房委會已經將前大窩口工廠大廈重建成居屋尚翠苑,而新意網 (01686) 則申請將工廈Jumbo iAdvantage地下至7樓,改裝成為數據中心之用。


另外,華人置業 (00127) 去年以約3.6億元增持的馬角街14至18號栢獅電子大廈,則計劃重建成1幢23層高的工廈,總樓面約22.8萬平方呎,預計於2024年底前完成。而新意網在2018年以約7.26億元購入的前馬角街熟食中心工業地,則將會用來興建高端數據中心,涉及樓面約20.17萬平方呎。



NikeLab銅鑼灣舖縮近半樓面 年慳432萬









另外,有名人趁機入市舖位。土地註冊處顯示,沙田安群街3號京瑞廣場1期地下8號舖,上月以9800萬元由敏華控股 (1999) 創辦人兼董事局主席黃敏利之妻許慧卿購入。原業主2017年底以約7055萬元購入,持貨不足4年,帳面獲利2745萬元或39%。





Tsing Yi flats set to go on sale

Wang On Properties (1243) released the sales brochure for The Met. Azure in Tsing Yi and said sales will launch soon.

The project offers 320 homes ranging from 181 square feet to 257 square feet, according to its sales brochure.

Located at 8 Liu To Road, the 16-floor building offers 20 units in each floor, nearly 80 percent of which are studio flats.

Executive director Teresa Ching Tak-won said the core concept of the design was to create an ideal home life that is environmentally friendly, convenient and healthy with modern technology.

Ching added that the sales of the flats will open soon.

Sun Hung Kai Properties' (0016) Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai also uploaded its sales brochure yesterday. It offers 1,224 units ranging from 268 to 1,158 sq ft.

The project comprises 6 multistory residential buildings, providing a total of 1,104 units, and 10 multistory villas offering 120 units ranging between 757 sq ft to 1,158 sq ft in size.

The project offers units ranging from studio flats to four-bedroom units, and also has a rare one-bedroom plus storeroom layout.

The project is expected to open sales in early August.

Meanwhile, La Marina, phase II of The Southside, which is located above Wong Chuk Hang station, has received pre-sale consent, and will open sales this month at the earliest.

Codeveloped by Kerry Properties (0683), Sino Land (0083) and MTR Corporation (0066), the project offers 600 residential flats, providing one- to four-bedroom units.

The developer added that the connected 500,000 square feet shopping mall, The Southside, will be completed in 2023.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong’s mass-housing rental market picks up as mainland Chinese students snap up even haunted flats

Some mainland Chinese students returning for the new academic year next month are closing deals after viewing flats online, agents say

Rents are likely to rise 10 per cent in this half due to demand from students, economic recovery and vaccinations, agents say

Activity in Hong Kong’s mass-housing rental market is picking up thanks to mainland Chinese students who are returning to the city after a gap of a year, as universities resume classroom lectures next month.

Market observers said that many of the mainland students will be arriving in the city earlier than usual as they have to undergo 14 days of quarantine and prepare for the new academic year, with many booking flats after simply viewing only photos or videos.

Home rents are likely to rise 10 per cent in this half because of the rise in demand from mainland students, economic recovery and vaccinations, property agent said.

“The summer high season for leasing has begun,” the agent said. “The demand in the leasing market will gradually increase, which is likely to drive rents upwards and support property prices at the same time.”

The city’s rental index has risen for four straight months in June, according to the latest data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

The view was echoed by analyst. The analyst said that rents have risen along with the booming sales and prices in the property market in the year’s first half.

Hong Kong’s universities had 13,580 mainland students in the last academic year, according to data from the University Grants Committee. Since not all students can be accommodated in dormitories, many of them end up renting private flats individually or in groups.

A property agency in Tseung Kwan O struck 23 leases with mainland students in 20 days last month. They made decisions remotely by viewing photos and videos online, agent said. Tseung Kwan O is close to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

“Even some haunted flats were leased,” the agent said, adding that all of them paid a full year’s rent and deposit in advance, making them very popular with landlords.

For a 659 sq ft flat at Metro City in Tseung Kwan O, the annual rent and two months’ deposits is around HK$294,000 (US$37,815), according to the property agency.

Festival City in Tai Wai, which is close to Baptist University and City University of Hong Kong in Kowloon Tong, is also popular, as 41 leases were signed in July alone, according to another property agency.

In one instance, six mainland students rented a four-bedroom flat measuring 959 sq ft for HK$37,000 a month in the estate. Festival City’s average rent saw the biggest increase among 18 estates tracked by property agency, with rents rising 10.2 per cent to HK$31.8 per square foot in June from February levels.

Another estate, Solaria in Tai Po, which is near the Chinese University of Hong Kong, saw over 15 leases in July, another agent said.

One mainland student paid an entire year’s rent, some 15 per cent above the market level, after only viewing photos, the agent said .

(South China Morning Post)




涉資1289 屬市價水平

該廈於過去5年約錄20宗,當中17宗為中低層 (位處2樓至7樓) 單位,該廈5樓3室,建築面積1178方呎,以2018年6月以1508萬易手,平均呎價12801元。


















永泰粉嶺地15%股權 3.9億售董建成唐英年

永泰地產 (00369) 在6月底以26.168億元高價投得粉嶺高爾夫球會旁住宅地,據永泰最新公告,以3.9億元售出項目公司15%,予全國政協副主席董建華的胞弟董建成、前政務司司長唐英年。



據發展商最新宣布已訂立協議,Sunbeam Star及Su Sih兩間海外註冊公司,向集團收購持有粉嶺住宅地項目公司的分別10%及5%的股權以及股東貸款。

當中Sunbeam的實際持有人為董建成,而Su Sih則為唐英年,而永泰在項目所佔權益則會降低至85%,並會向兩人就股東貸款收取3.9252億元,亦即是地價26.168億元的15%。當中董建成為船王董浩雲兒子、董建華胞弟、前東方海外主席,今年初曾夥永泰、銀娛副主席呂耀東以及羅嘉瑞旗下冠君產業信託合資以2.55億英鎊收購倫敦金融城商廈;唐英年則為「紡織大王」唐翔千兒子、曾任政務司司長,其胞妹唐英敏亦曾參與永泰的屯門項目OMA By The Sea




洗衣街核心區地舖 連租約開價3500萬




前水務署大樓重建計劃 升值潛力增






第一集團續推工商新盤 荃灣工廈呎價6000起




宏安地產 (01243) 投資部高級物業經理胡日發指出,早前以逾4.1億元購入香港仔黃竹坑珍寶閣509個車位,將作長線收租,因為黃竹坑上蓋物業發展項目陸續落成,區內停車場升值潛力大,目前平均車位月租2000元,回報約3厘,集團將為停車場增值。他認為,市況轉好,預計通關之後反彈幅度更大。


HK ultra-luxury market sizzles

Hong Kong was among one of the seven cities which saw the number of ultra-luxury home transactions double in the first half of 2021, racking up 785 deals over the period, according to property agency.

In value terms, the transactions were worth US$2.4 billion (HK$18.72 billion) year-to-date compared to US$1.4 billion a year ago, the real estate consultant said.

And though Hong Kong's luxury property prices fell 7 percent in 2020, prices now are only about 3 percent lower than historical highs, the agency added.

The news came as a 2,849-square-foot duplex unit at Dukes Place sold for HK$185 million, or HK$64,935 per sq ft.

A total of 2,843 residential units received pre-sale consent from the Lands Department in July, a 32-month high.

Meanwhile, the Urban Renewal Authority has offered owner-occupiers of the Shing Tak Street/Ma Tau Chung road development project an acquisition price of HK$19,848 per saleable area sq ft, the highest amount among its Kowloon projects.

The offer price was calculated based on the unit rate of a seven-year-old notional replacement flat of the same locality.

In the primary market, the second phase of Grand Victoria, which is offering 108 units via tender, saw 12 sales today. All the units have three or more bedrooms with saleable areas ranging from 752 sq ft to 3,029 sq ft.

Property brokers expect the per square foot price and selling price of the duplex units, which have rooftops and platforms, to surge to a new high.

The developers have cashed in a total of HK$5.7 billion by selling 413 units in the first and third phases of the residential project at an average price of HK$28,109 per sq ft. The highest price was HK$53,850 per sq ft.

Also in the primary market, Wang On Properties (1243) revealed the first price list of the Met. Azure in Tsing Yi yesterday, which offers 64 units at an average price of HK$18,700 per sq ft.

(The Standard)


Asia-Pacific companies willing to pay higher rent for green buildings to reach net zero carbon goals

While 70 per cent of occupiers in the region are willing to pay a rental premium for green space, compared with 62 per cent in Hong Kong

Existing supply of green buildings in many regional markets was not enough to meet demand

Most companies in the Asia-Pacific are willing to pay a premium to rent space in sustainable buildings as they look to make good on their sustainability pledges, real estate consultancy said.

While 70 per cent of occupiers in the region were willing to pay a rental premium for green space, that ratio was lower at 62 per cent among those in Hong Kong, according to a survey of 550 industry leaders across the region by the consultancy.

“With 40 per cent of real estate occupiers across Asia-Pacific having already adopted net zero carbon goals and another 40 per cent planning to do so by 2025, green buildings are no longer just ‘nice to have’ if corporates are to follow through on their sustainability pledges,” property consultant said.

The consultant said that companies in the Asia-Pacific were looking to achieve a goal of making 50 per cent of their property portfolios accredited by 2025, but the existing supply of green buildings in many markets was not enough to meet this demand.

Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries from China to the United States have vowed to cooperate to cap peak emissions of greenhouse gases in a bid to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels to slow down the impact of climate change. Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged last September that China, the world’s top carbon emitter, would cap its emissions by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2060.

Such growing concern over climate emergency and governments policies around the world were driving companies to take action and transition to net zero carbon, property consultant said.

Hong Kong companies were not far behind.

“The enquiries around net zero carbon we received in Hong Kong in the first half of this year were more than double the total enquiries received in 2020,” the consultant said.

“Businesses acting now are the ones that will benefit the most as they prepare themselves for inevitable legislation, while meeting growing investor, customer and employee demands while realising savings through operational efficiencies,” the consultant said.

The regional real estate decarbonisation drive was prompting companies to prioritise locations that help them reduce carbon emissions and focus more on green building investments, property consultancy said.

the property consultancy said that banks and financial companies were likely to be interested in relocating to so-called green buildings, given their interest in green financing and bonds.

“Banking and finance is the sector that pays highest attention to green space because their own businesses have already got quite a high exposure to environmental, social and governance and green concepts,” said Martin Wong, director and head of research and consultancy for Greater China at Knight Frank.

(South China Morning Post)


資金充裕 逾億元大手成交增


近日大手買賣市場暢旺,逾億元成交相繼出現,如興勝創建 (00896) 連環出貨,以6.28億沽出觀塘大業街1號禧年工業大廈全幢,物業總樓面約6.3萬平方呎,集團於於2019年以4.89億元購入,去年曾申請重建成1幢36層高酒店,提供160間客房,總樓面約8.3萬平方呎。如今沽出物業,2年獲利約1.39億元。據悉,買家為均輝集團,該集團正持有觀塘偉業街111號均輝中心,正比鄰禧年工業大廈,料作合併發展。

興勝創建沽兩工廈 套現逾9


宏安換貨 沽甲廈購停車場

去年交投淡靜的甲廈市場,近2個月市況略轉好,其中金鐘統一中心30樓全層以5.15億元易手,面積約20,488平方呎計算,平均呎價約25,137元,物業將會以買賣公司形式交易。該全層現時月租約114.7萬元,租期至2023年,新買家可享租金回報約2.7厘。據了解,新買家為許大絢及梁先杰。資料顯示,業主為宏安地產 (01243) ,於2016年以5.12億元購入,持貨約5年,帳面獲利約277.5萬元,接近平手離場。宏安地產沽貨後,即斥逾4.1億元,購入黄竹坑惠福道珍寶閣509個車位,平均每個車位約80萬元,集團發言人指,是次購入停車場作長綫投資,目前車位每個月租約2,000餘元,屬偏低水平,將透過翻新,提高價值。

此外,酒店亦錄買賣,土瓜灣譚公道103至107號酒店易手,物業樓高18層,總樓面約29,349平方呎,以3.8億元成交。該物業原由一本地財團持有,發展興建一幢提供99間房的酒店,一直未有營運,現獲財團購入,平均每房價值約384萬元。新買家為Weave Living,該集團在港主力發展共居空間,相信購入該酒店轉作共居。






嘉民2億 購葵涌工廈多層







Prices for 32 Tsing Yi studios released

Wang On Properties (1243) has released 32 studio flats in the second price list at the Met. Azure in Tsing Yi.

The flats in the list have an average price of HK$21,361 per sq ft after discounts, 14 percent higher than the first price list of HK$18,700 per sq ft. The cheapest flat, measuring 203 sq ft, is priced at nearly HK$4.1 million or HK$20,177 per sq ft.

Of a total of 320 flats in the project, the first batch was more than 11 times oversubscribed, with over 800 checks for the 64 units offered on its launch last Saturday.

Separately, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) sold a 437-sq-ft special unit with a terrace of the second phase of Regency Bay in Tuen Mun via tender at HK$10.81 million, or HK$24,737 per sq ft. The developer has cashed in over HK$2.1 billion in the second phase for 279 units, accounting for 98 percent of the flats at the project, with an average price of HK$19,748 per sq ft.

In the secondary market, a buyer walked away from a deal to buy a HK$7.43 million flat at Sunshine City in Ma On Shan, due to a lower valuation by banks.

The 363-sq-ft flat was valued at HK$6.65 million and HK$6.85 million by HSBC and Bank of China respectively, which was 8 to 10.5 percent lower than proposed sale price. The buyer forfeited a deposit about HK$370,000, which was 5 percent of sale price.

(The Standard)


中環金利豐變身「醫生大廈」 朱俊浩:醫療集團簽十年長約

疫市下中環有全新商廈落成,金利豐主席朱李月華7年前購入商廈,重建為 金利豐中心 (35 QRC),並變身「醫生大廈」,金利豐執行董事朱俊浩表示,該全幢由醫療集團承租,租客簽署10年租長約。

該全幢商廈由朱太兒子朱俊浩 (Kingston) 負責策劃及打理招租事宜,他表示,早於疫情前,中環已有不少寫字樓供應,港島東、黃竹坑及九龍東亦供應充裕,疫市後不少企業員工在家工作,令企業對寫字樓需求減少,他不希望在此平台與人競爭,將該廈定位為醫療行業,況且,該廈毗鄰的萬邦行,本身是很成功的醫生大廈,35 QRC規模不算大,但位置十分理想,極具優勢吸引醫療行業,因此,雙方洽商僅1個多月時間,租客一簽10年長約。






該廈地鋪除了作醫療中心外,尚有一個建築面積約2300方呎地鋪,據地產界人士指,曾以每月92萬放租,後來封盤,最後由朱太擔任集團主席的先施錶行旗下FRANCK MULLER進駐。


FRANCK MULLER自從2014年起,承租銅鑼灣霎東街15號OLIV地下至3樓,作旗鑑店,建築面積約9499方呎,一簽9年租約,土地註冊處資料顯示,首3年月租238萬,呎租約251元。隨後3年續租權,加租20%至每月285.6萬,最後3年續租月租高達365.6萬至2023年。





銅鑼灣舖空置 按年減1.47百分點



登龍街舖洽租烈 搶至27萬租



大角咀舖叫價1950 加價7




CK Asset to convert some hotels into residential units to make most of decline in hospitality sector, rise in home prices

There is value in converting some of the company’s hotels into residential units, chairman Victor Li Tzar-kuoi says

Because of Covid-19, operating hotels has become riskier than ever before: analyst

CK Asset Holdings will convert some of its hotels for residential use amid a decline in the hospitality sector thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic and a record rise in the city’s home prices.

Victor Li Tzar-kuoi, the company’s chairman and managing director, stated publicly for the first time on Thursday that a specific percentage of CK Asset’s hotels portfolio will be converted for housing in the world’s most unaffordable housing market.

“We have a huge hotels portfolio. [For] 10, 15 per cent of that portfolio, the neighbourhood has changed, pricing has changed. And there is value generation by converting some of [these hotels] to residential,” he said.

Harbour Plaza Resort City in Tin Shui Wai could generate a residential area of 139,500 square metres, or 5,000 units, according to a document released by the Town Planning Board in December last year. Horizon Suites in Ma On Shan could generate up to 758 flats, with a residential area of 44,863 square metres, according to another document released in February this year. The two hotels have a total of 1,933 rooms currently, or about 13 per cent of the about 15,000 hotel rooms and serviced suites CK Asset owns.

Li’s comments come at a time when hotels in Hong Kong have struggled to fill rooms and break even, especially on weekdays, after the protests of 2019 and the coronavirus pandemic, which broke out last year, dragged the city’s visitor arrivals to almost zero. But home prices have proved far more resilient, with local demand and quantitative easing contributing to a recent rally.

Hotels that focused on tourists had “gone through possibly the most difficult period” already, according to Li. And while the company was converting some of its tourist-focused hotels into long-stay properties, Li remained optimistic about tourism. “I still remember the tough time during Sars. The lesson I learned from Sars was that [outbreaks] go away and tourists come back, and business will recover,” he said. “I’m quite sure one day tourists will come back and we’ll be giving good numbers.”

The company was building a new hotel in Ap Lei Chau for long-term lease, Li added.

“The hotels business involves long-term investments. Developers always prefer building residential flats for sale, rather than building hotels,” surveyor said. “Whilst we cannot foresee the impact of Covid-19 … operating hotels has become riskier than ever before.”

Stephen Ng, chairman and managing director of The Wharf Group, also spoke about the limitations of the hotels business on Thursday, during his company’s results briefing. Even though staycations, or bookings by locals, had become mainstream business for hotels, their impact was limited, he said. He said that even if business were to resume, there may be problems with staff recruitment, as many staffers had changed track or decided against joining the industry amid a pessimistic outlook for the sector because of the pandemic.

The redevelopment of CK Asset’s hotels into flats “will be good as this can provide immediate supply”, another surveyor said. “This will help boost supply even if they only lease out the flats, instead of selling [them].”

