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Hong Kong’s secondary home prices fall by the most in 14 months in October as banks turn cautious on valuations

Lived-in home prices fell 0.86 per cent in October, the most since August 2020

A market valuations index, which tracks major banks’ valuations in 133 housing estates, fell to 29.89 points last week, the lowest since it hit 18.88 in March last year

Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices dropped by the most in 14 months in October after peaking in August, with buying sentiment cooling as banks become more cautious in valuating property.

Prices fell 0.85 per cent to 394.8 last month, according to an index published by the Rating and Valuation Department on Friday.

It was the sharpest drop since August 2020 when it retreated by 0.88 per cent, according to a property consultancy. It was the second consecutive monthly decline since the index hit an all-time high in August, according to the government’s latest revised data.

“The October data reflects the situation before [Carrie Lam’s] Policy Address as buyers adopted a wait-and-see attitude,” property agent said.

The agent said that buyers were shifting their focus to new homes as developers continue to offer discounts and flexible financial plans to drum up sales.

The fall in home prices came as the market valuation index, a weekly gauge which tracks major banks’ valuations for used homes in 133 housing estates compiled by a property agency, fell to 29.89 points for the week ended November 21. It was the lowest since the index plunged to 18.88 points in March 2020. The index slipped below 60 points in the first week of October and has continued to slide since.

The index below the 40-point threshold represents banks’ bearish view on the market while above 60 points indicates a bullish trend.

“The index indicates banks tend to lower the property valuation when they extend a mortgage loan, as they believe home prices will continue to soften,” property agent said.

HSBC, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) and other major banks have stopped offering mortgage loans for unfinished flats built by China Evergrande, the mainland’s most indebted property developer, in Hong Kong since July.

Evergrande, struggling with US$305 billion of debt, currently has two residential projects under construction: phase two of Emerald Bay in Tuen Mun and The Vertex in Cheung Sha Wan.

The agent said that banks have turned more conservative after the US Federal Reserve planned to reduce its bond-buying programme.

Early this month, Fed chairman Jerome Powell said the purchases of treasuries and mortgage-backed securities would be scaled back by US$15 billion a month.

“It is a sign that interest rates will rise,” the agent said, adding that it would dampen home-buying sentiment.

Meanwhile, transactions of secondary residential transactions continued to decline for the sixth month in a row in October, with the number of deals at 3,656, the lowest since August 2020 when 3,441 deals were concluded, according to data from anther property agency.

Sales of new homes also fell 34 per cent month on month in October to 1,273 deals.

Still, Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices have risen 3.9 per cent so far this year, with flats between 753 square feet and 1,075 sq ft gaining the most at 4.5 per cent.

Home prices in the city are likely to increase 0.5 per cent this month as Lam’s policy speech did not have any cooling measures to curb price growth, another said.

“The reopening of the border with the mainland next month is likely to boost the lived-in home price index to a new high and go past the 400-point mark,” the agent said.

(South China Morning Post)


中海外啟德地3成權益 13.48億易手

啟德跑道區再有地皮易手,投得啟德第4E區1號地皮的內房國企中國海外 (00688) 公布,將所持有的30%權益轉讓予海建基金,作價13.48億元。




財團1.15 購古洞北農地



據市場消息指,該批農地以合共1.15億元易手,以平均呎價大約2,400多元,雖然呎價遠貴於一般農地,不過由於該農地位於「住宅 (乙類)」規劃用途地帶,發展商可以向政府申請補地價作住宅發展,大幅提高用地發展潛力。

農地涉4.75萬呎 呎價約2400

事實上,若以「住宅 (乙類)」用途的地積比3.5倍計算,該用地可建樓面約16.6萬平方呎,以此計算的每呎樓面地價將會降低至低於700元,屬於合理水平。

隨着政府落實古洞北、粉嶺北發展區建設,區內基建陸續展開,鐵路項目亦將上馬,發展商加快在區內收地,例如嘉里 (00683) 今年中近5億元購入區內的17幅農地,每呎地價大約2,300元左右。

值得一提的是,泛海 (00129)、資本策略 (00497) 亦在古洞北購入農地並在早前申請興建近2,600伙,該項目更位於上述河上鄉路4.75萬平方呎農地的北面。



西九藝術廣場大樓招標 估值70億

管理局首個商業項目 享34年發展營運權

西九文化區管理局推出區內首個商業項目,藝術廣場大樓項目以建造、營運及移交模式 (BOT) 形式邀請發展商入標,總樓面達70萬平方呎作辦公室用途。市場預計地皮估值約70億元,明年2月11日 (周五)截標。


採BOT模式 明年2月截標

西九管理局邀請發展商合作負責藝術廣場大樓項目的發展和營運,採用BOT (建造、營運及移交) 模式下,中標的發展商會獲授予項目為期34年的發展權和營運權,並會負責藝術廣場大樓項目的設計、建造、融資、市場推廣、租賃、管理和維修工作,將於明年2月11日 (周五) 截標。







西九文化區一帶商業地皮罕有,對上一次為2019年西九高鐵站上蓋商業用地,由新地 (00016) 牽頭財團以422億元投得,每呎樓面地價約1.3萬元。

現時九龍站甲級商廈環球貿易廣場 (ICC) 租金料約70至80元水平,若果參考這個價錢,西九項目預計每月租金可達4,900萬至5,600萬元,每年租金約5.9億至6.7億元,以30年期計算,總租金收入將達177億至201億元。


