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The Henley flaunts robot-backed lifestyle as $1.7b deals pour in

Henderson Land Development (0012) raked in HK$1.7 billion through deals for 138 flats in the first round of sales at the robot-busy The Henley I in Kai Tak.

The developer has invested more than HK$70 million in innovative technologies and smart living systems at The Henley, including robots that provide services such as deliveries, including carrying heavy stuff.

The delivery robots and luggage-toting robots are also programmed to take lifts and go to a resident's door.

Robots also take on cleaning and sterilizing jobs, and they can check body temperatures.

The Henley has 1,184 homes in three phases. The first phase provides 479 flats from 186 square feet to 1,350 sq ft.

Henderson expects to release a fifth price list soon and to launch a second round of sales next week.

The developer has also released a sales brochure for The Upper South at Ap Lei Chau.

On The Peak, Yeoh Saw Kheng, the wife of Robert Ng Chee-siong, the chairman of Sino Land (0083), bought a 2,448-sq-ft flat at Carolina Garden for HK$103.8 million, or HK$42,402 per sq ft.

Meanwhile, stamp duty collected from property transactions plunged by 12.8 percent month-on-month to about HK$866.8 million in April, data from the Inland Revenue Department shows.

Buyers' stamp duties collected dived by 30.6 percent month-on-month to HK$186 million, and the amount of double stamp duty applied to residential property transactions dropped by 7.5 percent month-on-month to HK$654.5 million in April.

In the commercial property market, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp renewed the lease on a floor measuring about 7,500 sq ft at Causeway Bay Plaza 2 for HK$247,500 per month from November to September 2024. That is a 25-percent discount on the previous lease.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at Causeway Bay Plaza 2 please visit: Office for Lease at Causeway Bay Plaza 2

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay please visit:  Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay


長沙灣9重建項目 增逾293萬呎商貿樓面





青山道550至556 發展新式工廈

有基金亦趁市況回落收購工廈重建,其中凱龍瑞基金以約11億元購入的長沙灣青山道550至556號恆發工業大廈,亦申請重建。該項目地盤面積約15,837平方呎,申請放寬地積比率至14.4倍,涉及總樓面面積約22.8萬平方呎,並計劃興建1幢27層 (包括2層地庫及1層防火層) 新式工廈,當中設有一層作庇護層及空中花園。

永義亦積極在區內重建,同系高山企業 (00616) 除了收購瓊林街121號項目進行重建外,在兩年前亦在內部轉讓大南西街609號的永義廣場,有望連同比鄰的豐華工業大廈一併重建,可組成逾1.5萬平方呎地盤作重建。

另外,近年以近148億元連奪區內3幅商業及商貿地皮的新世界 (00017) ,興建4幢甲級商廈,合共涉約190.8萬平方呎樓面,打造成龐大的商業王國。其中,於荔枝角道888號的項目,近年正在推售樓花,計劃打造為單幢甲級寫字樓,預計日後部分高層單位可望海景,另部分樓面要保留作興建社福中心及公眾停車場。而位於瓊林街的商貿地規模最大,可建樓面約99.8萬平方呎,屬區內逾10年的最大規模商業地。






上月三大辣稅交投345宗 按月下跌11% 雙倍印花稅跌幅最急


據稅務局資料顯示,上月三大辣稅包括額外印花稅 (SSD)、買家印花稅 (BSD) 及雙倍印花稅 (DSD),合共錄約345宗交投,較今年3月的388宗,按月下跌約11%,隨着疫情反覆,市場觀望氣氛揮之不去,拖累交投量下跌,稅項收益亦同步下滑,上月三大辣稅涉及稅項收益約8.66億,較3月的9.94億按月下跌約12.9%。