Even though developers will need to spend big to convert hotels into residential units, it will be worthwhile given the strong performance of the residential market even during Covid-19 and the economic downturn, the surveyor added.

Hong Kong home prices were flat in June after reaching a two-year high, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department. An index measuring the prices of second-hand homes stayed at 394.5, data from the department shows, just a whisker below the previous peak of 396.9 in May 2019.

(South China Morning Post)




市區舊樓再獲財團出手收購,據土地註冊處資料顯示,香港仔舊大街72號全幢,於上月以1.1億易手,買家以公司名義登記,為ALL HARVEST CORPORATION LTD,公司註冊董事包括英皇國際執行董事張炳強、英皇集團董事總經理黃志輝,以及該集團另一名董事總經理范敏嫦。




項目現址為1幢樓高8層商住舊樓,於1964年落成,樓齡約57年,地下有3個商鋪,1至7樓為住宅,共有兩條公用樓梯,規劃用途為「住宅 (甲類) 2」。鄰近筲箕灣港鐵站,甚具重建價值。發展商早前曾指出,項目將會連同南安街73至77號合併發展,地盤總面積約5980方呎,計畫興建1幢約25至26層高商住物業,提供約168伙。






Hysan Development, IWG form flexible office joint venture as Hong Kong landlord eyes Greater Bay Area market

The joint venture will acquire and operate IWG’s 32 existing locations and the Regus, Spaces and Signature brands across the Greater Bay Area.

Hong Kong’s office rents have declined by a quarter from two years ago as demand for office space has fallen because of remote working arrangements.

Hysan Development is expanding into the shared-office market in the Greater Bay Area through a joint venture with IWG, the world’s largest flexible workspace operator, as it seeks to cash in on the growing trend of remote working arrangements by companies who are looking to contain costs.

The joint venture will acquire and operate IWG’s 32 existing locations and brands across the Greater Bay Area, Hysan said on Monday, without disclosing its investment in the venture.

Sixteen of these shared offices are in Hong Kong, which are operated under three brands – Regus, Spaces and Signature.

“The workspace ecosystem is fast evolving to better meet end users’ needs and expectations, and flexible workspace will play an important part,” said Ricky Lui, chief operating officer of Hysan Development. “The joint venture reflects our confidence in the economic growth of the Greater Bay Area.”

Hysan has market value of HK$30.8 billion (US$3.95 billion) and ranks among the biggest office landlords in Causeway Bay, the city’s prime commercial district.

The formation of the joint venture comes as Hong Kong’s office rents have fallen by a quarter from two years ago. Demand for office space has reduced as remote working arrangements have taken hold across the globe as companies implemented social distancing to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and cut costs.

“In the wake of the pandemic, we are seeing record levels of demand as companies embrace hybrid work and rethink their real estate strategy,” said Mark Dixon, founder and chief executive of IWG.

Some of big office users like HSBC and Standard Chartered have accelerated the shift towards remote working.

HSBC has downsized its global office footprint by 10 per cent since January 2020 as it has adopted a hybrid model of splitting work between the office and home, the bank said during its half-year results announcement on August 1.

In February, Standard Chartered signed an agreement with IWG giving its 85,000 employees globally access to IWG’s 3,500 offices around the world for a trial period of 12 months.

The newly emerging flexible office trend is pushing landlords to seek greater exposure into the sector to diversify from their core business, analysts said.

“Operators with a strong track record of successfully running flexible workspace locations, at scale, are more interesting for investors, particularly operators with a robust client base and potential to tap into the corporate real estate market, which IWG certainly have,” property consultant said.

Almost all of the clients were looking at ways to incorporate flexible offices into their real estate strategy, the property consultant added.

Hysan said it would continue to expand IWG’s brands in the growing flexible workspace market in the region.

Currently, more than 10 per cent of Hysan’s 2.5 million square feet of prime office space in Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay has been leased to different flexible workspace operators, including IWG.

Last year, IWG’s Signature brand took over 32,000 sq ft of space vacated by rival WeWork at Hysan Place. IWG’s Spaces brands operates a flexible location at Lee Garden Three.

Hysan’s other co-working operator tenants include The Desk at One Hysan Avenue, and WeWork and Compass at Lee Garden One.

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease in Hysan Place please visit: Office for Lease in Hysan Place

For more information of Office for Lease in One Hysan Avenue please visit: Office for Lease in One Hysan Avenue

For more information of Office for Lease in Lee Garden One please visit: Office for Lease in Lee Garden One

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay


50大甲廈上月8買賣 今年低



首7月106宗成交 增1.7











灣仔資本中心 位置優越合中小企






樓面設計靈活 可變多個單位












黎姿醫美公司51.6萬租南豐大廈 英國《金融時報》提早15個月撤出

新冠肺炎疫情雖然緩和,但經濟受壓,對部分企業營運帶來挑戰,故商廈仍有退租情況。英國《金融時報》的香港辦事處原租用上環南豐大廈兩層樓面,現提早超過一年退租18樓全層,每月節省64.71萬元租金;有關樓層火速獲黎姿 (現名黎珈而) 旗下醫學美容公司以51.58萬元承租,租金回落約20%。


18樓全層新約平20% 呎造56

雖然《金融時報》簽訂的租約要到明年9月底始到期,但土地註冊處資料顯示,租客THE FINANCIAL TIMES (HK) LIMITED已在7月起退租,即提早15個月離場。以單位月租約64.71萬元計算,未計賠償,《金融時報》可節省約970.65萬元租金支出。


在《金融時報》離場後,業主南豐隨即找到新租客頂上租用18樓單位。土地註冊處文件顯示,G MAX GROUP LIMITED由7月起租用上址3年,最新月租約51.58萬元,呎租約56元。以最新租金計,較《金融時報》接近兩年前簽訂的租約月租減少13.13萬元,跌幅約20.3%。


據公司註冊處資料顯示,G MAX GROUP LIMITED的董事為黎珈而,該公司的登記地址亦與黎珈而擔任主席兼行政總裁的卓珈控股 (01827) 總部相同,料租用南豐大廈單位作為旗下醫學美容公司分店。






























Wetland Seasons Bay puts up 245 homes

Wetland Seasons Bay phase 1 in Tin Shui Wai opened its first price list, offering 245 units at an average price of HK$13,689 per square foot.

The cheapest flat, a 300-sq-ft one-bedroom unit, costs HK$4.55 million after discounts.

The first batch of 245 flats range from 300 to 795 sq ft and cover one- to four-bedroom units.

The average price of this batch is 20 percent higher than Wetland Seasons Park in Tin Shui Wai, which was also developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), but is slightly lower than the last batch of Wetland Seasons Park.

The project will open show flats and start receiving checks tomorrow with the first round of sales starting next week.

In Sheung Wan, Hollywood Hill, developed by Hanison Construction (0896), also unveiled its first price list of 10 flats with an average selling price of HK$31,000 per sq ft.

The price per sq ft is 8 percent lower than the first batch of 28 Aberdeen Street in the same district.

The prices of the 400-sq-ft one-bedroom units range from HK$11.56 million to HK$13.6 million. Sales start this week on a first come, first served basis.

The developer said that there will be a five to 10 percent price hike for the coming batches.

In Ho Man Tin, Madera Garden announced its second price list and offered three more units. The properties range from 286 to 414 sq ft. The price per sq ft is between HK$24,630 and HK$26,762 and prices range between HK$7.65 million and HK$10.7 million after discounts.

It will open the second round of sales for a total of 11 units, including the remaining eight flats from the first round of sales and the three newly added units, on Saturday.

(The Standard)


Wharf’s first-half results improve, helped by resurgent sales of luxury homes in Hong Kong and strong consumption in China

Wharf’s underlying interim net loss narrowed by 53.5 per cent to HK$526 million (US$67.58 million), after an impairment provision of HK$3.65 billion

Including valuation gains, Wharf posted an interim net profit of HK$1.04 billion, swinging from a loss of HK$1.74 billion last year

Wharf Holdings, one of Hong Kong’s biggest builders of luxury homes and shopping centres, improved its first-half financial results, as strong sales of ultra-expensive residences and investment gains bolstered its bottom line.

The company’s underlying interim net loss narrowed by 53.5 per cent to HK$526 million (US$67.58 million) from HK$1.13 billion loss in the first half of 2020, after an impairment charge of HK$3.65 billion, Wharf said in a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange. Including valuation gains and one-time gains, Wharf reported an interim net profit of HK$1.04 billion, swinging from a loss of HK$1.74 billion a year earlier.

Wharf’s fortunes were helped by strong sales of ultra luxury homes in the world’s most expensive urban centre. Five units of Wharf’s luxury project at 77/79 Peak Road were sold for a combined HK$3 billion, or up to HK$92,100 per square foot. It also sold a luxury apartment at the exclusive Mount Nicholson project for HK$490 million. Two town houses at 11 Plantation Road were leased by tender for a combined HK$2.2 million per month.

“Since a series of transactions of ultra-luxury housing in January and February, the following few months have become quiet,” said Stephen Ng, chairman and managing director, said at a briefing on Tuesday. “This fully matches the nature of the ultra-luxury housing market, where not every day has home sales. But when there are sales, they can sometimes be high.”

The resurgent sales of luxury homes underscores how the coronavirus pandemic has not impeded the fortunes or spending habits of the wealthy class. Wharf spent HK$15.6 billion to buy two prime residential land plots at The Peak in Hong Kong to further its grip on the city’s luxury residential market. In particular, the acquisition of two sites in Mansfield Road doubled the total attributable gross floor area to nearly 600,000 square feet.

Still, the luxury housing segment is characterised by long holding periods, Wharf said in its filing. Mount Nicholson, one of the most expensive addresses in Asia on a per square foot basis, may be a useful illustration in this regard, Wharf said. The site was bought in 2010. It was not until 2016 that the first property was sold. Two houses and 10 flats remain unsold, out of the entire project’s 19 houses and 48 apartments, which underscores how the internal rate of return will be weighed down by the long payback period, Wharf said.

“Land on The Peak is not easy to handle,” said Ng. Mount Nicholson “looks like Asia’s king of housing on the outside, but the return may not be as high as some mid- and low-tier housing,” he added.

Wharf’s shopping centres are doing well in mainland China, helped by a recovery in luxury retail sales. Revenue from investment properties jumped by 45 per cent to HK$2.68 billion, while operating profit increased by half to HK$1.78 billion, driven mainly by the malls at the International Finance Square in Chengdu and Changsha. The developer sold 1,815 homes in China in the first six months totalling 214,400 square metres (2.31 million square feet), with the contracted sales value falling 29.6 per cent to 5.7 billion yuan (US$879 million).

Wharf announced an unchanged interim dividend of 20 Hong Kong cents. Its shares fell 0.4 per cent to HK$26.30 after the earnings were announced.

(South China Morning Post)


Home prices in Kowloon rise after Urban Renewal Authority’s record compensation offer for old residential buildings

Lived-in home prices in Ma Tau Wai, Kowloon, have risen by about 3 per cent in the past month; some agents expect a further 5 per cent boost by year-end.

The URA last week offered 154 flat owners of a Civil Servants’ Co-operative Building Society HK$19,848 (US$2,550) per square foot


The Urban Renewal Authority’s (URA) record-high acquisition price for units in ageing residential buildings in Ma Tau Wai, Kowloon, has led to a slight increase in home prices in the area. Market observers, however, said that any rise would be limited as the boost will be tempered after the gains in June following the opening of a new MTR line.

The URA last week offered 154 flat owners of a Civil Servants’ Cooperative Building Society Scheme (CBS) development project in Shing Tak Street, Ma Tau Wai, HK$19,848 (US$2,550) per square foot of saleable area, the highest such offer in Kowloon, according to analyst.

Lived-in home prices have risen by about 3 per cent in the past month as news of URA’s impending offer started doing the rounds, putting it on a par with newer developments, market observers said. They have risen about 5 per cent since the Tuen Ma line opened in June.

“It’s almost HK$20,000, of course [homeowners] will be aggressive,” property agent said. “Coupled with the opening of the Sha Tin to Central link, raising asking prices and withholding listings is inevitable.”

Another agent said that prices in the area could rise a further 5 per cent until the end of the year aided by the opening of the Tuen Ma line, acquisitions and economic recovery.

CBS buildings were built between 1952 and the mid-1980s on land granted by the government – usually at a third of market value – to civil servants who formed cooperative societies. Such buildings can also be found in Hung Hom, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon City and Kowloon Tong among other areas. The flats in these societies tend to be large, ranging from around 800 sq ft to 1,600 sq ft.

The URA said that the offer of HK$19,848 per square foot was based on the price of a seven-year-old replacement flat nearby. The authority had appointed seven independent consultancy firms, which compared transactions of similar properties, to arrive at the rate. The residents received the offer letters last Friday and have 60 days to consider the offer.

For instance, a 950 sq ft CBS flat will fetch HK$16.33 million after deducting the land premium, which is enough for buying a three-bedroom flat at One Kai Tak or Billionnaire Avant in Kowloon City or Bayview in To Kwa Wan, analyst said.

the analyst estimated that the site could fetch between HK$12,500 to HK$13,000 per square foot from developers when it is available for tender.

Overall, 197 out of the 238 cooperative societies have been dissolved, according to the Development Bureau. Twelve have been redeveloped already, whereby 600 flats were cleared to make way for 3,800 units. Another 4,400 units in 185 CBS projects are ready for redevelopment.

However, some residents of CBS projects that are likely to be redeveloped fear that it could affect their quality of life.

The substantial fall in living standards, quality of neighbourhood, higher management fees in new flats and difficulty for elderly residents who have lived there for decades to adapt to a new environment were among their chief concerns, said Irene Wong, whose CBS home in To Kwa Wan may be acquired by the URA.

She also said owners were unhappy with the URA for not engaging in enough discussions and not giving them the option of acquiring the development as a whole without dissolving the societies, so that the value of common space could be included in the offer price.

The URA said it plans to conduct an opinion survey with these residents by the fourth quarter to look into their concerns.

(South China Morning Post)


美基金趁低吸納 9.8億購尖沙咀酒店

平均每間房值620萬 近1年最大宗酒店成交。



總樓面7.16萬呎 供158間房









上環南豐大廈其中兩層樓面,由英國《金融時報》承租作為香港辦事處,其中的18樓全層,月租64.71萬,租客提早逾一年退租,而該全層獲黎姿 (現名黎珈而) 旗下醫學美容公司承租,月租51.58萬,平均呎租56元。


土地註冊處資料顯示,G MAX GROUP LIMITED由7月開始租用上址三年,到期日為2024年6月,每月租金51.58萬,相比舊租金回落約20%。土地註冊處資料顯示,G MAX GROUP董事黎珈而,登記地址亦與由黎姿擔任主席兼行政總裁的卓珈控股總部相同,為銅鑼灣禮頓中心單位。




























北角康樂大廈申強拍 估值約7.04億



而這宗強拍申請人為卓越兆業有限公司,公司董事包括澳門商人羅盛宗等。上述項目於1964年落成,樓齡約57年,比鄰太古發展的港濤軒,對面為北角工業大廈,亦與新地 (00016) 旗下海璇僅1街之隔,並距離北角站約2分鐘步程。






上環6項目重組 全數改建商廈


當中以永泰地產 (00369) 及資本策略 (00497) 等持有的嘉咸街項目規模較大,涉逾43萬平方呎樓面,而且早前獲批興建兩幢商廈及酒店。

嘉咸街C地盤 改建寫字樓酒店












據資料顯示,佐敦南京街15至17號舊樓,獲嘉澤投資 (Joy Benefit Investment Ltd) 申請強拍,該公司董事包括紀惠集團副主席及行政總裁湯文亮、其太座林麗瑩,以及湯文亮的子女湯振傑及湯振玲。

目前紀惠已持有項目逾81%業權,市場估值逾1.87億。 現址為兩幢7層高的商住樓宇,佔地約2796方呎,地下及1樓為鋪位及寫字樓,其餘則為住宅,該舊樓早於1959年落成,樓齡約62年。



而上述申請強拍的財團為卓越兆業 (Excellent Group Inc Ltd),其公司董事包括澳門商人羅盛宗,其餘董事的報住地址均位於澳門,包括謝麗珊、安加慰、黃曉媚、李家華、伍英傑及何偉權。



7月甲廈售價兩連跌 中環重災



億元大刁逆市增 兩月6






Evergrande gains on hopes of sale to Vanke

Shares of China Evergrande (3333) extend gains for the third day as reports surfaced that it is considering selling its property management businesses to a consortium lead by rival China Vanke (2202).

Evergrande closed 7.84 percent higher at HK$6.33 yesterday. Its shares have climbed more than 21 percent so far this week on expectations the world's most-indebted developer will ease its cash crunch with asset sales.

On Tuesday night, Evergande announced that it is in talks with several independent third-party investors to sell a part of the interests in the listed subsidiaries China Evergrande New Energy Vehicle (0708) and Evergrande Property Services (6666).

Shares of the EV segment rose 4.7 percent while Evergrande Property Services climbed 8.96 percent yesterday.

The company is also seeking buyers for the bulk of its urban renewal projects in Shenzhen, Reuters reported earlier.

Vanke, one of the biggest developers in China, is expected to be the buyer of Evergrande Property Services, local media reported yesterday. Vanke acquired a 19.9 percent stake in embattled developer Tahoe Group for 2.4 billion yuan (HK$2.88 billion) last year. It is also considering buying projects from Sichuan Languang Development, a mainland developer with overdue debts totaling 4.54 billion yuan.

Top Chinese politicians defined Evergrande's financial problems as "liquidity stress" and not an insolvency, REDD reported last week.

Evergrande plans to sell around 120 billion yuan in assets and initiated talks with potential buyers such as China Jinmao (0817) in early June, the report added.

Assuming Evergrande maintains control of the auto and property services units, the firm may raise about HK$25 billion from selling minority stakes, a property analyst said.

"It's positive for Evergrande," analuyst said. "We believe that Evergrande's bankruptcy risk may not be as high as bond prices suggested."

If realized, the sales may help Evergrande reduce its net debt-to-equity ratio by about 10 percent to 90 percent, Cheng said, adding he expects the ratio fell to 99 percent by the end of the first half. Evergrande said in late June that the ratio dipped below 100 percent, meeting a key debt metric of China's "three red lines" requirement for property developers.

Mainland developers also rose with China Overseas (0688) jumping 8.89 percent, the best performer among blue chips.

(The Standard)










據另一代理行早前報告指出,今年第二季甲廈空置率報9.5%,屬2004年以來17年新高,租金更連跌25個月,該行認為,現今甲廈需求仍然疲弱,料下半年租金有機會再跌約5%,此外,甲廈市場於今年次季錄負吸納量 (承租樓面低於退租樓面) 8.1萬方呎,為連續第8季錄負吸納量。

















元朗住宅地價「難搶高」發展具限制 發展商:每呎出價不多於7000元
















近年市區重建項目備受追捧,鄰近港鐵屯馬線的項目,其潛力更被看高一線。市場消息指由德祥地產 (0199) 持有土瓜灣炮仗街41至45號 (單號) 的地盤,鄰近港鐵土瓜灣站,據悉獲財團以約4億元洽購,以可建樓面3.4萬方呎計,每方呎樓面地價1.18萬元。就上述消息向德祥地產查詢,至截稿前未能聯絡得上。







佳寧娜攻市區蚊型地盤重建 深水埗海壇街項目最快明年推

近年中資大舉進軍本港房地產市場,成績各異,具內地資金背景的佳寧娜集團 (0126),2018年低調成立地產部,伙拍與從事房地產逾20年的尹德輝作策略伙伴,致力收購市區舊樓蚊型地盤,並以西九龍作為起點。最快明年中推售首個位於深水埗海壇街的商住項目,主打細單位戶型。該集團目標是「年年有盤開」,冀能協助港人「先安居、後樂業」。





併購青山道舊樓 料建7萬呎樓面



Mainland students driving rents higher

Property agency said that the number of inquiries it has received from mainlanders about rental properties through its chat system surged 6.8 times in the past three months as the start of the next academic year draws closer, leading it to forecast that rental prices could increase by 5 percent on average for the year.

That is the highest rise in four years.

Bolstering the case for the increase is that many mainlanders schooling here prefer to pay rents for a year in advance and scramble for homes even when they are above market prices by 3 to 16 percent, making them the darlings of many landlords.

Students tend to target flats in areas that are nearer their universities.

Thus, private properties in Tseung Kwan O are popular among mainland students of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and low-price properties in Tuen Mun with Lingnan University students.

As for those studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, units from Sha Tin to Tai Wai are often their preferred options.

An agent pointed out that many of these mainland tenants often do not hesitate to rent units with suitable partitions and designs at high prices as they can share flats with their mainland colleagues to reduce the costs.

Property agent said that a two-bedroom unit of Metro City Phase One was rented by mainland HKUST students for HK$15,500 a month, or an average price of HK$43 per sq ft, with a year's rent paid in advance.

Another agent said that many mainland students were seeking shared apartments last month. Nearly 90 percent of them paid a year's rent in a lump sum and were willing to rent above market prices, which raised the rental transaction volume and average price at some estates in Tuen Mun and Tin Shui Wai by about 10 percent.

Terence Chong Tai-leung, associate professor of economics at Chinese University, said there are more than 10,000 mainland students in universities here, of which more than half live in campus dormitories. The rest, mostly postgraduates, rent their apartments outside campus.

Most of them have recently returned here and are seeking a flat after having gone back to the mainland due to the unrest and the pandemic.

The fierce competition, therefore, has driven up rents for flats near the universities, he added.

Mainland students may not be able to get to Hong Kong before the start of school as the border remains closed due to the pandemic, but renting flats remotely has become the new normal for them, thanks to technology.

They rely on online information alone, and the lease is agreed upon before they arrive. Some other agencies said inquiries from mainland students in the past three months have soared by more than 50 percent.

Property agent said that 23 "remote renting" cases had been recorded in just 20 days, with decisions made by mainland students who relied purely on photos, videos and virtual reality.

A 659-sq-ft three-bedroom unit at Metro City phase two was remotely rented by mainland students for HK$21,000 because the project is next to the MTR station and a shopping mall.

A full year's rent was paid in one lump sum, with a two-month deposit, involving more than HK$290,000 in total.

Unlike buying a house, mainland students who rent a flat usually only live there for one to two years, and they are accustomed to using online platforms, agent said.

As universities gradually resume physical classes as the situation with the pandemic improves, the agent said that a conservative estimate of mainland students renting flats online can be put at more than 30 percent.

(The Standard)















港九商廈租務略加快 租金偏軟



宏安5.15億沽統一中心全層 平手離場

資料顯示,業主為宏安地產 (01243),於2016年以5.12億元購入,持貨約5年,帳面獲利約300萬元,接近平手離場。

















指標甲廈售價連跌兩月 按月挫1.7%





不過,由於商廈售價繼續下調,部分財團有意趁低吸納,單計近2個月全層逾億元寫字樓買賣已經錄得6宗,而中區一帶更獨佔5宗,包括中環中環中心 (3宗)、金鐘統一中心 (1宗) 及中環香港鑽石會大廈 (1宗),情況為近年罕見。總計今年首7個月,全層逾億元商廈買賣已累錄17宗,較去年全年的15宗還要高。











世茂中環The Center Space月租8000起

世茂集團 (00813) 推出旗下在港首個商務中心項目、位於中環的The Center Space,The Center Space銷售及營運總監蔡漪婷稱,The Center Space設有私人辦公室、共享工作空間及虛擬辦公室等,其中私人辦公室有逾30間,最細由1人房至最大可容納約60人,以工作枱計超過200張,工作枱計月租8000至12000元,租金視乎房間景觀、面積及租期長短,租期可由1個月至最長兩年。



資料顯示,The Center Space屬商務中心,位於中環皇后大道中99號中環中心76樓,總樓面約23.6萬方呎。





Pavilia Farm buyers quit $55m deals

Three deals worth a total of HK$55.44 million at the Pavilia Farm III, which has been hit by a construction scandal, were terminated last Friday.

The project, which is being jointly developed by New World Development (0017) and MTR Corp (0066), lies atop the Tai Wai MTR station in the New Territories.

The cancellations come after construction defects at the project were found last month. NWD said it would demolish and rebuild two of the seven residential blocks at the project as the strength of some concrete sections did not meet the design requirements approved by the Building Department.

A 991-square-foot four-bedroom flat sold for HK$26.26 million, or HK$26,504 per square foot, was the biggest terminated deal recorded in the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform.

Transactions for another two flats sized 746 sq ft and 534 sq ft were terminated as well. The buyers had bought the flats for HK$17.23 million and HK$11.94 million respectively.

Though buyers would normally forfeit their deposits on a project if they pull out of the deal, NWD said the 846 buyers affected will be compensated no matter whether they terminate or continue their deals.

Meanwhile, in the luxury market, CK Asset (1113) sold a 2,169-sq-ft flat in the first phase of 21 Borrett Road at the Mid-levels for HK$154 million. The flat has four rooms with two suites and two parking spaces. The average price is around HK$71,369 per square foot. The developer has sold four flats at the project for HK$735 million since July.

Meanwhile, a property agency reported that only seven secondary deals at 10 major housing estates over the weekend, down two deals from a week ago, and falling to a 26-week low. Three estates - Mei Foo Sun Chuen in Lai Chi Kok, Kornhill in Quarry Bay and Metro City in Tseung Kwan O - recorded no deals.

Since the their ndex, the gauge of secondary property prices, has reached a new high, potential buyers and homeowners may opt for unsold units in the primary market, agent said.

In the industrial market, data from another property agency showed the number of transactions surged 1.5 times year-on-year to 2,356 for the first seven months in 2021.

An 82 percent on-year increase to 363 in July's transaction figure was recorded.

The total transaction amount last month was HK$4.238 billion, up 120 percent from a year ago.

(The Standard)


New World’s Pavilia Farm project sees its first cancellations with deals for three flats terminated

Market observers fear this could trigger further cancellations amid uncertainty over the demolition and reconstruction of the two affected towers

New World’s compensation for the buyers of 846 units in the two towers earmarked for demolition was seen as ‘generous’

New World Development’s The Pavilia Farm III project, where two blocks are earmarked for demolition, has seen its first cancellations.

Deals for three flats in the affected blocks of Hong Kong’s bestselling new residential project last year were terminated despite adequate compensation offered by the developer. Some market observers fear more cancellations were possible because of uncertainties over the project.

The three flats, of which two were owned by a single buyer, were priced at HK$26.27 million (US$3.38 million), HK$17.23 million and HK$11.94 million, respectively, according to data from the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority.

New World confirmed the cancellation of the deals on Sunday.

“No one can predict when the developer can tear down the towers and rebuild two new blocks because it involves many parties including the government and the subway operator MTR Corp,” agent said.

The agent said that end users with actual needs cannot wait and will cancel their purchases and look for other flats, but added that he expects most buyers to stick with their purchases “due to the generous compensation offered by the developer”.

New World sent shock waves through the industry when it announced last month that it would tear down blocks one and eight after finding that the concrete walls in the podium of the two towers failed to “meet the requirements of the approved design” during concrete strength tests.

The demolition and rebuild affects the buyers of 846 units.

New World has offered buyers who settle the purchases within 180 days of signing the contract compensation of up to 7.6 per cent of their purchase price. Buyers who choose to pay their mortgages after they move in will receive HK$380,000 in interest compensation. Those who cancel their purchases will each receive HK$310,000, inclusive of rental subsidy and interest compensation.

Last week, David Tang Chi-fai, MTR Corp’s property and international business director, said New World had submitted an investigation report to the Buildings Department and the rail firm, adding that liability considerations would be looked at.

New World sold 3,028 units, or 98 per cent of the entire project sitting above Tai Wai MTR station in the New Territories, as of June 30, according to sales agents.

Over six weekends late last year, the developer sold 2,100 flats in Tai Wai for a total haul of HK$23.8 billion, making The Pavilia Farm the city’s top selling new launch last year.

The project sold so well that the developer raised the average prices between the projects’ three phases, pricing Phase III 24.3 per cent more than Phase I.

Last month, Frank Chan Fan, the Secretary for Transport and Housing, said the Buildings Department was conducting an investigation to see whether the construction at The Pavilia Farm involved violations of the Buildings Ordinance.

He said that the demolition plan of the affected towers must cover detailed procedures to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

(South China Morning Post)


本地大型代理行遷出中環 租尖沙咀商廈省56%開支


涉6萬呎 呎租約35




















新世界約1.4億 沽學士臺停車場

發展商沽非核物業,消息指,新世界 (00017) 及協成行以約1.4億元,沽出半山薄扶林道學士臺停車場。


涉50車位 每個價值280



黄竹坑珍寶閣509車位 4億沽

車位供應緊張,位於港島區停車場更是罕有,故近期港島區屋苑停車場吸引財團入市承接。本月黄竹坑惠福道珍寶閣509個車位,以逾4億元易手,平均每個車位約80萬元,新買家為宏安地產。該批車位原本由新濠國際 (00200) 所持有,租金回報率約3.8厘。




黃竹坑環匯廣場 全層1.42億售







大手工廈成交今年暫錄19宗 較去年同期急升2.8倍 基金主導市場


今年以來,市場暫錄19宗逾億元工廈買賣,其中全幢佔12宗,最大宗為華潤物流承接屯門東亞紗廠工業大廈,作價22.4億,其次,ESR斥18億購入葵涌光輝凍倉全幢。除了全幢外,一籃子巨額買賣亦「非常出色」,其中,施羅德資本房地產與Bentall Green Oak買入荃灣有線電視大樓及One Midtown一籃子貨,作價高達26億,更是今年來最大宗工廈買賣。

金額145.8 急升五倍

積極購貨的基金共有六家,除了上述施羅德,嘉民亞洲基金、SilkRoad Property Partners、安祖高頓基金、黑石基金及ESR都相繼出手,可見他們看好工廈的前景。ESR以18億購入葵涌光輝凍倉,於一眾基金當中,屬第二大買家。




























Hong Kong home prices hit new heights

Hong Kong’s home prices jumped to a record high, joining other global real estate markets that are soaring on low mortgage rates and rising demand as the pandemic slowly recedes, Bloomberg reports.

Values for resale houses rose 0.65% for the week ended Aug. 8, according to property agency, which started tracking prices in 1993. The last record for the firm’s price index was set in mid-2019 at the beginning of anti-government protests. Residential property values have increased 8.6% since the beginning of the year.

Outsized demand, limited supply and low borrowing costs have fueled the world’s most expensive property market even amid concerns about the city’s future after the protests and the introduction of a national security law by China last year.

The abundance of liquidity has also resulted in soaring prices in other major financial centers around the world. U.S. residential property prices jumped the most in 30 years in April, with even more dramatic rises in many suburban and rural areas where bidding wars are common. Home prices in New Zealand, one of the world’s hottest markets, have risen for 31 straight months. 

The rising prices also signal that a potential exodus of residents to the U.K. via a new visa program hasn’t hurt the real estate market in Hong Kong.

In addition to the strong demand from local buyers, mainland Chinese investors are helping boost the market. They made up 11.2% of purchases by value in the first four months of 2021, up from 10.5% in the same period last year, according to another property agency.

Prices are expected to keep rising. A property agency expects that home values to climb another 5% in the second half of the year.

(The Standard)









Shimao launches workspace

Shimao (0813) has launched The Center Space executive business lounge offering premium, flexible workspace for businesses.

Located on the 76th floor of The Center in Central, with a total floor area of 23,600 sq ft, the business lounge offers an average of 120 sq ft per person of workspace, three times more than the industry average.

The Center Space offers different types of workspace solutions including virtual offices, co-working space, serviced offices, enterprise solutions, multi-functional meeting rooms as well as VIP rooms.

More than 30 office rooms are equipped and more than 210 working desks are provided. The Center Space currently offers a lease term from 1 day to 24 months, with the minimum lease period starting from 30 minutes. People can rent a workplace at a rental price from HK$8,000 to HK$12,000 per month.

Clients can also enjoy a basic virtual office service package - providing phone secretary and company address - at a price of HK$1,200. 

Tinnie Choi, the head of sales and operation at The Center Space, said more than 50 percent of companies plan to pilot new workspaces as their companies shift to a hybrid model. She also revealed that some professional, fintech, finance, and consultancy firms that previously move out from Central, have signed leasing contracts with the office.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease in The Center please visit: Office for Lease in The Center

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central


12 bids for Yuen Long site

At least 12 bids were received for a residential site in Junction of Lau Yip Street and Chung Yip Road, Yuen Long.

Developers including Chevalier International (0025), SEA Group (0251), CK Asset (1113), K Wah (0173), FEC (0035), K&K Property, Sino Land (0083), Grand Ming (1271), Tai Hung Fai Enterprise and CIFI (0884) have submitted tenders.

The site has an area of 163,700 square feet. Based on the plot ratio of 0.48 times, the maximum gross floor area is 78,600 sq ft. The market valuation is between HK$470 million and HK$630 million.

(The Standard)


China halts private equity fund investment in residential property

China is halting private equity funds from raising money to invest in residential property developments, turning off the spigot on one of the last stable funding resorts for the struggling sector, Bloomberg reports.

The government-endorsed Asset Management Association of China, or AMAC, has verbally informed private equity firms it would no longer be accepting the required registrations to set up funds to invest in projects, people familiar with the decision said, requesting not to be named because the matter is private.

Applications that have already been made would also be denied, while existing funds wouldn’t be affected, the people said.

The suspension adds to the challenges for Chinese property developers after regulators tightened funding channels including bank loans and trust funding as part of a campaign over the past years to reduce risks.

Some of the largest developers, such as China Evergrande Group, are struggling under massive debt loads built up during boom years in China’s property market and the sector is now driving a record surge in defaults in China’s bond market. Yuzhou Group Holdings Co. fell by 6.2%, the most in more than two weeks.

Evergrande has been one of the companies that’s been battered by tightening funding in recent months, losing 61% of its value this year.

As traditional avenues of funding were choked off, real estate companies turned to private equity funds backed by high net worth individuals and institutions to raise money, often using land or cash flow income from the project sales as guarantee.

Most of the issuers of property funds are local companies. Investment into real estate-focused private equity funds stood at 843 billion yuan (US$130 billion) by 2020, 13.5% of the total sector, according to a report by AMAC.

(The Standard)


Wang On sells all 143 small flats at The Met.Azure in Tsing Yi as fear of missing out fuels buyers’ rush to get on property ladder

Wang On Properties sold all 143 units offered for sale at The Met.Azure project in Tsing Yi, with 13 buyers bidding for every available flat

The flats were priced at less than JHK$5 million each after discounts, qualifying first-time buyers for 90 per cent mortgage financing

A weekend launch of micro apartments sold out in Hong Kong, as first-property buyers snapped up the only new flats available for less than HK$5 million, days after home prices broke records in the world’s least affordable real estate market.

Wang On Properties sold all 143 units offered for sale at The Met.Azure project in Tsing Yi, with 13 buyers bidding for every available flat in a project that’s about 25 minutes’ walk to the local subway station. The entire project, scheduled for completion in December 2022, comprises 320 micro apartments that range from 181 to 257 square feet (24 square metres).

The flats were priced from HK$3.89 million to as much as HK$4.61 million (US$592,000) after discounts, within the threshold that qualified first-time buyers for 90 per cent mortgage financing.

“There is strong demand for this type of flats, which allow [first-time buyers] the chance to enter the market” with budgets of less than HK$5 million,” property agent said. “There’s even full sea view” from the flats, the agent said.

The sell-out weekend reflects how Hong Kong’s economic recovery and falling unemployment rate are fuelling the city’s real estate market, aided by low mortgage rates and a greater confidence now that the coronavirus outbreak appears to be tapering in the city.

“People are more confident in entering the [property] market,” and to make long-term financial commitments, the agent said, adding that the brighter outlook augers well for upcoming launches like Sun Hung Kai Properties’ Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shu Wai.

The weekend’s bumper sales may also have been driven by the fear or missing out, as a price gauge of second-hand homes compiled by another property agency soared to a record of 191.34 in the first week of August, surpassing the previous high of June 2019 just before Hong Kong’s street protests began to wreak havoc on the city’s economy.

The average price of lived-in homes climbed to a record of HK$8.53 million this year, extending the bull run in the residential property market since 2016. Hong Kong’s home prices have topped the world several years in a row, making the city the world’s most expensive urban area.

Most of today’s buyers were in their 20s and 30s, according to the agency, who noted that the number of new homes sold this year have risen 20 per cent to 10,000 units.

Wang On’s flats were offered at an average of HK$20,638 per square foot, setting a price record for new projects in the Tsing Yi neighbourhood. It is 39 per cent higher than the first batch of flats offered in October 2019 by Grand Ming Holdings at The Grand Marine.

Soaring home prices and the diminution of affordability have also caught the local government’s attention. Average home price in June was a mere 1 per cent off historical high, said the government’s principal economist Desmond Hou during a briefing on Friday, who referred to the official index from the Rating and Valuation Department.

The Housing Affordability Index climbed to 75 per cent in the second quarter, way above the 20-year average of 47 per cent, the government noted. This means home prices are still losing touch with economic fundamentals and citizens’ affordability.

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices hit new high as economy rebounds from social unrest, coronavirus, according to property agency’s index

The index hit 191.34 in the first week of August, marginally higher than the high of 190.48 in June 2019 when civil unrest first broke out

Recovery is being fuelled by low interest rates making mortgage repayments manageable, say analysts

The first sign that Hong Kong home prices have reached new highs has emerged.

The closely watched index has broken the previous record set two years ago as the economy recovers and coronavirus cases subside.

The gauge of lived-in homes compiled by the property agency stretched a three-week rally to hit 191.34 in the first week of August, according to data released on Friday. That is marginally higher than the high of 190.48 in June 2019, when the social unrest that went on to wreak havoc on Hong Kong’s economy first broke out.

“Under the low interest-rate environment, it is easy for home prices to rise but not fall,” property agent said.

The mortgage rate, currently at about 2.5 per cent, means homeowners’ repayment burden is 70 per cent lower than it was in 1997, the height of the property market boom, he said.

The agent said that the easing of the coronavirus pandemic locally had driven domestic consumption, which in turn had boosted the economy and the housing market.

Even homeowners who are eager to up sticks and leave Hong Kong in the wake of the political upheaval that has plagued the city generally have financial holding power and will not be easily persuaded to lower their prices under the low-interest rate environment, the agent said.

The index dropped by almost 10 per cent as a result of the civil unrest which was followed immediately by the pandemic, but bottomed out and has quickly rebounded.

Even though recent stock market volatility led to a drop in property transaction volumes of about 30 per cent last month, the agent is optimistic that the outlook will improve with the potential reopening of the border with mainland China later in the year.

The agent expects a 40 per cent jump in transaction volume this year compared to 2020 and a further increase of up to 10 per cent in home prices, with the annual increase coming in at around 15 per cent and the index surpassing the 200-mark.

Another property consultancy has the similarly sanguine.

“Hong Kong home prices surge mainly due to strong demand coupled with low interest rates,” the other agent said. “As monthly mortgage payments are lower than rents, it will encourage more people to buy than rent.”

The consultancy has revised its forecast for home price growth from 5 per cent to as much as 8 per cent this year.

“This index is the first indicator to show Hong Kong used home prices at a historical high. The government’s Rating and Valuation data should reflect it in the third quarter,” the agent said.

Whether Hong Kong home prices will continue to grow after the border opening allows mainland buyers to visit the city remains to be seen, the agent added.

(South China Morning Post)





據土地註冊處資料,尖東新東海商業中心高層01至05室,於上月中以8131.85萬成交,買家以公司名義信興恒展有限公司登記,註冊董事為蒙德揚及蒙倩兒,為已故信興集團創辦人蒙民偉子女,原業主為日資企業前田建設(MAEDA CORPORATION),早於1991年以約3552.75萬購入,持貨30年帳面獲利約4579萬,期間升值約1.28倍。









元朗流業街與涌業路交界住宅地於昨日中午截標,據地政總署公布,共接獲16份標書,為16年8月推出元朗凹頭地 (現為山水盈)後,區內約5年以來接獲最多標書的地皮。在遞交標書現場所見,入標財團類型廣泛,其中,新地、長實、信置、嘉華、建灝、其士、爪哇、遠展及莊士中國均表示獨資競投,旭輝、大鴻輝亦有入標競投,但未有透露以獨資或是合組財團形式入標。

















據城規會文件顯示,豐華工業大廈位於長沙灣青山道646、648及648A號,鄰近港鐵荔枝角站,交通便利;地盤面積約9205方呎,項目計畫由現時地積比率12倍增加兩成,至14.4倍發展,計畫重建1幢樓高27層 (包括2層地庫及1層平台) 的新式工廈,可建總樓面約13.26萬方呎。



上述項目位於屯門藍地新慶路丈量約份第130約地段等,屬「住宅 (戊類)」地帶,地盤面積約41252方呎,以地積比率約1倍發展,計畫興建5幢5層高分層住宅,可建總樓面約41253方呎。



Kerry buys 17 Kwu Tung sites for $500m

Kerry Properties (0683) has splashed nearly HK$500 million for 17 agricultural sites in Kwu Tung, part of which will be converted for residential purposes.

The land is close to Kwu Tung Station of the Northern Link, which is proposed to be completed in 2027.

The property company said it is very confident in the potential of the Kwu Tung North New Development Area and will make full use of the experience of community building, as well as combine the development opportunities of the Greater Bay Area to develop Kwu Tung North into a high-quality community.

Previously, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) had spent HK$8.61 billion for the 18,567-square-meter residential site in Kwu Tung.

Last month, Wheelock Properties purchased an 82,000-sq-ft residential site in Kwu Tung for HK$4.19 billion.

Meanwhile, four shops and 16 units at Lee Garden Road and Percival Street together were put up for sale via tender with a market valuation of HK$1.8 billion combined. Property agent said that this batch of properties is located in the core area of Causeway Bay, and therefore enjoys great retail and redevelopment value.

The tender will end at noon on September 28.

In another deal, a 709-sq-ft unit of Tai Koo Shing changed hands for HK$14.3 million after the price was lowered by 2 percent. The average price of the unit is HK$20,169 per sq ft.

Excluding the fees, the vendor made a profit of HK$11.54 million after having held the property for 19 years. The price rose 4.2 times over the period.

(The Standard)


Derelict buildings on prime site in Causeway Bay may finally be in line for redevelopment as two families sell their minority stake for up to HK$1.8 billion

A 20 per cent share of the plot in one of the Hong Kong’s busiest shopping districts will be put up for tender, potentially netting the two owners HK$1.8 billion (US$231 million)

It clears the way for the majority owner to buy the stake and force the sale of the remainder of the plot for renovation

The final hurdle standing in the way of plans to redevelop three dilapidated buildings in the heart of Causeway Bay may soon be cleared.

Two families have decided to auction off their 20 per cent stake in the plot in one of the Hong Kong’s busiest commercial districts, in a move that could pave the way for refurbishment if the majority owner successfully bids for it.

According to property agents, the majority shareholder owns 70 per cent of the site, and the further 20 per cent would give it the legal right to force a compulsory auction of the remainder.

The units at the junction of Percival Street, Russell Street – once the world’s most expensive retail location – and Lee Garden Road, will be put up for tender, according to propety agent, and could pocket the owners HK$1.8 billion (US$231 million).

“The value of these properties will be very high as it is in the core centre of Hong Kong’s busiest district,” the agent said.

The sale comes as Hong Kong’s home prices have risen to new highs and retail prices have bottomed out as the economy recovers.

Located on first-tier shopping streets, the properties, aged more than 50 years, represent about a 20 per cent ownership share in the building lot. The tender will be closed on September 28.

The proposed redevelopment – which would probably see the building upgraded into high-end flats with a retail component – has been stalled for years as the biggest single owner faced difficulties in acquiring the remaining shares after it accumulated its 70 per cent stake, the agent said.

“It is a valuable opportunity to secure a meaningful ownership share in a sizeable potential landmark development in the heart of Causeway Bay,” the agent said. “It offers high redevelopment potential and will benefit from the development of the nearby commercial development project at Caroline Hill Road and The Excelsior redevelopment project.”

Under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance, developers can force a compulsory auction to buy the remaining stake in a building, if it is over 50 years old and they already own at least 80 per cent.

Most units in the building have been left empty, while ground level shops have been leased to different retailers, from luxury watch brand TAG Heuer to jewellers and underwear merchants.

Sales of shops gained momentum as retail sales rose 8.4 per cent year on year in the first half of 2021.

There were 13 commercial and industrial property deals of over HK$100 million each in July, up 30 per cent from June and the highest in 20 months, according to another property agency. Eight of the deals involved shops.

“Shop sales accounted for the majority, reflecting the fact large funds are optimistic about the shop market,” the agent said.

The agent cited the fact the US Federal Reserve has kept interest rates low, global quantitative easing that has driven capital inflows, and an easing of the pandemic as reasons for the market’s heat.

“The market sentiment is hot. The government has accelerated the vaccination schedule, the unemployment rate has fallen, and consumption coupons will stimulate the economy and will further boost confidence in the investment market,” the agent added.

(South China Morning Post)


甲廈負吸納量61萬呎 料年內租金低位橫行 代理:空置率16年新高







對租務代理來說,是一個好兆頭,但對於寫字樓業主,情況就未必一樣。上半年甲級寫字樓市場共錄負吸納量61.1萬方呎 (退租樓面高於承租樓面),換句話說,儘管新租務成交量持續攀升,但整體租賃需求仍在收縮!直至目前為止,今年租賃活動主要以搬遷或縮小規模為主,屬於新增或擴張的需求仍然相當有限,不超過總交易的20%。



在是次經濟衰退前的十個年,經濟市況穩健,甲廈於該段日子平均約340萬方呎空置空間。如果將最近兩次下行週期 (2008/2009和現在) 也計算在內,平均空置面積則約為400萬方呎。要將空置情況回復到「正常水平」,市場大約需要吸納500萬方呎的空間。























英記突18億放售銅鑼灣舊樓 波斯富街「大窿樓」涉20%強拍關鍵業權


英記茶莊家族成員及資深投資者張實來等,新近突然推出持有的銅鑼灣利園山道23及25號 (部分)、波斯富街72及74號 (前段) 的4個地鋪,以及16個分布於同廈1至5樓單位,整批共20個物業以招標方式放售,佔該地段逾20%業權,將成為物業能否強拍的關鍵因素之一;並委託仲量聯行標售,將於9月28日截標。據市場估值,該批單位估值約18億。














各路資金追捧工商鋪 全幢工廈車場頻錄買賣


上月亦有一宗全幢酒店買賣個案,位於土瓜灣譚公道103107號全幢酒店,以約3.8億沽,買家共居空間品牌Weave Living,該品牌在過去四年在港以約25億累購6個項目,涉及共居項目、服務式住宅及公寓,房間共約99間,每個約383萬,平均呎價約12752元。


大手車場熾熱,宏安地產上月斥資4.1億購入黃竹坑珍寶閣停車場509個車位,平均每個約81萬,惟該批車位拆售或需向政府申請補地價。最近成交包括: 旺角奶路臣街3337號依利大廈3樓至6樓合共四層停車場,成交價1.218億,買家為內地人士;鰂魚涌栢蕙苑1樓停車場以約1.4億沽,買家為亞洲木薯資源,約100個車位,包括61個私家車位,29個電單車車位及10個貨車車位。




逾億元銀碼鋪位買賣宗數亦與工廈不相伯仲,較大銀碼鋪位買賣成交其中包括: 旺角窩打老道寶翠大樓地下入口連一、二樓,成交價約3.38億;上水新發街44號地下連閣樓以約1.2億沽;旺角彌敦道648652號皇上皇大廈地下A鋪,成交價約1.1億;上水新豐路33號新豐大廈地下2號鋪以約1.2億沽;九龍城獅子石道1號地下123號鋪連一樓全層,成交價1.15億;天水圍天秀路8號天一商城地下G1鋪以約1.49億沽。


















美國銀行中心享地利 方正實用



鄰近美利道新商廈 帶動氣氛

另外,恒地 (00012) 旗下中環美利道商業地王項目The Henderson亦在附近,項目兩年後落成,料可進一步帶動附近商業氣氛。




19樓數戶1.42億售 呎價2.37














企業廣場三期單位 5738萬放售



同時放租 意向每呎20








嘉民2.86億 購葵涌厚豐工廈多層



中環遠東發展大廈地舖 1.15億沽






外資基金續掃貨 購大手物業改裝



尖沙咀酒店全幢成交 涉9.8




葉氏化工大廈 2.83億轉手

基金對全幢工廈興趣高,葉氏化工 (00408) 以2.83億元售出粉嶺業暢街13號葉氏化工大廈。物業為一幢6層高工業大廈,於1990年落成,地盤面積約12,895平方呎,標準層建設面積約11,500平方呎,標準層樓底約3.45米高,全幢總建築面積為63,896平方呎。新買家為黑石基金,將購入該廈改裝成迷你倉。事實上,較早前該基金亦5.08億元購觀塘全幢工廈,亦將改裝成迷你倉。




嘉里斥近5億 購古洞北17幅農地

新界東北發展加快,近期推出的古洞北官地愈搶愈貴,有發展商亦加快在該帶「插旗」,嘉里 (00683) 最新斥近5億元,購入位於古洞北新發展區內的17幅農地,是繼資本策略 (00497) 、泛海等後,再有新一批發展商在區內部署發展。

根據土地註冊處資料,其中位於丈量約份第95約地段第29號、第34號、第45號、46號、48號、第50號至52號、第55號及第75號,共10幅農地,上月由一間名為HIGH DYNAMIC HOLDINGS LIMITED的公司以4.278億元購入,而公司董事為嘉里發展香港區總經理湯耀宗等人。

該10幅農地涉及地盤面積約18.13萬平方呎,並組成一幅呈不規則的土地。以10幅農地的面積計,是次成交呎價約2,360元。而翻查分區計劃大綱圖,大部分的農地現正規劃為「住宅 (乙類)」用途,最高地積比率為3.5倍,最高建築物高度限為主水平基準上75米至95米。

部分建私人住宅 近古洞站

而原業主為堅謙信有限公司 (KLIMSON COMPANY LIMITED),公司董事包括侯信之、候懷謙及侯達堅,上述公司早在1992年以約480萬元購入一批農地,以該10幅土地計算,是次易手帳面勁賺4.232億元或逾88倍。



CK Asset wins site in Yuen Long for $716m

CK Asset (1113) was awarded a residential site in Yuen Long for HK$716 million, or HK$9,112 per buildable square foot - 14 percent above the market estimates.

Executive Director Grace Woo Chia-ching said the company plans to develop two-story exquisite garden houses on the site, offering convenient and peaceful residences that are scarce in Hong Kong.

The site located in Lau Yip Street is an extremely rare, low-density residential land close to Yuen Long's city center, Woo added.

Surveyors said that the bid price - though not a huge deviation - is above the market expectation, which shows that the developer is optimistic about the market outlook.

The above-expectation price is due to the moderate size of the land and its flexible development potential in the future, which attracted many developers to participate in the tender and made the bids more aggressive, another surveyor said.

The high price recorded after the land sales of Kwu Tung further reflects the development potential of projects alongside the railway in the northwestern New Territories. Developers have cast their confidence in the prospects of the region, which serves as a reference for the land prices in the region, the surveyor added.

A total of 16 tenders were received for the land, which has a site area of 163,699 sq ft, and a gross floor area of 78,575 sq ft.

(The Standard)


Southside's La Marina poised to hit market

Kerry Properties (0683), Sino Land (0083) and MTR Corporation (0066) will soon release the sales brochure of La Marina, which is part of The Southside development at Wong Chuk Hang Station.

The project, under package two of the development, comprises two towers and offers a total of 600 flats ranging from studios to four-bedroom units with areas from 320 square feet to 1,901 sq ft. Forty-five percent of the flats are two-bedroom units, 33 percent are three-bedroom units, and there are also 29 special units.

The Southside, which can accommodate 5,200 flats and includes a shopping mall, has a site area of 771,772 sq ft and is being developed in six packages.

Kerry Properties also announced it will put five houses at The Bloomsway in So Kwun Wat for sale via tender, starting Saturday.

The tender will end on September 30.

Meanwhile, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has released the third price list of Wetland Seasons Bay located in Tin Shui Wai, which consists of 215 flats, with an average price of HK$15,018 per sq ft. The layouts range from studios to three-bedroom units.

The developer said it will open the first round of sales of 350 flats on Saturday, of which 302 will be put up for sale via price lists while the remaining units will be sold via tender.

The project has released three price lists so far with a total of 583 units.

In the secondary market, a luxury 1,084 sq ft unit at The HarbourSide atop Kowloon Station changed hands at HK$62 million.

The three-room unit came in with an average price of HK$57,196 per sq ft. Excluding fees, the vendor enjoyed a nearly fourfold profit of HK$49.38 million after holding the property for 17 years.

In Tseung Kwan O, a two-room flat at Ocean Wings sold for HK$12.4 million after the seller cut the asking price by HK$1.2 million, according to a property broker. This suggested an average price of HK$20,911, the highest among two-room flats at the housing estate.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong rents set to keep rising as record-breaking home prices force would-be buyers into leasing market

As the price of owning a home soars, some prospective buyers are electing to rent while they wait for the market to cool down, according to property agents

Rents are likely to be boosted further still by an influx of mainland Chinese students when university lectures resume next month, agent said

Rents in Hong Kong are poised to increase further as soaring house prices deter would-be buyers and push them into the rental sector, according to property analysts.

The average price of a lived-in property hit a new high this month, according to a closely watched index. The price gauge of second-hand homes compiled by a property agency soared to a record of 191.34 in the first week of August, surpassing the previous high from June 2019, just before Hong Kong’s street protests began to wreak havoc on the city’s economy.

As a result, some prospective buyers are electing to rent while they wait in the hopes that the market will eventually cool down.

“People may [suddenly realise] they are not able to afford to enter the market, so their only option is to rent,” property agent said.

Rents are likely to be boosted further still by an increase in mainland Chinese students looking for accommodation when university lectures resume next month, the agent said.

Home rents will increase 15 per cent in the whole of this year as the economy rebounds from Covid-19, and amid the expected influx of students, according to another property agency.

The city’s rental index rose for four straight months to June, according to the latest data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

Analysts’ predictions for rent increases this year have ranged from 5 per cent to 15 per cent.

Property agent forecast a rental increase of 4 to 5 per cent between January and August, and estimated there would be a further 10 per cent rise to come before the end of the year.

“Not everyone can accept the fluctuation of home prices,” the agent said.

In the first seven months of 2021, compared with the same period last year, the number of residential leasing transactions facilitated by property agency rose by about a third in Tseung Kwan O, which is adjacent to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

“There were limited new expatriate arrivals in [the first six months of 2021],” another agent.

The expected increase in residential rents comes even amid record-low interest rates that have made mortgage repayments far more affordable for first-time buyers.

The one-month Hong Kong interbank offered interest rate (Hibor), at 0.064 per cent on Monday, is at its lowest since January 2010, according to data provided by the Hong Kong Association of Banks.

Monthly mortgage payments are “significantly” lower than monthly rental payments, mortgage broker said.

“But this may not be enough to lure buyers into the market as many people will be looking at price levels and interest rates from a long-term perspective,” the broker said.

(South China Morning Post)






































據土地註冊處資料顯示,沙田石門京瑞廣場二期低層C室,於上月底以810.216萬成交,買家為THE INCORPORATED TRUSTEES OF HEPHZIBAH EVANGELISTIC CENTRE (CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST),為喜樂福音堂受託人法團,原業主於2016年以484.3萬購入,持貨5年帳面獲利約325.91萬,物業期間升值約67%。















是次獲批強拍令的財團為新朗發展 (實業) 有限公司,據公司註冊處資料顯示,公司董事為林小棠、林源森及顏煜奇,其中,林小棠及林源森為龐源集團高層;資料顯示,龐源以經營電子貿易起家,在深圳福田開設玩具批發市場、樂器城等。












長實7.16億 高價奪元朗住宅地

樓面呎價9112區內次高 料日後賣2萬元呎

發展商爭地戰加劇,屬於今季僅有的兩幅住宅地之一的元朗涌業路地皮,由長實 (01113) 以7.16億元奪得,每呎樓面地價9,112元,較市場估值上限高出14%,預計日後售價將達2萬元。











擺脫工業區面貌 火炭轉發展住宅



改劃土地用途 增建公營房屋








More mainland Chinese landlords will open co-working spaces in Hong Kong as a low-risk route into the office sector, say analysts

Hui Wing-mau, the chairman of Shanghai-based Shimao Property Holdings, has just opened a new flexible working space in The Center.

The co-working space offers an attractive, low-risk entry point into the broader office rentals sector, property consultant said.

More mainland Chinese landlords are likely to enter Hong Kong’s flexible working space, traditionally dominated by local and international investors, as it offers a low-risk entry point to the broader office market, according to analysts.

Hui Wing-mau, the chairman of Shanghai-based Shimao Property Holdings, has become the latest to debut his new co-working space in the world’s most expensive office building, The Center, in the city’s Central district.

Hui, one of the wealthiest tycoons in mainland China, opened The Center Space, a 23,600 square-foot co-working area on the 76th floor of the landmark skyscraper, last week.

“More mainland-backed developers, especially those without a large office portfolio in Hong Kong, will try to operate co-working space in Hong Kong as it is a low-risk route for them to enter the leasing market,” property consultant said.

Last October, China Resources, a mainland-based conglomerate, opened the CRB Business Lounge, which offers 24-hour access to fully furnished, flexible offices, in the China Resources Building in Wan Chai.

Co-working offices operated by landlords is a space that has been dominated by major local operators such as Hongkong Land, Great Eagle Holdings, Swire Properties and Henderson Land Development.

In March 2018, Hui, the 37th richest man in mainland China, bought a 20 per cent stake comprising nine floors of The Center, a tower valued at HK$40.2 billion (US$5.12 billion), from Li Ka-shing’s CK Asset Holdings. Hui, who is also a Hong Kong resident, said it was his biggest personal investment in the city.

“Adopting a hybrid workspace model has become the new trend as demand for flexible workspaces has increased immensely, especially after Covid-19,” said Tinnie Choi, head of sales and operations of The Center Space.

She said some operators had been unable to continue, mainly because they could not afford the rent. This gave an advantage to landlords who decide to open their own flexible working spaces.

“You can see a trend in which many landlords are choosing to operate by themselves. Of course we can control our rents,” said Choi. “Relatively speaking, the [rent] burden is not high.”

The co-working sector has witnessed several major players, such as WeWork and KrSpace, closing their operations in Hong Kong or significantly reducing their footprint. The Center Space is on the same floor as an Australian co-working company, Victory Offices, which closed its Hong Kong operations in December, just a year after it had started, because of the high rent and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Landlords are increasingly considering investing in their own flexible spaces as a way of offering an extra amenity to their tenants, another property consultant said. Those tenants are often large occupiers who wish to expand temporarily into a new space, or new entrants to Hong Kong who want flexibility while trying to plan their long-term needs.

“In the past, low vacancies, strong office demand and high rents had deterred landlords from dedicating space for this type of investment,” the consultant said.

Hong Kong co-working market, as of the first quarter of 2021, accounted for 2.61 million square feet, or 3.2 per cent, of overall office stock, according to property consultancy. The operators are spread across 315 locations, charging an average rate of HK$2,950 per desk per month.

Even though demand is strong across the sector, desk prices remain sensitive given the wide range of options for the user, the consultant said. There will be slow rental growth as the market matures.

“It is quite clear that the demand is down to businesses trying to defer decisions on long-term strategy and seeing the flexible terms as the correct solution during this current uncertainty,” the consultant said. “Even from a more extreme view, tenants may be thinking that the trend of using flex offices in addition to working from home could be more permanent particularly if staff enjoy this arrangement and productivity is not affected.”

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease in The Center please visit: Office for Lease in The Center

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central

For more information of Office for Lease in China Resources Building please visit: Office for Lease in China Resources Building

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Wan Chai please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Wan Chai


HNA’s creditors put former chairman’s US$56 million Hong Kong penthouse up for sale to repay loans

The 4,600 sq ft fully furnished four-bedroom penthouse is on the 45th floor of 39 Conduit Road, Mid-Levels, one of the most prestigious addresses in Hong Kong

The flat was previously owned by Billion Able, which had HNA chairman Chen Feng as its director. The firm bought it in 2015 for US$55.6 million


A 4,600 sq ft luxury penthouse in Hong Kong, which was previously owned by the debt-laden mainland Chinese conglomerate HNA Group, has been put up for sale by creditors.

The fully furnished four-bedroom flat is on the 45th floor of 39 Conduit Road, Mid-Levels, one of the most prestigious addresses in the world’s most expensive property market.

The property was bought by Billion Able Corporation in April 2015 for HK$433 million (US$55.6 million), or about HK$94,150 per square foot, according to Land Registry and Company Registry records. Chen Feng, the founder and chairman of HNA Group was the director of Billion Able, but resigned in March last year.

A property agency has been appointed as the sole agent for the flat, which can be accessed by private lift for increased privacy.

Market observers expect the penthouse to be highly sought after as the prices of super deluxe homes continue to soar amid rising demand.

“The response [for the tender] should be good,” analyst said.

Property agent said that the property could fetch between HK$100,000 and HK$120,000 per square foot, indicating a price of HK$460 million to HK$552 million for the penthouse.

HNA Group, which is undergoing debt restructuring and faces some US$187 billion in creditor claims, is one of four defendants sued by the lender, Thing On Capital, because of its failure to repay a HK$180 million mortgage for the flat, Bloomberg reported in July. HNA was Billion Able’s ultimate parent when the mortgage was signed and was one of the guarantors for the loan.

Thing On has demanded the defendants repay the loan, which was due on June 21, as well as related interest, the report added.

Man Chun So and Yat Kit Jong are the receivers of the flat, Land Registry records show. The addresses that So and Jong registered are PwC’s offices in Central, according to the Companies Registry, which noted So and Jong were appointed on March 16, 2020.

The property agency declined to disclose further details about the tender, which closes on September 27.

“Overall sales of distressed assets have been slowed down as creditors are reluctant to offer these assets at steep discounts any more amid an uptrend in the market,” surveyor said, which is involved in the auction of distressed real estate assets.

Currently, some 100 foreclosed properties were up for auction, the surveyor said.

(South China Morning Post)
















市建土瓜灣百億項目群雄爭奪 屯馬綫通車效應新界地價創新高


市建局上月底邀請33家發展商入標競投,並於下周一 (23日) 截標,各大發展商已密密籌備入標工作,其中,除於區內有發展項目的新地及麗新等會研究入標外,而華懋及遠東發展亦指會研究入標,同時亦有不少財團均表示有意競投,並透露近期賣地表上的新界區地皮不斷被搶貴,擔心部分發展商以高價搶地,故考慮以合組財團形式競投,藉以增加「籌碼」。














據土地註冊處資料顯示,觀塘航天科技中心中層1室,面積7775方呎,於上月底以9000萬成交,買家以公司名義建威科技 (香港) 有限公司 (KIN WEI TECHNOLOGY (HONG KONG) LIMITED),註冊董事為莊姓人士,原業主於2011年以4031.43萬購入,以公司名義江波龍科技 (香港) 有限公司持有,持貨10年帳面獲利約4969萬,物業期間升值約1.23倍。










據土地註冊處資料顯示,由市建局持有的長沙灣福榮街538號喜遇地下1號鋪及1樓,於本月初以約2898.8萬售出,買家以公司名義頤富發展有限公司 (OASIS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED),註冊董事為多位陳姓人士。







荔枝角道888號商廈 呎價12197

土地註冊處顯示,長沙灣商廈荔枝角道888號9樓A7室,建築面積2,132平方呎,月初以2,600.3萬元售出,呎價12,197元。登記買家為威年置業投資有限公司,該公司董事包括威信科技 (國際) 有限公司董事總經理丁可恒及執行董事高子揚等。

資料顯示,威信集團為製衣輔料生產商,去年3月公司第一條口罩生產綫到港,隨即加入政府的「本地口罩生產資助計劃」,成為20條資助生產綫之一。此後,公司連環入市,包括去年5月以1,718萬元購入長沙灣億利工業中心兩個單位;而今年7月更以1,900萬元向星星集團 (01560) 主席陳文輝或相關人士,購入金鐘海富中心商場一個舖位。







西半山寶珊道地盤放售 估值逾20億

豪宅地皮罕有,消息指,莊士機構 (00367) 及嘉華國際 (00173),放售西半山寶珊道地盤,可重建約4.42萬平方呎,估值逾20億元。







旺角百寶利全層 租25萬跌逾5成

登山用品Chamonix設旗艦店 呎租約50





市場人士指,是次月租約25萬元,呎租約50元,較高峰期跌逾5成。旺角百寶利商業中心多層舖,原由FOREVER 21租用,品牌遷出交吉一年多,其中3樓早前獲健身中心租用,月租料約25萬元。

中環中南行舖 呎租約43



Henley III enters show and price phase

Henderson Land Development (0012) will next week open showrooms for Kai Tak's Henley III and release a sales brochure.

The third phase of the Kowloon East project offers 404 units ranging from studio to three-bedroom units, with sizes from 229 to 778 square feet. The developer said studio and one-bedroom flats make up 60 percent of the project and will be the focus of sales.

Selling prices will be revealed soon, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, general manager of the sales department at Henderson Land.

Lam added that the list price of Henley III will be higher than the first phase as the third is nearest to MTR Kai Tak Station.

Meanwhile, a section of the primary market in the New Territories is bubbling along.

In Tin Shui Wai, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) received over 10,000 checks for 302 flats at Wetland Seasons Bay phase one, meaning it was 32 times oversubscribed.

The first round of sales will open tomorrow, with discounted selling prices from HK$4.55 million to HK$ 11.25 million, meaning per square foot prices from HK$12,375 to Hk$18,850.

In Tsing Yi, the Met Azure developed by Wang On Properties (1243) had received 1,282 checks by 6 pm yesterday for 109 studio flats to be put up for sale today, meaning it was nearly 11 times oversubscribed.

The latest batch of the starter home project is selling from HK$22,478 to HK$26,295 per square foot.

(The Standard)


九龍甲廈租金相宜 吸引大手租務



本地大型地產代理行搬至尖沙咀 呎租35


保誠保險 港威大廈兩層























金鐘區甲廈空置率 按月升



統一中心中層 意向呎租50






商廈售價低水 投資者趁低吸納


















截至7月底,中環寫字樓空置率維持在7.4%的水平,其中較矚目的租賃成交屬恒基旗下The Henderson於月內覓得首位租客。







新地高鐵站地王新方案 有望開綠燈

第1座天台設免費觀景台 項目增行人連接

新地 (00016) 旗下西九高鐵站商業地王早前擬建2幢商廈,並於年初遭城規會拒絕修改規劃方案後,早前再修訂覆核方案,而規劃署表示不反對申請,預計今日方案有機會獲城規會「開綠燈」。













栢麗大道舖租金 時光倒流35年

謝瑞麟月租25萬回歸舊舖 較高峰平8

疫情下核心區吉舖仍多,租金大幅回調。尖沙咀栢麗購物大道一巨舖,獲謝瑞麟珠寶 (00417) 以25萬元租用,呎租約90元,租金跌逾8成,重返35年前租金水平。業界人士認為,核心區未有旅客重返,下半年核心區舖租料跌約5至10%。


謝瑞麟2013年遷出 舊租136

資料顯示,該舖曾由謝瑞麟於2005年以月租98萬元租用、2008年加租至136萬元,續約至2013年,惟雙方未達成新租協議,謝瑞麟遷出,由恒生銀行 (00011) 以157.5萬元租用,為該舖最高租金,恒生其後於2016年約滿遷出,舖位空置多年,如今以25萬元租出,較高峰期大跌84%。





代理:核心區舖租 料跌5至10%




Secondary home sales surge over the weekend

A total of 18 secondary transactions in the top ten blue-chip estates were recorded over the weekend, surging 1.6 times from a week ago with at least one deal registered in each estate, according to property agency.

Property agent said that the hot market response for Wetland Seasons Bay phase one spurred secondary transactions.

As buyers are actively entering the market, the agent expects that the overall property market will remain stable.

Another agent said that the recent stock market volatility has affected the pace of buyers entering the market though second-hand trading volume is expected to remain stable in the short term.

The first batch of 302 units in Wetland Seasons Bay phase one in Tin Shui Wai sold out quickly on Saturday.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) opened its fourth price list yesterday, offering 160 units at an average price of HK$15,320 per square foot.

Prices are 2 percent higher compared with the third price list because of better floors and views, but still within the original price range, the developer said.

The cheapest flat, a 300-sq-ft one-bedroom unit, costs HK$4.72 million after discounts and prices range from HK$13,693 per sq ft to HK$18,706 sq ft after discounts.

The second batch of sales may be launched this weekend.

(the Standard)


Hong Kong’s supply of luxury homes to hit new high after demand from wealthy buyers more than doubles amid Covid-19

We have seen more transactions in second half of 2020 to first half of this year despite the coronavirus pandemic, property consultant said

Haven’t seen this much confidence in the market in a long time, if ever, property agent said

The supply for luxury homes in Hong Kong’s ultra-exclusive neighbourhood of The Peak is likely to hit 404,000 sq ft in 2024, the highest level since 2016, after demand boosted sales of mansions and high-end flats in the district by more than double to HK$12.8 billion (US$1.6 billion) in the 12-month period ending in June, according to property consultant.

“We have seen more transactions in the second half of 2020 to the first half of 2021 despite the [coronavirus] pandemic, as prices have become more attractive,” surveyor said. The prices of luxury residential properties are currently in the HK$80,000 to HK$100,000 per square foot range, the surveyor added.

“We forecast a gradual price growth of 3 per cent for the second half of 2021,” the surveyor said.

The recent flurry of initial public offerings (IPOs) on the Hong Kong and Shenzhen stock exchanges is boosting property sales in the city, as top executives of mainland Chinese companies look for properties to invest in. From last year to the first half of this year, there were 180 IPOs in Hong Kong, raising more than HK$600 billion in fresh capital and bringing a new wave of high net worth individuals into the Hong Kong market, who are likely to buy luxury residential properties.

Luxury homes are residential properties that cost more than HK$100 million, or more than HK$100,000 a month in rent. Average luxury homes were priced ranged between HK$80,000 and HK$150,000 per square foot previously. For instance, in 2016, a 9,212 sq ft property at 15 Gough Hill Road on The Peak sold for HK$182,370 per square foot, making it the most expensive home in Asia.

Including the Southern district, which covers neighbourhoods such as Deep Water Bay, Shouson Peak, Tai Tam Road and Repulse Bay, the supply of luxury homes is likely to amount to 482,291 sq ft by 2024, also the highest since 2016, property consultancy said.

There were 50 transactions of luxury homes between the second half of 2020 and the first half of this year, nearly tripling over the previous year, while the value of sales increased 115 per cent to HK$12.8 billion.

“Among the listings since 2020, 25.6 per cent were from companies based in Guangdong province. Because of the proximity to Hong Kong, the [top executives] of these listed companies were likely to look for property investment opportunities in Hong Kong,” consultant said.

The demand for luxury homes was split equally between mainland Chinese buyers and wealthy Hongkongers. For example, Wharf Holdings, one of the city’s largest builders of luxury homes and shopping centres, sold houses at 77/79 Peak Road, with two being bought by mainland buyers and the rest by locals. From 2016 to the first half of 2021, 10 of the 17 houses sold at Mount Nicholson were snapped up by mainlanders, according to the consultancy.

Of the luxury homes sold, more buyers chose the Southern district – 30 – than the 20 who chose The Peak.

“The Southern district, where the Repulse Bay or Stanley areas are, provide a beachfront lifestyle, great sea views, privacy and a mix of modern flat complexes and detached and semi-detached houses, which are ideal for large families,” consultant said.

Another property agency which specialises in luxury properties and expat relocations in Hong Kong, said the volume and value of sales had both risen 20 per cent in this year’s first half from a year ago.

“I haven’t seen this much confidence in the market in a long time, if ever,” agent said.

In April, the agency brokered the sale of a property in Pine Lodge in Shouson Hill for HK$101 million, a 10 per cent premium..

Although the more infectious Delta variant of Covid-19 was threatening market confidence and economic recovery in Hong Kong, Allan said investors were likely to view the city’s property market as a positive investment opportunity.

“I think buyers and investors continue to see positivity in the long-run, with low interest rates, high liquidity and low debt in the market. A lot of the wealthy local Hong Kong Chinese buyers and investors would still look at luxury properties as a key asset class in the long-term, as they have businesses in Hong Kong and they are making money here, so they are more confident in the market,” the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)

























現為南豐大廈 歷八年統一業權

















Evergrande is in talks to sell Wan Chai headquarters building

China Evergrande Group is in discussions to sell its Hong Kong headquarters in Wan Chai as part of efforts to stave off a cash crunch, according to a person familiar with the matter. 

China’s most indebted developer is in talks with state-owned Yuexiu Property Co. to sell the office tower in Wan Chai, the person said, asking not to be identified because the matter is private. While the two companies are still negotiating and nothing is decided, Evergrande has floated a potential price tag of more than $2 billion, the person said. That compares with its HK$12.5 billion ($1.6 billion) purchase cost in 2015.

Evergrande didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. Calls to Yuexiu Property’s Hong Kong and Guangzhou offices went unanswered. REDD reported the talks earlier. 

Regulators are urging Evergrande to resolve its debt risks, prompting the company to offload assets and accelerate property sales to reduce leverage. It has so far struggled to revive confidence among creditors, suppliers and some home buyers who worry the company will struggle to make good on its $300 billion mountain of liabilities.

Potential sources of future funding for Evergrande include placements for its listed electric vehicle and property management units, and initial public offerings for operations including its beverage business, FCB, and amusement park and tourism properties, Fitch Ratings has said. The Shenzhen-based developer has some $80 billion worth of equity in non-property businesses that could help generate liquidity if sold, Agnes Wong, a Hong Kong-based analyst with BNP Paribas SA, wrote in a June report. – Bloomberg

(The Standard)


Hong Kong homebuyers snap up Sun Hung Kai’s Wetland Seasons Bay launch as improving economy lifts sentiments

Sun Hung Kai Properties sold 302 of the 350 units, or 86 per cent of the flats on offer as of 9pm, agents said

More than 33 buyers registered for each of the 302 flats on open sale at the developers’ Wetland Seasons Bay project in Tin Shui Wai

Hong Kong’s property buyers returned to the market, defying bearish sentiments in the local stock market to snap up new apartments at the city’s wetlands park, as an improving economy and a tapering Covid-19 outbreak lifted sentiments.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP), Hong Kong’s largest developer by value, sold 302 of the 350 apartments on offer at the first batch of sales at its Wetland Seasons Bay project in Tin Shui Wai as of 9pm, according to sales agents. More than 10,000 people put down money to register their interest to buy, equivalent to 33 bids vying for each of the 302 apartments available for open sale, while 48 of the larger units were earmarked for sale by tender.

“Sentiment among homebuyers has been lifted, as the economic conditions in Hong Kong have improved while the local coronavirus situation remains contained,” property agent said.

The strong weekend sales reflects how Hong Kong’s economic recovery and falling unemployment rate are fuelling the city’s real estate market, aided by low mortgage rates and a greater confidence now that the coronavirus outbreak appears to be tapering in the city.

Wetland Seasons Bay, scheduled for completion June 2022, comprises a total of 1,996 apartments and 10 villas across three phases. The average price of the first 245 units released was HK$13,698 per square foot, which was 5.6 per cent higher more than the most recent project in the sam neighbourhood, released in September 2020.

The 302 units earmarked for open sales in the first batch ranged in sizes from studios measuring 300 square feet (28 square metres), to four-room apartments of 795 sq ft comprising three bedrooms inclusive of an en suite, with prices going from HK$4.55 million going up to HK$11.2 million (US$1.4 million).

The project is located on the fringe of Hong Kong’s wetlands in Tin Shui Wai in the city’s northwestern corner, located across Shenzhen Bay from southern China’s technology metropolis.

“Tin Shui Wai used to be seen as a distant location in Hong Kong, but it’s becoming more attractive for homebuyers with the development of the Greater Bay Area project and due to the ease from which they can travel to the mainland,” the agent said.

The villas and larger units set aside for sale by tender had five bedrooms and accompanying gardens, with prices starting from HK$12 million before discounts.

Hong Kong’s unemployment rate fell to the lowest level since the start of the coronavirus pandemic last year, easing markedly to 5 per cent in the three months to the end of July.

The rolling figure was down 0.5 percentage points over the previous quarter, the Census and Statistics Department revealed on Wednesday, providing the latest sign that the city’s economic recovery was on a solid footing.

Government officials also upgraded their forecast for Hong Kong’s economic growth this year, as the city’s second-quarter economy expanded by 7.6 per cent from the same period last year, signalling a sustained economic rebound brought on by the easing of the local coronavirus situation.

The weekend sales also comes as the average price of a lived-in property hit a new high this month. The price gauge of second-hand homes compiled by another property agency soared to a record of 191.34 in the first week of August, surpassing the previous high from June 2019, just before Hong Kong’s street protests began to wreak havoc on the city’s economy.

The city’s rental index has also risen for four straight months to June, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

(South China Morning Post)


灣仔中國恒大中心擬放售 估值逾百億

據報呎價2.9 傳越秀地產初步洽商

中國恒大 (03333) 近日積極出售資產套現,據指亦擬出售在灣仔總部中國恒大中心,市值料逾百億元,獲國企越秀地產 (00123) 初步洽商,呎價2.9萬元。恒大方面指不作回應。


繼早前公布探討出售恒大汽車 (00708)、恒大物業 (06666) 等資產後,最新傳出放售的是恒大在香港的多項物業,包括在灣仔告士打道的總部大樓中國恒大中心

恒大越秀 未就消息回應

據外電報道指,恒大正在與國企越秀地產談判出售其在香港的總部大樓「中國恒大中心」,當中恒大提出作價逾20億美元 (約156億港元),暫時兩家公司仍未作出決定。本報向恒大、越秀查詢,雙方均未有就消息作出回應。





該總部是恒大在2015年10月以125億元向華人置業 (00127) 購入,前身稱為美國萬通大廈,總樓面約34.5萬平方呎,呎價約3.6萬元,當時是全港最大額商廈買賣及呎價最高紀錄,特別是成交期長達6年。












新地高鐵站商業項目 批建兩幢商廈

降建築高度 集團:盡快動工建新地標

新地 (00016) 旗下西九高鐵站「巨無霸」商業地的修訂方案,昨獲城規會有條件下批准,可建2幢19至30層高商廈,並增設免費觀景台及行人連接通道等公眾設施。新地表示,會盡快展開工程,建構地標建築。



有見及此,新地再修訂方案,主要包括削減高度限制,其中第1座由159米 (主水平基準以上,下同) 降至118至148米,第2座則由114至131米減少至101至122米。

第1座天台 增設免費觀景台




測量師:寫字樓呎租 可達90


茶果嶺村寮屋區 否決建屋




港鐵投中環商地王 看準具協同效應

港鐵 (00066) 早前破天荒入標中環新海濱商業地王,港鐵物業及國際業務總監鄧智輝指,地皮特殊、罕有,跟集團在香港站、九龍站的項目有協同效應,亦現時無任何計劃競投其他政府項目競投。

現階段無計劃 投其他官地

市值達553億元,由於採用「雙信封」制招標的中環新海濱3號商業地王,在今年6月截標,當時接獲的6份標書之中,就包括港鐵夥同九龍倉置業 (01997) 及華懋集團組成的財團。由於港府屬於港鐵最大股東,持股75%,故此港鐵的入標引人關注。


東涌配電站地 最快兩月內推



另外,將軍澳日出康城站上蓋的The LOHAS康城商場,開幕一周年,商場出租率達95%,一半商戶屬於食肆及服務的居民民生商舖,在疫情下零售市道受影響,形容對租金水平滿意。今日至今個月底在商場消費滿200元可獲10倍港鐵積分。












18 building plans win approval

The Buildings Department has approved 18 architectural plans in June, including a residential site co-owned by Kaisa (1638) in Kai Tak and CK Asset's (1113) Kwun Tong site for "starter homes."

Sitting on the runway of the former Hong Kong airport at Kai Tak, the approved plan allows the construction of six 22-to-24 story buildings and four six-to-seven story buildings in area 4B, site 4 of Kai Tak, which has a gross floor area of about 575,000 square feet.

The site was bought by Goldin Finance (0530) in 2018 but transferred to Rich Fast International, a holding company controlled by mainland developers Kaisa and Sinolink Worldwide (1168).

CK Asset's domestic site on Anderson Road in Kwun Tong is approved to build six blocks of high-rise apartments with a maximum of 32 stories along with four one-story, single-family houses. The gross floor area of the site is around 1.08 million sq ft.

The second-biggest developer in Hong Kong is required to offer no less than 1,000 flats as starter homes for sale at 80 percent of the market price to eligible applicants of the government's starter homes project.

Meanwhile, the Urban Renewal Authority received at least six tenders for the Bailey Street/Wing Kwong Street Development Project in To Kwa Wa, which is the biggest project in seven years with a valuation of as much as HK$10 billion. The six bidders included CK Assets, Sino Land (0083), Henderson Land Development (0012), K Wah International (0173), a conglomerate formed by Kerry Properties (0683) and China Merchants Land (0978), and another joint bid by Chinachem and Wheelock.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong developer Henderson Land says will increase supply of flats after strong showing in first half of 2021

Developer says it will make about 5,700 flats available for sale in the second half

Home prices will be volatile but will rise over the next several months, analyst says

Henderson Land Development, the city’s third-largest developer by market value, said it will increase the number of flats it sells in the second half of this year after reporting a significant jump in core profit for the first half.

The developer said it would make about 5,700 flats available for sale in the second six-month period, a 50 per cent increase from the 3,800 units it aimed to put up for sale during the same period in 2020.

“The local [coronavirus outbreak] has become stable and various sectors, with the exception of tourism, have gradually resumed their normal activities,” Henderson Land said in a filing to the stock exchange on Monday.

“Besides, the ongoing easing measures adopted by major central banks around the world have kept interest rates at a low level, which has rendered further support to the local property market,” Lee Ka-kit and Lee Ka-shing, the developer’s co-chairmen and sons of founder Lee Shau-kee, the second richest man in Hong Kong, said in the filing.

Henderson Land’s statement comes amid a new high in Hong Kong home prices. According to weekly data released by the property market index, which tracks 133 housing estates in Hong Kong, home prices hit a new high in the first week of August, and were marginally higher than in June 2019, when anti-government protests rocked the city. The index retreated 0.5 per cent for the week ending on August 15, but not before stretching a three-week rally into the first seven-day period. The index, a gauge of prices of lived-in homes, is compiled by property agency.

“Home prices will become a bit volatile after hitting a record high. But the overall trend will be prices rising over the next several months,” agent said. The agent said it is expected that the home prices to increase by up to 15 per cent if the border with mainland China is reopened this year.

On Monday, Henderson Land said its underlying profit, excluding a revaluation loss of HK$1.3 billion (US$166.8 million) on investment properties, amounted to HK$7.8 billion for the six months to June, up 51 per cent from a year ago. The developer attributed its strong core earnings partly to Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, which became a subsidiary of the group. Miramar’s assets and liabilities were consolidated into the group at their fair value, resulting in an attributable gain of HK$1.9 billion.

The developer’s revenue declined 19.65 per cent to HK$8.79 billion over the period, as property sales fell 47 per cent to HK$3.45 billion. It, however, proposed an interim dividend of HK$0.50 per share, the same as a year ago.

Henderson Land said it would also put 230,000 sq ft of office and industrial space on the market in the coming months.

Meanwhile, Henderson Investment, a subsidiary that runs department stores in Hong Kong, reported a 38 per cent fall in its net profit to HK$30 million in the first half. This was partly due to the absence of wage subsidies from the government’s Employment Support Scheme. Last year, the company received HK$21 million in such government subsidies.

Shares of Henderson Land advanced 1.7 per cent to close at HK$35.8 ahead of the earnings release on Monday. Henderson Investment remained unchanged at HK$0.4.

(South China Morning Post)
























康宏廣場相連戶 叫價9368萬


















銅鑼灣 Tower 535 設計時尚享全海景

銅鑼灣 Tower 535 位於銅鑼灣鬧市,大廈設計時尚,享全海景,為區內較新式而質素上乘物業。

Tower 535 位於銅鑼灣謝斐道及景隆街交界,由港鐵銅鑼灣站駱克道出口步行至該廈僅數分鐘,附近的軒尼詩道為巴士及電車主要幹道,告士打道及景隆街,設有巴士、小巴站,而大廈亦鄰近紅隧入口,故來往九龍亦方便。


大堂牆身用上洞石 顏色柔和


地下入口設扶手電梯上升降機大堂,據悉,發展商邀請美國設計團隊Skidmore,Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) 協助,而扶手電梯及大堂牆身,均用上博物館等建築物常用的洞石,顏色柔和,提高格調亦增加時尚感,有別於傳統商廈,而電梯大堂高5米,氣派十足。


每層1.1萬呎 採「無柱式」設計




更多Tower 535寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:Tower 535 寫字樓出租










另外,據土地註冊處資料顯示,沙田石門京瑞廣場1期低層23B室,面積約2069方呎,於上月底以3550萬售出,買家以公司名義DAILY GOLD DEVELOPMENT登記,註冊董事為張姓人士。據地產代理指出,上址面積2069方呎,以易手價計,呎價約17158元,屬貼市價水平。

















寫字樓租金 未來數月逐步升





經濟復甦 零售物業市場樂觀



住宅續向好 一二手表現強勁




Evergrande takes $2b hit in Wan Chai tower sale

Embattled mainland developer China Evergrande (3333) is to sell its office tower in Wan Chai to state-owned Yuexiu Property (0123) for HK$10.5 billion, taking a $2b hit on the sale, according to reports.
The two sides reached an agreement last Friday and the formal signing of the contract will be in the near future, according to The Standard's sister newspaper Sing Tao Daily.
A source told Sing Tao Daily that Evergrande wanted HK$15.6 billion for the tower but settled for HK$10.5 billion, which was 16 percent lower than the price it paid for the tower in 2015.
Evergrande bought the tower -- which has a total area of 345,000 square feet -- HK$12.5 billion from Chinese Estates Holdings in October 2015, at average price of about 36,000 per square foot.
The deal was the largest commercial building sale in Hong Kong at that time with the highest price per square foot.
Yuexiu plans to keep the entire tower for itself in order to develop its business, the source added.

(The Standard)


La Marina offers 120 units in first price list

La Marina in Wong Chuk Hang opened its first price list, offering 120 units at an average price of HK$30,880 per square foot after discounts.

The cheapest flat, a 341-sq-ft one-bedroom unit, costs HK$10.8 million, or HK$31,669 per sq ft after discounts.

The first batch of 120 flats range from 341 to 921 sq ft and cover one to three-bedroom units.

The average price of this batch is four percent higher than South Land in the same district.

The project opened show flats yesterday and will announce the check-receiving arrangement later, with the first round of sales starting next week.

Property agent said that the supply of new property on Hong Kong Island in itself is rare, let alone that with large-scale supporting facilities.

The first phase of the project - now priced at HK$36,000 per sq ft - has attracted many buyers, yet the average price of La Marina is just around HK$30,000, leaving much room for the price increase, the agent said.

The agent expected that  the average rental price could reach HK$80 to HK$90 per sq ft with an annual rental return rate of three percent.

Meanwhile, Henderson Land Development Company (0012) released the sales brochure for The Henley III in Kai Tak, offering 404 flats ranging from 229 to 778 sq ft and studio to three-bedroom units.

The developer expects to open the first price lists for at least 81 units and start receiving checks before the weekend.

The project will soon open show flats, and the first round of sales may begin at the end of August or in early September.

Meanwhile, Wetland Seasons Bay phase one in Tin Shui Wai launched its fifth price list offering 123 units at an average price of HK$15,176 per sq ft. The fifth batch provides one to three-bedroom units with the average price ranging from HK$16,659 to HK$22,948 per sq ft.

The cheapest flat, a 279-sq-ft one-bedroom unit, costs HK$4.96 million after discounts.

Its developer Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said the prices are still within the original price range, though it is slightly cheaper than the last price list.

(The Standard)


New launches prevent Hong Kong’s housing estates from breaking price records as property supply glut lingers

Almost 80 of the estates tracked by property agency are shy of their previous peaks even as the closely watched the market index recently set a new record

There are fewer investors in the market now, and newer developments that are more attractive to buyers, property agent said

Close to 80 housing estates across Hong Kong are still priced below their peaks, even though the city’s overall lived-in home prices recently soared to a new record.

Some of the developments have seen units changing hands for less than three quarters of their previous peaks reached two or three years ago.

Of the 133 major housing estates tracked by property agency, 77 are yet to scale new heights in terms of average price this year. Residence Bel-Air in the Southern district was the biggest lagger, and Allway Gardens in Tsuen Wan was the cheapest development, according to the agency’s data.

The housing estates that are falling behind will find it difficult to reach their previous records as there are fewer investors in the market now, and newer developments that are more attractive to buyers, said Wong Leung-sing, senior associate director of research at the agency.

Prices at Residence Bel-Air, a favourite for mainland Chinese buyers, surged to HK$44,501 (US$5,711.41) per square foot in 2018 when investors were more willing to pay high prices to bet on future increases in value. The average price had slumped by 27 per cent to HK$32,424 per square foot in the second week of August this year.

“There were investors and mainland buyers back then, but there are hardly any now. Now it depends on local users, which means it will be much slower [in breaking records],” the agent said. “Genuine buyers are dominating the market. They are unlikely to bid up prices.”

The South Land development on top of Wong Chuk Hang underground station is one such new launch that had lured investors away from old housing estates.

When it was launched in May it attracted buyers like Wang Sing, the former chief executive of Hong Kong-listed technology and media company Tom Group, and members of numerous prominent families in Hong Kong.

Allway Gardens in Tsuen Wan, which was built around 1980, is the estate with the lowest average price on the agency’s list, at HK$10,712 per square foot, still 11.2 per cent short of its peak of HK$12,066 in June 2019.

Heng Fa Chuen in the Eastern district, a well-known estate built in the 1980s, had an average price of HK$17,663 per square foot, 6.7 per cent below a record of HK$18,934 per square foot two years ago.

“The [new] projects in Tsuen Wan were hot, diverting purchasing power. [Allway Gardens] was not as popular as it used to be, with new projects completed nearby,” the agent said. “The same goes for Heng Fa Chuen. Eastern district also saw a lot of new projects completed.”

La Cite Noble in Tseung Kwan O is among the housing estates that have set new records. Its average price went from strength to strength in June and August, reaching HK$18,463 per sq ft.

“The prices are cheap at around HK$7 million, and eligible to mortgages of 90 per cent” of the loan-to-value ratio, another said.

Growth in Hong Kong’s home prices is showing signs of easing as buyers become reluctant to bid up prices and sellers raise their asking prices.

The market index which is the gauge of lived-in homes compiled by the property agency, slipped 0.5 per cent to 190.39 in the second week of August after a three-week rally carried it to a record in the previous week.

The agent expected the index to see-saw as buyers hold back and transaction volume falls.

“The chances of prices dropping are slim,” the agent said.

Homeowners are becoming aggressive and raising their asking prices, which encourages buyers to adopt a wait-and-see approach, according to another property agent. They may take several weeks to adapt to the increase in asking prices, the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)


尖區太極樓85%業權4.5億易手 鄧成波家族連環沽貨 三個月累售30項














據土地註冊處資料顯示,中環遠東發展大廈中層02室,於上月底以1590萬易手,買家以公司名義WTF HOLDING LIMITED登記,註冊董事為袁姓人士,原業主於2009年以520萬購入,以公司名義新天資產管理有限公司 (CROWN SKY ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED) 持有,註冊董事為陳姓人士,持貨12年帳面獲利1070萬,物業期間升值約2.05倍。














信德中心中層單位 呎租約54元









銅鑼灣舊樓重建有價 財團爭收購


利園山道20物業招標 佔2成業權

位於希慎廣場後面、比鄰羅素街的利園山道5至27號、波斯富街54至76號,及羅素街60號的舊樓群,佔地約2萬平方呎,目前坐落於「商業 (2)」用途地帶上,早於2013年獲財團「插旗」收購,同時亦有多批投資者、發展商「落釘」,掀起一場爭奪戰,惟一直膠着,而市場消息指,新世界 (00017) 擁有上述地段逾60%業權。

而當中持有利園山道23、25號 (部分)、波斯富街72號及波斯富街74號 (前段) 的4個地舖,及16個分布於同廈1至5樓單位的小業主,近日委託代理將整批20個物業招標,截標日期為9月28日,該批單位佔該廈地段份數逾20%,成為物業能否進行強拍的關鍵之一,而根據市場人士透露,該批單位的業權市值約18億元。

翻查土地註冊處資料,利園山道23號地舖業主為CEHK LIMITED,董事包括資深投資者張實來、張令宙等,而波斯富街72號地舖則由陳星海企業有限公司,董事包括英記茶莊的陳樹源、陳根源等持有。


加路連山商業地 料發展商廈

而位處時代廣場旁邊的霎東街5號舊樓,於本年4月底獲財團以約6.06億元統一其業權。市場消息指,該財團不排除為希慎 (00014) 或相關人士,如消息屬實,料物業重建後,可與附近同系的利舞臺廣場產生協同效應,進一步鞏固希慎在銅鑼灣大地主的地位。同一財團亦於去年6月亦就勿地臣街10及12號、勿地臣街16號,及霎東街9A及9B號的舊樓地盤分別申請強拍,料會連同霎東街5號的舊樓合併重建,組成一個近9,700平方呎的地盤,總樓面涉約14.5萬平方呎。

















市區住宅土地新供應短缺,不少財團透過強拍增加土儲;由宏安地產併購的黃大仙鳴鳳街26至48號舊樓,將於本周五 (27日) 舉行強拍,底價為8.05億。



Evergrande seeks $8b for Yuen Long project

Debt-laden developer China Evergrande Group (3333) is seeking to sell a residential project in the Yuen Long area of the New Territories for HK$8 billion, people familiar with the matter said, as it ramps up divestments to avert a cash crunch.

Evergrande acquired the project from Henderson Land Development Company (0012) at first by purchasing undeveloped farmland for HK$4.7 billion in mid-2019. Earlier this year, it paid a HK$4.2 billion premium to convert it into a residential development, according to the Hong Kong Economic Times.

The world's most indebted developer is facing mounting pressure to curtail its borrowings, fueling concerns that it may rush to offload assets at a cheap price. Regulators last week issued a rare public rebuke of the company, urging it to address its debt woes. With more than US$300 billion (HK$2.34 trillion) of liabilities, the conglomerate's fate has broad implications for China's financial system.

"Evergrande may accelerate asset sales after last week's rebuke and instruction to resolve its debt problems from China's central bank and financial regulator," Bloomberg Intelligence analysts including Patrick Wong and Lisa Zhou wrote in a note.

Previously, it reportedly clinched a deal to sell its Hong Kong headquarters building in Wan Chai to state-owned Yuexiu Property (0123) for HK$10.5 billion, less than the acquisition cost of HK$12.5 billion.

Evergrande said earlier this month that it's in discussions to sell stakes in its electric vehicle and property services units. Last week it said preliminary talks between China Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Group and Xiaomi Corp to introduce strategic shareholders had ended.

(The Standard)

Commercial real estate deals soar in Hong Kong as easy loans prompt buyers to snap up offices, shops and even car parking bays

Purchases soared to a two-year high of HK$17.3 billion (US$2.2 billion) in the eight months through mid-August, according to property agency’s data

Investors domiciled in mainland China made up HK$8.53 billion, or 49 per cent of the deals, the highest since the street protests of 2019

Non-residential real estate investments into Hong Kong have soared this year, as mainland Chinese and foreign investors snapped up industrial buildings, shops, service apartments and car parking bays in the city.

Purchases by foreigners and Chinese investors soared to a two-year high of HK$17.3 billion (US$2.2 billion) in the eight months through mid-August, according to data compiled by property agency, which tracks non-residential property deals larger than HK$100 million. Investors domiciled in mainland China made up HK$8.53 billion, or 49 per cent of the deals, the highest since the city’s anti-government protests of 2019, the data showed.

“The overall investment market has gradually recovered in Hong Kong, with the pandemic under control,” agent said, “The number of big-ticket transactions is showing an upward trend.”

The investment boom underpinned the recovery in

Hong Kong’s economy, which expanded by 7.5 per cent in the second quarter following a larger-than-expected first-quarter growth of 7.9 per cent. Total non-residential real estate deals, inclusive of local transactions by Hongkongers, jumped to HK$49.1 billion as of mid-August, more than the 12-month total for 2020, according to the agency’s data.

Transactions may slow down in the second half of 2021, as some foreign investors postpone their expansion plans in the city and head for the sidelines, amid concerns about how their businesses would operate under a proposed anti-sanctions law for Hong Kong.

A law enacted in June in mainland China gives Beijing authorities legal grounds to take countermeasures against foreign individuals and entities involved in discriminatory measures that “violate international laws and basic norms.” Enactment of the law in Hong Kong was unexpectedly delayed last week, as a four-day meeting in China’s legislature concluded without saying how the legislation would be adopted in the city.

“Although the anti-sanctions law was postponed in Hong Kong, it still caused worries [among] foreign investors,” the agent said, adding that the pace of foreign investments will slow down in the second half in Hong Kong. “Most foreign funds entered the market in the first half of the year.”

Still, the city is in the throes of a real estate bull run, as investments poured into residential property, offices, retail shops and even parking space, taking advantage of record low interest rates and easy financing.

The overall volume of property transactions - inclusive of residential and commercial real estate - is expected to top HK$628.4 billion in the first eight months, surpassing last year’s 12-month total, according to data provided by another property agency.

Notably, market demand for data centers, warehouses and logistics centers increased. Sales of ultra-luxury homes such as the February deal at CK Asset’s 21 Borrett Road on The Mid-Levels for almost half a billion dollars also bolstered the overall transactions value.

“As foreign capital has already entered the market in the first half, and the number of suitable listings has decreased, the proportion of foreign capital’s investment will gradually decline in the second half,” agent said.

The property bull run helped the agency to swing back into the black, with an interim net profit of HK$33.26 million, compared with a loss of HK$7.78 million in the first six months of 2020. The turnaround was mainly attributable to the rebound of the non-residential property market in Hong Kong in the first half, the agent said that in its stock exchange filing, without declaring an interim dividend.

(South China Morning Post)


中金積極擴充 租國際金融中心一期5.3萬呎





代理:內企IPO活躍 加快租務



近月疫情緩和 甲廈租務轉好






商務中心 租士丹利街28號6萬呎

除了金融機構外,商務中心在疫情下亦有所擴充。消息指,中環士丹利街一幢新商廈,獲商務中心TEC (The Executive Centre) 租用6萬平方呎樓面。



TEC今年相當積極,並在中環擴充,如早前租用 AIA Central 友邦金融中心15樓全層,租用面積約1.58萬平方呎,呎租約110元,而租金較高峰期回落逾兩成。
























代理表示,葵涌梨木道73號的海暉中心拆售項目,暫時累售80%單位。鑑於項目銷售理想,加上工商市況日漸熾熱,業主計畫於本周五 (27日) 起提價5%放售餘下精選單位。




工商鋪買賣上半年錄3672宗 代理:按年上升1.6倍



該代理續說,截至8月15日,今年整體工商鋪 (亦包括酒店、服務式住宅、車位及舊樓地盤等) 億元成交共錄115宗,比去年全年多約30.7%,金額總值約491.1億,超過去年全年總和約1.2%。中資及外資買貨金額分別錄101.1億及103.1億,佔大手交投約20.6%及21%,兩者金額均較去年同期高。若以資金流向計算,中資及外資今年以來分別錄85.3億及87.9億淨流入,為2019年以來最佳,分別連續八季及三季錄淨流入,屬近年罕見。展望下半年,大額成交有望達180宗,金額達900億,不過,外資基金步伐將減慢。













除上述項目外,同區亦有不少舊樓獲財團收購,如自由道1B至1C號舊樓,早年曾斥資約4400萬購入該項目最後一個住宅單位,登記買家為輝宇國際投資有限公司 (HyInternationl Investment Ltd),公司董事為王輝宇(WANG, HUIYU)。





據土地註冊處資料顯示,長華工業大廈10樓A及B室,於上月底分別以7525.8萬售出,兩個物業總成交價共逾1.505億,登記買家為栢海投資有限公司 (PARKSEA INVESTMENTS LIMITED),為海外註冊公司。






港島甲廈呎租74.4 代理料跌勢趨緩和


該行表示,港島寫字樓的租務情況逐步改善,部分行業承租的意欲較積極,例如在首次公開招股 (IPO) 市場活躍的情況下,一些中資律師行紛紛主動「升級」,進駐優質寫字樓兼擴張;有跨國律師事務所則因應疫情影響工作模式,開始檢視對寫字樓樓面的需求。該代理行估計,未來數季港島寫字樓的租金跌勢將趨緩和。





First price list opens for Henderson's Henley lll

Henderson Land Development (0012) opened its first price list for The Henley III at Kai Tak, offering 81 units at an average price of HK$28,200 a square foot after discounts.

The first batch price per square foot is the most expensive ever at Kai Tak.

The units cover studio flats to three-bedroom flats, ranging from 238 square feet to 778 square feet. Henderson Land set the price at between HK$6.583 million and HK$26.31 million and the price per square foot at between HK$26,545 and HK$34,189.

The developer offers up to 5 percent discounts.

The price after discounts is from HK$6.25 to HK$25 million. The price per square foot is from HK$25,218 to HK$32,479 after discounts.

The developer said there is about 5 percent room for a price rise.

The Henley III's first batch focuses on studio flats, accounting for 36 units. There are only five two-bedroom units.

Only 16 flats have sea views and most of the others have hillside and garden views. The developer said that as the Kai Tak Sports Park is still under construction, it is expected that the sea-view units will be launched after the landscape in this direction is confirmed.

The price of the first batch referred to other first-hand properties in the Kai Tak area.

The second price list may be launched tomorrow.

The residential project offers 404 units in total. It is expected to complete in April next year.

In Tin Shui Wai, Wetland Seasons Bay of Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) received more than 8,000 checks.

The project will open the second round of sales tomorrow, offering 300 units. It was oversubscribed 25.7 times.

The 300 units cover one-bedroom flats to three-bedroom flats. The price after the discount is HK$4.72 million to HK$9.87 million. The price per square foot is from HK$12,913 to HK$18,932 after discounts.

The residential project offers 1,224 units in total, ranging from 268 sq ft to and 1,158 sq ft. It is expected to be completed by the end of June next year.

Meanwhile, there were two forfeited deals at The Pavilia Farm III in Tai Wai. The potential buyers canceled the transaction of 509-sq-ft flats and 359-sq-ft flats on August 24.

From early July, there was 15 forfeited deals in total.

(The Standard)


Anti-sanctions law strains Hong Kong property market

Hong Kong’s proposed anti-sanctions law is putting pressure on the city’s property market as foreign companies grow wary of risks, according to one of the biggest agents. 

“They have to reconsider the law’s impacts on Hong Kong,” property agent said in a press conference Wednesday. “They may redistribute assets, sell their properties and relocate their office somewhere else.” 

Foreign companies accounted for 21 percent of the large commercial property transactions in Hong Kong since the start of the year, reaching more than HK$10 billion ($1.3 billion), according to data from the property agency. They’ve become the second-largest group of investors after local participants, surpassing even mainland Chinese businesses.

The property agency expects foreign investors to slow their investments in Hong Kong in the second half, due to concerns about the proposed law. Overseas real estate funds could also slow down their pace after a slew of acquisitions earlier this year, the agent added.

Even though China’s top legislative body postponed a vote on a proposal to impose an anti-sanctions law on Hong Kong last week, the public still sees the legislation as imminent. 

China passed its anti-sanctions law in June to retaliate against the U.S. It gives the government broad powers to seize assets from entities that are “directly or indirectly involved in the formulation, decision or implementation” of foreign sanctions.

China needs to add the law to Hong Kong’s charter for it to take effect locally. -- Bloomberg

(The Standard)


Property agency warns that emigration could threaten economic development and housing market

Agency reports return to profit for six months ending on June 30, with net profit amounting to about US$22.6 million

Impact of emigration on the property market did not fully surface in the first half of the year, agent said

Property agency said on Thursday that a sustained wave of emigration could threaten the development of the city, its economic recovery and the housing market.

The agency reported a return to profit following a recovery in Hong Kong’s housing market. For the six months ending on June 30, its net profit amounted to about HK$176 million (US$22.6 million), compared to a loss of about HK$24 million in the same period last year, according to a filing made with the stock exchange. The turnaround was down to increased market share and a successful capture of the rebound in Hong Kong’s residential property market, the agency said. The board did not declare an interim dividend, same as last year.

“If the wave of immigration continues or even expands, causing the loss of talent in Hong Kong, it will inevitably affect the development of Hong Kong and hinder its economic recovery. This will inevitably have an impact on the property market,” agent said.

The rebound at the agency comes as the prices of lived-in homes climb to new highs. For instance, the agency’s market price index for lived-in homes, rose to a new high of 177.27 early this month, an increase of 0.2 per cent over the previous peak of 176.88 in 2019. This gauge echoed increases seen on an index compiled by another property agency.

The rebound in the housing market was also reflected at Sino Land, a major developer in the city, whose underlying profit excluding the effect of fair value changes on investment properties for the full year ending June 30 surged 1.26 times to HK$10.32 billion, according to a filing with the stock exchange on Thursday.

“We remain cautiously optimistic about the outlook of the property market in Hong Kong,” Robert Ng Chee Siong, Sino’s chairman, said in the filing, citing the city’s economic recovery and low interest rates. The developer’s directors recommended an unchanged final dividend of 41 Hong Kong cents per share and a special dividend of 28 Hong Kong cents per share.

The agent also called upon the government to pay attention to emigration from the city and suggested that it restart investment immigration, increase job opportunities and raise the quota for the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme from the current 2,000 to 5,000, especially for returnees from overseas. The scheme seeks to attract highly skilled or talented people to settle in Hong Kong to enhance its economic competitiveness.

“The impact of the wave of emigration on the property market did not fully surface in the first half of the year. The main reason was that the purchasing power accumulated since 2019 was large enough to absorb the listings from emigrants in the market,” the agent said.

About 90,000 residents have left Hong Kong in the year after the national security law was imposed, leading to a significant 1.2 per cent drop in the city’s population.

Separately, Henderson Land Development priced a batch of 81 flats in the third phase of its The Henley development in Kai Tak at an average price of HK$28,200 per square foot after discounts, the highest price for initial batches among Kai Tak projects. The price is also 6.6 per cent higher than the first batch of phase one, reflecting a general increase in homes prices in the city.

(South China Morning Post)















有代理表示,德事商務中心 (The Executive Centre) 承租中環友邦金融中心15樓全層,佔地約1.5萬方呎;市場消息指出,該廈市值呎租約100元,月租約150萬。









































上述古洞第24區住宅地皮,位於粉嶺公路以北方向,鄰近石仔嶺花園,地盤面積約8.2萬方呎,指定作非工業 (不包括倉庫、酒店及加油站) 用途,以地積比率約6倍發展,可建總樓面約49.2萬方呎,當中私人住宅部分不得多於41.03萬方呎,另有商業樓面面積約8.2萬方呎。






葵涌工廈低水具潛力 財團吸納



7區工廈價錄升幅 葵涌最高



嘉民亞洲 購厚豐工廈作投資


至於全幢工廈方面,鄧成波家族以約9億元,沽出葵涌中央工業大廈,新買家為萬國數據 (09698) ,購入後將重建成數據中心。物業總樓面約27.6萬平方呎,呎價約3,261元。萬國數據近年積極在港發展,3年間先後3度購入葵涌工廈,包括美羅工業大廈以及藍田街2至16號地盤,均重建成數據中心。





中外資金購工廈 共斥逾141億








Home buyer hopefuls run hot for new units

The primary property market was buoyant during the weekend.

Figuring in the action were 45 flats at The Henley III in Kai Tak being offered by Henderson Land Development (0012).

The second price list for the flats, which range from 238 to 540 square feet and comprise 14 studio flats, 25 one-bedroom flats and six two-bedroom flats, shows them priced at between HK$6.69 million and HK$18 million with a 5 percent discount.

The discounted per square foot prices are between HK$25,246 and HK$33,385, up 1.7 percent from the first price list. Around 350 checks were received by yesterday, meaning a fourfold oversubscription.

Sales executive Thomas Lam Tat-man said he expects the second round of sales to begin next weekend.

Atop Wong Chuk Hang MTR station, La Marina attracted at least 2,000 checks in four days, marking an oversubscription of 9.6 times.

Developed by Kerry Properties (0683), Sino Land (0083) and MTR Corp (0066), the project is package two of The Southside development at the MTR station.

Tong Yiu-chung, Hong Kong general manager at Kerry Development, said 80 percent of the prospective buyers were from Hong Kong Island, and 30 percent had indicated they wanted to buy more than one flat.

In Tin Shui Wai, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) released a sixth price list for Wetland Seasons Bay to launch another 123 flats at an average price of HK$15,492 per square foot.

It plans to open the sixth round of sales on the weekend. On offer will be flats ranging from studios to four-bedroom units, as well as14 special flats. The flats range from 268 to 795 square feet to sell from HK$4.3 million to HK$11.7 million, or HK$13,432 to HK$18,813 per square foot, after discounts.

By comparison, the secondary market experienced dampened demand. Property agency’s top 10 housing estates recorded 12 transactions over the weekend, down a third from the previous week.

But agent said that the decline was to be expected, as more potential buyers participated in the heated primary market. the agent expects the numbers will increase in September, when unsuccessful primary market buyers return to the secondary market.

(The Standard)









































今年暫錄17宗大手商廈買賣 九龍灣國際展貿中心全幢最矚目 涉資高達105億


















Hong Kong home prices approach all-time high as analysts see headwinds toward year-end

Prices of lived-in homes have risen by a cumulative 4.3 per cent in a seven-month rally to within all-time high set in May 2019

Property agency expects the record to be broken later this year even as headwinds from stock market swoon and emigration wave loom

Hong Kong’s home prices rose in July, approaching an all-time high, as property buyers gained confidence from signs of economic revival in the financial hub while the government stepped up efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic.

Prices of lived-in homes increased 0.5 per cent to 396.3 in July, according to an index published by the Rating and Valuation Department on Friday. They have rallied every month this year, for a cumulative 4.3 per cent advance. The index reached an all-time high of 396.9 in May 2019.

An index tracking rental prices rose 0.5 per cent in July, capping a 3 per cent jump in a five-month rally, the department added.

“It is now on the verge of breaking the record” despite the negative impact of a stock market slump, property agent said. “It should reach a new historic level in the third quarter.”

Hong Kong’s economy expanded 7.5 per cent in the second quarter, following a 7.9 per cent rebound in the preceding three months. Months of social stability helped shore up confidence, and homebuyers snapped up new units in fear of missing out on the rally, while big developers paid top dollar at government land tenders.

Still, the speed of market recovery is slower than predicted, as some property analysts had previously expected the record to be broken by midyear. Part of the reason is the catastrophic slump in Chinese tech and education stocks amid China’s regulatory clampdowns.

The Hang Seng Index sank 9.9 per cent in July, wiping out more than HK$6.2 trillion (US$797 billion) in value across the entire market, according to data published by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing. The benchmark last week slumped by more than 20 per cent from its mid-February peak, plunging it into a bear market.

The blow to investors’ wealth dented purchasing power and buying interest, while existing owners bumped up their asking prices at the same time, Liu added. The local housing market is taking a breather, as transaction volumes have almost reached the full-year total of 2020, he added.

“Some investors have seen their funds evaporate in the stock market,” the agent said. With fewer buyers entering the market, the upwards momentum for home prices will slow down, the agent said. “The increases in prices by homeowners are relatively large so buyers are taking their time to digest the situation.”

For instance, Island Garden in Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong Island, saw a flat measuring 1,017 square feet changing hands for a HK$1.99 million (US$254,877) loss in late July. The owner slashed the asking price to cover for “major fluctuations” in the stock market, according to another property agent.

For now, however, optimism remains intact with some parts of the housing market looking brighter than others. At present, wage earners are dominating the market, making small to medium-sized units among the better performers, another agent said.

In particular, a sub-index for homes measuring less than 1,076 sq ft recorded as much as a 1.1 per cent gain in July, while prices for units larger than that declined by as much as 1.9 per cent.

Weekly price indices compiled by two property agencies have set new records in early August.

Growth in home prices could cool off even if it surpasses the current records compiled by the government, one of the agency said, due to fluctuations in the local pandemic situation and pressures from an emigration wave. It will take a wider reopening of the border with mainland China to sustain any rally, the firm added.

The agency is keeping to its forecast for an annual growth of 13 per cent in prices this year, aided by factors including easier mortgage financing rules, the improving pandemic situation and demand from so-called “new Hongkongers” – mainland citizens taking up residency in the city.

(South China Morning Post)


Sun Hung Kai repeats its sell-out weekend at Wetland Seasons Bay as Hong Kong’s returning buyers push home prices to near record

All 300 units on offer at Sun Hung Kai Properties’ Wetland Seasons Bay were sold by 7pm Saturday

Investors return to the market, taking cue of a near all-time high price trend and buy on fear of missing out

Hong Kong’s homebuyers plunged into the market for fear of missing out as prices approached a record high, helping Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) to record its second sell-out weekend.

All 300 apartments on offer at the Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai were sold at 7pm, as buyers shrugged aside an 11-per cent price increase, which raised the average price to HK$15,176 per square foot from last week’s HK$13,698 per sq ft.

Wetland Seasons Bay, scheduled for completion June 2022, comprises 1,996 apartments and 10 villas across three phases. The average price of the first 245 units released was HK$13,698 per square foot, which was 5.6 per cent higher than the most recent project in the same neighbourhood, released in September 2020.

Over 10,000 registrations of interest were received this weekend, equivalent to about 33 interested buyers vying for each of the 300 units available for sale, according to property agents. About a third of the buyers were investors, according property agent.

“These investors are eyeing attractive yield from prospective tenants due to the project’s proximity to the rest of the Greater Bay Area,” the agent said. “The project is especially popular among those who need a quick commute to southern China cities.”

Located at the north-western corner of Hong Kong, Tin Shui Wai sits across Shenzhen Bay from southern China’s technology metropolis of Shenzhen. Its name resonates with the eco-tourism and conservation facility nearby, called Wetland Park.

Phase one of the development comprises apartments that range in size from studios measuring 300 square feet (28 square metres), to four-room apartments of 795 square feet. The 300 flats on sale this weekend were going for a price tag of between HK$4.7 million to HK$9.9 million after discount.

Another 12 units, comprising villas and larger units with up to five bedrooms and accompanying gardens, are set aside for sale through a separate tender process, agents said.

The brisk sale of Wetland Seasons Bay has come amid prices of lived-in homes in the city approaching a record in July. Prices of lived-in homes rose 0.5 per cent to 396.3 in July, according to an index published by the Rating and Valuation Department on Friday. They have rallied every month this year, for a cumulative 4.3 per cent advance. The index reached an all-time high of 396.9 in May 2019.

Some buyers and investors have taken the cue from the price increase to enter the property market, encouraged by two successive quarters of economic growth in the city. They also wanted to get their hands on fixed assets while mortgage rates are still near record lows, before Hong Kong’s monetary authority follows the US Federal Reserve in raising interest rates, and hence the cost of mortgages, agents said.

The number of new houses sale in August is likely to hold steady from July, totalling 1,300 units, according to another property agent.

“The rampant spread of the Covid-19 variant cases in various countries has clouded the outlook on the border-opening,” the agent said. “This in turn has led to a slowing down of property transactions,” but the longer term outlook of the property market remains positive, the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)


宏安統一黃大仙舊樓業權 鄧灝康:重建230伙商住樓 總投資13


宏安持有逾八成業權的黃大仙鳴鳳街26至48號舊樓昨進行強拍,並以底價8.05億統一業權。宏安行政總裁鄧灝康表示,是次購入的市區地皮,將會沿用集團「the met.」精品住宅設計理念規劃此商住項目,料提供約230個住宅單位,而基座附有商鋪,總投資額約13億,預計於2025年落成。項目計畫明年第4季推出,預計將受區內分支用家及投資者歡迎。







該項目現為3幢6至8層高商住舊樓,包括26至32A號乾豐大廈、34及36號鳳凰樓及38至46號舊樓,分別於1962至1965年間落成,樓齡逾50年,屬高密度「住宅 (甲類)」用途。地盤面積約9630方呎,若以地積比率9倍作商住發展,可建總樓面約8.67萬方呎,樓面呎價約9288元。





作價逾2338 每呎15109






Developers unveil plans for a personal mini skyscraper at the Mid-Levels as vertical mansions arrive for the uber rich

K. Wah International and Chuang’s Consortium International have unveiled plans to build an eight-storey home at The Mid-Levels in Hong Kong.

The project at 28 Po Shan Road offers 44,388 square feet (4,123 square metres) of space, and will be offered on a turnkey basis.

Two developers are bringing the personal skyscraper, or at least a miniaturised version of the latest must-have of Indian billionaires, to Hong Kong, with plans for an eight-storey, vertical villa at Mid-Levels.

K Wah International Holdings and Chuang’s Consortium International have unveiled plans for the project at 28 Po Shan Road. The turnkey project will be built to the buyer’s specifications, and will only be constructed with a buyer’s commitment.

The building will have 44,388 sq ft (4,123 square metres) over eight floors, complete with a 4,446 sq ft garden and 2,197 sq ft roof terrace, according to its building plan. Proposed features include six-metre ceilings on the entertainment-dining floor, and six floors of residential suites with ceilings at least 3.5 metres tall.

“Any buyer for this property is coming from a special background, while seeing the project as a trophy asset and not looking to resell in the short term,” property agent said. “This project is unique and scarce in the market, while requiring a lot of capital, it is believed its market appeal is not set for typical Hong Kong consumers.”

Vertical villas are all the rage among India’s wealthiest. Mukesh Ambani’s Antilia is a US$2 billion personal skyscraper standing 27 stories tall in one of Mumbai’s most expensive neighbourhoods. It has a room that blasts out snow flakes, an in-house temple that fits 50 worshippers, three helipads and six floors for Ambani’s luxury cars, all attended by 600 staff.

Not to be outdone, the Raymond Group’s chairman Gautam Singhania has the 30-storey JK House in south Mumbai, a nod to the roots of one of India’s largest conglomerates. The mansion comes with the mandatory pool, spa, helipad and recreational area, with five floors reserved for the textile tycoon’s very considerable car collection.

The vertical villa would be a first in Hong Kong, the world’s most expensive urban centre for many years running, where the wealthiest residents have opted for sprawling bungalows in exclusive neighbourhoods instead of high altitudes.

Pony Ma Huateng, the founder of Asia’s largest company by capitalisation, bought a HK$490 million property in Shek O in 2009 and redeveloped it into a 19,600 sq ft property valued at HK$1.8 billion (US$231 million). Jack Ma, founder of this newspaper's owner Alibaba Group Holding, has a 9,890 sq ft three-storey house on The Peak valued at HK$1.5 billion.

Lee Shau-kee, the patriarch of Henderson Land Development and head of one of the city’s wealthiest families, bought a plot of land on The Peak for HK$1.8 billion in 2010 to build three mansions – one for himself and one for each of his two sons – at the exclusive Barker Road neighbourhood, as the family had got tired of living in the same Mid-Levels penthouse for almost three decades.

Other than these purpose-built residences, the rich and famous of Hong Kong have opted for ready-built villas such as the exclusive Mount Nicholson enclave developed by Wharf Properties and Nan Fung Development. The four-story villas frequently top

Asia’s most expensive lists by square footage, so much so that even their car-parking bays cost at least US$1 million each.

More recently, CK Asset’s exclusive apartments at 21 Borrett Road at The Mid-Levels are also making their way up the list to challenge Mount Nicholson, with a 3,378 sq ft unit selling in February for HK$459.6 million.

K Wah and Chuang’s can only sell their Po Shan Road project as a single detached house, or two semi-detached residences, according to the lease agreement of the site.

The home is valued at HK$2.835 billion, or HK$63,869 per square foot according to Vincent Cheung, managing director at Vincorn Group Holdings. At this price, it would set another record in Hong Kong, where the most expensive property was HK$1.68 billion paid by Chinese tycoon Chen Hongtian in 2016 for Chateau 15 at 15 Gough Hill Road. That property was also built by Chuang’s Consortium.

A home with the size and price tag of the proposed vertical mansion is most likely going to grab the attention of a buyer from mainland China, another agent said.

Despite the kingly sums, there is a niche market for these type of projects among buyers who want highly personalised “dream home” specifications from conferencing areas to KTVs, indoor gym and pools, the agent said.

The Po Shan Road project is not the most ostentatious or outlandish on paper in Hong Kong. China Evergrande Group, which is struggling under the world’s heaviest debt load, unveiled an ambitious plan in March to build 268 villas on a plot of farmland near the Mai Po Wetlands in the New Territories. The centrepiece of the project is a 240,000 sq ft villa described as akin to the Palace of Versailles. The price tag: HK$4 billion.

(South China Morning Post)


金鐘力寶中心每呎39元 低市價15% 交吉兩年始租出 減幅達33%










據一外資代理行早前發表的報告指出,今年第二季甲廈市場待租率 (包括空置及放頂租) 新報14.4%,以全港甲廈樓面6500萬方呎計,待租樓面達約936萬方呎,創歷來新高水平,並料下半年租金跌幅約5%至10%。





地標甲廈頻錄大手預租 大型企業投下「信心一票」




兩幢興建中的甲級寫字樓亦已獲租客預租,如恒基地產發展的中環The Henderson,預計將於2023年落成,但早前已獲一家跨國拍賣行預租約5萬方呎樓面;太古地產正興建的鰂魚涌太古坊二座,可望於2022年上半年竣工,但早前也獲一家外資銀行預租逾9萬方呎樓面。


市場人士相信企業願意提早租用寫字樓的另一原因是,港島尤其核心商業區已多年沒有甲級寫字樓落成,如The Henderson便是中環18年來最新、最大樓面的甲級寫字樓供應,自然備受市場注目。










超甲廈租務略轉好 租金跌幅望收窄





TEC商務中心 租AIA Central全層

另外,商務中心亦於超甲廈擴充,TEC (德事商務中心) 租用中環友邦金融中心 (AIA Central) 15樓全層,共約15,000平方呎,市場估計呎租約110元,將於11月開幕。TEC在香港擁有11個辦公空間,總面積超過232,000平方呎,其中7個地點設於中環。

氣氛轉好,機構預租超甲廈,恒地 (00012) 旗下中環「The Henderson」錄得首宗預租個案,獲拍賣行佳士得租用4層5萬平方呎,屬同區搬遷及擴充。據了解,佳士得原租用中環歷山大廈約3萬平方呎樓面,如今搬遷作擴充,亦可提升至全新超甲廈。業內人士估計,成交呎租約130至140元。

佳士得指,將在The Henderson設立佳士得首個香港的常設拍賣中心和藝廊,可隨着市場變化和機會,在全年的任何時刻舉辦拍賣與活動,而毋須受制於現時每年只可舉辦兩季拍賣活動的模式。項目原為美利道停車場,2017年由恒地以232.8億元投得,發展商將重建成36層的甲級商廈,總樓面465,000平方呎,2023年入伙。










九龍甲廈7月空置率12.5% 尖旺改善



九龍灣未改善 空置率20.9%









長沙灣西港都會中心 優質活化商廈



步行5至10分鐘 到荔枝角站


飲食方面,附近地段工廠及商廈地下,提供不少茶餐廳,上班人士亦可選擇步行5至10分鐘,到較大型商場長沙灣廣場,內有中式酒樓。此外,近年落成的D2 Place 1期及2期商場,內有大量食肆外,亦有商店、戲院等娛樂配套。

項目原為工廈,業主香港興業 (00480) 去年把物業活化,轉用途成商廈,並進行全面翻新,其中地下大堂進行大改造,以白色為主調,感覺舒適,而分層大堂現甚企理,加上玻璃幕牆,整體感覺與標準商廈無異。項目樓高24層,合共4部升降機,可有效疏導人流。


位處單邊 景觀甚開揚




黃竹坑環匯廣場 每呎19元招租


高層1761 月租3.34




























翻查資料,澳洲時裝店Cotton On在2008年初以月租88萬進駐,呎租約587元,最新鐘表店租金低於2008年,幅度為20.5%。


廣東道近日再添吉鋪,由英國護膚品連鎖店The Body Shop租用的廣東道68至80號恒利大廈地下4號鋪,建築面積1350方呎,原月租80萬,呎租約593元,本月租滿,租客剛搬走。The Body Shop於2007年起租用上述鋪位,今年初開始已無營業,直至租約屆滿才正式撤離。



德己立街減租最多27% 平均每呎逾172元 位處中環蘇豪區 租金重返15年前







據土地註冊處資料顯示,該鋪業主於2005年以5880萬購入上述鋪位,以公司名義恒安有限公司 (FOREVER ON LIMITED) 名義持有,以上述最新租金計,享租金回報約5.9厘,另外,資料亦顯示,該鋪於2006年6月曾以27萬租出,故是次租金已貼近15年前水平,反映市況疲弱。



受疫情封關影響,港人於假日紛外出消費,直接帶動市場氣氛向好,近期市場亦頻錄外資連鎖快餐店進駐核心區一綫街道,更因生意較預期為佳,故愈開愈多,並趁租金較高峰期大幅下滑,連環於核心區「插旗」進駐,例如美資貴價漢堡包店FIVE GUYS及SHAKE SHACK等,但環顧現今核心區空置仍屬偏高水平,平均約百分之二十,預測下半年不會出現大升市,料租金升幅低於5%。
